
Multi-Text Study Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of MonstersBy: Rick Riordan“My nightmare started like this…”Jenni WhiteVelma SchmiderMegan WilliamsOutline of UnitDay 1: Before reading and pre-reading activitiesJudging a Book by Its CoverVocab-O-Gram/Predict-O-GramDay 2 and 3: Section 1-(Chapters 1 & 2)-Read and Work On: Section 1 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Tyson (Individual)Wanted Poster (Individual/small group)Day 4 and 5: Section 2-(Chapters 3 & 4)-Read and Work On:Section 2 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Gray Sisters (Individual)Discussion on Character Sketcher-Chiron (Group)Day 6: Section 2 Readers TheaterReaders Theater-Assign parts and practiceDay 7: Section 2-Present Reader TheaterDay 8 and 9: Section 3-(Chapters 5 & 6)-Read and Work On:Section 3 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Chiron (Individual)Day 10: Section 3-Discussion on Character SketcherDiscuss Character Sketcher-Chiron (Group)Day 11 and 12: Section 4-(Chapters 7 & 8)-Read and Work On:Section 4 Vocabulary Activities (Individual) Character Sketcher- Tantalus (Individual)Discussion on Character Sketcher-Tantalus (Group)Day 13 and 14: Section 4-Internet WorkshopInternet Workshop and DRC (Individual)Day 15 and 16: Section 5-(Chapters 9 & 10)-Read and Work On:Section 5 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Hydra (Individual)Discussion on Character Sketcher-Hydra (Group)Day 17 and 18: Section 5 Double Entry DiaryWork on Double Entry DiaryDay 19 and 20: Section 6-(Chapters 11 & 12)-Read and Work On:Section 6 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Reward Poster (Individual/small group)Day 21: Reward Poster DiscussionDiscussion on Reward Poster (Whole)Day 22: Section 7-(Chapters 13 & 14)-Read and Work On:Section 7 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Introduce ABC BookDay 23 and 24: ABC BookComplete ABC Book (Individual)Discussion of ABC Books (Group)Day 25 and 26: Section 8-(Chapters 15 & 16)-Read and Work On:Section 8 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Polyphemus (Individual)Discussion on Character Sketcher-Polyphemus (Group)Day 27: Section 8-Author’s CraftComplete Author’s Craft (Individual)Discussion on Author’s Craft (Group)Day 28 and 29: Section 9-(Chapters 17 & 18)-Read and Work On:Section 9 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Character Sketcher-Luke (Individual)Discussion on Character Sketcher (Group)Day 30 and 31: Section 9 Double Entry DiaryComplete Double Entry Diary (Individual)Discussion on Double Entry DiaryDay 32 and 33: Section 10-(Chapters 19 & 20)-Read and Work On:Section 10 Vocabulary Activities (Individual)Stretch to Sketch (Individual/small group)Discussion of Stretch to SketchDay 34: Section 10 “I Poem”Create I PoemDay 35: Vocabulary AssessmentComplete Vocabulary AssessmentJudging a Book by Its CoverBefore opening your text to begin reading take a few minutes to study the front and back covers of the book and answer the following questions.1. Read the title of the book. What do you predict this book is about?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.2. What does the illustration on the front cover reveal about the book?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.3. After reading the back cover of the book, what stunning new secret will Percy discover about his family?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Vocab-O-Gram/Predict-O-GramPercy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of MonstersVocabulary words: chariot, Cyclops, Golden Fleece, Centaur, Blackbeard, Bermuda Triangle, Poseidon, Use the vocabulary words above along with the title of the book to make predictions about the following elements of the story:Setting: What might the setting be like?Characters:Who are some possible characters in this book?Problem:What problems might some of the characters encounter?Characters’ Goals:What are some likely goals for some of the characters?Solution:What might be some solutions for the problems?Prediction/Questions:Any predictions or questions?Section 1Pgs. 1-24 (Chapters 1 & 2)Vocabulary the chart below by filling in the definition for the words listed. WordMeaningboutiquep. 2silhouettep. 7grimyp. 9pulverizep. 13billowedp. 15Laistrygoniansp. 17Word Networks?What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word boutique?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word silhouette?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word grimy?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word pulverize?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word billowed?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word Laistrygonians?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Sketcher – TysonSection 1You are invited to learn more about Tyson. Please take notes on how Tyson acts and looks. To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Tyson’s personality and explain why the words describe Tyson. Reread page 9. Which words describe Tyson?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on page 10.Reread page 15-16, Which words describe Tyson?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread page 19-21, Which words describe Tyson?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on page 19 & 21Then, use the passages that describe Tyson’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Tyson. Use the following passages to help you:Page 9 paragraph 3.Other passages you noticed. Wanted PosterCreate a Wanted Poster for one of the following characters:PercyAnnabethTysonYou will complete an artistic representation of the character and then complete the following information:Wanted?Character nameWanted For…Physical DescriptionPersonalityInterestsMain Goal in LifeDislikesHang OutsSuspected WhereaboutsTime and Place Last Seen 2Pgs. 25-47 (Chapters 3 & 4)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed. WordMeaningGiant Cannibalsp. 26Drachmap. 29screechedp. 31skimmingp.34orbp.35plumep.39Olympian Nectarp.44Cyclopsp.46Word RelationshipsWhen you hear the words Giant Cannibals, what do you think about and what words come to mind?