Kindergarten Writing Rubric

|Kindergarten Writing Rubric |

|Score |Examples |Explanation of Rubric |

|6 |My house is very special to me. |1 or more main ideas |

| |It is big and has a wonderful |Multiple strong supporting details |

| |yard. My friends like to play at |Uses descriptive words deliberately and effectively |

| |my house. These are the reasons |Has ending sentence that ties writing together |

| |my house is special. | |

|5 |I see my blu house. |1 main idea with 2 supporting details. |

| |I like my house becuz |Uses descriptive words |

| |it is big. |No set number of sentences |

| | | |

| |My hous is new and big. | |

| |I like liveing in my hous. | |

|4 |I see a hos |1 main idea with 1 supporting detail (may be one complex sentence) |

| |It is big. |Consistent use of spacing between words |

| | |Begin to see descriptive words |

| | |Uses correct end punctuation at end of entire writing |

| |I see a big hos. | |

|3 |I liv in a hs |Simple sentence with spaces |

| | |Temporary spelling |

| |i like my hws |May have punctuation, but not required |

| | | |

| |I live in a hos | |

|2 |ilivinhs |Teacher can read but has inconsistent or no spacing between words |

| | |May or may not have punctuation |

| |Ilvinhs. |One idea |

| | | |

| |ilivinhs. | |

|1 |HS Bg |Beginning and ending sounds present |

| | |May have spacing and/or capitalization |

| |hsbg |Letters may run together |

| | |Not a complete sentence |

|0 |fkrstwe |Does not address the prompt |

| | |Response is illegible |

| |Rachel |Does not attempt to write |

| | |Uses random letters |

| |c m o |No spacing or punctuation |

| | |Writes name |

Note: These examples provide a sampling of possible writing attempts.

They are by no means all-inclusive.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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