• Your first essay is a combination, amalgamation of 2 rhetorical strategies you have practiced thus far in your journal writing:

o Description + Narration.

• Imagine, then, that we will take the traits of both to create this essay:


|Relies upon SENSE DETAILS |Relies upon STORY ELEMENTS |

|Sights |Plot |

|Sounds |Characterization |

|Smells |Theme |

|Tastes |Setting |

|Touches (tactile impressions) |And DESCRIPTIVE ELEMENTS |


|Similes |Figurative Language |

|Metaphors |Diction |

|And DICTION |Dominant Impression (related to theme) |

|Keen word choice |To relate a STORY |

|The “right” (descriptive) words |Narrative |

|adjectives, adverbs |Account, chronicle |

|nouns, verbs |Tale, myth, legend |


|The atmosphere, setting |Message |

|A unifying impression or controlling aspect |Point |

|Links all of your sense details |Meaning |

|The first adjective that comes to mind when you think about a particular place,|Theme |

|object, person, or event |Details are arranged CHRONOLOGICALLY |

|Details are arranged SPATIALLY |By TIME (as opposed to space, reason, logic, or emphasis) |

|By space (as opposed to chronology, reason, logic, or emphasis) |Beginning, Middle, End |

|Left to right or right to left |Linear progression |

|Top to bottom or bottom to top |No flashbacks, no circling, no juxtaposition |

❖ Thus, regardless of your choice, you must include the following:


|Description: |Essay Basics: |

|Sense Details |Title |

|Word Choice: Adjectives & Adverbs, Similes & Metaphors, Exact Nouns, Descriptive |Concise |

|Verbs |Introduction |

|To support the Dominant Impression |Opening generalization regarding the type of lessons or type of experience |

| |Deductive narrowing toward your story |

|Dominant Impression: |Brief background for the story (concise) |

|Atmosphere, mood, setting |Thesis Statement: |

| |What kind of experience? |

|Illustration & Discussion of Lessons Learned (moral): |What kind of lessons learned? |

|Hinted in the Introduction |Body |

|Discussed in full in the Conclusion |Chronology |

|Illustrated by the story (the story should = the lessons) |Story |

| |Conclusion |

|Chronological Order: |Refer back to your Introduction (bring the essay full-circle) |

|Time sequence of events |In-depth discussion of those lessons learned that were implied in the Introduction|

|Beginning, middle, end | |

| |FOCUS: |


|Speak from the “I” |NOT a “life story” |

|Either as the cop-character or as yourself |NOT multiple days |

|I saw, I learned |3-4 pages in length |

|No “you” |with sufficient detail |

|You learned the lessons, not the reader |no room for extraneous material |

| |PART of a chapter in your autobiography |

| |neither a FULL CHAPTER |

| |nor an ENTIRE BOOK |

• Because ENG 101 is an effective writing course and not a creative writing course, I must give you two choices when it comes to approaches:





(a police story)

• I want you to pretend that you are one of the police officers dispatched to the crime scene in Poe’s “Tell-Tale Heart.”

• Your story concerns the night in question.

• Thus, you may begin at the precinct OR on the way OR at the house.

• You may also end at the house OR at the station OR at your own home after-shift.

• You will tell a descriptive story with a moral.

• You will use details in and implied by Poe’s original story.

o Most certainly, you may add your own creative ideas – I even encourage it –

o but you must adhere to the plot, setting, and atmosphere of the source.

• Remember, you are a police officer, trained in the art of keen observance.

• You may be at any time in your career and at any age.




(a significant event in your life)

• Tell the story of a major event in your life.

• Tell the story of a major change in your life, an event that changed your life or your way of thinking about a person, place, object, religion, institution, ….

• Below are some topic ideas:

• Achievement

• Mistake

• Deaths

• Divorce

• Pregnancy

• Abortion

• Rape

• Responsibility

• Graduation

• Heart Break

• Bad Vacation

• Sweet 16

• School activity (play, game)

• Firsts:

o Apartment

o Job, job interview

o Solo drive

o Day at college

o Heart break

• Realizations

o Bad friends

o Crime does not pay

o Behind the 8 ball

o True friendship

o No Santa

o Faith, religion, God, ….

o True meaning of … (holiday, family, )



|DESCRIPTION |Essay Basics: |


|NARRATION |Concise |

|LESSONS LEARNED (moral) |Introduction |

|CHRONOLOGY |Opening generalization regarding the type of lessons or type of experience |

|1ST-PERSON POV |Deductive narrowing toward your story |

|FOCUS |Brief background for the story (concise) |

|A FROZEN MOMENT IN TIME |Thesis Statement: |

|NOT a “life story” |What kind of experience? |

|NOT multiple days |What kind of lessons learned? |

|3-4 pages in length |Body |

|with sufficient detail |Chronology |

|no room for extraneous material |Story |

|PART of a chapter in your autobiography |Conclusion |

|neither a FULL CHAPTER |Refer back to your Introduction (bring the essay full-circle) |

|nor an ENTIRE BOOK |In-depth discussion of those lessons learned that were implied in the Introduction|


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