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REPORT TO PARLIAMENT ON THE COLLECTION OF PBS/RPBS UNDER CO-PAYMENT PRESCRIPTION DATA 2012-13Report to Parliament on the Collection of PBS/RPBS Under Co-payment Prescription Data 2012-13ISBN: 978-1-74186-115-0?Online ISBN: 978-1-74186-116-7?Publications approval number: 10583Copyright Statements:Paper-based publications? Commonwealth of Australia 2014This work is copyright. You may reproduce the whole or part of this work in unaltered form for your own personal use or, if you are part of an organisation, for internal use within your organisation, but only if you or your organisation do not use the reproduction for any commercial purpose and retain this copyright notice and all disclaimer notices as part of that reproduction. Apart from rights to use as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 or allowed by this copyright notice, all other rights are reserved and you are not allowed to reproduce the whole or any part of this work in any way (electronic or otherwise) without first being given the specific written permission from the Commonwealth to do so. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights are to be sent to the Communication Branch, Department of Health, GPO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, or via e-mail to Internet sites? Commonwealth of Australia 2014 This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce the whole or part of this work in unaltered form for your own personal use or, if you are part of an organisation, for internal use within your organisation, but only if you or your organisation do not use the reproduction for any commercial purpose and retain this copyright notice and all disclaimer notices as part of that reproduction. Apart from rights to use as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 or allowed by this copyright notice, all other rights are reserved and you are not allowed to reproduce the whole or any part of this work in any way (electronic or otherwise) without first being given the specific written permission from the Commonwealth to do so. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights are to be sent to the Communication Branch, Department of Health, GPO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, or via e-mail to supplieran approved pharmacist, an approved medical practitioner, or an approved hospital authority as prescribed in?Section 84 of the National Health Act 1953Community pharmacya pharmacy business carried on, at or from, the particular premises in respect of which a pharmacist is approved under Section 90 of the National Health Act 1953Co-paymentthe amount of contribution paid by patients towards PBS/RPBS medicines Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Co-payments for 2012-13DateGeneral co-paymentConcessionalco-payment1 Jan 2012 – 31 Dec 2012$35.40$5.801 Jan 2013 – 31 Dec 2013$36.10$5.90Pharmacy software vendorscompanies responsible for maintaining desktop software on behalf of approved suppliersSubsidisedover co-paymentUnder co-paymenta prescription that relates to an item priced below the patient contribution as defined in the National Health Act 1953.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe collection of under co-payment prescription data for the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) commenced on 1?April 2012.During the first full financial year of the collection, from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013, the Department of Human Services (DHS) processed approximately 62 million under co-payment prescriptions. This equates to 22.7% of total PBS/RPBS prescriptions, slightly higher than the anticipated volume of 20%.Data has been successfully collected from both community pharmacies and public and private hospitals. Analysis has shown that 99% of pharmacies and 94% of hospitals have submitted under co-payment prescriptions at some stage during the year. The data being collected is of a high quality, and pharmacies should be congratulated on implementing the collection so successfully. The additional data is providing the Department of Health and other researchers with enhanced coverage of medicines that are approved and dispensed under the PBS/RPBS. It is improving the accuracy of information available to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and others to support decision making and policy formulation.BACKGROUNDLegislationThe collection of PBS/RPBS under co-payment prescription data was agreed to under the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement (5CPA), and announced in the 2010-11 Budget. Legislation enabling the data to be collected is provided for in the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Act 2010 (the Amendment Bill). Supporting legislative instruments, made by the then Department of Health and Ageing and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, were registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments prior to 1?April 2012.On 22 November 2010 as part of the second reading motion of the Amendment Bill in the Senate, Senator Siewert moved a second reading amendment in relation to the second reading motion for the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Bill 2010 which stated that:'...the Senate calls on the Government:to ensure that there is an annual report to Parliament on all available data on under co-payment products, including the drug name and form, the quantities dispensed;...'.Hansard from the Senate indicates that this second reading amendment was agreed to (page?1799).Data collectionAs agreed under the 5CPA, the data being collected includes:the patient’s name;the patient’s Medicare Number;information about the prescription (including the date of prescribing and supply, the PBS code number, the drug name and form, the quantity dispensed and the number of repeats); the prescriber approval number; and the approved supplier name.Pricing information is not being collected.Approved suppliers go through similar steps when processing both subsidised and under co-payment prescriptions, using pharmaceutical dispensing software programmes. In providing under co-payment data pharmacists are not performing any additional work, apart from validation of essential information such as prescription dates, pharmacy identification, patient eligibility and medication details. Funding of $2.9 million was provided in the 2010-11 Budget to assist pharmacy software vendors to make a number of changes to pharmacy IT systems relating to 5CPA programs, including changes to allow under co-payment data collection.Under co-payment data is being collected and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the secrecy provisions of the National Health Act 1953. The Office of the Information Commissioner has been advised of this.Both the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Department of Human Services have confirmed that no significant issues have been reported since the collection commenced. There were some initial difficulties with dispensing software at a small number of pharmacies and hospitals but these issues were resolved prior to 1 July 2012. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: Under co-payment prescriptions 2012-13 (by date of processing)DRUG NAMEFORM STRENGTHPrescription NumbersPBSPrescription NumbersRPBSPrescription NumbersTOTALSACAMPROSATETablet (enteric coated) containing acamprosate calcium 333 mg1515ACARBOSETablet 100 mg11ACARBOSETablet 50 mg4,5654,565ACETAZOLAMIDETablet 250 mg14,276714,283ACICLOVIREye ointment 30 mg per g, 4.5 g13,09213,092ACICLOVIRTablet 200 mg4040ACICLOVIRTablet 800 mg33ACITRETINCapsule 10 mg11ADAPALENE + BENZOYL PEROXIDEGel 1 mg-25 mg per g, 30 g419419ADRENALINEI.M. injection 150 micrograms in 0.3 mL single dose syringe auto-injector (EpiPen Jr.)11ADRENALINEInjection 1 mg (as acid tartrate) in 1 mL (1 in 1,000)513513ALBENDAZOLETablet 200 mg973973ALBENDAZOLETablet 400 mg99ALENDRONATETablet 70 mg (as alendronate sodium)45,429845,437ALENDRONATE + COLECALCIFEROLTablet 70 mg (as alendronate sodium) with 140 micrograms colecalciferol1616ALENDRONATE + COLECALCIFEROLTablet 70 mg (as alendronate sodium) with 70 micrograms colecalciferol55ALENDRONATE + COLECALCIFEROL (&) CALCIUM CARBONATEPack containing 4 tablets containing alendronic acid 70 mg (as alendronate sodium) with 140 micrograms colecalciferol and 48 tablets calcium 500 mg (as carbonate)55ALGINATE SODIUM + CALCIUM CARBONATE + BICARBONATEOral liquid containing alginic acid as sodium alginate 1 g, calcium carbonate 320 mg and sodium bi-carbonate 534 mg in 20 mL, 500 mL3,60523,607ALLOPURINOLTablet 100 mg90,40414490,548ALLOPURINOLTablet 300 mg303,256117303,373ALPRAZOLAMTablet 1 mg36,034136,035ALPRAZOLAMTablet 2 mg18,08618,086ALPRAZOLAMTablet 250 micrograms14,1251114,136ALPRAZOLAMTablet 500 micrograms31,9261031,936ALUMINIUM ACETATEEar drop 15mL4545ALUMINIUM ACETATELtn 200mL9999ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE DRIED + MAGNESIUM TRISILICATE + MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDEOral suspension 250 mg-120 mg-120 mg per 5 mL, 500 mL1,015101,025ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE with MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDEOral suspension 200 mg-200 mg per 5 mL, 500 mL2,938142,952ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE with MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE and SIMETHICONETablet 400 mg-400 mg-40 mg11AMANTADINECapsule containing amantadine hydrochloride 100 mg5353AMIODARONETablet containing amiodarone hydrochloride 100 mg8,853168,869AMIODARONETablet containing amiodarone hydrochloride 200 mg36,1921236,204AMISULPRIDETablet 100 mg2,8092,809AMISULPRIDETablet 200 mg3434AMISULPRIDETablet 400 mg1616AMITRIPTYLINETablet containing amitriptyline hydrochloride 10 mg207,23788207,325AMITRIPTYLINETablet containing amitriptyline hydrochloride 25 