The Sign of the Beaver

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The Sign of the Beaver

By: Heather Sholar

Grade 5 Social Studies and Language Arts Multi-text Unit

The Sign of The Beaver

Indigenous Peoples of North America: Primary Sources

Native Americans and the Reservation

Native Americans

Native American Songs and Poems

Native American Stories told by Joseph Bruchac

Children of the Midnight Sun

Heroes and Heroines, Monster and Magic

Sifters: Native American Women’s Lives

The American Plains Indians

“ From the way they stared at him, he could see it was going to take a mighty lot of explaining before they could understand. He didn't suppose they ever would, truly.”

[pic] The Sign of the Beaver

Author: Elizabeth George Speare

Copyright 1983

Houghton Mifflin Company

The book I had chosen to use for my multi-text unit is The Sign of the Beaver. I first choose this book because I heard that it was very good and that students enjoyed reading it. I was also interested in it because it takes place in the time when colonists were settling in different places and when many Native Americans still had land in the United States. I felt that I could use it to relate to the fifth grade social studies curriculum of how different ethnic groups have influenced the development of the United States. This book is on a fifth grade reading level because it has some hard vocabulary words and different dialects.

After reading this book I have found that it is a great way for students to look at stereotypes and how they affect what people think about different cultures. These stereotypes can influence people’s behaviors and attitudes and make them believe things that are not true. This book shows students that stereotypes are not always correct and that they need to be open minded.

This book also has many great vocabulary words that students may not know based on prior readings. I had to look up many of them for myself, but the words do not make the reading difficult. Students will still be able to read the book using context clues. They will just have words to keep in mind and will be able to give predictions to what they think the words mean. This will allow the students to really pay attention to what they are reading.

I also like that this book uses a different dialect than students use in the classroom. This can led to great discussions about how people used to talk and how they talk today. Students will see that dialect also affects the sentence structure and that sometimes they are written differently.

Native American words are also in this book, which will hopefully keep the students interested. They may also want to look these words up for themselves. It is fun to read when there is another language in the book. There are not enough words to make the story difficult but enough to keep the reader interested.

Indigenous Peoples of North America: Primary Sources

Edited by James D. Torr

Copyright 2002

Lucent Books

I choose this book because I like many different things about it. I like the way it is laid out, the pictures and the content of the book. Although this book is somewhat lengthy, it is easy to find the information that you are looking for when reading through it.

The book is laid out with a timeline at the beginning to give important dates and events that happened. It begins with Christopher Columbus and goes until 1990 when the Native American Repatriation Act was passed. The book is also divided into chapters on different topics such as beliefs and culture, encounters of the whites and Native Americans, expansion and removal, etc. This is a good way for students to be able to quickly find a topic they are looking for. It is also in chronological order as to what happened with the Native Americans.

The book also includes an index, which leads students to famous people or events so that they can find things that they are interested in. This way they do not have to search the entire book.

I also chose this book because of the pictures. I like that they are all realistic. This helps for the students to see how they really looked. They can look at Native Americans and see where stereotypes came from and which are wrong and which may be somewhat true. The pictures also help to explain some of the information that is talked about in the book.

I feel that the content of this book is at a fifth grade level because although there is a lot of material the reading is easy and the vocabulary is at their level. This is a book of primary sources, so it gives what the source says and then explains the information more clearly. I think that overall the content is very understandable and that students would benefit from using this as a reference.


