Tweaking Windows Handout

Repairing Windows 2000

Stop Services:

Start >Run >services.msc

The Following Services Were Stopped and changed to Manual:

COM + event system, Cryptographics, Desktop windows manager session, Diagnostic policy, Function discovery resource, IP helper, Server, TCP/IP netbios helper, Web client.

The Following Services Were Stopped and disabled:

Alerter, Automatic Updates, Background intelligent, ClipBook, CommTtraffic service, Internet Connection Sharing, Messenger, Messenger Sharing folder, Microsoft System Management, Network DDE DSDM, Protected Storage, Remote Desktop, Remote Registry, Routing and Remote Access, System Restore, Telnet, Windows Firewall and Windows Update, System Restore

Reinstall DirectX

Install directx from c:\DirectX

Upgrade Internet Explorer from 5 to 6: Use IE 6 All windows updater

Reinstall Java run time 1.6 and remove jusched.exe from program files\java

Update flash and shockwave

Remove Mobsync.exe

Edit the following registry key:


Remove mobsync.exe

Right Click Start >Explore >Tools >Folder Options >Offline Files > Uncheck Enable Offline Files

Reinstall Diskeeper and patch it

Install Rollup for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Removing ctfmon.exe

Control Panel>Regional and Language Options>Languages>Details>Advanced,

and check the box that says Turn off advanced text services.

Start >Run >Regsvr32.exe /u msimtf.dll

Start >Run >Regsvr32.exe /u msctf.dll


Delete ctfmon.exe

Booting XP image on Acer T-136


Error 1: No bootable drives found

Error 2: missing or corrupt hal file


Error 1: Bios automatically makes first partition on HD 0 invisible to Windows

Error 2: 5-User XP image originally created on different PC hardware


1. Use Bootit to make HD all free space.

2. Restore image of 1 GB fat32 partition.

2. Using Windows XP CD install Windows onto the remaining free space.

3. During Windows installation do quick format NTFS.

4. Boot into windows. Set folder options to show all known file types and all hidden system files.

5. Copy to a flash drive file, boot.ini, from root directory of Windows (usually C:\ drive).

6. Copy to a flash drive file, hal.dll, from C:\windows\system32

7. Use Bootit to delete Windows partition. Leave Compaq config partition.

8. Restore image of Windows onto the resulting free space.

9. If necessary, set restored Windows partition to active

10. Using Bootit do a properties on the Windows partition. If prompted click OK to fix head spin error

11. Restore image of data partition on the remaining free space and resize to max capacity

12. With flash drive attached, boot from Windows CD into recovery console

13. Copy boot.ini from flash drive to root of Windows partition

14. Copy hal.dll from flash drive to c:\windows\system32

15. Boot PC first into safe mode. Let it detect hardware. Then reboot normally!



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