mg176,00058176,058AMITRIPTYLINETablet containing amitriptyline hydrochloride 50 mg125,37032125,402AMLODIPINETablet 10 mg (as besylate)308,15628308,184AMLODIPINETablet 10 mg (as maleate)27,97727,977AMLODIPINETablet 5 mg (as besylate)366,863238367,101AMLODIPINETablet 5 mg (as maleate)34,456134,457AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 10 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 10 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)22AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 10 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 20 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)55AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 10 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 40 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)11AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 5 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 10 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)22AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 5 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 40 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)33AMLODIPINE + ATORVASTATINTablet 5 mg amlodipine (as besylate) with 80 mg atorvastatin (as calcium)22AMLODIPINE + PERINDOPRILTablet containing 10 mg perindopril arginine with 10 mg amlodipine (as besylate)696696AMLODIPINE + PERINDOPRILTablet containing 10 mg perindopril arginine with 5 mg amlodipine (as besylate)154,014154,014AMLODIPINE + PERINDOPRILTablet containing 5 mg perindopril arginine with 10 mg amlodipine (as besylate)23,20723,207AMLODIPINE + PERINDOPRILTablet containing 5 mg perindopril arginine with 5 mg amlodipine (as besylate)95,55795,557AMLODIPINE + VALSARTANTablet 10 mg (as besylate)-160 mg51,33551,335AMLODIPINE + VALSARTANTablet 10 mg (as besylate)-320 mg11,36611,366AMLODIPINE + VALSARTANTablet 5 mg (as besylate)-160 mg53,16453,164AMLODIPINE + VALSARTANTablet 5 mg (as besylate)-320 mg14,38414,384AMLODIPINE + VALSARTANTablet 5 mg (as besylate)-80 mg27,30627,306AMLODIPINE + VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 10 mg (as besylate)-160 mg-12.5 mg28,53228,532AMLODIPINE + VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 10 mg (as besylate)-160 mg-25 mg6,2266,226AMLODIPINE + VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 10 mg (as besylate)-320 mg-25 mg13,66213,662AMLODIPINE + VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 5 mg (as besylate)-160 mg-12.5 mg30,61430,614AMLODIPINE + VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 5 mg (as besylate)-160 mg-25 mg9,4399,439AMMONIUM + SENEGA ROOTMixture 200 mL99AMOXYCILLINCapsule 250 mg (as trihydrate)168,62939168,668AMOXYCILLINCapsule 500 mg (as trihydrate)1,995,3473751,995,722AMOXYCILLINPowder for oral suspension 125 mg (as trihydrate) per 5 mL, 100?mL321,584321,584AMOXYCILLINPowder for oral suspension 250 mg (as trihydrate) per 5 mL, 100?mL603,496603,496AMOXYCILLINPowder for oral suspension 500 mg (as trihydrate) per 5 mL, 100?mL24,54824,548AMOXYCILLINPowder for paediatric oral drops 100 mg (as trihydrate) per mL, 20?mL119,856119,856AMOXYCILLINSachet containing oral powder 3 g (as trihydrate)5353AMOXYCILLINTablet 1 g (as trihydrate)43,535943,544AMOXYCILLIN + CLAVULANIC ACIDPowder for oral suspension containing 125 mg amoxycillin (as trihydrate) with 31.25 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate) per 5 mL, 75 mL48,42148,421AMOXYCILLIN + CLAVULANIC ACIDPowder for oral suspension containing 400 mg amoxycillin (as trihydrate) with 57 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate) per 5 mL, 60 mL276,40346276,449AMOXYCILLIN + CLAVULANIC ACIDTablet containing 500 mg amoxycillin (as trihydrate) with 125?mg clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate)267,350127267,477AMOXYCILLIN + CLAVULANIC ACIDTablet containing 875 mg amoxycillin (as trihydrate) with 125?mg clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate)1,812,3481,0431,813,391AMPHOTERICIN BLozenge 10 mg42,5721542,587AMPICILLINPowder for injection 1g (as sodium)3,3763,376AMPICILLINPowder for injection 500 mg (as sodium)9696ANASTROZOLETablet 1 mg66APRACLONIDINEEye drops 5 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 10 mL3030ARIPIPRAZOLETablet 10 mg2525ARIPIPRAZOLETablet 15 mg44ARTEMETHER + LUMEFANTRINETablet 20 mg-120 mg1313ASENAPINESublingual wafer 10mg (as maleate)22ASENAPINESublingual wafer 5 mg (as maleate)1717ASPIRINTablet 100 mg84,5351,08385,618ASPIRINTablet 100 mg (enteric coated)2020ASPIRINTablet 100 mg (with glycine)11ASPIRINTablet, dispersible, 300 mg6,160476,207ASPIRIN + CLOPIDOGRELTablet 75 mg (as hydrogen sulfate)-100 mg3030ATENOLOLOral solution 50 mg in 10 mL, 300?mL6464ATENOLOLTablet 50 mg959,721710960,431ATOMOXETINECapsule 10 mg (as hydrochloride)11ATOMOXETINECapsule 40 mg (as hydrochloride)11ATORVASTATINTablet 10 mg (as calcium)170,9759170,984ATORVASTATINTablet 20 mg (as calcium)4,94634,949ATORVASTATINTablet 40 mg (as calcium)2543257ATORVASTATINTablet 80 mg (as calcium)91192ATOVAQUONE + PROGUANILTablet containing atovaquone 250 mg with proguanil hydrochloride 100 mg11ATROPINEEye drops containing atropine sulfate 10 mg per mL, 15 mL5,3345,334ATROPINEInjection containing atropine sulfate 600 micrograms in 1 mL363363AUROTHIOMALATE SODIUMInjection containing sodium aurothiomalate 50 mg11AZATHIOPRINETablet 25 mg7,6517,651AZATHIOPRINETablet 50 mg2842286AZITHROMYCINPowder for oral suspension 200 mg (as dihydrate) per 5 mL, 15 mL5,9125,912AZITHROMYCINTablet 500 mg (as dihydrate)82,11082,110AZITHROMYCINTablet 600 mg (as dihydrate)11BACLOFENTablet 10 mg22,18322,183BACLOFENTablet 25 mg9595BALSALAZIDECapsule containing balsalazide sodium 750 mg22BECLOMETHASONEPressurised inhalation containing beclomethasone dipropionate 100 micrograms per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)17,24317,243BECLOMETHASONEPressurised inhalation containing beclomethasone dipropionate 50 micrograms per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)3,8803,880BECLOMETHASONEPressurised inhalation in breath actuated device containing beclomethasone dipropionate 100 micrograms per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)77BECLOMETHASONEPressurised inhalation in breath actuated device containing beclomethasone dipropionate 50 micrograms per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)495495BENZATHINE BENZYLPENICILLINInjection 900 mg in 2.3 mL single use pre-filled syringe99BENZHEXOLTablet containing benzhexol hydrochloride 2 mg1,4651,465BENZHEXOLTablet containing benzhexol hydrochloride 5 mg352352BENZOIN with MENTHOLInhal 122BENZTROPINETablet containing benztropine mesylate 2 mg6,70896,717BENZYDAMINEMouth and throat rinse containing benzydamine hydrochloride 22.5 mg per 15 mL, 500 mL456456BENZYLPENICILLINPowder for injection 3g (as sodium)144144BENZYLPENICILLINPowder for injection 600 mg (as sodium)1,3001,300BETAMETHASONE ACETATE + BETAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATEInjection containing betamethasone acetate 3 mg with betamethasone sodium phosphate 3.9 mg in 1 mL14,35514,355BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATECream 500 micrograms (as dipropionate) per g, 15 g117,395117,395BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATEOintment 500 micrograms (as dipropionate) per g, 15 g87,00387,003BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE + CALCIPOTRIOLGel containing calcipotriol 50 micrograms with betamethasone 500 micrograms (as dipropionate) per g, 30 g55BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE + CALCIPOTRIOLOintment containing calcipotriol 50 micrograms with betamethasone 500 micrograms (as dipropionate) per g, 30 g7878BETAMETHASONE VALERATECream 200 micrograms (as valerate) per g, 100 g145,564145,564BETAMETHASONE VALERATECream 500 micrograms (as valerate) per g, 15 g30,6711730,688BETAMETHASONE VALERATEOintment 200 micrograms (as valerate) per g, 100 g22,87022,870BETAMETHASONE VALERATEOintment 500 micrograms (as valerate) per g, 15 g3,9003,900BETAXOLOLEye drops, solution, 5 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 5 mL2,4482,448BETAXOLOLEye drops, suspension, 2.5 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 5 mL5,4135,413BETHANECHOLTablet containing bethanechol hydrochloride 10 mg535535BICALUTAMIDETablet 50 mg22BICARBONATECapsule 840 mg5,518115,529BIMATOPROSTEye drops 300 micrograms per mL, 3 mL3838BIPERIDENTablet containing biperiden hydrochloride 2 mg967967BISACODYLEnemas 10 mg in 5 mL, 251515BISACODYLSuppositories 10 mg, 101,1101,110BISACODYLSuppositories 10 mg, 122322234BISACODYLTablet 5 mg1,08741,091BISOPROLOLTablet containing bisoprolol fumarate 10 mg99BISOPROLOLTablet containing bisoprolol fumarate 2.5 mg8947901BISOPROLOLTablet containing bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg1717BOCEPREVIRCapsule 200 mg11BRIMONIDINEEye drops containing brimonidine tartrate 1.5 mg per mL, 5 mL18,12018,120BRIMONIDINEEye drops containing brimonidine tartrate 2 mg per mL, 5 mL16,37716,377BRIMONIDINE + TIMOLOLEye drops containing brimonidine tartrate 2 mg with timolol 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 5 mL22,65422,654BRINZOLAMIDEEye drops 10 mg per mL, 5 mL34,76534,765BRINZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLEye drops 10 mg brinzolamide with timolol 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 5?mL9,7699,769BROMOCRIPTINECapsule 5 mg (as mesylate)44BROMOCRIPTINETablet 2.5 mg (as mesylate)4,7574,757BUDESONIDENebuliser suspension 1 mg in 2 mL single dose units, 3011BUDESONIDENebuliser suspension 500 micrograms in 2 mL single dose units, 302222BUDESONIDEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device 100 micrograms per dose, 200 doses3,1013,101BUDESONIDEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device 200 micrograms per dose, 200 doses23,60123,601BUDESONIDEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device 400 micrograms per dose, 200 doses77BUPRENORPHINETransdermal