Physiotherapist - Role Description

Role Description

Position Title: Physiotherapist

Location: Nelson

Reporting to: Clinical Services Manager

|Position Objective |

|To provide a high-quality physiotherapy service for Nelson Tasman Hospice patients so to maintain independence and achieves the best possible|

|quality of life. |

|Our Values – The Things We Care About |

|Respect & Dignity |Respect and dignity commits us to honour the autonomy and worth of all people and to work within a model of |

| |partnership. This requires us to acknowledge that each person is unique with their own physical, emotional, |

| |spiritual and cultural strengths and needs. |

|Advocacy |Advocacy encourages us to ensure that there is fairness and equity of access and care to our services for |

| |everyone in our community. It also means that we have supportive networks to ensure all voices are heard and |

| |individual rights are upheld. |

|Compassion |Compassion compels us to be sensitive and supportive to one another, patients, families whānau, friends, |

| |staff, volunteers and colleagues. |

|Quality |Quality demands a commitment to excellence through sharing knowledge, skills and expertise with other health |

| |care providers and each other. We strive to provide best practice (competent care) through ongoing quality |

| |improvement in all aspects of our work. |

|Trust |Trust underpins our values of compassion, quality, advocacy, respect and dignity by ensuring that we sustain a|

| |commitment to integrity and honesty. |

|Key Accountabilities & Expected Results |

|Accountability |Expected Results |

|Assess and implement a care plan |Consults with the patient and family/whānau regarding current functional requirements. |

|for palliative care patients |Liaises with the multi-disciplinary team regarding patients’ current functional requirements and physical |

| |status. |

| |Plans and prepares individual assessments and care plans (where appropriate) which maintains the patients best|

| |possible quality of life. |

| |Conducts reassessments as required and makes adjustments which will achieve maximum benefits. |

| |Ensures patient Palcare records are current, legible, and concise. |

| |Conducts appropriate rehabilitation, chest, moving and handling training for family/whānau and staff. |

|Collaborate and consult with the |Meets regularly with the multi-disciplinary team, health professionals, the patient and family/whānau to |

|multi-disciplinary team, relevant |ensure that care plans and interventions continue to meet the patient’s current needs. |

|health professionals, the patient |Provides relevant staff training in patient handling, comfort and staff self-care. |

|family/whānau on relevant aspects |Attends meetings with the patient and family/whānau to determine the suitability of the patient’s environment |

|of the patients care |prior to discharge from inpatient hospice. |

| |Works with external providers of equipment and also with generalist providers of palliative care to ensure |

| |appropriate and timely equipment provision. |

|Maintain professional standards |• Operates in line with professional Code of Practice registration requirements and HPCAA (Health |

|and contribute to own professional|Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003) |

|development |• Takes responsibility for own professional development by attending and participating in continued education |

| |and annual performance appraisals. |

| |• Staff to maintain their own competencies and professional development and are committed to providing quality|

| |care within best practice models. |

| |• Maintain comprehensive knowledge of legislation, legal and professional issues affecting nursing practice. |

| |• Service standards, objectives and philosophy will be met at all times. |

| |• Actively participates in audit /peer review and education sessions. |

| |• Is committed to achieving the organisation’s goals and the business plan. |

| |• To assist in the review and update of relevant Clinical Governance policies and procedures on a regular |

| |basis. |

| |• Participates in individual performance appraisal based on agreed personal and organisational goals. |

| |• Accurate documentation in the PalCare system. |

| |• Participate in staff meetings. |

|Ensure your own safety and the |• The collection of data complies with professional and statutory requirements. |

|safety of others whilst at work |• Adheres to all organisational policy and procedures including Health & Safety and Infection Control. |

|and safe practice |• Report any unsafe conditions or practice. |

| |• Participates actively in the Health and Safety system, including recommending initiatives for continuous |

| |Health and Safety improvement. |

|Workload Organisation |• Ability to prioritise workload, complete tasks according to policy and within resource budgets is |

| |consistently demonstrated. |

| |• Use professional judgment to prioritise client care. |

| |• Anticipate workflow each working day and organises resources and interventions accordingly. |

|Inter-professional Care |• Develop effective and supportive interpersonal relationships with peers and other health workers. |

| |• Use correct channels of communication. |

| |• Positive feedback from internal and external colleagues. |

|Any Other Reasonable Duties |Any other reasonable duties as required in order to support a happy, safe and high performing work |