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When you hear the word billowed, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word Drachma, what do you think about and what words come to mind?________________________________________________________________________.When you hear the word screeched, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word skimming, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word orb, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the word plume, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the words Olympian Nectar, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word Cyclops, what do you think about and what words come to mind? TheaterSection 2“The Gray Sisters”Approximately 30 minutes.Staging: The narrator will stand at the corner of the stage behind a podium with a microphone.Actors needed: Percy Jackson and TysonActresses needed: Annabeth, Wasp, Anger, and TempestNarrator: This scene is from Rick Riordan’s Sea of Monsters and taken from Chapter 3, “We hail the taxi of eternal torment.” Percy Jackson has just finished fighting off bloodthirsty, cannibalistic giants with the help of his new friend Tyson and an old friend Annabeth. Percy has been accused of setting off a bomb in the gym at Meriwether College Prep School, located in downtown Manhattan. There were no bombs. All the damage in the gym was due to cannibal giants trying to kill Percy and fighting with Tyson. Percy Jackson: “What are you looking for?”Narrator: Sirens are wailing all around them. Percy is worried that before long, more cops will cruise by them, looking for the juvenile delinquent gym-bombers.Annabeth: “Found one. Thank the gods.”Narrator: Annabeth pulled out a gold coin called a drachma. It is the currency of Mount Olympus. Percy Jackson: “Annabeth, New York taxi drivers won’t take that.”Narrator: Annabeth spoke in the language of Olympus, an Ancient Greek language. Percy understood exactly what she was saying.Annabeth: “Stop, Chariot of Damnation!”Narrator: Annabeth threw her coin in to the street, but instead of clattering of asphalt, the drachma sank right through and disappeared. The asphalt darkened. A rectangular pool of red liquid that looked like blood, started to bubble and a car erupted from the ooze.Narrator: When the taxi appeared out of the ooze, the window rolled down and an old woman stuck her head out. She had a mop of grizzled hair covering her eyes, and she spoke in a weird mumbling way, like she’d just had a shot of Novocain.Wasp: “Passage? Passage?”Annabeth: “Three to Camp Half-Blood.”Wasp: “Ach!” “We don’t take his kind!”Narrator: She pointed a bony finger at Tyson.Annabeth: “Extra pay, three more drachma on arrival.”Wasp: “Done!”Narrator: Reluctantly Percy got in the cab with Tyson squeezing in the middle and Annabeth crawling in last.Narrator: Percy was surprised to see not just one woman, but three women crammed in the front seat of the taxi cab. They each had stringy hair covering their eyes, bony hands and they each wore charcoal-colored sackcloth dresses. Wasp: “Long Island! Out-of-metro fare bonus! Ha!”Narrator: Wasp floored the accelerator and Percy looked down in the seat only to find a black chain instead of a seat belt. The cab sped around the corner of West Broadway and the lady sitting in the middle screeched.Tempest: “Look out! Go left!”Wasp: “Well, if you’d give me the eye, I could see that!”Narrator: Percy was worried when he heard that conversation. He thought about what he had just heard. Give her the eye? Percy didn’t have time to ask questions because the driver swerved to avoid an oncoming delivery truck, ran over the curb with a jaw-rattling, thump, and flew into the next block.Anger: “Wasp!” “Give me the girl’s coin! I want to bit it.”Wasp: “You bit it the last time, Anger!” “It’s my turn!”Anger: “Is not!”Tempest: “Red light!”Anger: “Brake!”Narrator: Wasp floored the accelerator again and rode up on the curb, screeching around another corner, and knocked over a newspaper box. She had left Percy’s stomach somewhere on Broome street.Percy: “Excuse me…but….can you see?”Wasp: “NO!”Tempest: “NO!”Anger: “Of course!”Narrator: Anger wasn’t the one driving. She was riding shotgun by the window.Narrator: Percy looked at Annabeth.Percy: “They’re blind?”Annabeth: “Not completely. They have one eye.”Percy: “One eye?”Annabeth: “Yeah.”Percy: “Each?”Annabeth: “No. One eye total.”Narrator: Tyson was feeling car sick.Tyson: “Not feeling so good.”Percy: “Hang in there, big guy. Anybody got a garbage bag or something?”Narrator: The three gray ladies were too busy squabbling to pay Percy any attention. Percy looked over at Annabeth, who was hanging on for dear life. Percy gave Annabeth a why-did-you-do-this-to-me look.Annabeth: “Hey, this is the fastest way to Camp Half-blood.”Percy: “Then why didn’t you take it from Virginia?”Annabeth: “That’s outside their service area. They only serve the greater New York and surrounding communities.”Anger: “We’ve had famous people in this cab!” “Jason! You remember him?”Wasp: “Don’t remind me!” “And we didn’t have a cab back then, you old bat. That was three thousand years ago!”Narrator: Anger tried to grab at Wasp’s mouth, but Wasp swatted her hand away.Anger: “Give me the tooth!”Wasp: “Only if Tempest gives me the eye!”Tempest: “NO!” “You had it yesterday!”Wasp: “But I’m driving, you old hag!”Anger: “Excuses! Turn! That was your turn!”Narrator: Wasp swerved hard onto Delaney Street, squishing Percy between Tyson and the door. She punched the gas and they shot up the Williamsburg Bridge at seventy miles an hour. The three sisters were fighting for real now, slapping each other as Anger tried to grab at Wasp’s face and Wasp tried to grab at Tempest’s. Their hair was flying and they were screaming at each other with their mouths wide opened. Percy realized that none of the sisters had any teeth except for Wasp. Wasp had one mossy yellow incisor. Instead of eyes, they had closed sunken eyelids. Anger did have one bloodshot green eye that stared at everything