The Sign of the Beaver Outline

Week 1

Day 1- Pre-reading activities

Pg. 8- Before You Read worksheet (Individual)

Pg. 9- KWL chart (Partners)

Pg. 10- Concept Map (Individual)

Day 2- Pre-reading and Other books

Pg. 11- Stereotypes worksheet (Individual)

Pg. 12- What did you find? (Partners)

Day 3- Pgs. 1-10

Pgs. 13&14- Character Sketcher 1 (Individual)

Pg. 15- Setting Graphic Organizer (Small groups)

Pgs. 16&17- Vocabulary words (Individual)

Day 4 - Pgs. 11-21

Pg. 18- Artistic Representation (Individual)

Pgs. 19&20- Wanted Poster (Individual)

Day 5- Pgs. 22- 31

Pgs. 21&22- Character Sketcher 2 (Partners)

Week 2

Day 6- Pgs. 32- 44

Pgs. 23&24- Data Retrieval Chart (Small Groups)

Pgs. 25&26- Character Sketcher 3 (Individual)

Day 7- Pgs. 45- 58

Pg. 27- Have You Ever… Vocabulary (Individual)

Pg. 28- Sign of the Beaver worksheet (Small group)

Day 8- Pgs. 59-70

Pgs. 29&30- Internet Workshop (Small group)

Pgs. 31&32- Synonyms and Antonyms (Partners)

Day 9- Pgs. 71-83

Pgs. 33&34- Double Entry Diary (Individual)

Pg. 35- Connections to the Story (Individual)

Day 10- Pgs. 84-98

Pg. 36- I- Poem (Individual)

Week 3

Day 11- Pgs. 99- 109

Pg. 37- Letter of Concern (Individual)

Pg. 38- Acrostic Poem (Individual)

Day 12- pgs.110-126

Pg. 39- Prefix activity (Partners)

Day 13- pgs.127-135

Pg. 40- Authors Craft (Partners)

Day 14- After you read

Pg. 41- Response Journal (Individual)

Pg. 42&43- Vocabulary Assessment

Before You Read: Look carefully at the front and back covers of The Sign of the Beaver. Write down your predictions about the following:

Setting (Time and Place): When and Where do you think this book takes place? _______________________________


Characters (The people, animals, or objects around which the action of the story is centered): Who do you believe the main characters in the book will be?_________________________________


Problem(s) & Solution(s) (What goes wrong in the story and how is it solved?): What do you predict will be the most significant problems in this book? How do you believe the problems may be solved? _____________________________________________________




What do you think the “sign of the beaver” means?



You will be completing a K-W-L about Native Americans. Think about what you already know and what you want to know about Native Americans. Complete the “What I learned column as we read the books in class. You and your partner may use the information book as well as any prior knowledge you have on the subject.


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Concept Map

Please fill in the concept map with ideas about Native Americans. This can include what they looked like, what they did, how they lived, etc. Use ideas from what you have learned in previous classes or at home.


[pic]Stereotypes of Native Americans

List some ideas you have heard about Native Americans that may or may not be true. These are called stereotypes because they are a belief or idea about a particular group of people that are used to describe these people.

Appearance: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



What they live in __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where they live __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What they eat __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Find information about Native Americans in the following books:

1. Native Americans and the Reservation

2. Native Americans

3. The American Plains Indians

4. Indigenous People of North America

Write down what you find out here:

[pic] Character Sketcher 1

You are invited to learn more about Matt. Please take notes on how Matt acts and looks.

❖ To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Matt’s personality and explain why the words describe Matt.

❖ Reread page 4. Which words describe Matt? ______________________________________________

❖ He acts _____________________because_____________________


Focus on page 4 paragraph one.

❖ Reread page 12 paragraphs two, three and four. Which words describe Matt?_____________________________________

❖ He acts _____________________because_____________________


❖ Reread page 9, paragraph two. Which words describe Matt? _____________________________________________________

❖ He acts _____________________because_____________________


In this novel, the descriptions of the characters are not stated explicitly. It is up to the reader to use context clues to make their own assumptions of how the characters look. Based on what you have read so far, draw a picture of Matt and in a paragraph, provide an explanation of why you believe he looked this way based on what you have read. Include page and paragraph numbers for evidence.

Draw your picture in the space below.

Complete this setting organizar as you read the story. Write down what you know so far and continue to complete it as you read.

Setting Graphic Organizer


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[pic] Vocabulary Table:

Consult the online dictionaries

Find the following words in The Sign of the Beaver to see how they are used. Then create your own definition for the words provided.

