Before I get old and die I would like to get at least 10 ...

Learning Circles: Mindworks High School

January- May 2009

Teacher: Sasha Connors

Theme: The Bucket List

Burlington County Institute of Tehcnology

Grade 10


Our Bucket List

by Jahkina Robinson, Patience Sparrow, and Hyrema Mariano

❖ Pierce tongue

❖ Get at least 10 tattoos

❖ Skydive

❖ Marry and have kids

❖ Go to Paris

❖ Star in a music video

❖ Have my own record label

❖ Meet the President of the U.S

❖ Be the star of a movie

Before I get old and die I would like to get at least 10 tattoo’s. I think that tattoos express the way you are, your personality and your creativeness. Whatever design you get on your body must mean that you really like it because it is going to permanently be their. I want to get my name on my back, my kids baby foot print with there date of birth, a cross on the back of my neck, and a dedication to my great grandpa etc. From a simple thing as a name, to possibly a face, a tattoo shows you’re since of style. So that’s why I want to get at least 10 tattoos before I get old and die.

I want to get married before I die. That is because I want to wake up to the one I love every morning. Also so I could get breakfast in bed once in a while. I have always dreamed about having a big wedding. The one time that everything is all about me. Then I want to have kids because I want to love them. To give them everything I think that they deserve. I want to laugh with my kids and not to be that serious like my mom. I would just want to be an awesome mom and a great wife.

Before I die I want to go sky diving. You should want to live your life to the fullest so why not do the crazy, wild, adventurous things. When I imagine me sky diving thoughts of a roller coaster without a seat with straps go through my mind. When I see people sky dive it just seems as though all of their stress and worries fade away into the air. Also when I see people falling out of the sky it seems like fun. Somebody has told me it was a great experience.

Bucket List by Nelson Gibson and Carnell Martin

• Go to California

• Get a tattoo

• Meet Meagan Good/ Lauren London

• Be On Television

• Design my own clothing line

• Go deep sea diving

• Go to the moon

• Climb the tallest Mountain

• Drive the fastest car

• Own 1000 pairs of sneakers

Nelson and I would like to go to California for many reasons. Some of those reasons are to go and site see, but mostly to shop in Hollywood and get tattoos. We chose California because it’s just the best place to be. The night life in California is the BEST! They party all night, into the early morning. Nelson and I would also like to go to California to shop till we drop, and go on shopping sprees. We would also like to try surfing. Surfing would be a great and new experience for us. We would wake up early in the morning and surf until sunset like true and hardcore surfers would.

Carolyn Weston 4/28/09

Bucket List

• Travel around the world

• Learn to fly a helicopter

• Scuba diving

• Hot air balloon

• Under water hotel

• Submarine

• Own a “different” pet

• Statue of liberty

• Ride on space shuttle

• Life supply of money

I always wanted to travel around the world. When I was Younger relatives would always come back to share their souvenirs, pictures, and exciting stories .Every time the stories got more exciting and they seemed to be so different from what I was use to. It fascinated me. The more trips they went on the more I wanted to travel. I would often day dream about what it would be like if I were there. I wanted to look around, touch, feel, and taste things. I wanted to see so many places I figured I might as well see the whole world. I want to learn about their cultures and the languages they speak. I want to learn how their lives differ from mine. I’m curious about their landscape, climate, what they do for fun, what kinds of food they eat, etc. I wouldn’t mind spending my whole life traveling around the world. Just the views are amazing.

To me scuba diving opens up a new world. You can actually get a close up look at all of the fish and plants. There are varieties of shapes, colors, sizes, textures. You can touch and feel and browse around I just want to explore underwater world. My curiosity takes me to want to see what’s there. There are so many different species and no two of the same fish look exactly alike. I would like to examine their lifestyle. I think it’s fascinating at the fact that there are so many things to explore. I would never get board because there are so many things to look at.

I want to get on a hot air balloon to get over my fear of heights. When I was little I was bothered by heights but that didn’t stop me from being a high distance from ground. But it seems that the older I get the more it bothers me. So I figured that maybe the scenery would distract me from the fact that I’m so high up in the air. I would be able to look down and not be bothered by it.