hungrily, as if it couldn’t get enough of anything it saw. Anger yanked the tooth out of her sister Wasp’s mouth. Wasp was so mad; she swerved toward the edge of the Williamsburg Bridge yelling.Wasp: “ ‘Ivit back! ‘Ivit back!”Percy: “If anybody’s interested, we’re going to die!”Annabeth: “Don’t worry. The Gray Sisters know what they are doing. They’re really very wise.”Narrator: Anger grinned at Percy through the rearview mirror, showing off her newly acquired tooth.Anger: “Yes, wise! “We know things!”Wasp: “Every street in Manhattan! The capital of Nepal!”Tempest: “The location you seek!”Narrator: The sisters pummeled Tempest from either side screaming at her to be quite.Wasp/Anger: “He didn’t even ask you yet!”Narrator: Percy was confused at what he was hearing from the sisters.Percy: “What?” “What location?” “I’m not seeking any………”Tempest: “Nothing!” “You’re right, boy. It’s nothing!”Percy: “Tell me!”Sisters: “NO!”Tempest: “The last time we told, it was horrible.”Anger: “Eye tossed in a lake!”Wasp: (Moaning) “Years to find it again!” “And speaking of that---give it back!”Anger: “NO!”Wasp: “Eye!” Gimme!”Narrator: Wasp whacked her sister on the back. There was a sickening pop and something flew out of Anger’s face. Anger fumbled for it, trying to catch it, but she only managed to bat it with the back of her hand. The slimy green orb sailing over her should, into the backseat and straight into Percy’s lap. Percy jumped up so hard that his head hit the ceiling of the cab and the eyeball rolled out of his lap and away.Sisters: “I can’t see!”Wasp: “Give me the eye!”Narrator: Percy yelled back to Wasp that he didn’t have the eye. Annabeth found the eyeball and told Percy it was on the floor of the cab by his feet.Annabeth: “Don’t step on it!” “Get it!”Percy: “I’m not picking that up!”Narrator: The taxi was slamming against the guardrail and skidded along it with a horrible grinding noise. The whole car shuddered, billowing gray smoke as if it were about to dissolve from the strain.Tyson: “Going to be sick.”Percy: “Annabeth, let Tyson use your backpack!”Annabeth: “Are you crazy? Get the eye!”Narrator: Wasp yanked the wheel, and the taxi swerved away from the rail. The taxi hurtled down the bridge toward Brooklyn. The Gray Sisters screeched and pummeled each other and cried out for their eye. Percy finally steeled his nerves and ripped off a chunk of his tie-dyed T-shirt and picked up the eyeball from off the floor of the cab.Anger: “Nice boy!” “Give it back!”Percy: “Not until you explain about the location I seek!”Tempest: “No time! Accelerating!”Narrator: Percy could see the trees, cars and whole neighborhoods zipping by in a gray blur. Annabeth: “Percy, they can’t find our destination without the eye! We’ll just keep accelerating until we break into a million pieces!”Percy: “First they have to tell me. Or I’ll open the window and throw the eye into oncoming traffic!”Sisters: “NO! Too dangerous!”Percy: “I’m rolling down the window!”Sisters: “Wait! 30,31,75,12! That’s all we can tell you! Now give us the eye! Almost to camp!”Narrator: Percy could see the Half-Blood Hill ahead and it’s giant pine tree at the crest—Thalia’s tree, which contained the life force of a fallen hero.Annabeth: “Percy! Give them the eye now!”Narrator: Percy decided not to argue and threw the eye into Wasp’s lap. The old lady snatched it up and pushed it into her eye socket like somebody putting in a contact lens and blinked.Wasp: “Whoa!”Narrator: Slamming on the brakes, the taxi spun four or five times in a cloud of smoke and squealed to a halt in the middle of the farm road at the base of Half-Blood Hill. Tyson let loose a huge belch.Tyson: “Better now.”Percy: “All right now tell me what those numbers mean.”Annabeth: “No time! We have to get out now!Narrator: Percy looked up at the crest of Half-Blood Hill and saw a group of campers under attack. They needed all the help they could get.Character Sketcher-Gray SistersSection 2 are invited to learn more about the Gray Sisters. Please take notes on how the Gray Sisters look and act.To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture their personality and explain why the words describe the Gray Sisters. Reread pages 30-33. Which words best describe what the sisters look like? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread page 32.Wasp acts_____________________________________because__________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread page 33.Anger acts_____________________________________because__________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread page34.Tempest acts______________________________________because_________________________________________________________________________________________________.Then, use the passages that describe Gray Sisters’ actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Gray Sisters’. Use the following passages to help you:Pages 30-37.Other passages you noticed. Section 3Pgs. 48-84 (Chapters 5 & 6)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definitions for the words listed.WordMeaningDryads Pg. 48HadesPg. 50Centaur Pg. 50rashlyPg. 52DionysusPg. 60PolyphemusPg. 73Examples and Non-Examples1. Which would be Dryads?-Tree nymph OR-Water nymph2. Which would be Hades?-God of the seaOR-God of the underworld3. Which would be Centaur?-Part human/part horseOR-Part human/part God4. Which would be rashly?-CarefullyOR-Carelessly5. Which would be Dionysus?-God of the seaOR-God of wine6. Which would be Polyphemus?-Cyclops OR-GodCharacter Sketcher – ChironSection 3 are invited to learn more about Chiron. Please take notes on how Chiron acts and looks. To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Chiron’s personality and explain why the words describe Chiron. Reread page 51. Which words describe Chiron?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on page 51.Reread page 52, paragraphs three through five. Which words describe Chiron?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on pages 52 and 53.Reread page 54, paragraphs two through five. Which words describe Chiron?