Finally, write a sentence using the word based on the definition you created.


Scampered page 5 paragraph 5

Chinking page 7 paragraph 2

Venturing page 8 paragraph 3

Glimpsed page 9 paragraph 1

Quavering page 10 paragraph 2

|Write your own definitions: Make sure you check to see how the word is used in the book. |

|Word |Pg. number |Definition |

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Create sentences for each word on your vocabulary table on this page.







Artistic Representation


After reading this section draw three scenes. Make sure to include details in your drawing and write the page and paragraph you are describing.

Your job is to create a Wanted Poster for Ben who stole the rifle. Chapter 4

You will create an artistic representation of the suspect and then complete the following information for the wanted poster:


Character name

Time and Place Last Seen

Physical Description

How he acts



Where he hangs out

Suspected Whereabouts

Reward amount

~Remember that this information, plus the artistic creation of the suspect, must fit inside the white box in your wanted poster.


[pic] Character Sketcher 2

You are invited to learn more about Saknis. Please take notes on how Saknis acts and looks.

❖ To begin, think about “descriptive words” that capture Saknis’ personality and try to find passages in Chapter 1 that show how Saknis is acting. Think about why or how those words describe Saknis in the passages. Remember these will be implied traits. Use the traits below to help you.

❖ Choose 3 of the following traits and find passages in Chapter 6 that demonstrate Saknis acting:

|compassionate |dignified |gratified |

|disregard |disconnected |dominate |

❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Saknis acts ______________________________________ because/when _________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Saknis acts ______________________________________ because/when _________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Saknis acts ______________________________________ because/when _________________________________________________________________


In this novel, the descriptions of the characters are not stated explicitly. It is up to the reader to use context clues to make their own assumptions of how the characters look. Based on what you have read so far, draw a picture of Saknis in a paragraph, provide an explanation of why you believe he looked this way based on what you have read. Include page and paragraph numbers for evidence.

Draw your picture in the space below.

Data Retrieval Chart

List fascinating facts for each category of information.  Be sure to continue this chart as you read and discover new information.

|Books/ Short Summary of Book |Facts about the Native |How Native Americans |How do Native |Life of a Native American |

| |Americans |kill animals |Americans look |boy |

| The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George |  | | |  |

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|Summary:  | | | | |

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|Indigenous Peoples of North America by James |  |  | |  |

|D. Torr | | | | |

|Summary: | | | | |

| Native Americans by Brendan January | |  | | |

|Summary: | | | | |

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|Internet Site: | | | | |

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|pics/native/ | | | | |

|Summary: | | | | |

[pic] Character Sketcher 3

Your job as Character Sketcher is to identify a character’s actions (traits) and explain or prove these traits, identify the character’s goal (which is what the character wants to do or accomplish), identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete an artistic impression of the character.

You need to be aware that the character traits you will choose will be implied character traits. In other words, they are not directly stated in the passage. You will want to use descriptive words for your character traits. You do NOT want to use words like good, bad, nice, and mean. Be sure to use your “Descriptive Character Traits” page for help.

Sometimes the solution to your character’s problem will not be in the section of the book that you are reading. In this case, you will need to come up with a possible solution for you character’s problem.

When you begin artistically representing your character, try to use any physical descriptions from the text to help you. Your “artistic impression” of the character will probably be on a separate piece of paper. The next page gives you an example of how your paper may look with the character information.

You will be learning about Attean. Think about the following traits as you read Chapters 7-9.

|miserable |willing |determined |

|provoked |annoyed |skillful |

Implied Character Traits (3)

1. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



2. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



3. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



Character’s Goal: _______________’s goal is to



Problem: _______________’s problem is



Solution or Possible Solution: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Look up the following words in the dictionary and write the definition. Next answer the following questions.







1. Describe a time when you may have looked ridiculous.

2. Have you ever felt jealous?

3. When have you prowled around somewhere?


Meaning Behind the Title!