Julia Rivera 4/28/09

Bucket List

← Travel around the world

← Scuba diving

← Go on a hot air balloon

← Have a pool

← Want to ride on a space shuttle

← Want a snake

← Want to go to New York City

← Go to a rainforest

← Have a life time supply of gum

I want to travel all around the world because I want to learn about different cultures. I want to learn what different languages the countries have and learn their language. I wonder what they eat, and if it’s even good to eat. I wonder what kind of jobs they have in other the countries. In other parts of the world what do the kids do for fun and what kind of sports they have?

I want to go on a hot air balloon because I never experienced flying high before. I want to do something that is out of my comfort zone. I want to see if it is true that if you go over the country side it looks like puzzle pieces. I want to touch a cloud in the sky. I want to see how high up the hot air balloon goes.

I want to go up on a space shuttle because I want to know what space really looks like from earth. I wonder how astronauts walk on the moon, if I really do get to go there. I wonder how they walk if there is no gravity. I want to fix a satellite.

My Bucket List











I would like to go to Italy because that’s where most of my family is from. I would like to see where they came from. Also I think it would be cool to see the comparison between America and Italy. Many people say Italy is a very pretty country and there is a lot to do there. It would be very neat to see everything

Before I die I would like to go sky diving. I love to feel the adrenaline rush and the feeling of being terrified. The way I look at those types of things is that I’d rather go sky dining and know how it is then live not ever knowing how it would have felt.

Sometime in my life I would like to adopt a child. Adopting children is important to me because I feel bad for the children without homes and families. Even if I have my own children I’d like to adopt them for their needs, not my own. Mainly I’d like to have the bad teenagers and bring them in to help them and give them a stable home.

By: Tori Maffetone

LaShe Bundy, Jalisa Thomas, & Shantita Lee April 24, 2009

Block 4 Our Bucket List

During my lifetime I have heard Hawaii is beautiful. I always wanted to travel there. I have seen pictures, the water is so clear. Hawaii is a place you go to enjoy the beach or just the outside itself. The pina coladas are supposed to be out of this world! I’d enjoy taking a vacation there.

My bucket list consists of meeting Trey Songz. I’d like to meet him because I love him. I enjoy his music and have purchased his two albums. I’m looking forward to his new album “Ready” which is coming out June 30th. He is an amazing artist; he presents himself very well; his physical appearance as well as his speech. I would enjoy being in his presence.

Before I die I would like to get married and have two kids. I would like to get married because I always dreamed of the feeling of having a wedding. I think getting married would be exciting and enjoyable. I would love to go on my honeymoon and hopefully start building my family. I always hoped of having twins, and even if I wasn’t fortunate enough I would appreciate having one beautiful child who I could pass my spirits on to. These are my hopes for the future.

Tyler Brown 4-24-09

English II Ms. Connors

Bucket List

List of things to do before I die:

• Meet Kyla Pratt

• Help the needy all over the world

• Become a Organ Donor

• Travel the World

• Work in the best Restaurant on Earth

• Make a million a year

• Eat the best buffalo wings

• See my Sisters go to College

• Fly on a private Jet

• Take a rocket to Space

Before I die I would like to help the needy all over the world. The reason I want to do so is because as a child I would see homeless people and drug addicts laying around on the streets and mostly begging for money, which made me always think “what would I do if I was in that position and no one helped me.” When I watch commercials on TV about the victims of Hurricane Katrina I feel as though Americans aren’t doing enough to help those in need in our own Country but yet they can go to other countries and help them out. I want to see Africa as a strong continent instead of having countries where half the pop. Is starving to death or going through droughts most of the year leaving them with a scarce food supply, I would like to see them recover before I die and I would put forth my best efforts to make that happen.

Another lifetime aspiration I have in life is working in the best restaurant known to man. The reason I want to do so is because I love to cook in a commercial kitchen and I want to become successful at everything I do no matter what it takes. I don’t want to be on TV or anything but I would love to just work in a restaurant that can support me and my family and can also buy me a house, cars and a timeshare. Working in a kitchen is already a great privilege to me but working in the best restaurant would be an honor, me working there would mean more to me than Barack Obama staying president.

The last aspiration that I’m going to emphasize is to travel the world. The reason I want to travel the world is because I want to explore other cultures and different scenery on earth. I’ve always wanted to walk threw rainforest in Africa then walk on the beaches of Jamaica, I haven’t left the U.S yet so visiting other countries would be mad fun to do. So many countries have different histories from what our history books teach us and I would love to go to those different countries and learn their perspectives on Life also.


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