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on page 54.Then, use the passages that describe Chiron’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Chiron. Use the following passages to help you:Page 50 paragraph 3.Other passages you noticed. Section 4Pgs. 85-120 (Chapters 7 & 8)VocabularyComplete the chart by filling in the definition to the words listed.WordMeaningFleecep. 86The Sea of Monstersp. 88halfheartedlyp. 89constellationsp. 97Hippocampip. 109Tartarusp. 115Questions, Reasons, & Examples1. Why would anyone want the Fleece? What is the purpose of the Fleece?2. If you going to the Sea of Monsters what would you take with you? Why?3. Why do people act halfheartedly? What are some times where you may have acted halfhearted about something?4. How could constellations help you on a quest or journey?5. Are hippocampi useful? When and where are hippocampi found and more able to help?6. What would you need if you were going to Tartarus? Why?HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Sketcher – TantalusSection 4You are invited to learn more about Tantalus. Please take notes on how Tantalus acts and looks. To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Tantalus’ personality and explain why the words describe Tantalus. Reread page 57-58. Which words describe Tantalus?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. On page 84 (the last sentence) to page 85 He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on page 84.Reread pages 90-91, Which words describe Tantalus?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 93-94, Which words describe Tantalus?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. He acts _____________________________________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________.Focus on pages 93-94Then, use the passages that describe Tantalus’ actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Tantalus. Use the following passages to help you:Page 57-58 Other passages you noticed. Greek Mythology Internet WorkshopSection 4This Internet workshop will introduce you to Greek Mythology. You are invited to explore information on the Internet. Take notes in your Mythology Journal. Come prepared to share your information at our workshop session. 1. Explore the sites listed below:. Explore the information on Greek Mythology and answer the following questions:When you hear the word myth, what do you think about?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.What were some of the myths you read about? Give at least three different myths you found._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.3. As you are exploring complete the Greek Mythology Data Retrieval Chart (DRC).4. Using the DRC and your books answer the following questions:a. Where did the gods/goddesses come from? How did they come to exist?b. The names that we learned and that were used in our book are those the only names these gods/goddesses go by? What are other names that are used? Why are there differences?c. Is the information from The Sea of Monsters, D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths and the websites consistent; meaning is the information the same or different? How are they similar? How are they different?Mythological Gods/CreaturesOther NamesWhere he/she livesParentsSiblingsSpecial skillChildrenZeusPoseidonSirensSatyrsCyclopsJasonOdysseus HermesHephaestusTantalusMythology Data Retrieval ChartSection 5Pgs. 121-147 (Chapters 9 & 10)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed.WordMeaningPromenadePg. 122SarcophagusPg. 125ThermosPg. 134Iris-messagePg. 135Safe housesPg. 138HydraPg. 143IroncladPg. 147Word Relationships When you hear the word promenade, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the word sarcophagus, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the word thermos, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the words iris-message, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the words safe-houses, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word hydra, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word ironclad, what do you think about and what words come to mind?Double Entry DiarySection 5You are invited to complete a Double-Entry Diary (DED) based upon section 5 (chapters 9 & 10) of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters. Please record the quotation along with the page and paragraph numbers that each was found in on the left side of the table. On the right side of your table, write your responses, questions, connections or personal reactions that accompany the quotes you chose. Some types of information you may choose are: effect/cause, fact/compare and contrast, quote/connection or questions, vocabulary and author’s craft.You must include 6 passages in your DED. Here is a sample DED to get you started:Example Quote: We hid whenever someone passed by, but most of the people we saw were just glassy-eyed zombie passengers. (p.121)Example Reaction: I wonder if Tyson, Percy and Annabeth were questioning why the passengers looked like glassy-eyed zombies. They knew to hide but they were not sure who they were hiding from. Quote:Connection:Quote:Reaction:Quote:Connection:Quote:Inference/Question:Effect:Cause:Character Sketcher-The HydraSection 5 are invited to learn more about the Hydra. Please take notes on how the Hydra looks and acts.To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture its personality and explain why the words describe the Hydra.Reread pages 143-144. Which words best describe what the Hydra looks like? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 145.The Hydra acts_________________________________because____________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 146-147.The Hydra acts_________________________________because____________________________________________________________________________________.Section 6Pgs. 148-185 (Chapters 11 & 12)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed.WordMeaningpilothousePg. 148OraclePg. 150nauticalPg. 156CharybdisPg. 157ScyllaPg. 157benevolentlyPg. 173Questions, Reasons, ExamplesWhere might a pilothouse be located on a ship?