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Descriptive writing topics igcse

Use this page to help you revise for exams or just to practice your skills! All content is for the Cambridge Language IGCSE 0500English Language Student ResourcesCIE 0500 Paper 2 - Directed WritingStudent workbook: Range of tasks and activities as well as an example exam questions to plan and answer. Useful for revision or just extra practice.CIE

0500 Paper 2 - Narrative Writing Example AnswerModel answer for a narrative writing question. To be used with the Youtube tutorial.CIE 0500 Paper 2 - Narrative Writing Revision PosterUse this revision poster to help you understand how to approach and answer the narrative writing question.CIE 0500 Paper 2 - CompositionStudent workbook: Narrative &

Descriptive Writing Range of tasks and activities as well as 8 example exam questions to plan and answer. Useful for revision or just extra practice.CIE 0500 Paper 2 - Descriptive Writing Example AnswerModel answer for a descriptive writing question. To be used with the Youtube tutorial.CIE 0500 Paper 2 - Descriptive Writing Revision PosterUse this

revision poster to help you understand how to approach and answer the descriptive writing question. #4Tips For Your Examsby

4.7K1169*Mainly tips for (I)GCSEs but can be useful for other exams too* Just a compilation of mini tips to help you with your exams. If you have any tips to add, comment them o...Completed+22 more #14The Strayby

TurtieTurtle49771-Practise for IGCSE Narrative short story choice. Question was: "The figure sprinted away from the angry crowd and headed towards the gap between the buildings.&quo...Completed+6 more Choose the best solution for you Go through the list of samples SHOW SAMPLES Writing Service We use cookies to create the best experience for

you. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Contact Us Assignments and descriptive essays are issues every student faces during studying period. Even if it's extremely hard to complete everything your professor gave you, you still have to learn how to write in different styles, meet all the requirements, including all the

essentials you need to have in your text. We all have our own tips and tricks to carry through the assignment period, and we all are professionals in our own type of paper.If you ask a college student to name the easiest type of paper, he would probably recall a descriptive essay. But what is a descriptive essay and why is it so simple to write? We¡¯re here to

help you out on that question and give you additional descriptive essay topics to make your college life easier. And if you want a descriptive essay writer to help you, you are very welcome to click the "Hire writer" button at the top of this page.What is a Descriptive Essay and How Does it Differ from a Simple Description?The main goal of the description essay

is to describe something, be it a person, a situation or just something you want to tell people about. While writing this type of descriptive essay, you have to compose the text using your own experience and thoughts. No researches, no outer opinions, just your mind, and your head. Only sensory information is used to understand the descriptive topic. The

description of the things is clear and simple. Imagination, though, creates pictures in the head of the reader, which makes this experience unique and personified.It would make sense to start the introduction with a description of the context of the subject on which the entire description would focus. Doing so puts things into perspective for the reader.How

does it differ from a description? A simple description can be just several sentences or one long paragraph when a descriptive essay usually contains five paragraphs. It has its style and includes a thesis in an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.How to Write a Descriptive Essay?When it comes to writing, you should be aware of the

structure as it differs from all the other types of descriptive essay. First of all, you should pick the topic from the descriptive speech topics you¡¯ll be interested in. Then, you¡¯re free to plan out your parts. As we already mentioned, a descriptive essay has five parts: Introduction. In the introduction you should include your thesis statement and dwell on the topic.

That's the part, which will grab the attention of the reader, so it should be written simply and smooth, giving some essential background information for the reader to understand your topic better. Don't forget to make a transition from the background data and your thesis statement. In descriptive essays, the thesis usually takes up one full sentence. 3 body

paragraphs. Three body paragraphs should have evidences that will prove your thesis. If you find yourself struggling with this part, use five simple tables to arrange sensory information you have about your topic and then pick them right from your notes to prove your thesis. Conclusion. This last part of the paper concludes all the information and gives a

summary of it. You should have your last remarks in this part and rephrase your thesis statement. Before starting on your descriptive essay about a place or a person, you should know what you can write about and describe it in general. Here are some of the ideas: places, people, animals, behavior, favorite trip and so on. Pre-writing stageFirst of all, think of

what you¡¯d like to write about and pick a topic from descriptive speech topics, social issues topics or process essay topics that will match the theme. Have some inspiration from the essays of other people. Search around for descriptive writing topics and prompts if you can¡¯t think of something unique for yourself. Expository essays are easy to write if you

have enough inspiration on the chosen descriptive topic.How to start a descriptive essay?If you find yourself struggling after getting some descriptive essay ideas, think of the main statement you can use in your creation. This step is the one that can make out your main thesis statement and keywords that will describe your descriptive topic. As we already

mentioned, make five tables for five senses. This arrangement will make it a lot easier to transfer your data to the next step.Create a draft of your expository essayTake time to create a draft that will become a close version of your descriptive essay. Pick all the keywords and include them into the five paragraphs. Don¡¯t forget to make three points to prove

