Descriptive Essay Rubric - Cambria Heights School District

Descriptive Essay Rubric






Title is creative, sparks Title is related to the topic Title is present.

interest and is related to but needs to be more

the topic.


No title present.

Introduction (Organization)

The introduction is

The introduction clearly The introduction states the There is no clear

inviting, states the main states the main topic and main topic, but does not introduction of the main

topic, previews the

previews the structure of adequately preview the

topic or structure of the

structure of the paper, the paper, but is not

structure of the paper nor is paper. No lead is used.

and includes a well-

particularly inviting to the it particularly inviting to the

written, clever lead that is reader. A well-written reader. A lead is used but is

related to the essay's lead is used to attract the not particularly attractive to

topic which attracts the reader's attention.

the reader or does not

reader's attention.

relate to the topic.

Focus on Topic (Content)

There is one clear, well- Main idea is clear but the Main idea is somewhat

The main idea is not

focused topic. Main idea supporting information is clear but there is a need for clear. There is a

stands out and is

general. Topic sentences more supporting

seemingly random

supported by detailed are used in each

information. Topic

collection of information.

information. Well-written paragraph.

sentences are used in most Topic sentences appear

topic sentences are used


in few or none of the

in each 5-7 sentence



Supporting Information/ Details

Several relevant, telling, Supporting details and Supporting details and

Supporting details and

quality details give the information are relevant, information are relevant, information are typically

reader important

but one key issue or part but several key issues or unclear or not related to

information that allow the of the description is

are unsupported. There are the topic. There are no or

reader to picture, smell, unsupported. There are a details but they do not help barely any vivid details in

feel, hear or imagine

few vivid details in the the reader imagine they are the essay.

tasting things described. essay.


Adding Personality (Voice)

The writer seems to be The writer seems to be The writer relates some of The writer has not tried to

writing from knowledge or drawing on knowledge or his own knowledge or

transform the information

experience. The author experience, but there is experience, but it adds

in a personal way.

has taken the ideas and some lack of ownership nothing to the discussion of

made them "his/her own." of the topic.

the topic.

Sentence Structure

All sentences are well- Most sentences are well- Most sentences are well-

constructed without using constructed with

constructed but some are

repetitive ideas

complete thoughts.

run-ons or are not



Sentences do not have structure and are incomplete or rambling.

Sequencing (Organization)

Details and transition words and phrases are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader.

Details and transition

Some details and transition Many details are not in a

words and phrases are words and phrases are not logical or expected order.

placed in a logical order, in a logical or expected

There is little sense that

but the way in which they order, and this distracts the the writing is organized.

are presented makes the reader.

The transitions between

writing less interesting.

ideas are unclear or non-


Conclusion (Organization)

The conclusion is strong The conclusion is

The conclusion is

and leaves the reader recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does not

with a feeling that he/she almost all the loose ends. tie up several loose ends.

understands the writer's

point of view.

There is no clear conclusion, the paper just ends.

Grammar & Spelling

Writer makes no errors in Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 errors in Writer makes more than

grammar, punctuation, or in grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, or 4 errors in grammar,


or spelling.


punctuation, or spelling.


Writer has revised thoughtfully with multiple changes that add to the ideas or clarity of the writing.

Form/Neatness Essay is appropriate

length and is neatly handwritten in blue or black ink with few or no cross-outs or excessive use of white-out, or is neatly typed in black ink in Times New Roman Font size 12.

Writer has revised thoughtfully but 1 or 2 issues remain.

Essay is neatly handwritten in blue or black ink, or is neatly typed in black ink in Times New Roman Font size 12.

Writer has revised but several issues remain.

Essay is not particularly neatly handwritten in blue or black ink, or is neatly typed in black ink in a nonrequested font or font size.

Writer has only revised spelling and grammar issues, there was no revision, or original copy was not submitted.

Essay is not neatly handwritten in blue or black ink, or is not neatly typed, with a number of cross-outs, messy use of white-out, or is written/typed in ink that is hard to read.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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