Second Grade Exit Expectations

Second Grade Exit Expectations

Reading-Phonics/Word Recognition

1. distinguishes long/short vowels when reading regularly spelled words

2. decode words with common prefixes and suffixes

3. Identifies letter sound association for initial, medial, final consonants

4. Decodes regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels

Fluency grade-level text with purpose and understanding grade-level text orally with accuracy,appropriate rate and expression

3.use context to self-correct word recognition and understanding


1. Identifies unknown words through context clues

2. Identifies main idea of a story/main topic

3. Sequences events from a selection

4. Reads to answer questions and predict outcomes

5. Identifies and describes the characters in stories

6. Recalls story details of materials read

7.ask and answer questions such as who,what,where,when,why,how

8.determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text

9.End of Year-read and comprehend a range of texts informational,history,social studies,science,literature-stories poetry


1.use collective nouns

2.form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns

3.form and use past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs

4.use reflexive pronouns

5.use adjectives and adverbs

6. capitalize holidays,product names

7.use commas in greetings and closings of letters

8. use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives

9.use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict meaning of compound words

10.use glossaries and beginning dictionaries


1.write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic/book in which they are writing about,state an opinion

2. write a narrative in which they recount a well elaborated event or short sequence of events

3.participate in shared writing projects-book report

4.write a descriptive paragraph using the structure words

Social Studies

pare the beliefs,customs,ceremonies and traditions of varied cultures

2.explain the three branches of government and the basic role of each

3.identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens

4.describe periods of time in terms of days,weeks,months,years major events from texts to place sequentially on a timeline to show the sequence and main ideas of events in history

6.describe supply and demand

7.construct a globe depicting the four hemispheres,seven continent,and five oceans using the equator

8. create a map depicting the current boundaries of the United States,Canada,and Mexico and recognize they are part of the North American continent

9.utilize grids and cardinal directions to determine locations on different maps

pare physical features of the earth islands,mountains,oceans,peninsula,plains,rivers,valleys


1) Life Science

-What Living Things Need

-How Living Things Grow

-Animals in Their Habitats

2) Earth and Space Science

-Earth and Space

-Earth’s Resources

-Weather Through the Seasons

3) Physical Science

-States of Matter

-Energy, Forces and Motion



-Bar Models and Picture Graphs


-Multi-Step Problems

-Mass and Volume

-Lines and Surfaces

-Shapes and Patterns


-Place Value and regrouping

-Problem solving

-Computation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division





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