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.If you were an oracle, what would your greatest responsibility be?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.If you have nautical senses, what do you have a good sense of?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.If you were to encounter Charybdis, what might you expect to happen?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.If you were searching for Scylla, where might you find her?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.If you are acting in benevolently, how might you be acting?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Reward PosterYou will create a reward poster for the Golden Fleece. You will complete an artistic representation of the Golden Fleece and then complete the following information:Reward for the Golden FleeceReward for…Physical DescriptionReason for the rewardWhat it can doSuspected whereaboutsTime and place last seenReward to be givenSection 7Pgs. 186-214 (Chapters 13 & 14)VocabularyComplete the chart by filling in the definitions to the words listed.WordMeaningprotrudingp. 190aurap. 190Sirensp.191desperatelyp. 195hubrisp. 199nobodyp. 212Word Networks?What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word protruding?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word aura?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word Sirens?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word desperately?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word hubris?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word nobody?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" BookSection 7 S is for Sea of MonstersChoose one or two items from the chart below to create pages for an alphabet book for all to share. Each page should contain the letter, an illustration, (can be drawn or printed from a computer) and a paragraph of at least 5 sentences explaining your chosen letter/word. Be creative with you choice and make it your own. Your page should be formatted in Landscape format. AAnnabethAresAthenaAngerAgrius BBlackbeard Big ThreeCCyclopsChironChariot ClarisseCirceCharybdis DDionysusDrachmaEEdward TeachEmpathy LinkFFleeceFatesGGroverGuinea pigs Guardian HHephaestusHermesHades HippocampiHarpies IJJoe BobKKronosLLukeLaistrygoniansMMarrow SuckerMonster IslandMythologyNNobodyOOracleOreiusOmen PPercyPolyphemusPrincess Andromeda PoseidonPegasus Party PoniesQQueen Anne’s RevengeRRiptideRainbowSSea of MonstersSkull EaterSirens Stymphalian birdsScylla SphinxTTantalusTysonThalia Tartarus TitanUUnderworldVWWristwatchXY/Z ZeusSection 8Pgs. 215-231 (Chapters 15 &16)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed.WordMeaningRiptidePg. 217SheepiesPg. 219Rainbow the HippocampusPg. 220OafPg. 221Queen Anne’s RevengePg. 222Word NetworksWhen you hear the word riptide, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the word sheepies, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the words Rainbow the Hippocampus, what do you think about and what words come to mind?When you hear the word oaf, what do you think about and what words come to mind?_________________________________________________________________________When you hear the words Queen Anne’s Revenge, what do you think about and what words come to mind?Character Sketcher-PolyphemusSection 8 are invited to learn more about Polyphemus. Please take notes on how Polyphemus looks and acts.To begin, reread the following passage, determine “descriptive words” that capture his personality and explain why the words describe Polyphemus.Reread pages 215-217.Polyphemus acts_______________because_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 218.Polyphemus acts_______________________because_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 219.Polyphemus acts____________________because________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread page 220.Polyphemus acts____________________because________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Reread pages 225-220.In these passages, find out what Polyphemus and Tyson have and do not have in common with one another. Polyphemus acts________________________but Tyson does not act_____________________________.Polyphemus looks_________________________and Tyson looks________________________________.Author’s CraftSection 8The author of The Sea of Monsters, Rick Riordan thought about which words he would choose when trying to make use of literary devices. The two devices you will focus on are Similes and Onomatopoeias. Find at least two examples of each device and list them below in the appropriate chart. Explain how each passage adds meaning to that part of the story.Similes-Look in Section 8 (Pages 215-231)Definition of the word Simile: A comparison that includes the words like or as.Example of Simile: Your examples of Similes:Page 216“RAAAR!” he bellowed. The good news: he dropped Annabeth. The bad news: he dropped her headfirst onto the rocks, where she lay motionless as a rag doll.This comparison of how Annabeth looks describes how seriously hurt she became when Polyphemus drops her onto her head on the ground. A rag doll is thought of as floppy and lifeless with no control over movements. This description can help readers to visualize how Annabeth looked and her state of health which was dire.Page Number:Example:What does this passage add to the story?Page Number:Example:What does this passage add to the story?Page Number:Example:What does this passage add to the story?Onomatopoeia- Look in Section 8 (Pages 215-231) Definition of Onomatopoeia: A word or words that imitate the sound it represents.Example of Onomatopoeia:Your examples of Onomatopoeias:Page: 218“Snap!”This is the sound of the strands of rope after being cut on the bridge. Grover is sawing away at the rope to keep Polyphemus from crossing the bridge and killing them all. The suspense of Grover sawing back and forth with the knife helps the reader to visualize how desperate Grover is to cut the ropes into. The sound of the ropes snapping represents Grover’s success at cutting the strands of rope.Page Number:Example:What does this passage add to the story?Page Number:Example:What does this passage add to the story? 