Description of Institutional Environment (1 Page)

8. Description of Institutional Environment (1 Page)The sponsoring institution must document a strong, well-established research and career development program related to the candidate's area of interest, including a high-quality research environment with key faculty members and other investigators capable of productive collaboration with the candidate.Describe the sponsoring institution’s scientific environment including the resources and facilities that will be available to the candidate.Describe how the institutional research environment is particularly suited for the development of the candidate's research career and the pursuit of the proposed research plan and progression to the R00 phaseSAMPLEThe Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging –also known as Martinos Center- is a research center based in the Department of Radiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). The mission of the center is to create, develop and apply a variety of innovative and advanced imaging technologies toward a more comprehensive understanding of and better care of the human mind and body.The Martinos Center has more than 90 faculty members and 60 postdoctoral and predoctoral researchers withexpertise in a variety of disciplines including engineering, physical sciences, computational sciences and informatics, behavioral and cognitive neurosciences, basic and applied biological sciences, chemistry, imaging, radiological sciences, and clinical sciences. In addition, the Center serves as a resource to the greater MGH community and to biomedical imagers from institutions throughout the Boston area and around the country. We have provided training for professionals from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard Medical School and Tufts University. An important component of the Center’s research is our partnerships with government, industry and private foundations including the National Center for Research Resources, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Siemens and the National Foundation for Functional Brain Imaging.We currently use conventional, high speed and high field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, MR spectroscopy, optical imaging, magnetoencephalography (MEG), and electroencephalography (EEG) to explore properties of biological systems and to develop ways to treat human pathologies such as cancer, mental illness and cardiovascular disorders. The Martinos Center occupies about 40,000 square feet of space of the MGH East Campus in the Charlestown Navy Yard. The Center is comprised of clinical, research, educational, and administration areas. A large expansion of office space as well as some clinical and experimental space was recently completed. We have 6 MRI for human clinical study and 4 small bore NMR systems for animal and chemistry works. In addition, we have several other labs, including MEG, Optical Imaging, Photon Migration, Behavioral Testing, Computer and Biochemistry labs. The center has 4 modern animal surgery labs that are equipped with anesthesia equipment, surgical operating scope, blood gas analyzer, and other computer controlled real time physiological monitoring such as blood pressure, EEG, and laser Doppler flowmetry.The leit-motif of the Martinos Center is to foster interdisciplinary interactions through the training and integration of students, fellows, clinicians, and researchers with diverse backgrounds. Toward this aim, we support and interact with several types of training and educational programs. Educational endeavors include affiliation and active involvement with degree granting institutions and NIH sponsored training programs. Imaging tools and technology developed by the Martinos Center are taught through specialized on-site and workshops. ................

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