your thesis statement and describe your topic. Make only an example that will be stretched out by the other details you¡¯ll add at the next step.Adding details to your descriptive essay with the help of enriched English vocabulary and online dictionariesIt's okay if you have limited vocabulary because this step will add more value to your expository writing. Add

everything you want and describe it properly so your reader will be interested in what you wrote. Create an image in their head with the sensory words you can find in online dictionaries like Oxford, Cambridge or Macmillan ones. Make sure that they will touch on your descriptive topic and prolong the body paragraphs.Take time to revise and edit the paper

with the help of various free online grammar checking tools or help by EduBirdieBefore you check your descriptive essays for mistakes by rereading it, make sure to use online grammar checking tools to have your back covered in case your eyes miss something. You are also free to order paper at online email writing service in case you want someone else

to check it before you do it by yourself.Edit the descriptive essayBefore you start editing your paper, take a long break. You can always go out with your friends, take a walk, and have a nap or a night of good sleep. Your mind should be fresh before you come back and reread your essay. Take all the time you need, read it out loud, add or remove sentences,

check if you have placed everything correctly. It¡¯s useful to double-check grammar in case online tools missed something. Would your paper make sense if you were the reader? Maybe you¡¯ll have to rewrite whole paragraphs so they would make more sense and convey the descriptive topic better. Tip: Ask your family member or a friend to listen to your

descriptive essay, ask them to criticize what you¡¯ve written. It will help your practice in the future. The 125 Descriptive Essay Topics for Every Struggling StudentWhen you can¡¯t choose your own descriptive topic, you can always find descriptive writing topics on the web and choose one for your theme. There are several things you can write about as an

author so you have to decide if it will be about a place you¡¯ve visited, a person you know or something completely different. In any case, here are our topics for descriptive essay for the struggling ics to describe a place My favorite place in my hometown A favorite room in my house The house I grew up in My perfect vacation I wish I lived in that

house My perfect room The place I want to visit My dream apartment My favorite classroom I like studying in this caf¨¦ My favorite restaurant to visit I had a dream about this place This store is my favorite to shop in I walk my dog in this park A museum that I visited recently The street I like to walk around What I see from my window A city I got lost in Connect

with our top descriptive essay writers and receive a paper sample crafted to your needs. 4.8/5 If you want to describe a person My mom is the most creative person My dad is the most interesting person A person I look up to My favorite singer My favorite dancer An athlete that made me like sports My best friend I¡¯d like to meet this celebrity My

pet Meet the writer of the essay I miss them This is an average human I¡¯d like to meet this person in the past A perfect companion for me I like this in a person What makes me appreciate a person A stranger that caught my eye Why I love my boyfriend (girlfriend) Your memories and topics about your experience This was my perfect date The day I visited

another country How I rode a horse for the first time When I discovered my favorite hobby How I decided who I want to become My perfect trip Best childhood memory How I spent my time with my grandparents How my parents raised me Best memory with my closest friend The first day of school When I became a freshman The best party of my life The best

way I spent my weekends My most interesting birthday What I remember from my 12th birthday My pet in childhood The day I attended a dentist My first crush The last play I¡¯ve seen The best concert I attended This made me scared This made me excited I miss this day My funniest memory The day I met my friend Things and object in your life My favorite

thing to play with My favorite TV show An expensive thing I¡¯d love to have My study essentials My anti-stress toy What I always have in my pocket Furniture that helps me relax My bed makes me feel comfortable My childhood toy Why I like my smartphone This thing is special to me A toy I still play with My first car I collect these things I¡¯d send this to the

future I never leave my house without this I¡¯d send this to the past Describing a smartphone to someone from the '60s I like my laptop My favorite food I like to cook this My family treasures What¡¯s in my pocket What¡¯s in my bag My favorite tattoo Hobbies, processes, and occupations My future job Something I like to do in my free time My friend¡¯s hobby The

way my family members relax My favorite club My dream job My new hobby The way I start my morning How I usually end my day Getting ready for a date Writing my first story Learning something new Passing an exam The way I study How I visit the gym Drawing a portrait How to bake a pie When you need to end your relationship How to escape a robber

What helps me relax Behavior and character I like this trait in a person I hate this trait in a person An emotion I hate to feel How I react to a surprise What makes me laugh How to get my attention What makes me feel scared How to make my family members excited My pet peeve An addiction I have Something I quit doing My life as a vegan What influences

me as a person When I feel sad When I want to give up How I get motivated What annoys me Traits that my friend have in common Read also: 60 Exemplification Topics With Bonus Tips Don't forget that your descriptive topic reflexes the main reason why you decided to write your essay. You should convey your individual feelings and describe this main

point to your readers. Follow the structure, use your ideas and everything will be alright with your future essay. You can use topic sentence generator! Our professional descriptive essay helpers will be glad to help you with your homework. Good luck!

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