patch 10 mg442442BUPRENORPHINETransdermal patch 20 mg1212BUPRENORPHINETransdermal patch 5 mg27,33027,330BUSULFANTablet 2 mg66CABERGOLINETablet 1 mg210210CABERGOLINETablet 2 mg33CABERGOLINETablet 500 micrograms1,9321,932CALCIPOTRIOLCream 50 micrograms (as monohydrate) per g, 30 g11,52111,521CALCIPOTRIOLScalp solution 50 micrograms (as monohydrate) per mL, 30 mL1,4461,446CALCITRIOLCapsule 0.25 microgram1,38221,384CALCIUMTablet 600 mg (as carbonate)58221603CALCIUMTablet, chewable, 500 mg (as carbonate)8281829CANDESARTANTablet containing candesartan cilexetil 16 mg356,7733356,776CANDESARTANTablet containing candesartan cilexetil 32 mg25,61025,610CANDESARTANTablet containing candesartan cilexetil 4 mg83,5027983,581CANDESARTANTablet containing candesartan cilexetil 8 mg287,8245287,829CANDESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing candesartan cilexetil 16 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg260,559260,559CANDESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing candesartan cilexetil 32 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg14,28914,289CANDESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing candesartan cilexetil 32 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg7,5817,581CAPTOPRILTablet 12.5 mg506506CAPTOPRILTablet 25 mg1,7471,747CAPTOPRILTablet 50 mg2,3922,392CARBAMAZEPINEOral suspension 100 mg per 5 mL, 300 mL3,1183,118CARBAMAZEPINETablet 100 mg10,153410,157CARBAMAZEPINETablet 200 mg30,465330,468CARBAMAZEPINETablet 200 mg (controlled release)24,888124,889CARBAMAZEPINETablet 400 mg (controlled release)117117CARBIMAZOLETablet 5 mg48,317148,318CARBOMER + TRIGLYCERIDE LIPIDSEye gel 2 mg-10 mg per g, 10 g105105CARBOMER + TRIGLYCERIDE LIPIDSEye gel 2 mg-10 mg per g, single dose units 0.6 g, 3011CARBOMER-974Ocular lubricating gel 3 mg per g, single dose units 0.5 g, 308686CARBOMER-980Eye gel 2 mg per g, 10 g2,85452,859CARBOMER-980Eye gel 2 mg per g, single dose units 0.6 mL, 3044CARBOMER-980 + HYPROMELLOSEOcular lubricating gel 3 mg-2 mg per g, 10 g4,753214,774CARMELLOSE SODIUM + GLYCEROLEye drops containing carmellose sodium 5 mg with glycerin 9 mg per mL, 15 mL2,717212,738CARMELLOSE SODIUM + GLYCEROLEye drops containing carmellose sodium 5 mg with glycerin 9 mg per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 303232CARVEDILOLTablet 12.5 mg1511152CARVEDILOLTablet 25 mg2727CARVEDILOLTablet 3.125 mg2,250122,262CARVEDILOLTablet 6.25 mg274274CEFACLORPowder for oral suspension 125 mg (as monohydrate) per 5 mL, 100 mL51,85051,850CEFACLORPowder for oral suspension 250 mg (as monohydrate) per 5 mL, 75?mL113,887113,887CEFACLORTablet (sustained release) 375 mg (as monohydrate)251,56611251,577CEFEPIMEPowder for injection 1 g (as hydrochloride)33CEFOTAXIMEPowder for injection 1 g (as?sodium)824824CEFOTAXIMEPowder for injection 2 g (as?sodium)2828CEFTRIAXONEPowder for injection 1 g (as?sodium)7,93827,940CEFTRIAXONEPowder for injection 2 g (as?sodium)349349CEFTRIAXONEPowder for injection 500 mg (as?sodium)2,3362,336CEFUROXIMEPowder for oral suspension 125 mg (as axetil) per 5 mL, 70 mL407407CEFUROXIMETablet 250 mg (as axetil)46,953146,954CELECOXIBCapsule 100 mg82,1111082,121CELECOXIBCapsule 200 mg381,8343381,837CEPHALEXINCapsule 250 mg (anhydrous)126,39884126,482CEPHALEXINCapsule 500 mg (anhydrous)1,994,1526911,994,843CEPHALEXINGranules for oral suspension 125 mg per 5 mL, 100 mL97,84797,847CEPHALEXINGranules for oral suspension 250 mg per 5 mL, 100 mL277,5888277,596CEPHALOTHINPowder for injection 1g (as?sodium)9,2809,280CEPHAZOLINPowder for injection 1g (as?sodium)12,11912,119CEPHAZOLINPowder for injection 2g (as?sodium)7474CEPHAZOLINPowder for injection 500 mg (as?sodium)88CHLORAMBUCILTablet 2 mg44CHLORAMPHENICOLEar drops (aqueous) 5 mg per mL, 5?mL6,9446,944CHLORAMPHENICOLEye drops 5 mg per mL, 10 mL365,559250365,809CHLORAMPHENICOLEye ointment 10 mg per g, 4 g186,42377186,500CHLORPROMAZINEInjection containing chlorpromazine hydrochloride 50 mg in 2 mL143143CHLORPROMAZINEOral solution containing chlorpromazine hydrochloride 25 mg per 5 mL, 100 mL378378CHLORPROMAZINETablet containing chlorpromazine hydrochloride 10 mg1,8351,835CHLORPROMAZINETablet containing chlorpromazine hydrochloride 100 mg2,33022,332CHLORPROMAZINETablet containing chlorpromazine hydrochloride 25 mg5,3175,317CHLORTHALIDONETablet 25 mg6,22016,221CHOLESTYRAMINESachets containing 4.7 g oral powder (equivalent to 4 g cholestyramine), 503535CICLESONIDEPressurised inhalation 160 micrograms per dose, 120 doses (CFC-free formulation)4343CICLESONIDEPressurised inhalation 80 micrograms per dose, 120 doses (CFC-free formulation)6,5766,576CIMETIDINETablet 400 mg2,4312,431CIMETIDINETablet 800 mg8383CIPROFLOXACINEar drops 3 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 5 mL5,7005,700CIPROFLOXACINEye drops 3 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 5 mL2,2942,294CIPROFLOXACINTablet 250 mg (as hydrochloride)2,56022,562CIPROFLOXACINTablet 500 mg (as hydrochloride)23,17523,175CIPROFLOXACINTablet 750 mg (as hydrochloride)426426CITALOPRAMTablet 10 mg (as hydrobromide)29,3831029,393CITALOPRAMTablet 20 mg (as hydrobromide)546,37428546,402CITALOPRAMTablet 40 mg (as hydrobromide)73,75773,757CLARITHROMYCINPowder for oral liquid 250 mg per 5 mL, 50 mL27,33527,335CLARITHROMYCINTablet 250 mg523,8395523,844CLARITHROMYCINTablet 500 mg7373CLINDAMYCINCapsule 150 mg (as hydrochloride)79,036379,039CLOMIPHENETablet containing clomiphene citrate 50 mg32,24232,242CLOMIPRAMINETablet containing clomipramine hydrochloride 25 mg16,49916,499CLONAZEPAMInjection 1 mg in 2 mL (set containing solution 1 mg in 1 mL and 1 mL diluent)361361CLONAZEPAMOral liquid 2.5 mg per mL, 10 mL8224826CLONAZEPAMTablet 2 mg1,9531,953CLONAZEPAMTablet 500 micrograms3,8353,835CLONIDINETablet containing clonidine hydrochloride 100 micrograms27,116127,117CLONIDINETablet containing clonidine hydrochloride 150 micrograms298298CLOPIDOGRELTablet 75 mg11CLOPIDOGRELTablet 75 mg (as besilate)33CLOPIDOGRELTablet 75 mg (as hydrogen sulfate)1573160CLOTRIMAZOLECream 10 mg per g, 20 g7979CLOZAPINETablet 100 mg205205CLOZAPINETablet 200 mg119119CLOZAPINETablet 25 mg765765CLOZAPINETablet 50 mg412412COAL TAR PREPAREDGel 10 mg per g, 100 mL654654CODEINECodeine linct 100mL56,04356,043CODEINETablet containing codeine phosphate 30 mg11,706411,710COLCHICINETablet 500 micrograms170,21059170,269CORTISONETablet containing cortisone acetate 25 mg10,902210,904CORTISONETablet containing cortisone acetate 5 mg2,7332,733CROMOGLYCATECapsule containing powder for oral inhalation containing sodium cromoglycate 20 mg (for use in Intal Spinhaler or Intal Halermatic)600600CROMOGLYCATEEye drops containing sodium cromoglycate 20 mg per mL, 10 mL8,1078,107CROMOGLYCATEPressurised inhalation containing sodium cromoglycate 1 mg per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)1,5581,558CROMOGLYCATEPressurised inhalation containing sodium cromoglycate 5 mg per dose, 112 doses (CFC-free formulation)2,8372,837CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDETablet 50 mg3,34943,353CYCLOSPORINCapsule 10 mg33CYCLOSPORINCapsule 25 mg11CYCLOSPORINCapsule 50 mg11CYPROHEPTADINETablet containing cyproheptadine hydrochloride 4 mg (anhydrous)9,29929,301CYPROTERONETablet containing cyproterone acetate 100 mg22CYPROTERONETablet containing cyproterone acetate 50 mg1,1591,159DABIGATRANCapsule 110 mg (as mesilate)44DALTEPARIN SODIUMInjection containing dalteparin sodium 10,000 I.U. (anti-Xa) in 1 mL single dose pre-filled syringe77DALTEPARIN SODIUMInjection containing dalteparin sodium 12,500 I.U. (anti-Xa) in 0.5 mL single dose pre-filled syringe44DALTEPARIN SODIUMInjection containing dalteparin sodium 2,500 I.U. (anti-Xa) in 0.2 mL single dose pre-filled syringe6969DALTEPARIN SODIUMInjection containing dalteparin sodium 5,000 I.U. (anti-Xa) in 0.2 mL single dose pre-filled syringe118118DALTEPARIN SODIUMInjection containing dalteparin sodium 7,500 I.U. (anti-Xa) in 0.75 mL single dose pre-filled syringe22DANAZOLCapsule 200 mg22DANTROLENECapsule containing dantrolene sodium 25 mg22DAPSONETablet 100 mg4040DAPSONETablet 25 mg11DESMOPRESSINWafer 240 micrograms (as acetate)22DESVENLAFAXINETablet (extended release) 100 mg (as succinate)1621163DESVENLAFAXINETablet (extended release) 50 mg (as succinate)457457DEXAMETHASONEEye drops 1 mg per mL, 5 mL69,63114869,779DEXAMETHASONETablet 4 mg64,48724164,728DEXAMETHASONETablet 500 micrograms12,1561712,173DEXAMETHASONE + FRAMYCETIN SULFATE + GRAMICIDINEar drops containing dexamethasone 500 micrograms (as sodium metasulfobenzoate), framycetin sulfate 5 mg and gramicidin 50 micrograms per mL, 8 mL277,84114277,855DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATEInjection containing dexamethasone sodium phosphate equivalent to 4 mg dexamethasone phosphate in 1 mL7,5907,590DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATEInjection containing dexamethasone sodium phosphate equivalent to 8 mg dexamethasone phosphate in 2 mL7,7747,774DEXAMPHETAMINETablet containing dexamphetamine sulfate 5 mg87,83187,831DEXTRAN-70 + HYPROMELLOSEEye drops containing 3 mg hypromellose 2900 with 1 mg dextran 70 per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 285,8985,898DEXTRAN-70 + HYPROMELLOSEEye drops containing 3 mg hypromellose 4500 with 1 mg dextran 70 per mL, 15 mL7,361557,416DIAZEPAMInjection 10 mg in 2 mL316316DIAZEPAMTablet 2 mg97,8132197,834DIAZEPAMTablet 5 mg448,531158448,689DICLOFENACSuppository containing diclofenac sodium 100 mg5,0695,069DICLOFENACTablet (enteric coated) containing diclofenac sodium 25 mg29,884529,889DICLOFENACTablet (enteric coated) containing diclofenac sodium 50 mg405,12031405,151DICLOXACILLINCapsule 250 mg (as sodium)8,30428,306DICLOXACILLINCapsule 500 mg (as sodium)129,9763129,979DIGOXINPaediatric oral solution 50 micrograms per mL, 60 mL3939DIGOXINTablet 250 micrograms24,1521824,170DIGOXINTablet 62.5 micrograms25,77931626,095DIHYDROERGOTAMINEInjection containing