Ms. Holm Science

Ms. Holm: 8th Grade ScienceEmail: Jessica.Holm@Class Website: CANVAS Website Dear Parent or Guardian,My name is Ms. Jessica Holm and I am excited to inform you that I will be your child’s science teacher this year. Below are the suggested supplies for success, expectations and rules for my classroom. Please read the entire packet as it contains important information for my class including classroom procedures, rules, rewards and consequences. The last page is extremely important and is mandatory. Please complete and return to me by Friday, August 26, 2016. This will be your student's first grade. Let’s have an exciting year!Grading ScaleGrading SystemA – 100-90%Classwork B – 89-80%Quizzes C – 79-70%Tests D – 69-60%Projects/ Labs F – 59% and below ***Pinnacle should be reviewed by parents & students weekly for grades and attendance***Classroom Keys to Success Suggested Materials List ***REMIND APP***Effort ? Integrity ? 4 College Ruled Spiral 1 Subject Note Books TEXT YOUR CLASS CODE TO 81010 Determination ? Initiative (about 75 pages per notebook) 1ST… @p1holm 2nd… @p2holm Perseverance ? Responsibility ? Duotang 2 Pocket Folder with 3 prongs 3rd… @p3holm 5th… @p5holm ? College Ruled Paper 6th… @p6holm ? PENCILS, Glue stick, Scissors, Novel or book ***Parents & Students Please Signup ? Colored Pencils Highlighters, Pencil Pouch for Frequent Class Reminders***Classroom Expectations I expect each student to be on time to my class with an open mind and ready to learn.I expect each student to be prepared for each day of school. That includes having all required materials and assignments with you.I expect each student to have respect: for one another, for themselves, for myself, for school faculty, the lab and lab equipment.I expect each student to be creative thinkers, participate, and have fun!Classroom RulesPlease raise your hand and wait patiently to be called upon.Please remain in your assigned area. Please follow directions from all adults in and outside of my classroom.Absolutely NO IPODS, CELL PHONES or any other electronic devices (other than a calculator) may be used during class. Gum, food and beverages are not permitted in the lab/classroom. Privileges and RewardsPraiseMusic/Game Time in classGood GradesSnacksPositive Parent ContactRewardSit next to friends in classLunch PartySit in teachers chairAnd many more!Consequences Level 1 – Verbal Warning ***Other: Seat Change / Call HomeLevel 2 – Parent Contact/Behavior Form Alternative AssignmentLevel 3 – Detention and Parent/Teacher Conference Teacher/Student conferenceLevel 4 – Administrative Referral Procedures:Tardiness/AbsencesIn the event a student is late, he/she will enter the class quietly, place the pass on the teacher’s desk, and must not interrupt proceedings in the class. Upon returning from an absence, students will immediately turn in the excuse for the absence and consult the “In case you missed it” binder for any class work missed. If needed, student may ask for assistance.Beginning of Day ProceduresStudents will come in to class quickly and quietly. If pencils need to be sharpened, do so before the bell. ON TIME IS BEING IN YOUR SEAT WHEN THE BELL RINGS. Students will then look to and write the study skill in their agenda, complete the "Catalyst" assignment in the prescribed time, and look to the day’s agenda.Borrowing materialsIf a student is borrowing the teacher’s materials (pen/pencil/ruler etc.) the student must leave collateral for the assured return of the borrowed object. If the student loses the material he/she must replace the item before the collateral is returned.Handing in Class workStudents will turn in all class work at the prescribed time to the bins in the assigned area of the classroom with minimal distraction to other students. Bathroom ProceduresStudents will fill out agenda with all necessary information (name, time, and period) before giving bathroom signal to teacher. Student may not leave 10 minutes after the class bell or 10 minutes before bell to use restroom.End of period proceduresWith the last few minutes of class the students will make sure all books/lab supplies are in proper place. The class will also pickup all trash on the floor (regardless of ownership) and straighten tables and chairs. Class will be dismissed when all students are in assigned seat, packed up and class is in proper order upon teacher discretion. In case a Rule/Procedure/ Expectation is broken…If at any point in time the class forgets or does not perform the rules, expectations or procedures up to the standards of the teacher the class will repeat the broken procedure/rule/expectation and relearn its importance to the classroom. Expectations for Parents (That’s Right! You have a job too! :) I expect all parents to…Keep a mindful eye on the students grades through the use of the Pinnacle online grade bookRespond to all teacher-parent communication in a timely fashion, through use of email, telephone, or notes in your student's agenda.If possible please inform me of absences ahead of time so makeup work can be assigned and the student can stay on track.Please check my web site for any information you may need, in the event the information is not available please contact me. (CANVAS Website ).Contact information for myself: Email: Jessica.Holm@Phone: (754) 321-4100 x3039**ATTENTION PARENTS **By signing this you and the student are agreeing to uphold this classroom plan to the best of your ability. Bringing this paper back signed and in a timely fashion will be the first grade in my classroom. Parents, by signing this you are also agreeing to uphold the classroom plan to the best of your ability.Student’s name: ___________________________________Student’s signature: __________________________________Relationship Parent/Guardian(s) name(s) ______________________________________________________Parent/Guardian(s) signature _____________________________________________________*Print Parent Email address: *Contact Phone Numbers: Email 1: ____________________@__________________________ Home: ____________________________Email 2: ____________________@_________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________Additional Contact Information:_______________________________________________________________Your student’s second grade in my class will be a short quiz on this classroom plan. ................

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