After reading this section, you have an idea of where the title of the book came from. Use the information in this chapter to tell what you think the name of the book means. Draw a picture of what you think the “Sign of the Beaver” would look like.

What is the “Sign of the Beaver”?

|Meaning: |

|Picture: |


Internet Workshop: Native American Shelters

You will complete an Internet Workshop on Native Americans shelters using the following site: .

Be sure to thoroughly read the entire webpage and fully answer each question. You need to work with your group taking turns finding each answer.

What was the name of the living shelters the Northeastern Native Americans built?

About how many fireplaces were in each shelter the Native Americans built?

What do you think it means when it says “The people would build their ceremonial building the same as their long house, but in mammoth proportion.”

What is one way to close the ends of a long house?

What is the large fence-like parameter called?

What was one reason for the fence- like structure?

What were some of the locations the Native Americans liked to build by?

Synonyms and Antonyms:

|Synonyms |Word |Antonyms |

| |envious (pg. 59) | |

| |patience (pg. 60) | |

| |rasping (pg. 63) | |

| |snarling (pg. 63) | |

| |nourishing (pg. 66) | |

| |disappointed (pg.68) | |

| |shrugged (pg. 69) | |

|Find your own examples from the reading |

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• Doubtless was used on page 66.

• What does the suffix –less mean?

• What are some other words that have -less as the ending?

Double Entry Diary


Complete this Double-Entry Diary involving dialect from pages 71- 83 in your book. Remember to write down a quotation or a passage and include the page number on the left side of your paper. On the right side of your paper, write a response. This can be a personal reaction or connection to what you have written in the left column.

Include at least three quotations or passages and their responses in your Double- Entry Diary.

|Quotation/Passage |Your response, reactions, or connections to the quotation or passage: |

|and page number: | |

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Connections to the Story

What people, things, places or ideas do you think of when you hear the word “resentful”? (Page 75) Make sure you make connections to the book when you are thinking of your ideas. Write your ideas in the bubbles below.


What does the word Resentful Mean?

“I Poem”


Write an I Poem from the point of view of Matt in the book The Sign of the Beaver. Think like Matt would think and help the reader identify with the character’s thoughts, actions, emotions, and personality. If possible, include personification and similes in your poem. Use the format below and then you can revise the format later.


I am (two special characteristics you have)

I wonder (something you are actually curious about)

I hear (an imaginary sound)

I see (an imaginary sight)

I want (an actual desire)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch (an imaginary touch)

I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I understand (something you know is true)

I say (something you believe in)

I dream (something you actually dream about)

I try (something you really make an effort to do)

I hope (something you actually hope for)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

Letter of Concern

The Sign of the Beaver

You are invited to write a letter from Matt’s point of view to his parents, sister and new sibling to try and find out if they have left Quincy and to see when they will arrive in Maine. Be true to the character, setting, and story, and be sure to include the necessary parts of a friendly letter. Brainstorm your ideas here and then begin your letter on a separate piece of paper. Remember to write neatly and take your time! Here are a few questions for you to consider before you begin:

• What do you think Matt wants to tell his parents?

• How is Matt feeling as he is writing this letter?

• What kind of concerns might Matt have and what might he want to find out about his parents arrival?

Acrostic poem

Attean is trying to become a man so he must go into the forest alone to try and find his Manitou (page 107). He says that the white people may call this a spirit. Write an acrostic poem that explains what you think it means to find your Manitou and how you think Attean will know when he has found it.









What do you think the prefixes mean?

Unhampered page 113


What does the word unhampered mean?

Distrusted page 113


What does the word distrusted mean?

Impressed page 118


What does the word impressed mean?

Overflowing page 120


What does the word overflowing mean?

Use pages 110-126 to find more words with these prefixes.

Authors Craft

A simile is a comparison between two things using like or as.

A metaphor is a comparison without using like or as.

Create two similes that represent something in the book.

Create two metaphors that represent something in the book.