dihydroergotamine mesylate 1 mg in 1 mL145145DILTIAZEMCapsule (controlled delivery) containing diltiazem hydrochloride 180 mg83,555283,557DILTIAZEMCapsule (controlled delivery) containing diltiazem hydrochloride 240 mg72,927272,929DILTIAZEMCapsule (controlled delivery) containing diltiazem hydrochloride 360 mg57,245157,246DILTIAZEMTablet containing diltiazem hydrochloride 60 mg6,94626,948DIPHENOXYLATE + ATROPINE SULFATETablet containing diphenoxylate hydrochloride 2.5 mg with atropine sulfate 25 micrograms50,112650,118DIPHTHERIA TOXOID + TETANUS TOXOIDInjection 0.5 mL in pre-filled syringe2,1502,150DIPYRIDAMOLECapsule 200 mg (sustained release)9191DIPYRIDAMOLE + ASPIRINCapsule 200 mg (sustained release)-25 mg1,13961,145DISOPYRAMIDECapsule 100 mg697697DISOPYRAMIDECapsule 150 mg11DOCUSATETablet 50 mg1212DOCUSATE + SENNOSIDE BTablet containing docusate sodium 50 mg with sennoside B 8 mg44DOCUSATE + SENNOSIDESTablet containing docusate sodium 50 mg with sennosides 11.27 mg346346DOMPERIDONETablet 10 mg62,7874862,835DONEPEZILTablet containing donepezil hydrochloride 10 mg11DORZOLAMIDEEye drops 20 mg (as hydrochloride) per mL, 5 mL7,4587,458DORZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLEye drops containing dorzolamide 20 mg (as hydrochloride) with timolol 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 5 mL24,10724,107DOTHIEPINCapsule containing dothiepin hydrochloride 25 mg49,2651849,283DOTHIEPINTablet containing dothiepin hydrochloride 75 mg75,1704675,216DOXEPINCapsule 10 mg (as hydrochloride)14,115414,119DOXEPINCapsule 25 mg (as hydrochloride)17,1761417,190DOXEPINTablet 50 mg (as hydrochloride)16,549616,555DOXYCYCLINECapsule 100 mg (as hydrochloride) (containing enteric coated pellets)158,91690159,006DOXYCYCLINECapsule 50 mg (as hydrochloride) (containing enteric coated pellets)167,79028167,818DOXYCYCLINETablet 100 mg (as hydrochloride)140,229387140,616DOXYCYCLINETablet 100 mg (as monohydrate)132,134189132,323DOXYCYCLINETablet 50 mg (as hydrochloride)144,76877144,845DOXYCYCLINETablet 50 mg (as monohydrate)176,89316176,909DULOXETINECapsule 30 mg (as hydrochloride)12,271112,272DULOXETINECapsule 60 mg (as hydrochloride)197197DUTASTERIDECapsule 500 micrograms5,8165,816DUTASTERIDE + TAMSULOSINCapsule containing dutasteride 500 micrograms with tamsulosin hydrochloride 400 micrograms45,46945,469EFORMOTEROLCapsule containing powder for oral inhalation containing eformoterol fumarate dihydrate 12 micrograms (for use in Foradile Aerolizer)1414EFORMOTEROLPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device containing eformoterol fumarate dihydrate 12 micrograms per dose, 60 doses121121EFORMOTEROLPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device containing eformoterol fumarate dihydrate 6 micrograms per dose, 60 doses2,0482,048ELETRIPTANTablet 40 mg (as hydrobromide)27,27727,277ELETRIPTANTablet 80 mg (as hydrobromide)12,44112,441ENALAPRILTablet containing enalapril maleate 10 mg31,80731,807ENALAPRILTablet containing enalapril maleate 20 mg51,56851,568ENALAPRILTablet containing enalapril maleate 5 mg15,7392115,760ENALAPRIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing enalapril maleate 20 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 6?mg28,11228,112ENOXAPARIN SODIUMInjection containing enoxaparin sodium 100 mg (10,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 1 mL pre-filled syringe276276ENOXAPARIN SODIUMInjection containing enoxaparin sodium 20 mg (2,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 0.2 mL pre-filled syringe1,0471,047ENOXAPARIN SODIUMInjection containing enoxaparin sodium 40 mg (4,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 0.4 mL pre-filled syringe2,91522,917ENOXAPARIN SODIUMInjection containing enoxaparin sodium 60 mg (6,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 0.6 mL pre-filled syringe192192ENOXAPARIN SODIUMInjection containing enoxaparin sodium 80 mg (8,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 0.8 mL pre-filled syringe239239ENOXAPARIN SODIUMSolution for injection containing enoxaparin sodium 40 mg (4,000 I.U. anti-Xa) in 0.4 mL113113ENTACAPONETablet 200 mg22EPOETIN ALFAInjection 1,000 units in 0.5 mL pre-filled syringe11EPROSARTANTablet 400 mg (as mesylate)3,7363,736EPROSARTANTablet 600 mg (as mesylate)13,127113,128EPROSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 600 mg eprosartan (as mesylate) with 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide20,86720,867ERYTHROMYCINCapsule 250 mg (containing enteric coated pellets)76,190276,192ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATEPowder for oral liquid 200 mg (as ethyl succinate) per 5 mL, 100 mL94,46094,460ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATEPowder for oral liquid 400 mg (as ethyl succinate) per 5 mL, 100 mL98,15598,155ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATETablet 400 mg (as ethyl succinate)248,1081248,109ERYTHROMYCIN LACTOBIONATEPowder for I.V. infusion 1 g (as lactobionate)1818ESCITALOPRAMOral solution 10 mg (as oxalate) per mL, 28 mL1,7311,731ESCITALOPRAMTablet 10 mg (as oxalate)718,62614718,640ESCITALOPRAMTablet 20 mg (as oxalate)628,4062628,408ESOMEPRAZOLETablet (enteric coated) 20 mg (as magnesium trihydrate)1,315,326231,315,349ESOMEPRAZOLETablet (enteric coated) 40 mg (as magnesium trihydrate)2,90632,909ETHINYLOESTRADIOL + NORETHISTERONEPack containing 12 tablets 500 micrograms-35 micrograms, 9 tablets 1 mg-35 micrograms and 7?inert tablets2,0092,009ETHINYLOESTRADIOL + NORETHISTERONEPack containing 21 tablets 1 mg-35 micrograms and 7 inert tablets67,86067,860ETHINYLOESTRADIOL + NORETHISTERONEPack containing 21 tablets 500 micrograms-35 micrograms and 7?inert tablets84,47884,478ETHOSUXIMIDECapsule 250 mg33ETHOSUXIMIDEOral solution 250 mg per 5 mL, 200?mL1,0881,088EXEMESTANETablet 25 mg11EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDCreams34,8892134,910EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDDusting powder2222EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDEar drops698698EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDEye drops, other1002102EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDEye lotions1212EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDInhalations2424EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDLinctuses containing codeine828828EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDLinctuses, other2701271EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDLotions2,3712,371EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDMixtures for children containing codeine88EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDMixtures for children, other735735EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDMixtures, other1,1151,115EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDMouth washes249249EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDNasal instillations41142EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDOintments, waxes4,70924,711EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDPaints6363EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDPastes containing cocaine hcl2626EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDPastes, other1,2751,275EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDPowders for internal use156156EXTEMPORANEOUSLY PREPAREDSolutions9717978EZETIMIBETablet 10 mg2828EZETIMIBE + SIMVASTATINTablet 10 mg-20 mg22EZETIMIBE + SIMVASTATINTablet 10 mg-40 mg99EZETIMIBE + SIMVASTATINTablet 10 mg-80 mg1111FAMCICLOVIRTablet 125 mg11FAMCICLOVIRTablet 250 mg33FAMCICLOVIRTablet 500 mg22FAMOTIDINETablet 20 mg5,17325,175FAMOTIDINETablet 40 mg8,5658,565FELODIPINETablet 10 mg (extended release)88,962488,966FELODIPINETablet 2.5 mg (extended release)26,072726,079FELODIPINETablet 5 mg (extended release)69,870169,871FENOFIBRATETablet 145 mg248248FENOFIBRATETablet 48 mg14,116114,117FENTANYLTransdermal patch 1.28 mg181181FENTANYLTransdermal patch 12.6 mg44FENTANYLTransdermal patch 2.063 mg157157FENTANYLTransdermal patch 2.1 mg1,8611,861FENTANYLTransdermal patch 2.55 mg1212FENTANYLTransdermal patch 4.125 mg1010FENTANYLTransdermal patch 4.2 mg182182FENTANYLTransdermal patch 5.10 mg33FENTANYLTransdermal patch 8.25 mg11FENTANYLTransdermal patch 8.4 mg4040FERROUS FUMARATETablet 200 mg (equivalent to 65.7?mg iron)2,18352,188FERROUS FUMARATE + FOLIC ACIDTablet 310 mg (equivalent to 100 mg iron)-350 micrograms10,5386010,598FERROUS SULFATEOral liquid 30 mg per mL, 250 mL5,7745,774FLECAINIDETablet containing flecainide acetate 100 mg162162FLECAINIDETablet containing flecainide acetate 50 mg609609FLUCLOXACILLINCapsule 250 mg (as sodium)27,7701127,781FLUCLOXACILLINCapsule 500 mg (as sodium)229,49914229,513FLUCLOXACILLINPowder for injection 1 g (as?sodium)4,6904,690FLUCLOXACILLINPowder for injection 500 mg (as?sodium)112112FLUCLOXACILLINPowder for oral liquid 125 mg (as?sodium) per 5 mL, 100 mL12,40912,409FLUCLOXACILLINPowder for oral liquid 250 mg (as?sodium) per 5 mL, 100 mL26,86826,868FLUCONAZOLECapsule 100 mg4242FLUCONAZOLECapsule 200 mg51152FLUCONAZOLECapsule 50 mg1131114FLUCONAZOLESolution for I.V. infusion 100 mg in 50 mL11FLUCONAZOLESolution for I.V. infusion 200 mg in 100 mL55FLUDROCORTISONE ACETATETablet containing fludrocortisone acetate 100 micrograms9565961FLUOROMETHOLONEEye drops 1 mg per mL, 5 mL102,6713102,674FLUOROMETHOLONE ACETATEEye drops containing fluorometholone acetate 1 mg per mL, 5 mL30,853730,860FLUOXETINECapsule 20 mg (as hydrochloride)447,4983447,501FLUOXETINETablet, dispersible, 20 mg (as hydrochloride)145,266145,266FLUPENTHIXOL DECANOATEOily I.M. injection 100 mg in 1 mL ampoule55FLUPENTHIXOL DECANOATEOily I.M. injection 20 mg in 1 mL376376FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATEInjection 12.5 mg in 0.5 mL ampoule9999FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATEInjection 25 mg in 1 mL ampoule205205FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATEInjection 50 mg in 2 mL