CONTRAST ESSAY - Triton College


A descriptive essay uses vivid, specific details to bring a person, place, object, or experience to life. Once you learn to write descriptively, it will make all of your writing more effective regardless of purpose or audience.


Thesis Statement

Once you have done some ______________ to narrow down and explore your topic, you will begin the “writing” phase of the process and start making some decisions. The first thing to decide on is a main idea, or ________________________.

A descriptive thesis statement should have three parts:

1) NARROW TOPIC-the object, person, place being described

Ex. The diner at midnight

2) POINT - a dominant impression of the topic

Ex. was a lonely place

3) ___________________________ - a brief summary of the three supporting points – in this case probably three areas or elements (remember to do a clustering to help you come up with your three supporting points)

Ex. from the outside to the inside to the clientele

Correct thesis statement: The diner at midnight was a lonely place, from the outside to the inside to the clientele.

Thesis traps to avoid!!

( DO NOT include ____________________________________

Ex. The diner at midnight was lonely and intimidating.

( DO NOT form a thesis from ______________________________

Ex. The diner at midnight had only six cars in the parking lot.

( DO NOT _________________ your topic in the thesis.

Ex. My essay will describe the diner at midnight.

( DO NOT use overlapping points in the plan. Make sure each one is ____________________.

Ex. The diner at midnight was lonely, from the outside to the clientele to the people.

NOTE: The thesis statements for the essays you write in this class will ALWAYS be located at the end of the introductory paragraph.

Topic sentences

Each supporting paragraph of your descriptive essay should begin with a topic sentence that—

• begins with a ________________word or phrase

• refers back to the _________________

• introduces a logical ________________________

transition supp. pt #1 thesis reference

#1) First of all, even the outside of the diner was uninviting.

For #2 and #3, label each of the three parts of the topic sentence as in #1.

___________ ___________ __________

#2) Secondly, the diner’s interior was quiet when I entered.

___________ ____________ ______________

#3) Lastly, the people in the diner seemed as lonely as the place itself.


Specific Details

Each topic sentence should be followed by specific descriptive details that connect back to the ______________________ they prove, which in turn should connect to the _____________. This is a way of achieving _____________________ in your essay.

Remember to paint a vivid picture by using:

• precise ________________ and nouns

• _______________ names when possible

• adjectives and _________________

• comparisons (metaphor, ____________________, personification)

• _________________ details like taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing

For each supporting point, you need to provide enough evidence to convince the reader of your thesis. You may need to do more prewriting to come up with these details.


Method of Organization

• The supporting points of a descriptive essay are often arranged in __________ ORDER.

--top to bottom

--right to left

--outside to inside

• Another option is to arrange supporting paragraphs using ____________ ORDER, or order of importance, from least important to most important.

NOTE: Remember that organization involves logically arranging the order of your paragraphs within the essay as well as logically arranging your descriptive details within each supporting paragraph. Keep like details together. For example, if you start the paragraph with details about the parking lot, don’t switch to the entryway and then go back to the parking lot. All parking lot details should be grouped together, and then you can provide all the details about the entryway.


Transitions are connecting words or phrases that show the relationship between ideas, time frames, or objects.

For this descriptive essay, you will need to use different types of transitions for different purposes:

1) Illustration/Addition—

a) to begin paragraphs –

First of all Another Firstly Thirdly

One Finally Secondly Most importantly

b) within paragraphs to introduce examples -

for instance for example in addition

also moreover furthermore

2) Spatial

a) to clarify where objects/people are in relation to one another physically

above below next to under across from

to the right/left opposite between beside


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