Windows 7 Fundamentals –Week 5 Quiz

Please write the letter of the best answer to the following questions.How do I display the Data & Time options? _____Click on the date and time text in the Task Bar.Open the “Computer” icon on the desktop.Right Click the Mouse pointing to the Start Menu buttonPress the Windows key.When is it best to use Sticky Notes? _____When writing a resume.To calculate your budget.To create quick reminders of future events and tasks.To impress your friends.Why should you adjust your power options? _____Save electricity.Better hide the screen contents while you are away.To customize the PC’s behavior to meet your personal tastes.You should never change them.When should you use the Windows7Helper? _____When looking for Word Processing tips.For examples of basic Windows 7 operations.Before you start each day.Never.When should you use the Snipping Tool? _____To copy text from one document to another.To copy a document between folders.To edit a picture.To extract and save an image from the desktop display.What does the Internet Browser save on your computer? _____Passwords.Sites you have visited.Individual pages from sites you’ve visited.All of the above.What’s the risk of saving passwords in the Browser? _____There’s no risk.Your passwords can be accessed by a virus.Your computer could run out of disk space.No risk if your password are strong.What program folder are the accessory programs found?_____They aren’t in a folder.The MyPrograms folder.The Accessories program folder.The MyDocuments folder.What would I use to find the liter equivalent of 5 gallons? _____ The InternetMy engineer son.The calculator – Basic viewThe calculator – Standard Unit ConversionWhat option displays all of the computer settings? _____The Start MenuThe Control PanelAll Programs menuThe Computer Option. ................

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