ampoule1414FLURBIPROFENEye drops containing flurbiprofen sodium 300 micrograms per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 5225225FLUTICASONEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device containing fluticasone propionate 100 micrograms per dose, 60 doses6,7286,728FLUTICASONEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device containing fluticasone propionate 250 micrograms per dose, 60 doses16,70416,704FLUTICASONEPressurised inhalation containing fluticasone propionate 125 micrograms per dose, 120 doses (CFC-free formulation)55,02755,027FLUTICASONEPressurised inhalation containing fluticasone propionate 250 micrograms per dose, 120 doses (CFC-free formulation)22FLUTICASONEPressurised inhalation containing fluticasone propionate 50 micrograms per dose, 120 doses (CFC-free formulation)111,361111,361FLUVASTATINCapsule 20 mg (as sodium)3,6743,674FLUVASTATINCapsule 40 mg (as sodium)4,5974,597FLUVOXAMINETablet containing fluvoxamine maleate 100 mg83,68183,681FLUVOXAMINETablet containing fluvoxamine maleate 50 mg52,350252,352FOLIC ACIDTablet 5 mg14,3014914,350FOLIC ACIDTablet 500 micrograms4,480124,492FOLINIC ACIDInjection containing calcium folinate equivalent to 100 mg folinic acid in 10 mL230230FOLINIC ACIDInjection containing calcium folinate equivalent to 300 mg folinic acid in 30 mL99FOLINIC ACIDInjection containing calcium folinate equivalent to 50 mg folinic acid in 5 mL3,1263,126FOLINIC ACIDTablet containing calcium folinate equivalent to 15 mg folinic acid115115FOSINOPRILTablet containing fosinopril sodium 10 mg22,48822,488FOSINOPRILTablet containing fosinopril sodium 20 mg41,463241,465FOSINOPRIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing fosinopril sodium 10 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg11,94711,947FOSINOPRIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing fosinopril sodium 20 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg80,37980,379FRAMYCETIN SULFATEEye or ear drops containing framycetin sulfate 5 mg per mL, 8?mL29,69229,692FRUSEMIDEInjection 20 mg in 2 mL1,1291,129FRUSEMIDEOral solution 10 mg per mL, 30 mL1,0371,037FRUSEMIDETablet 20 mg35,12921435,343FRUSEMIDETablet 40 mg112,567744113,311FRUSEMIDETablet 500 mg1,3001,300FUSIDATETablet containing sodium fusidate 250 mg1313GABAPENTINCapsule 100 mg2,0062,006GABAPENTINCapsule 300 mg9797GABAPENTINCapsule 400 mg22GALANTAMINECapsule (prolonged release) 16 mg (as hydrobromide)11GELATIN-SUCCINYLATEDI.V. infusion 20 g per 500 mL, 500?mL252252GEMFIBROZILTablet 600 mg38,474238,476GENTAMICINEye drops 3 mg (as sulfate) per mL, 5 mL3,6013,601GENTAMICINInjection 80 mg (as sulfate) in 2 mL6,3666,366GENTIAN ALKALINEMixture pl 200mL99GLIBENCLAMIDETablet 5 mg12,972612,978GLICLAZIDETablet 30 mg (modified release)48,5891348,602GLICLAZIDETablet 60 mg (modified release)319,39411319,405GLICLAZIDETablet 80 mg34,809234,811GLIMEPIRIDETablet 1 mg9,15789,165GLIMEPIRIDETablet 2 mg15,1741015,184GLIMEPIRIDETablet 3 mg5,3355,335GLIMEPIRIDETablet 4 mg39,988139,989GLIPIZIDETablet 5 mg7,92557,930GLUCAGON HYDROCHLORIDEInjection set containing glucagon hydrochloride 1 mg (1 I.U.) and 1 mL solvent in disposable syringe114114GLUCOSEI.V. infusion 139 mmol (anhydrous) per 500 mL, 500 mL6666GLUCOSEI.V. infusion 278 mmol (anhydrous) per 500 mL, 500 mL11GLUCOSEI.V. infusion 278 mmol (anhydrous) per L, 1 L2727GLUCOSEI.V. infusion 69.5 mmol (anhydrous) per 250 mL, 250 mL7070GLUCOSE and KETONE INDICATOR URINETest strips, 50 (Keto-Diabur-Test 5000)11GLUCOSE and KETONE INDICATOR URINETest strips, 50 (Keto-Diastix)5050GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (Accu-Chek Go)4545GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (AgaMatrix Jazz)11GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (CareSens N)22GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (CareSens)44GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (GlucoDr)22GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (Lifeline Attest)11GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (OneTouch Verio)1616GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (Optium Omega)1111GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (TRUEbalance)66GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (TRUEresult)1919GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 50 (TrueTrack)77GLUCOSE INDICATOR BLOODTest strips, 51 (Accu-Chek Integra)1212GLUCOSE INDICATOR URINETest strips, 50 (Diastix)66GLYCEROLSuppositories 1.4 g, 127272GLYCEROLSuppositories 2.8 g, 124845489GLYCEROLSuppositories 700 mg, 12100100GLYCERYL TRINITRATESublingual spray (pump pack) 400 micrograms per dose, 200 doses31,64931,649GLYCERYL TRINITRATETablets 600 micrograms, 1004,8704,870GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 120 mg5601561GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 18 mg324324GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 25 mg7,81327,815GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 36 mg182182GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 40 mg6,3526,352GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 50 mg2,59622,598GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 54 mg8484GLYCERYL TRINITRATETransdermal patch 80 mg1,6391,639GRANISETRONConcentrated injection 3 mg (as hydrochloride) in 3 mL10,75610,756GRANISETRONTablet 2 mg (as hydrochloride)651651GRISEOFULVINTablet 125 mg1,8071,807GRISEOFULVINTablet 500 mg24,40624,406HALOPERIDOLInjection 5 mg in 1 mL1,11511,116HALOPERIDOLOral solution 2 mg per mL, 100 mL8484HALOPERIDOLTablet 1.5 mg1,63611,637HALOPERIDOLTablet 5 mg1,37431,377HALOPERIDOLTablet 500 micrograms4,663394,702HALOPERIDOL DECANOATEI.M. injection equivalent to 150 mg haloperidol in 3 mL ampoule66HALOPERIDOL DECANOATEI.M. injection equivalent to 50 mg haloperidol in 1 mL ampoule129129HEPARIN SODIUMInjection (preservative-free) 5,000 I.U. (as sodium) in 5 mL8080HEPARIN SODIUMInjection 35,000 units (as sodium) in 35 mL1010HEPARIN SODIUMInjection 5,000 units (as sodium) in 0.2 mL15,38615,386HEXAMINE HIPPURATETablet containing hexamine hippurate 1 g1003103HOMATROPINEEye drops containing homatropine hydrobromide 20 mg per mL, 15mL7,4097,409HYDRALAZINETablet containing hydralazine hydrochloride 25 mg5,19145,195HYDRALAZINETablet containing hydralazine hydrochloride 50 mg4,94614,947HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 25 mg24,9801224,992HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE + AMILORIDETablet containing hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg with amiloride hydrochloride 5 mg35,772435,776HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE + TRIAMTERENETablet 25 mg-50 mg5,12415,125HYDROCORTISONETablet 20 mg9,4659,465HYDROCORTISONETablet 4 mg7,5687,568HYDROCORTISONE ACETATECream containing hydrocortisone acetate 10 mg per g, 30 g44,7461544,761HYDROCORTISONE ACETATECream containing hydrocortisone acetate 10 mg per g, 50 g64,9631664,979HYDROCORTISONE ACETATEEye ointment containing hydrocortisone acetate 10 mg per?g, 5 g27,677527,682HYDROCORTISONE ACETATEOintment containing hydrocortisone acetate 10 mg per?g, 30 g15,208415,212HYDROCORTISONE ACETATEOintment containing hydrocortisone acetate 10 mg per?g, 50 g27,596527,601HYDROCORTISONE ACETATERectal foam containing hydrocortisone acetate 90 mg per applicatorful, 14 applications, aerosol 21.1 g469469HYDROCORTISONE SODIUM SUCCINATEInjection 100 mg (as sodium succinate) with 2 mL solvent2,5442,544HYDROCORTISONE SODIUM SUCCINATEInjection 250 mg (as sodium succinate) with 2 mL solvent207207HYDROMORPHONEInjection containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 10 mg in 1 mL592592HYDROMORPHONEInjection containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 2 mg in 1 mL755755HYDROMORPHONEInjection containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 50 mg in 5 mL2020HYDROMORPHONETablet (modified release) containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 16 mg1313HYDROMORPHONETablet (modified release) containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 32 mg44HYDROMORPHONETablet (modified release) containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 4 mg2,2872,287HYDROMORPHONETablet (modified release) containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 8 mg231231HYDROMORPHONETablet containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 2 mg1,0671,067HYDROMORPHONETablet containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 4 mg625625HYDROMORPHONETablet containing hydromorphone hydrochloride 8 mg410410HYDROXOCOBALAMINInjection 1 mg (as acetate) in 1 mL4,0564,056HYDROXOCOBALAMINInjection 1 mg (as chloride) in 1 mL55,925555,930HYDROXYCHLOROQUINETablet containing hydroxychloroquine sulfate 200?mg72,26172,261HYDROXYUREACapsule 500 mg2828HYOSCINE BUTYLBROMIDEInjection containing hyoscine butylbromide 20 mg in 1 mL2323HYPROMELLOSEEye drops 3 mg per mL, 15 mL4,552164,568HYPROMELLOSEEye drops 5 mg per mL, 15 mL4827489HYPROMELLOSEOral gel 20 mg per g, 100 g44IBUPROFENTablet 400 mg208,96748209,015IMIPRAMINETablet containing imipramine hydrochloride 10 mg6,84726,849IMIPRAMINETablet containing imipramine hydrochloride 25 mg19,153419,157INDACATEROLCapsule containing powder for oral inhalation 150 micrograms (as maleate) (for use in Breezhaler)22INDAPAMIDETablet containing indapamide hemihydrate 1.5 mg (sustained release)75,317175,318INDAPAMIDETablet containing indapamide hemihydrate 2.5 mg27,02927,029INDOMETHACINCapsule 25 mg173,5337173,540INDOMETHACINSuppository 100 mg20,66820,668INSULIN ASPARTInjection (human analogue) 100 units per mL, 10 mL vial1212INSULIN GLULISINEInjection (human analogue) 100 units per mL, 10 mL33INSULIN ISOPHANE HUMANInjection (human) 100 units per mL, 10 mL3939INSULIN ISOPHANE HUMAN + INSULIN NEUTRAL HUMANInjection (human) 30 units-70 units per mL, 10 mL1818INSULIN LISPROInjection (human analogue) 100 units per mL, 10 mL vial22INSULIN NEUTRAL HUMANInjection (human) 100 units per mL, 10 