[pic]Response Journal

Matt is in the forest all alone after his father leaves to bring his family back from Quincy. He meets some Native Americans and one who becomes his Indian brother, Attean. He goes through many tough times and is forced to make hard decisions while he is alone. If Matt kept a journal, write an entry that would discuss what is happening in his life. What does he feel and how does he feel about the Native Americans. How have his opinions of them changed? Are his new opinions more true to what real Native Americans were like?


Vocabulary Assessment

Match the following words to the definition that you think fits the best.

Scampered Sound that makes you tremble

Chinking To expose to hazard

Venturing To look briefly

Glimpsed To fill with caulking

Quavering To flee quickly

Chose the correct word for each sentence.

|compassionate |dignified |gratified |

|disregard |disconnected |dominate |

1. When Johnny was sick his mother acted very ______________________ to show that she cared.

2. After Bill lost his dog he acted very ______________________ toward his friends.

3. After receiving an award Casey felt _______________________.

4. Kelly felt __________________ after her mother told her how well she had done.

5. Tom showed complete _____________________ to his teacher while he talked during class.

6. Sally took the ball from her classmates so that she could _______________________ the game.

What does it mean to be miserable?

a. hopeless b. happy

c. scared d. overjoyed

What does it mean to be willing?

a. to give up b. to go along with

b. to forget about d. to refuse

What does it mean to be determined?

a. not motivated b. ready

c. driven d. weak

Write a definition for the following words.

a. cleverness

b. jealous

c. prowled

d. fiercely

Match the following words to their synonyms.

Envious let down

patience growling

snarling beneficial

nourishing jealous

disappointed calmness

What do the following prefixes mean?

Write two words that use two of these prefixes.





Create two similes using the following words.



Rubric for Student Work

|Activities |Total points |

|Week 1 | |

|Pre-Reading Activities | |

|Before You Read worksheet |/10 |

|KWL chart |/10 |

|Concept Map |/10 |

|Stereotypes worksheet |/10 |

|What did you find? |/15 |

|Reading Activities | |

|Character Sketcher 1 |/15 |

|Setting Graphic Organizer |/10 |

|Vocabulary words |/15 |

|Artistic Representation |/10 |

|Wanted Poster |/10 |

|Character Sketcher 2 |/15 |

|Week 2 | |

|Data Retrieval Chart |/20 |

|Character Sketcher 3 |/15 |

|Have You Ever…Vocabulary |/15 |

|Sign of the Beaver worksheet |/10 |

|Internet Workshop |/20 |

|Synonyms and Antonyms |/15 |

|Double Entry Diary |/10 |

|Connections to the Story |/10 |

|I – Poem |/10 |

|Week 3 | |

|Letter of Concern |/10 |

|Acrostic Poem |/10 |

|Prefix activity |/15 |

|Authors Craft |/10 |

|Response Journal |/10 |

|Vocabulary Assessment |/25 |

|Overall Points |/335 |

North Carolina Standard Course of Study

|Unit Activity |NC Language Arts Grade 5 |

|Find the meaning of different vocabulary words and how they fit |Objective 1.02 |

|within the text using context clues through all of the different |Select key vocabulary critical to the text and apply appropriate |

|vocabulary activities. |meanings as necessary for comprehension. |

|Students used these materials to do vocabulary activities such as|Objective 1.04 |

|definitions, synonyms and antonyms, and prefixes and suffixes. |Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, |

| |thesaurus, on-line reference tools) to identify and comprehend |

| |unknown words. |

|The students complete many activities before they read to make |Objective 2.02 |

|predictions such as the concept map and the KWL chart. They |Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, |

|completed worksheets during such as The Sign of the Beaver |listening, and viewing by: |

|worksheet with textual information. They also competed work after|making predictions. |

|such as the response journal to make connections in the story. |formulating questions. |

