Introduction: Atoms are tiny units that determine the properties of all matter. The elements on the periodic table represent the different atoms that can combine to make up the everyday products you use to make your life easier. You are given an element on the periodic table. You need to research to find specific information.

The element selected for you to research is:__________________________

Project Due Date: A-day October 20 and B-day October 21

PART 1: Complete research to find the information on the element that is listed below. It can be typed or handwritten or you can request a form to be filled out. 35 points

• Name Origin (where the named came from)

• Discoverer (who discovered it)

• Year discovered

• Location of the element on the periodic table

o Period number

o Column number

• Name of the Family

• Location in Nature (ex… the atmosphere, earth’s crust etc….)

• One unusual or interesting fact:

• Uses in society and science

• Atomic (Bohr’s) Model

o protons, electrons and neutrons should be clearly identified with amounts and legend code – see example

• Symbol of the element

• Atomic number

• Mass number

• Physical properties (include the proper units of measurements when necessary)

o Color

o Natural physical state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)

o Melting point

o Luster (shiny or dull)

o Classification (metal, nonmetal or metalloid)

• Chemical properties:

Select 4 from the list of chemical properties and find out the specific information about your element.

Reaction to water? Reaction to acids? Reaction to air? (will it rust ?) Electronegativity Combustible? (yes or no) Is it Radioactive?

Flammable? (yes or no) Combing Capacity? (can it combine with other elements??

• Compounds (examples of chemical formulas, is any, with the element’s symbol)

Part 2: Design a Booklet: INCLUDE ALL THE INFORMATION ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE IN YOUR BOOKLET. Design a cover which includes the uses. 15 points

|Making A Brochure : Element Project |

|CATEGORY |5 |4 |3 |2 |

|Content - Accuracy |All requested information is|80% of the requested |60% of the requested |Fewer than 60% of the |

| |included and facts in the |information is included and |information is included and |requested information is |

| |brochure are accurate. |nearly all facts in the |several facts in the |included and some facts in |

| | |brochure are accurate. |brochure are inaccurate. |the brochure are inaccurate.|

|Graphics/Pictures |Graphics go well with the |Graphics go well with the |Graphics go well with the |Graphics do not go with the |

| |text and there is a good mix|text, but there are so many |text, but there are too few |accompanying text or appear |

| |of text and graphics. |that they distract from the |and the brochure seems |to be randomly chosen. |

| | |text. |"text-heavy". | |

|Attractiveness & |The brochure has |The brochure has attractive |The brochure has |The brochure's formatting |

|Organization |exceptionally attractive |formatting and |well-organized information. |and organization of material|

| |formatting and |well-organized information. | |are confusing to the reader.|

| |well-organized information. | | | |

EXTRA CREDIT: Create a mole for Mole Day ORAL PRESENTATION October 22 and 23:

1 minute oral presentation to show your “mole” using the pattern provided. Decorate your mole to represent your element! Time to show off your knowledge and your design! 5 extra credit points

Some suggested websites for ELEMENT PROJECT:

|Name of the site: |Web address: |

|Webelements | |

| | |

|Periodic Table of the Elements | |

|Periodic Table of the Elements | |

|Periodic Table of the Elements | |

|Chemical | |

|Environmental chemistry | |

Student’s Name_______________________________ Class_________

Name of Element:_________________________________________


• Atomic (Bohr’s) Model : (protons, electrons and neutrons should be clearly identified with amounts and legend code – see example)

Protons:_____________ Neutrons:_____________ Electrons: _________

Bohr’s Model:

• Symbol of the element: ________ Atomic number: _________ Mass number: ______

• Name Origin (where the named came from):___________________________________


• Discoverer (who discovered it):____________________________________________

• Year discovered:______________________________________________________

• Location of the element on the periodic table:

o Period number: ________________ Column number:___________________

• Name of the Family:___________________________________________________

• Location in Nature (ex… the atmosphere, earth’s crust etc….): _____________________

• One unusual or interesting fact: )____________________________________


• Uses (minimum of 3 uses )________________________________________________




• Physical properties (include the proper units of measurements when necessary)

• Color : ________________________________________________________

• Physical state of matter: _____________________________________________

• Melting point: ______________________________________________________

• Luster (shiny or dull) : _______________________________________________

• Classification (metal, nonmetal or metalloid) : ______________________________

• Chemical properties:





Compounds, if any (examples of chemical formulas with the element’s symbol):



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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