mL129129IPRATROPIUMNebuliser solution containing ipratropium bromide 250 micrograms (anhydrous) in 1 mL single dose units, 301,5551,555IPRATROPIUMNebuliser solution containing ipratropium bromide 500 micrograms (anhydrous) in 1 mL single dose units, 302,6292,629IPRATROPIUMPressurised inhalation containing ipratropium bromide 21 micrograms per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)13,18313,183IRBESARTANTablet 150 mg535,85810535,868IRBESARTANTablet 300 mg530,05512530,067IRBESARTANTablet 75 mg167,17014167,184IRBESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 150 mg-12.5 mg196,5671196,568IRBESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 300 mg-12.5 mg576,938576,938IRBESARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 300 mg-25 mg186,481186,481IRON POLYMALTOSEInjection 100 mg (iron) in 2 mL ampoule750750ISONIAZIDTablet 100 mg1,5591,559ISOSORBIDE DINITRATETablet 5 mg (sublingual)3891390ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATETablet 120 mg (sustained release)11,362511,367ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATETablet 60 mg (sustained release)48,62213748,759ISOTRETINOINCapsule 20 mg55IVERMECTINTablet 3 mg780780KAOLINMixture bpc 200mL4444KETOCONAZOLECream 20 mg per g, 30 g387387KETOCONAZOLEShampoo 10 mg per g, 100 mL1919KETOCONAZOLEShampoo 20 mg per g, 60 mL4343KETOCONAZOLETablet 200 mg13,38513,385KETOPROFENCapsule 200 mg (sustained release)37,225137,226KETOPROFENSuppository 100 mg265265LABETALOLTablet containing labetalol hydrochloride 100 mg9,9849,984LABETALOLTablet containing labetalol hydrochloride 200 mg8,7238,723LACOSAMIDETablet 100 mg11LACOSAMIDETablet 50 mg6868LACTATE + SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + CALCIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATEI.V. infusion containing approximately 131 mmol sodium (as lactate and chloride), 5 mmol potassium (as chloride), 2 mmol calcium (as chloride), 29 mmol bicarbonate (as lactate) and 111 mmol chloride per L, 1 L1,3121,312LACTATE + SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + CALCIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATEI.V. infusion containing approximately 65 mmol sodium (as lactate and chloride), 2.7 mmol potassium (as chloride), 0.9 mmol calcium (as chloride), 14 mmol bicarbonate (as lactate) and 56 mmol chloride per 500 mL, 500 mL3333LACTULOSESolution BP 3.34g per 5 mL, 500 mL29,35520929,564LAMOTRIGINETablet 100 mg1414LAMOTRIGINETablet 200 mg44LAMOTRIGINETablet 25 mg8,4918,491LAMOTRIGINETablet 5 mg634634LAMOTRIGINETablet 50 mg18,38118,381LANSOPRAZOLECapsule 15 mg1,6271,627LANSOPRAZOLECapsule 30 mg49,05649,056LANSOPRAZOLETablet 15 mg (orally disintegrating)8,4898,489LANSOPRAZOLETablet 30 mg (orally disintegrating)91,070291,072LATANOPROSTEye drops 50 micrograms per mL, 2.5 mL1,5341,534LATANOPROST + TIMOLOLEye drops 50 micrograms latanoprost with timolol 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 2.5 mL151151LEFLUNOMIDETablet 10 mg11LEFLUNOMIDETablet 20 mg22LERCANIDIPINETablet containing lercanidipine hydrochloride 10 mg245,10780245,187LERCANIDIPINETablet containing lercanidipine hydrochloride 20 mg255,5447255,551LERCANIDIPINE + ENALAPRILTablet containing lercanidipine hydrochloride 10 mg with enalapril maleate 10 mg16,14516,145LERCANIDIPINE + ENALAPRILTablet containing lercanidipine hydrochloride 10 mg with enalapril maleate 20 mg35,91935,919LETROZOLETablet 2.5 mg44LEVETIRACETAMTablet 1 g44LEVETIRACETAMTablet 250 mg4545LEVETIRACETAMTablet 500 mg5656LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDECapsule containing levodopa 100 mg with 25 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)20121LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDECapsule containing levodopa 100 mg with 25 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride) (sustained release)22325LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDECapsule containing levodopa 50 mg with 12.5 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)2,14912,150LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDEDispersible tablet containing levodopa 100 mg with 25 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)55LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDEDispersible tablet containing levodopa 50 mg with 12.5 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)8291830LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDETablet containing levodopa 100 mg with 25 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)1742176LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDETablet containing levodopa 200 mg with 50 mg benserazide (as hydrochloride)10111LEVODOPA + CARBIDOPA ANHYDROUSTablet 100 mg-25 mg (anhydrous)2976303LEVODOPA + CARBIDOPA ANHYDROUSTablet 200 mg-50 mg (anhydrous) (modified release)2222LEVODOPA + CARBIDOPA ANHYDROUSTablet 250 mg-25 mg (anhydrous)1717LEVONORGESTRELTablets 30 micrograms, 2897,39997,399LEVONORGESTREL + ETHINYLOESTRADIOLPack containing 21 tablets 100 micrograms-20 micrograms and 7 inert tablets2929LEVONORGESTREL + ETHINYLOESTRADIOLPack containing 21 tablets 125 micrograms-50 micrograms and 7 inert tablets55,12755,127LEVONORGESTREL + ETHINYLOESTRADIOLPack containing 21 tablets 150 micrograms-30 micrograms and 7 inert tablets1,204,9481,204,948LEVONORGESTREL + ETHINYLOESTRADIOLPack containing 6 tablets 50 micrograms-30 micrograms, 5 tablets 75 micrograms-40 micrograms, 10 tablets 125 micrograms-30 micrograms and 7 inert tablets238,584238,584LIGNOCAINEInfusion containing lignocaine hydrochloride 500 mg in 5 mL8383LIGNOCAINEInjection containing lignocaine hydrochloride 100 mg in 5 mL1717LINAGLIPTINTablet 5 mg55LINCOMYCINInjection 600 mg (as hydrochloride) in 2 mL977977LIOTHYRONINETablet containing liothyronine sodium 20 micrograms2929LISINOPRILTablet 10 mg43,014143,015LISINOPRILTablet 20 mg71,107171,108LISINOPRILTablet 5 mg21,481721,488LITHIUM CARBONATETablet containing lithium carbonate 250 mg34,720334,723LITHIUM CARBONATETablet containing lithium carbonate 450 mg (slow release)18,74118,741LOPERAMIDECapsule containing loperamide hydrochloride 2 mg34,5543834,592LORATADINETablet 10 mg77LOSARTANTablet containing losartan potassium 25 mg1,0071,007LOSARTANTablet containing losartan potassium 50 mg2,6172,617MACROGOL-3350Powder for oral solution 510 g5,2405,240MACROGOL-3350Sachets containing powder for oral solution 17 g, 308686MACROGOL-3350 + SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + BICARBONATESachets containing powder for oral solution 13.125 g with electrolytes, 3044,80644,806MAGNESIUM ASPARTATE DIHYDRATETablet 37.4 mg (as aspartate dihydrate)534295MEBEVERINETablet 135 mg11MEDROXYPROGESTERONEInjection containing medroxyprogesterone acetate 150 mg in 1 mL128,483128,483MEDROXYPROGESTERONETablet containing medroxy-progesterone acetate 10 mg27,68827,688MEDROXYPROGESTERONETablet containing medroxy-progesterone acetate 100 mg33MEDROXYPROGESTERONETablet containing medroxy-progesterone acetate 200 mg11MEDROXYPROGESTERONETablet containing medroxy-progesterone acetate 5 mg30,84930,849MEFENAMIC ACIDCapsule 250 mg26,81226,812MELOXICAMCapsule 15 mg271,182271,182MELOXICAMCapsule 7.5 mg96,32896,328MELOXICAMTablet 15 mg311,540311,540MELOXICAMTablet 7.5 mg86,679386,682MELPHALANTablet 2 mg1515MENTHOL with EUCALYPTUSMenthol/eucalypt inh 50mL161161MERCAPTOPURINETablet 50 mg1111MESALAZINESachet containing granules, 1 g per sachet11MESALAZINESuppository (moulded) 1 g11MESALAZINESuppository 1 g11MESALAZINETablet 1 g (prolonged release)11MESALAZINETablet 250 mg (enteric coated)22MESNASolution for I.V. injection 1 g in 10 mL ampoule4343MESNASolution for I.V. injection 400 mg in 4 mL ampoule295295MESTRANOL + NORETHISTERONEPack containing 21 tablets 1 mg-50 micrograms and 7 inert tablets10,06810,068METFORMINTablet (extended release) containing metformin hydrochloride 1 g200,8561200,857METFORMINTablet (extended release) containing metformin hydrochloride 500 mg460,5439460,552METFORMINTablet containing metformin hydrochloride 1 g309,5707309,577METFORMINTablet containing metformin hydrochloride 500 mg300,05762300,119METFORMINTablet containing metformin hydrochloride 850 mg65,1591065,169METFORMIN + GLIBENCLAMIDETablet containing metformin hydrochloride 250 mg with glibenclamide 1.25 mg487487METFORMIN + GLIBENCLAMIDETablet containing metformin hydrochloride 500 mg with glibenclamide 2.5 mg8,1748,174METFORMIN + GLIBENCLAMIDETablet containing metformin hydrochloride 500 mg with glibenclamide 5 mg19,42719,427METHADONEInjection containing methadone hydrochloride 10 mg in 1 mL1212METHADONEOral liquid containing methadone hydrochloride 25 mg per 5 mL, 200?mL4141METHADONETablet containing methadone hydrochloride 10 mg8,29358,298METHOTREXATEInjection 5 mg in 2 mL vial9191METHOTREXATEInjection 50 mg in 2 mL vial5,6955,695METHOTREXATETablet 10 mg23,380223,382METHOTREXATETablet 2.5 mg18,792118,793METHYLDOPATablet 250 mg36,136436,140METHYLPHENIDATECapsule containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 10 mg (modified release)3,5033,503METHYLPHENIDATECapsule containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 20 mg (modified release)2020METHYLPHENIDATECapsule containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 40 mg (modified release)11METHYLPHENIDATETablet containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 10 mg47,23447,234METHYLPHENIDATETablet containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 18 mg (extended release)11METHYLPHENIDATETablet containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 27 mg (extended release)11METHYLPHENIDATETablet containing methylphenidate hydrochloride 54 mg (extended release)11METHYLPREDNISOLONECream containing methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg per g, 15 g86,31486,314METHYLPREDNISOLONEFatty ointment containing methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg per g, 15 g97,72397,723METHYLPREDNISOLONEInjection containing methylprednisolone acetate 40 mg in 1 