When planning a trip to Korea, or any other country for ...

Subject:Main IdeaWhat is a topic?What is the main idea?How do we find the main idea?How do you answer Main Idea questions on the English ACT?The topic is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Topic: ___________________The main idea of a passage or reading is _____________________________________________________________________________________________Main Idea: ______________________________________________________Step 1: Determine the ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Step 2: Ask ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Step 3: _________________________________________________________Look for the ______________________________________________Look for _________________________________________________Find ____________________________________________________Don’t be distracted by a ___________________________________________In the ACT, there will be questions that ask you about the ______________________________________________________________________________You can recognize these questions because they will be the ___________________________________in the passage and they will be _______________ _______________________________________________________________To answer these questions, you will have to determine the ______________ ________________ of the piece. What’s the entire essay about?When you see the tell-tale box, _____________________________________Next, read the __________________ but not the ______________________ Then, underline the _______________ and the ________________________Decide _______________________ and think of a reason _______________Read __________________________________________________________Finally, pick your answer based on your predicted ______________________Question 1 is about the passage as a whole.GUIDED PRACTICE: Fill this in as a class. When planning a trip to Korea, or any other country for that matter, one should always familiarize oneself with that country’s table manners. In Korea, many of the table manners are the same as those in the United States, but some are different. The custom of waiting for the oldest person to be seated first, for example, is something that many Koreans practice but many Americans do not. Part of the joy of traveling is learning and embracing these differences. 1. Suppose that the writer had intended to write a personal narrative about his trip to Korea. Would this essay successfully fulfill that goal?Yes, because this essay provides descriptive details about the author’s journey.Yes, because there are specific examples about Korea’s distinct table manners.No, because the essay highlights a key difference between American and Korean table manners.No, because the essay describes Korean table manners in general.INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Follow the strategies in your notes to answer the main idea questions.Fennec Fox profile from The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes, but its large ears, measuring 6 inches (15 centimeters), appear to be on loan from a bigger relative. Fennec foxes dwell in the sandy Sahara Desert and elsewhere in North Africa. Their nocturnal habits help them deal with the searing heat of the desert environment, and some physical adaptations help as well. Their distinctive, batlike ears radiate body heat and help keep the foxes cool. They also have long, thick hair that insulates them during cold nights and protects them from hot sun during the day. Even the fox's feet are hairy, which helps them perform like snowshoes and protects them from extremely hot sand. The fox's feet are also effective shovels for frequent digging—fennec foxes live in underground dens. These foxes dwell in small communities, each inhabited by perhaps ten individuals. Like other canids, male fennecs mark their territory with urine and become aggressive competitors when mating season arrives each year. Fennec foxes are opportunistic eaters. They forage for plants but also eat rodents, eggs, reptiles, and insects. Like most desert dwellers, the fennec fox has developed the ability to go for long periods without water. These foxes are cream-colored with black-tipped tails. Their adorable appearance makes them favorites of the captive pet trade, and local peoples also hunt the fennec fox for its fur. Little is known about the status of wild fennec fox populations. 2 3Questions 2 & 3 ask about the essay as a whole.2. Suppose that the writer had been assigned to write an informative essay describing the fennec fox and its living habits. Would this essay successfully fulfill that goal?Yes, because the author wrote a detailed description about the fennec fox and its living habits.Yes, because the author wrote about where the fennec fox lives.No, because the author gave a description of the fennec fox but did not go into detail about its living habits.No, because the author only wrote about the fennec fox.3. At this point, the author is considering adding the following sentence:However, a lot is known about wild red foxes that live in North America.Would this be a relevant addition to make here?Yes, because although not much is known about the wild fennec fox, there is more known about the wild red fox.Yes, because the essay focuses on foxes.No, because the essay focuses on the fennec fox, not the red fox.No, because red foxes live in North America not North Africa. ................

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