9Pgs. 232-253 (Chapters 17 & 18)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed.WordMeaninghospitalityPg. 237AgriusPg. 242celestialPg. 243brethrenPg. 247prophecyPg. 251immortalPg. 252Sentence Stems/Idea CompletionsPeople barter because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.A mortal is someone who _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.During the Summer Solstice many cultures of people would _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.When I looked at the Parthenon, I felt overwhelmed because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.The Chimera reminded me of _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Anaklusmos was unbelievable because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Character Sketcher - LukeSection 9 are invited to learn more about Luke. Please take notes on how Luke acts and looks. To begin, think about “descriptive words” that capture Luke’s personality and try to find passages in Section 9 that show how Luke is acting. Think about why or how those words describe Luke in the passages. Remember these will be implied traits. Use the traits below to help you.Choose 3 of the following traits and find passages in Section 9 that demonstrate Luke acting:assertiveimpatientbossyhatefulwittydomineeringcleverafraidOn page _______ paragraph _______Luke acts ______________________________because/when ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.On page _______ paragraph _______ Luke acts ______________________________because/when_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.On page _______ paragraph _______ Luke acts ______________________________ because/when_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Then, use the passages that describe Luke’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Luke. Throughout the book, details are given about Luke’s appearance (pg. 125). Using these details, create a visual representation of him. Entry DiarySection 9 are invited to complete a Double-Entry Diary (DED) based upon section 9 (chapters 17-18) of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters. Please record the quotation along with the page and paragraph numbers that each was found in on the left side of the table. On the right side of your table, write your responses, questions, connections or personal reactions that accompany the quotes you chose. Some types of information you may choose are: effect/cause, fact/compare and contrast, quote/connection or questions, vocabulary and author’s craft.You must include 6 passages in your DED. Here is a sample DED to get you started:Quote: The thing was: I’d almost forgotten this quest was supposed to be Clarisse’s. For a scary moment, I saw things from her point of view. How would I feel if a bunch of other heroes had butted in and made me look bad? Pg. 234Connection: One time I tried to take the credit for doing something that I had not done all by myself. My friend and I had made something and I said I made it. I should have said that “we did it”. Double Entry DiaryQuoteResponse 10Pgs. 254-279 (Chapters 19 & 20)VocabularyDirections: Complete the chart by filling in the definition for the words listed.WordMeaningdemonicPg. 255abandonedPg. 257javelinPg. 262grapplingPg. 262karmaPg. 271forgesPg. 273Synonyms and AntonymsSynonymWordAntonymdemonicabandonedjavelingrapplingkarmaforges to StretchSection 10 Select a part of the story or a scene from Section 10 that you would like to elaborate more about by creating an artistic impression of it. Instead of composing a picture or illustration describing that part or scene, compose something that symbolizes or expresses the feeling, meaning, or emotion related to that part or scene in the text.Use symbols or graphs to compose your impression and explain it to the group.When you form your groups, keep these questions in mind to ask your students about their sketches. What is this picture of?What was important to you about this part or scene in the chapter(s)?How do you interpret other student’s drawings? to stretch.htmI Poem Good vs. EvilSection 10Create an “I Poem” for 2 characters or group of characters in the book - Percy and Kronos or the Heros and Traitors, for example. Create a poem that explains each characters thoughts, feelings, emotions, and motives for the things that they do, or don’t do, in the story. Use descriptive words and try to incorporate vocabulary words if appropriate. This poem should let the reader feel exactly who the characters really are. Use the following format to help you construct your poem.FormatStanza 1I am (two special characteristics)And we are (how the two are the same)I live (where you live-this may include your habitat, or city, state, country, etc.)???? I wonder (something you are actually curious about)??????? I hear (an imaginary sound)??????? I see (an imaginary sight)?????????? I want (an actual desire)??????????????????????????????????? I am (the first line of the poem restated) Similarly we (how the two are the same; can be restated or new information)?I am I amAnd we are And we are I live ?Whereas I live I wonder ?While I wonder I hear ?But I hear ?I see ?However, I see ?I want ?Yet I want I am ?I am ?Similarly we Similarly we ?Stanza 2I always (what you are known for)I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)I touch (an imaginary touch)I worry (something that really bothers you)I cry (something that makes you very sad)I excel (something you are good at doing)I am (the first line of the poem repeated) And we both (how the two are the same; can be restated or new information)I always ?On the other hand, I always I pretend ?While I pretend I feel ?Yet I feel I touch ?While I touch ?I worry ?Yet I worry ?I cry ?But I cry ?I excel ?Whereas I excel ?I am ?I am ?And we both And we both ?Stanza 3?I understand (something you know is true)I say (something you believe in)I’m as _____as (a simile)I dream (something