mL15,67515,675METHYLPREDNISOLONELotion containing methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg per g, 20 g4,9604,960METHYLPREDNISOLONEOintment containing methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg per g, 15 g50,83250,832METHYLPREDNISOLONEPowder for injection 40 mg (as sodium succinate)272272METHYLPREDNISOLONEPowder for injection 40 mg (as sodium succinate) with diluent682682METHYSERGIDETablet 1 mg (as maleate)8282METOCLOPRAMIDEInjection containing metoclopramide hydrochloride 10 mg in 2 mL5,65225,654METOCLOPRAMIDETablet containing metoclopramide hydrochloride 10 mg376,111446376,557METOPROLOL SUCCINATETablet 190 mg (controlled release)11METOPROLOL SUCCINATETablet 23.75 mg (controlled release)706706METOPROLOL SUCCINATETablet 47.5 mg (controlled release)33METOPROLOL SUCCINATETablet 95 mg (controlled release)22METOPROLOL TARTRATETablet containing metoprolol tartrate 100 mg85,9533985,992METOPROLOL TARTRATETablet containing metoprolol tartrate 50 mg328,926675329,601METRONIDAZOLEI.V. infusion 500 mg in 100 mL6,2776,277METRONIDAZOLEOral suspension containing metronidazole benzoate 320 mg per 5 mL, 100 mL15,97215,972METRONIDAZOLESuppositories 500 mg, 10389389METRONIDAZOLETablet 200 mg86,3801686,396METRONIDAZOLETablet 400 mg296,873140297,013MIANSERINTablet containing mianserin hydrochloride 10 mg3,2503,250MIANSERINTablet containing mianserin hydrochloride 20 mg3,92813,929MICONAZOLECream containing miconazole nitrate 20 mg per g, 15 g2626MICONAZOLECream containing miconazole nitrate 20 mg per g, 30 g9999MICONAZOLECream containing miconazole nitrate 20 mg per g, 70 g4747MICONAZOLELotion containing miconazole nitrate 20 mg per mL, 30 g1414MICONAZOLEPowder containing miconazole nitrate 20 mg per g, 30 g1616MICONAZOLETincture 20 mg per mL, 30 mL1010MILK POWDER LACTOSE FREE FORMULAOral powder 900 g (S-26 LF)33MINOCYCLINETablet 50 mg (as hydrochloride)208,7052208,707MINOXIDILTablet 10 mg11MIRTAZAPINETablet 15 mg32,451232,453MIRTAZAPINETablet 15 mg (orally disintegrating)29,735329,738MIRTAZAPINETablet 30 mg201,11019201,129MIRTAZAPINETablet 30 mg (orally disintegrating)19,02019,020MIRTAZAPINETablet 45 mg56,165456,169MIRTAZAPINETablet 45 mg (orally disintegrating)1,1231,123MISOPROSTOLTablet 200 micrograms1212MOCLOBEMIDETablet 150 mg12,877112,878MOCLOBEMIDETablet 300 mg22,663122,664MOMETASONECream containing mometasone furoate 1 mg per g, 15 g185,5183185,521MOMETASONELotion containing mometasone furoate 1 mg per g, 30 mL99,31699,316MOMETASONEOintment containing mometasone furoate 1 mg per g, 15 g99,627199,628MONTELUKASTTablet, chewable, 4 mg (as sodium)1212MONTELUKASTTablet, chewable, 5 mg (as sodium)2626MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 10 mg (containing sustained release pellets)1,9771,977MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 100 mg (containing sustained release pellets)1515MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 20 mg (containing sustained release pellets)2,1132,113MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 30 mg (controlled release)123123MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 50 mg (containing sustained release pellets)315315MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 60 mg (controlled release)66MORPHINECapsule containing morphine sulfate 90 mg (controlled release)88MORPHINEInjection containing morphine sulfate 10 mg in 1 mL5,312495,361MORPHINEInjection containing morphine sulfate 15 mg in 1 mL1,20121,203MORPHINEInjection containing morphine sulfate 30 mg in 1 mL2,0602,060MORPHINEInjection containing morphine sulphate 10 mg in 1 mL (with preservative)2833286MORPHINEInjection containing morphine tartrate 120 mg in 1.5 mL278278MORPHINEOral solution containing morphine hydrochloride 10 mg per mL, 200?mL2,6842,684MORPHINEOral solution containing morphine hydrochloride 2mg per mL, 200 mL1,9241,924MORPHINEOral solution containing morphine hydrochloride 5mg per mL, 200 mL3,0773,077MORPHINESachet containing controlled release granules for oral suspension, containing morphine sulfate 20 mg per sachet4747MORPHINESachet containing controlled release granules for oral suspension, containing morphine sulfate 30 mg per sachet66MORPHINESachet containing controlled release granules for oral suspension, containing morphine sulfate 60 mg per sachet11MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 10 mg4381439MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 10 mg (controlled release)6,86216,863MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 100 mg (controlled release)1818MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 15 mg (controlled release)2,8532,853MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 20 mg197197MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 30 mg1,3211,321MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 30 mg (controlled release)2,0472,047MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 5 mg (controlled release)2,77722,779MORPHINETablet containing morphine sulfate 60 mg (controlled release)4242MOXONIDINETablet 200 micrograms75,34475,344MOXONIDINETablet 400 micrograms79,18979,189MUPIROCINNasal ointment 20 mg (as calcium) per g, 3 g2,2622,262MYCOPHENOLATECapsule containing mycophenolate mofetil 250 mg11MYCOPHENOLATETablet containing mycophenolate mofetil 500 mg22NALOXONEInjection containing naloxone hydrochloride 400 micrograms in 1 mL pre-filled syringe22NALTREXONETablet containing naltrexone hydrochloride 50 mg99NANDROLONE DECANOATEInjection 50 mg in 1 mL disposable syringe1515NAPROXENTablet 1 g (sustained release)115,927115,927NAPROXENTablet 250 mg26,358326,361NAPROXENTablet 500 mg92,62292,622NAPROXENTablet 750 mg (sustained release)56,35556,355NAPROXENTablet containing naproxen sodium 550 mg18,72618,726NARATRIPTANTablet 2.5 mg (as hydrochloride)27,99927,999NEBIVOLOLTablet 1.25 mg (as hydrochloride)631631NEBIVOLOLTablet 1.25 mg (as hydrochloride), 28281281NEDOCROMILPressurised inhalation containing nedocromil sodium 2 mg per dose, 112 doses (CFC-free formulation)100100NEOMYCIN + BACITRACIN ZINCEar ointment 3.5 mg neomycin (as undecenoate) with bacitracin zinc 400 units per g, 10 g99NICORANDILTablets 10 mg, 6010,50910,509NICORANDILTablets 20 mg, 603,7333,733NICOTINETransdermal patch 114 mg12113NICOTINETransdermal patch 17.5 mg11NICOTINETransdermal patch 24.9 mg11NICOTINETransdermal patch 35 mg44NICOTINETransdermal patch 52.5 mg66NIFEDIPINETablet 10 mg8,0658,065NIFEDIPINETablet 20 mg6,3946,394NIFEDIPINETablet 20 mg (controlled release)27,540127,541NIFEDIPINETablet 30 mg (controlled release)56,096156,097NIFEDIPINETablet 60 mg (controlled release)57,433157,434NITRAZEPAMTablet 5 mg40,6322240,654NITROFURANTOINCapsule 100 mg25,910125,911NITROFURANTOINCapsule 50 mg18,043218,045NIZATIDINECapsule 150 mg18,302118,303NIZATIDINECapsule 300 mg19,83319,833NORETHISTERONETablet 5 mg69,86769,867NORETHISTERONETablets 350 micrograms, 2825,88925,889NORETHISTERONE ACETATE + OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches containing 510 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) with 4.8 mg norethisterone acetate, 818,52018,520NORETHISTERONE ACETATE + OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches containing 620 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) with 2.7 mg norethisterone acetate, 844,64044,640NORFLOXACINTablet 400 mg55,0701655,086NORTRIPTYLINETablet 10 mg (as hydrochloride)10,692510,697NORTRIPTYLINETablet 25 mg (as hydrochloride)22,959422,963NYSTATINCapsule 500,000 units10,37010,370NYSTATINCream 100,000 units per g, 15 g2525NYSTATINOral suspension 100,000 units per mL, 24 mL28,6607528,735NYSTATINTablet 500,000 units6,6436,643OCTREOTIDEInjection 100 micrograms (as acetate) in 1 mL11OESTRADIOLTablet 2 mg5,6795,679OESTRADIOLTablet containing oestradiol valerate 1 mg34,182134,183OESTRADIOLTablet containing oestradiol valerate 2 mg52,65952,659OESTRADIOLTransdermal gel 1 mg (as hemihydrate) in 1 g sachet, 2840,18440,184OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 1.17 mg, 817,47317,473OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 1.5 mg (as hemihydrate), 817,35817,358OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 1.56 mg, 818,37218,372OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 2 mg, 48,6868,686OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 2 mg, 82,3462,346OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 3 mg (as hemihydrate), 86,0786,078OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 3.8 mg, 416,82816,828OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 390 micrograms, 814,21014,210OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 5.7 mg, 45,8915,891OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 585 micrograms, 814,62614,626OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 7.6 mg, 45,6415,641OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 750 micrograms (as hemihydrate), 89,8509,850OESTRADIOLTransdermal patches 780 micrograms, 843,36943,369OESTRADIOLVaginal tablets 25 micrograms, 15243,479243,479OESTRADIOL (&) NORETHISTERONE ACETATE + OESTRADIOLPack containing 4 transdermal patches 780 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) and 4 transdermal patches 510 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) with 4.8 mg norethisterone acetate7,1857,185OESTRADIOL (&) NORETHISTERONE ACETATE + OESTRADIOLPack containing 4 transdermal patches 780 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) and 4 transdermal patches 620 micrograms oestradiol (as hemihydrate) with 2.7 mg norethisterone acetate14,00914,009OESTRADIOL (&) OESTRADIOL + DYDROGESTERONEPack containing 14 tablets oestradiol 2 mg and 14 tablets oestradiol 2 mg with dydrogesterone 10 mg10,94410,944OESTRIOLPessaries 500 micrograms, 15314314OESTRIOLVaginal cream 1 mg per g, 15 g105,944105,944OFLOXACINEye drops 3 mg per mL, 5 mL2,1292,129OLANZAPINETablet 10 mg4444OLANZAPINETablet 2.5 mg8585OLANZAPINETablet 5 mg127127OLANZAPINETablet 