Descriptive writing means that you show your audience what ...

Descriptive writing means that you show your audience what something is like, rather than telling them. We have been looking at how authors do this in their writing. Now it is your chance to be creative. Choose one of the following options and write a descriptive paragraph on that topic. In addition, attach a picture that reflects the topic that you have chosen. This can be a picture you take yourself or one that you find online. Remember to SHOW and not tell and to use diction carefully.

• Your first day at GCI

• A favourite relative

• A teenager’s room (try to hint at the teenager’s character)

• Your ‘happy’ place

• A romantic setting

• Your favourite meal

• A movie hero or villain

• Your own choice (check with your teacher first!)


|Communication Skills Assessment |_________ out of 10 |

| |n/a |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Level 4+ |

| | |50-59% |60-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Descriptive Language | |Description requires |Description uses some|Description uses many|Description uses many|Description uses many|

| | |more adjectives & |adjectives & adequate|adjectives & |vivid adjectives & |vivid adjectives & |

| | |clearer word choices |word choices |effective word |effective word |many effective word |

| | | | |choices |choices |choices |

|Flow & Continuity | |Images & ideas are |Images & ideas are |Images & ideas are |Images & ideas are |Images & ideas are |

| | |often isolated or |fairly closely |all usually closely |closely related & |always closely |

| | |unconnected to other |related, but not |related & smoothly |smoothly connected |related & smoothly |

| | |parts of the |always smoothly |connected | |connected |

| | |paragraph |connected | | | |

|Language & Grammar | |Spelling, capitals, |Spelling, capitals, |Spelling, capitals, |Spelling, capitals, |Spelling, capitals, |

| | |punctuation are often|punctuation are |punctuation are |punctuation are often|punctuation are |

| | |incorrect |sometimes correct |usually correct |correct |always correct |

|Application Skills Assessment |_________ out of 10 |

| |n/a |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Level 4+ |

| | |50-59% |60-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Descriptive Techniques| |Description requires |Description includes |Description is |Description is |Description |

| | |more specific details|some descriptive |enhanced by |greatly enhanced by |creatively |

| | |relating to senses |details relating to |descriptive details |details relating to |incorporates details |

| | | |senses |relating to senses |senses |relating to senses |

|Paragraph Elements | |Topic & closing |Topic & closing |Topic & closing |Topic & closing |Topic & closing |

| | |sentence(s) are |sentence(s) are |sentence(s) are |sentence(s) are very |sentence(s) enhance |

| | |missing or unclear |adequate |fairly effective |effective |the piece |

|Editing | |Few editing changes |Some editing changes |Many editing changes |Significant editing |Peer & self editing |

| | |have been applied to |have been applied to |have been applied to |changes have been |have been applied to |

| | |rough draft & good |rough draft & good |rough draft & good |applied to rough |rough draft & good |

| | |copy |copy |copy |draft & good copy |copy |


❑ Brainstorming

❑ Editing rough copy

❑ Double-spaced

❑ On time

❑ Title


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