Mobile phone applications Karl Morteo

Information Technology Division (CIO) Mobile Phone Applications

Mobile phone applications Karl Morteo

Information Technology Division (CIO) Mobile Phone Applications

What is a mobile phone application?

Any information system that uses a mobile phone. From a simple informational text message to a full blown application running on your phone. From web application accessed though a phone to a custom client server application to a local application with no storage.

So now we have narrowed the scope down :-)

Information Technology Division (CIO) Mobile Phone Applications

Mobile phone application difficulties?

Rapidly evolving technology. Competing standards. Caught between the ICT giants. Massive diversity of phones old and new.

Mobile phone applications are potentially very expensive to develop and support

so why bother?

Information Technology Division (CIO) Mobile Phone Applications

Why bother with a mobile phone application?

Timeliness of data Accessibility/availability of data Accuracy of data Extra data from (cell location/GPS, photo/video/sound, bar code reader) User base/Crowd Cost Superior to computer ? portability, easy, network

Information Technology Division (CIO) Mobile Phone Applications

AGA Animal Disease Tracking System / EMPRES-i AGP Desert locust - Keith Cressman AGP Locust surveillance (Mauritania to India) AGP Monitoring multiplication sites - cassava disease (Central Africa) AGP Large scale pest reporting (Uganda/Tanzania) AGP Pesticide Tracking from customs to use and disposal CIO HQ Phone Book CIO HQ Security Guard System CIO Statistical Data Warehouse Browser ? Karl Morteo EASY Pol (Mobile banking) ? Don't have own app. ECTAD Viet Nam Animal Disease Alerts (Bird Flu) EST Market Price FOE Forestry publicity iPhone App ? Lauren Flejzor FOM Forestry Inventory ? In progress - Gino Miceli NR/FO Advanced Fire Information System - SMS Alert - John Latham TCE DPT (Crop Pests) ? Phil Fong TCE DPT SADC (Animal Disease) ? Phil Fong TCE Emergency? Antonio Stocchi TCE/AGA Bangladesh SMS Gateway (Animal Disease) - Mat Yamage TCI Farmers Field School Monitoring System ? Takayuki Hagiwara TCI Rural Invest - Aidan Gulliver


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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