Descriptive Monster Writing Piece

[Pages:3]Name: _________________________________

Due Date: _____________________

Descriptive Monster Writing Piece

Descriptive writing involves writing that pays close attention to the details by appealing to all of your five senses. The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. For this assignment, we will be describing a monster, whether from your imagination or a real source (e.g., books, movies, etc).

Learning Goal: I can write a short piece of fiction, paying close attention to word choice.

Success Criteria:

? I can use vivid language in my writing.

? I can find places in my writing that need improvement, using self--revision and feedback from peers and the teacher with a focus on precise language.

? I can consult the thesaurus when revising to improve my word choice and writing.

? I can produce a piece of published work that shows grade level conventions (i.e., grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing).


1) Decide on the format of your descriptive writing piece (e.g., diary entry, poem, character description, short story).

2) Decide on the topic of your writing. What monster are you choosing? 3) Decide on the mood you wish to establish. (e.g., scary, angry, sad, happy) 4) Brainstorm ideas related to your topic using a graphic organizer.

a. Draw or find an image of your monster. Use this to help you describe your monster.

5) Fill out the Five Senses chart. Pick at least three of the senses to write about. 6) Write a rough copy. It should be one page in length.

7) Revise your piece by paying close attention to word choice (see checklist below).

8) Get feedback from at least one person and then the teacher. 9) Complete a final copy with a final edit for language conventions (i.e., spelling, grammar,

punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing). 10) Draw, find, or make a final image of your monster and attach it to your writing piece.

Word Choice Checklist:

? I use precise words. ? I choose the right synonym for the mood or tone of my piece.

? I use descriptive words that show rather than tell. ? I remove unnecessary words.

Name: _________________________________

Due Date: _____________________


Word Choice:

Appropriateness, variety of adjectives, use of imagery, etc.


Expression and variety in writing, mixture of sentence lengths, flow, etc.


In character, interesting mood/tone, accuracy of accompanying image, etc.


Descriptive Monster Writing Rubric

Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Level Four

Uses few precise

Uses some precise Generally uses

Consistently uses

words; chooses

words; chooses precise words

precise words

synonyms of limited synonyms of some correctly; chooses correctly; chooses


appropriateness; synonyms of

highly effective

rarely uses imagery to sometimes uses considerable


show rather than tell; imagery to show appropriateness; consistently uses

often includes

rather than tell; often uses imagery imagery that shows

unnecessary words. sometimes

to show rather rather than tells;


than tell; does not rarely includes


usually include unnecessary words.




Expresses ideas with Expresses ideas in Expresses ideas Expresses ideas with

limited precision;

somewhat clear clearly and

precision; varies

uses simple

and appropriate appropriately; uses sentence structure;

sentences with

ways; uses some good variety of experiments with

limited sentence

variety in sentence sentence lengths; language for a strong

lengths; simplistic length; simple



and limited

word choices.

experiments with


new words.

Limited thought

Some thought


Deep thought

placed into writing; placed into writing; thought

demonstrated in

rarely written in

sometimes written demonstrated in writing; consistently

character; description in character;

writing; usually writing in character;

barely matches image description slightly written in

description precisely

of monster.

matches image of character;

matches image of




generally matches

image of monster.

Name: _________________________________

Due Date: _____________________

Descriptive Monster Writing Piece ? Five Senses Chart

Use this chart to help you generate adjectives and descriptions about your monster. Pay close

attention to your word choice ? try to incorporate more precise and vivid language. Remember

to consult the thesaurus for more effective synonyms. Pick at least three senses to write about

in your descriptive piece.


What does your

monster sound like?

What sounds does it

make? My monster sounds...


What does your

monster look like?

What are some of

its features? My monster looks...


How does your

monster feel like?

What kind of skin

does it have on its body? My monster



How does your

monster smell?

What does it smell

like? My monster smells...


Can your monster

be eaten by other

creatures? How

does it taste like? My monster tastes...


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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