| |environment. |

| |Meet employee obligations in accordance with Appendix 1 |

|Important Working Relationships |

|Internal |

|Clinical Services Manager |

|Medical Director |

|Hospice Medical Officers |

|Registered Nurses |

|Allied Health Professionals |

|Hospice & Administration staff and Volunteers |

|External |

|Patients |

|Patient Family/Whānau |

|General Practitioners |

|Nelson Marlborough District Health Board Staff |

|Experience/Qualifications |

|• Registered Physiotherapist - Required |

|• Ideally lymphedema trained - desirable |

|• Must be prepared to participate in palliative care in-service |

|• Current practicing Physiotherapist Certificate - Required |

|• Current full Drivers Licence |

|Skills & Personal Attributes |


|• Ideally has previous experience (min of 3 years is desirable) in working with patients in either a Hospice or Aged Residential facility with |

|hospital level care. |

|• Palliative care experience desirable. |

|• Organisation and time management. |

|• High standard of oral communication skills. |

|• Ability to make autonomous decisions/adopt leadership role. |

|• Demonstrates proficient practice. |

|• Proven team building skills. |

|• Practices in a culturally safe manner. |

|Complementary therapy qualifications an advantage. |

| |


|• Total commitment to patient-oriented care and quality standards. |

|• Promotes the image and practice of caring, supportive and competent nursing. |

|• Demonstrated commitment to learning and self-development. |

|• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written. |

|• Adaptable and flexible in practice. |

|• Committed to continuous quality improvement. |

|• Capable of working in a collaborative and multidisciplinary environment. |

|• Autonomous in sphere of practice. |

|• Excellent time management skills. |


General Responsibilities of an Employee of Nelson Tasman Region Hospice Trust

The following responsibilities are shared by all Nelson Tasman Hospice staff – please read this section carefully as it contains important information that applies to your role every day.

|General Responsibilities |

|Accountability |What’s Expected of You |

|Professional Standards |Maintain any qualifications, including registrations and practicing certificates, required for legal and safe |

| |practice. |

| |Keep yourself up to date on knowledge, best practices and legislation relating to your work. |

| |Make a personal contribution towards effective and efficient working relationships within your team and with |

| |other NTRHT / NMDHB departments. |

| |Ensure you carry out your work in a way that is customer-focused and meets professional standards. |

| |In conjunction with your manager, identify your own training needs and plan to meet these needs. |

| |Manage your own time and prioritise your work effectively. |

|Legislation, Regulations and |Be familiar with and adhere to the provisions of: |

|Company Policies |all relevant acts and regulations |

| |all company, hospital and department policies |

| |relevant procedure manuals |

| |the “Employee Obligations” which accompany the NTRHT Disciplinary Policy and Procedures |

|Risk Management |Support and promote actions and initiatives in your work area which enable risks to be identified and |

| |eliminated or reduced. |

| |Be especially aware of those risks which have high cost or safety implications. |

| |Complete an accident/incident report for any accident, incident or near miss which has taken place at work. |

| |Respond to complaints according to appropriate policies. |

|Occupational Health & Safety |Carry out your work in a healthy and safe manner. |

| |Encourage and assist others to work in the same way. |

| |Report and rectify any unsafe workplace conditions/practices. |

| |Complete an accident report for any accident or injury which has taken place at work, ensuring, in the case of|

| |injury, that your supervisor or manager is notified within 24 hours. |

| |Co-operate with, support and promote occupational health and safety actions and initiatives in the workplace. |

| |Read and understand the health and safety manual, any relevant chemical information, and the emergency plan. |

| |Keep your knowledge of identified hazards up to date. |

|Security |Wear your identification badge at all times when on site or when carrying out official duties. |

| |Notify HR of any changes required for your ID badge. |

| |Report any suspicious or unusual occurrence to your Manager. |

| |Complete an incident report for any incident which has or might have compromised the safety of staff, patients|

| |and visitors. |

|Confidentiality |Adhere to the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and subsequent amendments in |

| |regard to the non-disclosure of information. |

| |Strict confidentiality of patient, applicant and employee’s information is maintained at all times. |

|Treaty of Waitangi |Nelson Tasman Region Hospice Trust is committed to its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. |

| |As an employee you are required to give effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, Partnership, |

| |Participation and Protection. |

I confirm that I have read and understood this Role Description in full. If I have any questions as to its content or what is expected of me in future I will seek guidance from my Manager.

|Employee Name (please print) | |

|Employee Signature | |

|Date of Signing | |


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