you actually dream about)I try (something you really make an effort about)I hope (something you actually hope for)I was once (describes how you have changed)I am (the first line of the poem repeated)And most importantly we (the most important way that represents how the two are the same)I understand ?While I understand I say, ?Yet I say, I’m as ?Whereas I’m as I dream ?But I dream ?I try ?Although I try ?I hope ?While I hope ?I was once ?Whereas I was once I am ?I am ?And most importantly we And most importantly weYou choose from the following transition words:For comparison: like, same, both, the same as, similar, in the same way, most important, similarly, as, too, have in common, as well as. For contrast: although, however, differ, unlike, even though, yet, but, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, whereas, while, unless, contrary to, the reverse. AssessmentName___________________________I. Complete the sentence using the words listed below.boutiquepulverize silhouettebillowedgrimyLaistrygonians1. The gray the smoke ___________________ out of the building.2. The ____________________ played dodgeball against Percy and Tyson.3. Tyson ___________________ the rock that Polyphemus threw at him.4. Tyson felt _________________ and wanted to take a shower.5. Percy saw a _____________________ of Annabeth on the building.6. Grover found a _____________________ with wedding dresses inside.II. Explain what the following words mean by responding to the prompts.7. Describe what a giant cannibal might eat.8. Describe what a drachma might be used for.9. Describe how something would sound it if screeched.10. If you are skimming a book, what are you doing?11. Describe how you orb.12. Describe what a plume would look like.13. Describe how Olympian nectar would taste and how it is used. 14. What would you expect a Cyclops to look like? III. Underline the best response:15. If you wanted to barter, you would:a. Trade something for something elseb. Pay for somethingc. Get something for free16. If you saw constellations, you would be seeing:a. The moonb. Group of stars that form in a galaxyc. Saturn17. Providing hospitality means:a. Taking someone to the hospitalb. Kicking someone outc. Welcoming/sharing18. If you heard the word brethren you would associate it with:a. Familyb. Dogc. Polyphemus19. If you have nautical senses, you have a good sense of:a. USAb. Seac. Sky20. Who would best be described as demonic?a. Kronosb. Percyc. TysonOur Text SelectionPercy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters Book 2: Written by Rick Riordan. 2006. Disney HiperionReading Level- Grade 5There are several reasons for using Percy Jackson books as a thematic unit in the classroom. We chose to use The Sea of Monsters due to its connection and use of mythology. This book and the other books in this series are on 5th grade level and focus on mythology, which is a standard of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Our group decided to focus on this type of text so that students can build a vocabulary and knowledge of the history and myths of ancient Greece. A main reason that we chose this book was that we were all equally excited and anxious to learn what happened after The Lightning Thief. We were impressed with the way Rick Riordan used his knowledge and experiences to draw his audience into his work. We believe that fifth grade students will relate to these characters easily due to the adventures, relationships, and issues that Percy and his friends go through. Our unit on Greek Mythology, The Sea of Monsters, was a great way for our group to learn and expand our knowledge on Greek Mythology. We only have hope that our students will enjoy reading these books as much as we did.We chose D’Aulaires book of Greek Myths because it lists all the gods, demi-gods and creatures in Greek Mythology. The book has colorful illustrations and is an easy read for students. There are one to two pages of information per section on each god, demi-god or creature. We felt it would be a great correlation with The Sea of Monsters for the students to see and make the connections. They would be able to visualize different illustrations of the gods, demi-gods or creatures. Additional ResourcesJason: Quest for the Golden Fleece, Written by: Jeff Limke and Tim Seeley. Feb. 2008This book follows Jason on his challenge to find and bring back the Golden Fleece. His Uncle took over the thrown and this was Jason’s goal to prove his worth. This relates to the Sea of Monsters because this too is Percy and the other Heroes goal. The heroes must find the Golden Fleece to save Camp Half Blood. Percy and the other heroes discuss how Jason came to own and use the Golden Fleece. Since Jason and his adventure is only briefly mentioned yet his story means so much to Percy and the heroes this book will most definitely help explain the importance behind the Golden Fleece. With this book being a graphic novel it would reach all students on different levels.Perseus and Medusa, Written by Nick Saunders Jan. 2007This book is about Perseus and Medusa. While on his quest Perseus comes across and defeats Medusa. This has relation to both The Lightning Thief (because Percy actually meets Medusa) and The Sea of Monsters because as Percy mentions in the book this is his namesake. Odysseus and the Cyclops, Written by Gilly Cameron Cooper, Jan. 2007This book relates to The Sea Of Monsters easily, the Cyclops that Odysseus faces is the same Cyclops that Percy and his friends face. His friend, Annabeth, even uses the same trick that Odysseus uses to trick the Cyclops. Not only is this Cyclops important but we learn of a very special Cyclops in the Sea of Monsters. Bermuda Triangle, Written by Andrew Donkin April 2000The Bermuda Triangle is where a majority of the Sea of Monsters takes place. This book talks about some of the mysteries that surround the Bermuda Triangle and is recommended for a 3rd grade level. While reading the book the Sea of Monsters the reader will learn that this is actually where the Fleece is located.The Not so Jolly Roger (Time Warp Trio), Written