Descriptive Statistics using Spreadsheets

[Pages:3]AP Statistics Summer Assignment Due July 31, 2017 via email to langleykj@

36 Points

Descriptive Statistics using Spreadsheets

Practice Assignment

Find Mrs. Langley's website on under Teacher Websites in the Senior High School page. Find the section for Summer Assignment, and click on the link to download the Table of Presidential Ages. This is just a practice assignment, so you can check your answers with the ones provided before completing the graded assignment.

Google Spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, and other spreadsheet programs work by obeying commands that you assign it to follow. Off to the side of the list of presidential ages, complete the table of statistical calculations by executing the following commands. The equals sign in the cell tells the program you are entering an equation. The values inside the parentheses represent the starting and ending cells, called the "array". It is important that you DO NOT use the space bar at all when typing in the commands. Notice that for the calculation of the quartiles, you must also tell the program which quartile to find, in addition to the array.

Statistical Calculation

Mean Median Mode Count (Number of Items) Minimum Maximum Range Sum Standard Deviation (of Sample) 1st Quartile 3rd Quartile

Spreadsheet Command

=AVERAGE(B2:B46) =MEDIAN(B2:B46) =MODE(B2:B46) =COUNT(B2:B46) =MIN(B2:B46) =MAX(B2:B46) =MAX(B2:B46)-MIN(B2:B46) =SUM(B2:B46) =STDEV(B2:B46) =QUARTILE(B2:B46,1) =QUARTILE(B2:B46,3)

Resulting Output

54.97777778 55 54 45 42 70 28 2474 6.572978047 51 58


Frequency Tables & Histograms Histograms display the frequency of data that occur within a given interval. Therefore, you must determine the size of the interval (with equal widths), and count how many values occur within each interval.

The program will count the number of values in the provided interval, but the command is rather intricate. To find the number of presidential ages between 40 and 44 years, the command looks like this: =COUNTIFS(B2:B45,">=40",B2:B45," ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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