| |supporting answers from textual information, previous experience,|

| |and/or other sources. |

| |drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings. |

| |seeking additional information. |

| |making connections with previous experiences, information, and |

| |ideas. |

|This can be seen throughout but can be seen very clearly when the|Objective 2.03 |

|students complete the Data Retrieval Chart |Read a variety of texts, such as: |

| |fiction (tall tales, myths). |

| |nonfiction (books of true experience, newspaper and magazine |

| |articles, schedules). |

| |poetry (narrative, lyric, and cinquains). |

| |drama (plays and skits). |

| This is seen when the students complete the stereotypes |Objective 3.07 |

|worksheet. |Make informed judgments about: |

| |bias. |

| |propaganda. |

| |stereotyping. |

| |media techniques |

|Unit |NC Social Studies Grade 5 |

|All of the Unit |Objective 3.01 |

| |Locate and describe people of diverse ethnic and religious |

| |cultures, past and present, in the United States. |

| |Objective 3.02 |

| |Examine how changes in the movement of people, goods, and ideas |

| |have affected ways of living in the United States. |

| |Objective 4.02 |

| |Explain when, where, why, and how groups of people settled in |

| |different regions of the United States. |

| |Objective 4.03 |

| |Describe the contributions of people of diverse cultures |

| |throughout the history of the United States. |

8 other book choices:

Native Americans And The Reservation

Author: Anita Louise McCormick

Copyright 1996

Enslow Publishers

This book explains how the Native Americans and colonists first met. It gives details about when the Native Americans were forced to give up their land and move to reservations. It also tells the overall details about the conflict between Native Americans and the United States government from the past to the present.

Native Americans

Author: Brendan January

Copyright 2005


This book uses art as a way to look at Native American culture. This helps to explain the varying cultures. By looking at each piece of art they all have their own story to tell. This is a great book for visualizing the life of Native Americans.

Native American Songs and Poems

Edited by Brian Swann

Copyright 1996

Dover Publications

This is a book of songs and poems that were written by Native Americans from many different tribes. Some tribes included Navajo, Pima, Nootka and many more. The book helps to explain Native Americans beliefs about nature, culture

and society.

Native American Stories told by Joseph Bruchac

Author: Joseph Bruchac

Illustrator: John Kahionhes Fadden

Copyright 1991

Fulcrum Publishing

This book is filled with stories told about Native Americans. It focuses on the relationship between man and nature. The stories are tales and myths that the Native Americans believed or told to others.

Children of the Midnight Sun

Author: Tricia Brown

Copyright 1998

Alaska Northwest Books

This book talks about the indigenous people of Alaska. It explains eight children’s lives and what they do. It goes into detail about their days and how they are affected by the landscapes and climate.

Heroes and Heroines, Monsters and Magic

Author: Joseph Bruchac

Illustrator: Daniel Burgevin

Copyright 1985

The Crossing Press

This is a book of folktales that have been carried down from generation to generation. It talks about the traditions of the Abenaki people.

Sifters: Native American Women’s Lives

Edited by Theta Perdue

Copyright 2001

Oxford University Press

This book talks about many famous Native American women such as Pocahontas. It also explains maternal relationships within their society as well as how different Native American women lived.

The American Plains Indians

Author: Jason Hook

Illustrator: Richard Hook

Copyright 1985

Osprey Publishing

This book talks about the Plains Indians in the Rocky Mountains. It also explains their culture and how the white men abruptly ended it in the 19th century. It also includes photos and artwork about the Plains Indians.

By allowing students to chose to use any of these books as references, they will be able to choose books that most interest them. They may like looking at pictures as a way to help them learn. They may like reading poetry in order to better visualize the Native American culture. BY having books about women’s history the girls may become interested in the topic and more willing to learn. Music and art will help those students who are more hands on type of learners. All of these books have useful information and are a way for them to find information when they are reading The Sign of the Beaver. These books are great to have even after this book so that students can learn even more about Native American culture.



Where does the story take place?



Changes in the setting during the story: ______________________________________________________

Native Americans

When does the

story take place?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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