Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC ...

Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC)-Title IV, Part B

Continuation Report 2021-22

Cohorts 10 and 11

CAUTION: You must have last year's application/continuation report in front

of you as reference to complete this report.

Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Office of Childhood, Quality Programs P.O. Box 480 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480 (573) 751-6793 Afterschool@dese.

Table of Contents

Continuation Details


DESE Communication to Grantees




Students with Disabilities




Goals and Objectives




Quality Improvement Resources


Cohort 10


Cohort 11


Program Activity Plan


Reporting Requirements


Government Performance and Results Act


Kids Care Center


Financial Guidance/Requirements


Budget Guidance


Indirect Costs


Continuation Submission Requirements


Submission Process


CONTINUATION DETAILS This continuation report refers to the Missouri 21st CCLC/Afterschool Grants. It is understood that the grantee has on file a copy of their original Year 1 application for complete guidelines. If you do not have a copy, you may request an electronic copy from the Quality Programs section; however, there may be an order and printing charge that you will have to pay. All terms and conditions, requirements and specifications of the original award and any subsequent continuation awards must remain the same and apply during the 2021-22 continuation period. For the 2021-22 Continuation Period:


10 11

Original Award Year

2017-18 2019-20

Grant Cycle for 2021-22

5th year of 5 year cycle 3rd year of 5 year cycle

Remaining Years (pending the availability of funds) 0 2

Although an attempt has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, DESE does not warrant or represent that information provided reflects all relationships or existing conditions related to the continuation report. Continuations are subject to any state and/or federal legislation, regulations, laws and/or availability of funds.

The information provided in this continuation guidance only reflects changes to the original Year One award and any subsequent continuation years.


The Afterschool Portal maintains all relevant and important information concerning your awarded/approved grant. It is the grantee's responsibility to frequently check the Portal for announcements, updates, training information, reporting forms, procedures, etc. as DESE office will no longer be sending out mass email messages. Failure to frequently check the Portal may result in missed deadlines, changes to grant requirements, funding updates or other announcements, additional information requested by DESE, etc.

Occasionally DESE office will share resources or best practices with grantees. Please note these resources or best practices are provided in the event they may be of assistance to grantees; these are just resources and not grant requirements. You shall still follow all grant requirements as provided by DESE office. If DESE office changes a grant requirement, it will be noted as a requirement change when distributed. DESE office will continue to notify grantees on an individual basis when it concerns the individual grant award or program.

REMINDERS Program Operation: Grantees must offer services no less than four (4) days per week during a typical school year and no less than 12 hours per week. Programs may be offered during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session (i.e. summer, breaks, holidays, or weekends, etc.). Programs may offer services to students during normal school hours only on days when school is not in session (e.g. school holidays or teacher professional development days). The minimum hours per week must not include transportation time, if offered. There are no minimum requirements for summer hours.

Note: While the number of required hours was reduced per week, DESE still encourages programs to operate at least 15 hours per week. Programs should provide schedules to meet the needs of participating students and their families. In addition, in order to best serve the children of working families, programs should establish consistent and dependable hours of operation. DESE also


encourages programs to operate the length of the school year in order to accommodate working families. The extended learning time (ELT) option is not allowed with this grant award.

Staff: DESE encourages support of school administrators; however, paying school administrators (i.e., superintendents) to work in the afterschool program is discouraged as these positions are generally under contract to serve their schools at all times. It would be difficult to justify additional time and pay for afterschool programs in a school building.

Risk: Grantees who do not meet 80% of regular student attendance levels (based on proposed number of students served 30+ days or more in application) will be placed in moderate risk. Grantees who do not meet 50% of regular attendance levels will be placed in high risk. Budgets may be reduced based on previous year's attendance results.

Grantees who do not spend 25% of awarded budget by December 25 will be placed in moderate financial expenditure risk. Grantees who do not spend 80% of awarded budget by April 25 will be placed in high financial expenditure risk.

Academic Services: Grantees must ensure that the academic services they provide are aligned with the school's curriculum in the core subject areas of at least, but not limited to, math, reading/language arts and science.

Grantees provided an assurance that the proposed program was developed and will be carried out in active collaboration with the schools that participating students attend (including through the sharing of relevant data among the schools), all participants of the eligible entity and any partnership entities, in compliance with applicable laws relating to privacy and confidentiality. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES All questions should be emailed (please do not include any personably identifiable information) to your assigned DESE Afterschool Supervisor who will then forward your inquiry directly to the Office of Special Education within DESE; each situation shall be handled on a case-by-case basis by DESE Office of Special Education. By submitting your inquiry this way, it ensures the appropriate DESE office is reviewing and responding to your inquiry adequately as it relates to any laws, regulations and/or funding requirements.

DEFINITIONS LEA: local education agency (schools) Non-LEA: non local education agency (non-schools) CBO: community-based organization MASN: Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN) QIR: Quality Improvement Resources ARE: Afterschool Regional Educator/coaches



The Quality Programs Section developed three goals along with objectives that each grantee will be responsible for working towards. Grantees must write to how their program design and budget will help meet these goals (you do not need to write to the objectives).

Goal 1:

Support or increase student achievement and sense of competence in the areas of reading/English language arts, mathematics and science.

Objective 1.1: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the reading/English language arts rubric.

Objective 1.2: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the math rubric.

Objective 1.3: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the science rubric.

For each Goal 1 objective, a) rubric items include maintain or increase grades (all 30+), b) increase grades for students identified as "need", c) state assessment scores, d) state end of course exams, e) efficacy.

Goal 2:

Develop and maintain a quality program that includes a safe and supportive environment, positive interactions and meaningful opportunities for engagement.

Objective 2.1: The afterschool site(s) will score satisfactory or above on the program quality rubric.

Objective 2.2: The afterschool sites(s) will score satisfactory or above on the school day alignment rubric.

Objective 2.3: The afterschool site(s) will score satisfactory or above on the broad array rubric.

Objective 2.4: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the family engagement rubric.

Goal 2 rubric items include Program Quality Assessment (PQA), documentation of ongoing coordination and communication with regular day, implementation of academic strategies based on individual student needs, daily and weekly schedules, lesson plans, social and emotional learning activities, meaningful opportunities for family engagement and surveys from program staff, school

Goal 3:

Enhance youth's career and life readiness skills and behaviors, including positive school behaviors, personal and social skills and commitment to learning.

administrators, families and youth.

Objective 3.1: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the program attendance rubric.

Objective 3.2: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on personal and social skills rubric.

Objective 3.3: The afterschool grantee will score satisfactory or above on the commitment to learning rubric.

Goal 3 rubric items include program attendance (proposed vs. actual, 30+, 45+ and 60+), school day attendance, school discipline data and youth surveys.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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