|ESCAPE FROM POMPEII by Christine Balit |

|Travel back in time to the days of the Roman Empire and join Tranio, the son of an actor, and his friend Livia, the baker’s daughter, in witnessing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79. Tranio, like most Roman boys, likes|

|to watch whatever is going on: tradesmen selling their goods, ships unloading their exotic cargoes, politicians making speeches in the forum. But one hot August day, a very different scene unfolds. The ground begins to |

|shake, the sky to darken. People run gasping for air. Heading for the harbour, Tranio and his friend Livia hide on a boat and witness one of the most terrifying moments in recorded history – the eruption of Mount Vesuvius |

|and the destruction of their beloved city, Pompeii. |


|Mon |Read the story. Research Pompeii – there are lots of resources to support this. Make sure you understand that it is a fictional story set in|Escape from Pompeii story |

| |a real historical setting – the place and events are real. |Pompeii – use websites/books etc |

| |TASK: Write a DIARY ENTRY to describe what happened – use ideas from the text to include in the recount part of your diary. Remember to add | |

| |feelings. You can write from the point of view of either Tranio or Livia, or you could write from your own point of view, imagining you were| |

| |there. | |

| | | |

| |Informal writing – friendly, chatty, personal | |

| |Remember to use paragraphs. | |

|Tues |Persuasive Writing – an information booklet on Pompeii |Websites on Pompeii today |

| |Create a small folded booklet containing information on the history of Pompeii and persuading visitors to come and see the amazing remains. | |

| |You will need to continue your research on Pompeii and look at websites which offer information to tourists. Then create your booklet (fold | |

| |a page of A4 into 3) ensuring you include (in separate sections): | |

| |An eye-catching cover and title page | |

| |An introductory paragraph using descriptive and persuasive language to tempt people to visit | |

| |A section on sights people will see when they visit – using persuasive language. Use of bullet points. | |

| |Useful tips for visitors – eg, walking shoes, sun protection, photography etc | |

| |Contact details – a website etc | |

| |Include pictures (if drawing by hand) or photos if using word processor. | |



| |A playscript between the two main characters (using conventions – no inverted commas, stage directions and correct layout) | |

| |A dialogue between two eye-witnesses as the events unfold (use of inverted commas, new line for new speaker) | |

| |A poem about a volcano erupting | |

| |A non-chronological report on Pompeii | |

|Thur |NEWSPAPER REPORT or NARRATIVE WRITING (2 day piece of work) | |

| |Choose between fiction or non-fiction writing. This is an extended piece which will require more time, thought and editing. | |

| |Newspaper Report – must be in the past tense (this is a written report not a live broadcast) | |

| |Formal writing (no contractions or slang) | |

| |Include technical language (eg words such as erupt, poisonous gases) | |

| |Your introductory paragraph – the 5Ws – make sure your opening paragraph grabs your reader’s attention | |

| |Middle paragraphs to provide more detail | |

| |Final paragraph – hope for the future (that Pompeii will recover from the devastation) | |

| | | |

| |Narrative – your own story about Pompeii. You may have your own ideas, but you might consider being another character telling the story from| |

| |a different point of view. | |

| |Remember to plan your story first, using Escape from Pompeii to help you. | |

| |Describe settings using emotive language | |

| |Include some dialogue to move on the action and develop character | |

| |Use paragraphs to give structure to your writing | |

| |Use a range of punctuation | |

| |Remember to check your writing thoroughly | |

|Fri |As above | |


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