by Jon Scieszka April 2004While traveling to the Sea of Monsters, Percy and Annabeth stumble upon an island that has a very unique spa. While in this spa Percy and Annabeth meet the famed pirate Blackbeard. Not only do they get to meet Blackbeard, but Percy also steals the Queen Anne’s Revenge and learns that being the captain of a ship comes easy. In the book The Not so Jolly Roger, a group of three boys also learn what it is like to come across the famed pirate Blackbeard.It’s All Greek to Me (Time Warp Trio), Written by Jon Scieszka April 2004This is the 8th book in the Time Warp Trio series and in this book the trio get a little more than what they bargained for in the school play. While this book mostly deals with the trio meeting the main gods and how their play comes to life. The relation between the two books are the fact that before finding out Percy was a demigod his mythology lessons came to life and he has to deal with the major gods like Zeus and his anger on a daily basis. Demigods and Monsters, Written by Rick Riordan Feb. 2009This book is an extension off of Rick Riordan’s collection. It also goes into more detail about some of the monsters that is in his books. Although it is an extension it is written so that you can pick it up and just begin reading it.The Lightning Thief, Written by Rick Riordan This book takes place before the Sea of Monsters. It is highly recommended that this book be read before reading the second book. The two books are different and if not read in order are easy to understand and follow. In the Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson is just learning who he is whereas in the Sea of Monsters he knows but is still trying to accept it.Standard Course of Study Correlation ChartSea of Monsters UnitNC Language Arts Standard Course of Study for 5th GradeAll areas of Greek Mythology are covered within our unit through internet sources, fictional, informational, and nonfictional sources.Vocabulary and word study is used in every section. Tier 2 words are represented with in groups of 7 words per section. Activities throughout the unit go along with the sections vocabulary.Internet workshop allows students to access more information regarding the history of mythology.Character Sketchers, Author’s craft, and Stretch or Sketch are activities that will lead to discussions. 1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through: wide reading.word study.word reference materials.content area study.writing process elements.writing as a tool.debate.discussions.seminars.examining the author's craft.The reading speed that was used to determine how many pages and chapters that would be read in each section was determined using the following formula:150 mpm X 45min= 6,7506,750 words / 292 wpp= 23 pages279 pages / 23 pages per day= 12 days or 3 weeks to read in sustained silent readingWith the additional readings that will be provided all levels of reading will be accommodated.Text will also include vocabulary activities that will help to build fluency and expand vocabulary. 1.05 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student's independent reading level) to: increase fluency.build background knowledge.expand and refine vocabulary.Judging a book by its cover activity requires that students predict the story by the front and back covers and the title of the book.Vocab-o-gram Activity has students to use their knowledge of vocabulary to make predictions.2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, and viewing by: making predictions.formulating questions.supporting answers from textual information, previous experience, and/or other sources.drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings.seeking additional information.making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas.The main focus is on mythology, the understandings, definitions and history.2.03 Read a variety of texts, such as: fiction (tall tales, myths).nonfiction (books of true experience, newspaper and magazine articles, schedules).poetry (narrative, lyric, and cinquains).drama (plays and skits).With use of the internet workshop students are invited to explore three websites that have similar and differences to the books within the unit. The books used in the unit also have various connections as well.3.02 Make connections within and between texts by recognizing similarities and differences based on a common lesson, theme, or message.RubricActivity/CriteriaYour Points/Total possible pointsJudging the book by its coverPredictions are well thought plete components provided. /5Vocab-O-Gram/Predict-O-GramPredictions are well thought plete components provided. /5Vocabulary Activities for Sections One through Ten.Child-friendly definitionsCorrect and complete activities. /30Author’s Craft ActivityThree examples each of a Simile and Onomatopoeia with the page numbers included.Examples added to the text with explanations included. /10 Character Sketchers (Tyson,Gray Sisters, Chiron, Tantalus, Hydra, Luke, and Polyphemus)Artistic representation carefully thought out and created.The traits are thoroughly included.Page numbers included. /20Internet Workshop and DRCResponses to questions are complete and accurate.At least one book or website for all categories. /15Wanted/Reward PosterIncludes all required information.Creative and thoughtful artistic representation. 5 points each /10 ABC BookCreative and thoughtful artistic representation.Accurate information presentation. /15Readers TheaterMemorization of their parts.Facial expression.Tone of voice. /20Double Entry DiaryUses six quotes per DED and has six connections per DED. 5 points each /10 Sketch to StretchUses descriptive words, appropriate symbols and charts. /10Vocabulary AssessmentUses correct vocabulary to fill in the blank /10I PoemUses creative words to describe characters from the book.Uses descriptive to explain the characters thoughts, feelings, emotions, and motive for the things they do and do not do in the story. /10 Total possible points /160 ................

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