Cold War (8 descriptions, 8 pictures)TIMESPAN: The Cold War (1947- 1991)United Nations (UN) Formed (1945)Germany Divided (1945)Truman Doctrine (1947)Marshall Plan (1948)Berlin Airlift (1948)NATO Formed (1949)Warsaw Pact Formed (1955)Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Execution (1953)right18001Total151 Events80 Pictures 80 Descriptions Completed and Due Monday After Spring Break (March 19th) 00Total151 Events80 Pictures 80 Descriptions Completed and Due Monday After Spring Break (March 19th) Sputnik I (1957)TIMESPAN: Korean War (1950- 1953) Kim Il-sung invades South Korea (1950)UN forces push North Korea to Yalu River- the border with China (1950)Chinese forces cross Yalu and enter Korean War (1950)Armistice Signed (1953)1950s Society(4 descriptions, 4 pictures)TIMESPAN: 1950s Prosperity (1950-1959)TIMESPAN: Baby Boom (1946- 1964)TIMESPAN: Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953- 1961)GI Bill (1944)Interstate Highway Act (1956)Elvis Presley First Hit Song (1956)Leave it to Beaver First Airs on TV (1957)Polio Vaccine (1955)Kennedy and Johnson Presidencies (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: John F. Kennedy (1961- 1963)TIMESPAN: Lyndon B. Johnson (1963- 1969)Kennedy versus Nixon TV Debate (1960)Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)Peace Corps Formed (1961)Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas, Texas (1963)The Great Society (1964)Warren Court (5 descriptions, 5 pictures)TIMESPAN: Warren Court (1953- 1969)Gideon v. Wainwright?(1963)Mapp v. Ohio?(1961)Miranda v. Arizona?(1966)Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)Hernandez v. Texas (1954)Brown v. Board of Education (1954)Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)Vietnam War and the Turbulent 1960’s(10 descriptions, 10 pictures)TIMESPAN: Vietnam War (1955- 1975)Ho Chi Minh Established Communist Rule in Vietnam (1954) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)War Powers Resolution (1973)Tet Offensive (1968)TIMESPAN: Richard Nixon (1969- 1974)Vietnamization (1969)Fall of Saigon (1975)My Lai Massacre (1968)Invasion of Cambodia (1970)Pentagon Papers (1971)Woodstock Music Festival (1969)Kent State Shootings (1970)Draft Lottery (1969)26th Amendment (1971)Manson Family Murders (1969)Apollo 11 (1969)Wright Brother’s Airplane (1903)Civil Rights Movement (15 Descriptions, 15 Pictures)TIMEPAN: American Civil War (1861-1865)TIMESPAN: Reconstruction (1865-1877)13th Amendment (1865)14th Amendment (1868)15th Amendment (1870)Jim Crow Laws Start in South (1877)Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)Thurgood Marshall Appointed to Supreme Court (1967)Civil Rights Act of 1957 (1957)Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1964)Voting Rights Act of 1965 (1965)Little Rock Nine (1957)George Wallace Blocks University of Alabama Entrance (1963)Affirmative Action (1961)Title IX (1972)The Feminine Mystique (1963)Roe v. Wade (1973)Rosa Parks Arrested (1955)Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)March on Washington (1963)Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated (1968)Malcom X Assassinated (1965)United Farm Worker’s California Delano Grape Strike (1965)Chicano Mural Movement Begins (1960)24th Amendment (1964)Nixon Administration (5 Descriptions, 5 Pictures)Nixon Visits China (1972)Mao Zedong Established Communist Rule in China (1947)Policy of Détente Begins (1971)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1970)Engaged Species Act (1973)Watergate Scandal (1972)United States v. Nixon (1974)TIMESPAN: Gerald Ford (1974-1977)Ford Pardons Nixon (1974)Carter Administration (6 Descriptions, 6 Pictures)TIMESPAN: Jimmy Carter (1971-1981)Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (1977)Arab-Israeli War Begins (1948)Israeli-Palestine Conflict Begins (1964)Six Day War (1967)OPEC Oil Embargo (1973)Camp David Accords (1978)Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (1979)TIMESPAN: Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-1981)First Cell-Phones (1973)Bill Gates Starts Microsoft (1975)Steve Jobs Starts Apple (1976)Sam Walton Opens First Walmart (1962)Reagan Administration (6 Descriptions, 6 Pictures)TIMESPAN: Ronald Reagan (1981- 1989)End of Cold War (1989)“Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!” (1987)Conservative Resurgence (1981)“Trickle Down Economics” (1981)National Rifle Associate (NRA) Lobbying Begins (1975)Marines in Lebanon (1983)Iran-Contra Affair (1985)War on Drugs (1981)AIDS Epidemic (1981) Sandra Day O’Connor Appointed to U.S. Supreme Court (1981)The Oprah Winfrey Show First Airs (1986)George H. W. Bush Administration (4 Descriptions, 4 Pictures)TIMESPAN: George H. W. Bush (1989- 1993)Soviet Union Collapses (1991)Berlin Wall Falls (1989)Germany Reunification (1990)TIMESPAN: Persian Gulf War (1990- 1991)Iraq Invades Kuwait (1990)Operation Desert Storm (1991)Ms. Adcox Born (1991)NAFTA Founded (1994)RECENT (12 Descriptions, 12 Pictures)TIMESPAN: Bill Clinton (1993-2001)Contract with America (1994)Bill Clinton’s Impeachment (1998)Rodney King (1991)O.J. Simpson’s “Trial of the Century” (1995)TIMESPAN: George W. Bush (2001- 2009)USA Patriot Act (2001)Hurricane Katrina (2005)9/11 (September 11, 2001)War on Terror (2001)TIMESPAN: Iraq War (2003-2009)Saddam Hussein Executed (2006)TIMESPAN: War in Afghanistan (2001-2018)Iphone Released (2007)Facebook Launched (2004)NASA Mars Rover Mission Begins (2003)TIMESPAN: Barack Obama (2009- 2017)American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (2009)Hilary Clinton Appointed U.S. Secretary of State (2009)Sonia Sotomayor Appointed to U.S. Supreme Court (2009)Arab Spring (2010)Osama Bin Laden Killed (2011)Space X Falcon 9 (2015)Donald Trump Elected President (2017)22nd Amendment (1947)***ADD YOUR BIRTHDAY***ONLINE TIMELINE FINAL TOTALEvents Total: 244Descriptions Total: 123Pictures Total: 120 ................

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