5 mg (as benzoate)11OLANZAPINETablet 5 mg (orally disintegrating)33OLANZAPINETablet 7.5 mg88OLANZAPINEWafer 10 mg1111OLANZAPINEWafer 15 mg11OLANZAPINEWafer 5 mg4444OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMILTablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg163,371163,371OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMILTablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg124,3091124,310OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + AMLODIPINETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg with amlodipine 5 mg (as besylate)17,61117,611OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + AMLODIPINETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg with amlodipine 10 mg (as besylate)4,0164,016OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + AMLODIPINETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg with amlodipine 5 mg (as besylate)33,15933,159OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg31,80831,808OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg72,82972,829OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet containing olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg with hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg49,88449,884OLSALAZINECapsule containing olsalazine sodium 250 mg11OMEPRAZOLECapsule 20 mg39,195539,200OMEPRAZOLETablet 10 mg (as magnesium)35,162335,165OMEPRAZOLETablet 20 mg251,160121251,281OMEPRAZOLETablet 20 mg (as magnesium)340,84316340,859ONDANSETRONI.V. injection 4 mg (as hydrochloride dihydrate) in 2 mL871871ONDANSETRONI.V. injection 8 mg (as hydrochloride dihydrate) in 4 mL15,2105115,261ONDANSETRONTablet (orally disintegrating) 4 mg2,8102,810ONDANSETRONTablet (orally disintegrating) 8 mg184184ONDANSETRONTablet 4 mg (as hydrochloride dihydrate)6,7986,798ONDANSETRONTablet 8 mg (as hydrochloride dihydrate)11,19211,192ONDANSETRONWafer 4 mg18,37418,374ONDANSETRONWafer 8 mg1,7921,792OXAZEPAMTablet 15 mg42,3959542,490OXAZEPAMTablet 30 mg86,4602086,480OXCARBAZEPINETablet 150 mg11OXPRENOLOLTablet containing oxprenolol hydrochloride 20 mg754754OXPRENOLOLTablet containing oxprenolol hydrochloride 40 mg30131OXYBUTYNINTablet containing oxybutynin hydrochloride 5 mg40,043540,048OXYBUTYNINTransdermal patches 36 mg, 813,77013,770OXYCODONECapsule containing oxycodone hydrochloride 10 mg32,9502932,979OXYCODONECapsule containing oxycodone hydrochloride 20 mg8,9318,931OXYCODONECapsule containing oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg48,96720449,171OXYCODONEOral solution containing oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg per 5 mL, 250 mL6,3136,313OXYCODONESuppository 30 mg (as pectinate)1515OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 10 mg (controlled release)70,1231370,136OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 15 mg (controlled release)5,8445,844OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 20 mg (controlled release)3,40733,410OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 30 mg (controlled release)2053208OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 40 mg (controlled release)2633266OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg621,552897622,449OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg (controlled release)28,4922328,515OXYCODONETablet containing oxycodone hydrochloride 80 mg (controlled release)5353OXYCODONE + NALOXONETablet (controlled release) containing oxycodone hydrochloride 10 mg with naloxone hydrochloride 5 mg31,332231,334OXYCODONE + NALOXONETablet (controlled release) containing oxycodone hydrochloride 20 mg with naloxone hydrochloride 10 mg1,2341,234OXYCODONE + NALOXONETablet (controlled release) containing oxycodone hydrochloride 40 mg with naloxone hydrochloride 20 mg3131OXYCODONE + NALOXONETablet (controlled release) containing oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg with naloxone hydrochloride 2.5 mg16,570516,575PALIPERIDONETablet 3 mg (prolonged release)88PALIPERIDONETablet 6 mg (prolonged release)66PALONOSETRONInjection 250 micrograms (as hydrochloride) in 5 mL5,9565,956PANCREATIC EXTRACTCapsule (containing enteric coated minimicrospheres) providing not less than 10,000 BP units of lipase activity5353PANCREATIC EXTRACTCapsule (containing enteric coated minimicrospheres) providing not less than 25,000 BP units of lipase activity1111PANCREATIC EXTRACTCapsule (containing enteric coated minimicrospheres) providing not less than 40,000 BP units of lipase activity33PANTOPRAZOLESachet containing granules 40 mg (as sodium sesquihydrate)7,3197,319PANTOPRAZOLETablet (enteric coated) 20 mg (as sodium sesquihydrate)163,15232163,184PANTOPRAZOLETablet (enteric coated) 40 mg (as sodium sesquihydrate)975,75831975,789PARACETAMOLOral liquid 120 mg per 5 mL, 100?mL1,0761,076PARACETAMOLOral liquid 240 mg per 5 mL, 200?mL4,78134,784PARACETAMOLSuppositories 500 mg, 2488PARACETAMOLTablet 500 mg112,6211,113113,734PARACETAMOLTablet 665 mg (modified release)236,42364236,487PARACETAMOL + CODEINETablet containing codeine phosphate 15 mg with paracetamol 500 mg11PARACETAMOL + CODEINETablet containing codeine phosphate 30 mg with paracetamol 500 mg1,434,7133321,435,045PARACETAMOL + CODEINETablet containing codeine phosphate 8 mg with paracetamol 500 mg55PARAFFINEye ointment, compound, containing white soft paraffin with liquid paraffin, 3.5 g1,0621,062PARAFFINPack containing 2 tubes eye ointment, compound, containing white soft paraffin with liquid paraffin, 3.5 g6,9516,951PARAFFIN + RETINYL PALMITATEEye ointment, compound, containing liquid paraffin, light liquid paraffin, wool fat, white soft paraffin and retinyl palmitate, 5 g107107PAROXETINETablet 20 mg (as hydrochloride)384,5017384,508PAROXETINETablet 20 mg (as mesilate)1,5051,505PENICILLAMINETablet 125 mg7979PENTASTARCH + SODIUM CHLORIDEI.V. infusion 30 g per 500 mL, 500?mL186186PERHEXILINETablet containing perhexiline maleate 100 mg819PERICYAZINETablet 10 mg2,2322,232PERICYAZINETablet 2.5 mg6,46456,469PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril arginine 10 mg331,43114331,445PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril arginine 2.5 mg145,584227145,811PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril arginine 5 mg388,97928389,007PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril erbumine 2 mg151,12521151,146PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril erbumine 4 mg428,586428,586PERINDOPRILTablet containing perindopril erbumine 8 mg359,107359,107PERINDOPRIL + INDAPAMIDETablet containing perindopril arginine 2.5 mg with indapamide hemihydrate 0.625 mg11,45911,459PERINDOPRIL + INDAPAMIDETablet containing perindopril arginine 5 mg with indapamide hemihydrate 1.25 mg224,4491224,450PERINDOPRIL + INDAPAMIDETablet containing perindopril erbumine 4 mg with indapamide hemihydrate 1.25 mg243,070243,070PERMETHRINCream 50 mg per g, 30 g15,52615,526PHENELZINETablet 15 mg (as sulfate)11PHENOBARBITONEInjection 200 mg (as sodium) in?1?mL55PHENOBARBITONEInjection containing phenobarbitone sodium 200 mg in?1 mL33PHENOBARBITONETablet 30 mg2,1882,188PHENOXYBENZAMINECapsule containing phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride 10 mg11PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINCapsule 250 mg phenoxymethylpenicillin (as potassium)30,209130,210PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINCapsule 500 mg phenoxymethylpenicillin (as potassium)189,7271189,728PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINOral suspension 150 mg (as benzathine) per 5 mL, 100 mL70,98670,986PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINPowder for oral liquid 125 mg (as potassium) per 5 mL, 100 mL4,3474,347PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINPowder for oral liquid 250 mg (as potassium) per 5 mL, 100 mL19,50319,503PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINTablet 250 mg phenoxymethylpenicillin (as potassium)14,22514,225PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINTablet 500 mg phenoxymethylpenicillin (as potassium)55,72355,723PHENYLEPHRINE + PREDNISOLONE ACETATEEye drops containing prednisolone acetate 10 mg with phenylephrine hydrochloride 1.2 mg per mL, 10?mL92,43992,439PHENYTOINCapsule containing phenytoin sodium 100 mg32,947732,954PHENYTOINCapsule containing phenytoin sodium 30 mg3,88423,886PHENYTOINOral suspension 30 mg per 5 mL, 500 mL428428PHENYTOINTablet 50 mg3636PHOLCODINELinctus 1mg per mL (0.1%), 100 mL11PHOSPHORUSTablet, compound effervescent, equivalent to 500 mg phosphorus2525PILOCARPINEEye drops containing pilocarpine hydrochloride 10 mg per mL, 15?mL1,8061,806PILOCARPINEEye drops containing pilocarpine hydrochloride 20 mg per mL, 15?mL2,4992,499PILOCARPINEEye drops containing pilocarpine hydrochloride 40 mg per mL, 15?mL1,1211,121PIMECROLIMUSCream 10 mg per g, 15 g16,67816,678PINDOLOLTablet 15 mg2,3082,308PINDOLOLTablet 5 mg1,2441,244PIOGLITAZONETablet 15 mg (as hydrochloride)7676PIOGLITAZONETablet 30 mg (as hydrochloride)22PIOGLITAZONETablet 45 mg (as hydrochloride)22PIROXICAMCapsule 10 mg7,5487,548PIROXICAMCapsule 20 mg38,67938,679PIROXICAMDispersible tablet 10 mg875875PIROXICAMDispersible tablet 20 mg17,28517,285PIZOTIFENTablet 500 micrograms (as malate)44,93144,931PODOPHYLLUM RESINPaint 25mL22POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400Eye drops 2.5 mg per mL, 15 mL36712379POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400Eye drops 2.5 mg per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 2077POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLEye drops 4 mg-3 mg per mL, 15?mL10,4115510,466POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLEye drops 4 mg-3 mg per mL, single dose units 0.8 mL, 281,3691,369POLYVINYL ALCOHOLEye drops 14 mg per mL, 15 mL1,51191,520POLYVINYL ALCOHOLEye drops 14 mg per mL, 15 mL (contains sodium chlorite/hydrogen peroxide as preservative)22214236POLYVINYL ALCOHOLEye drops 30 mg per mL, 15 mL476476POLYVINYL ALCOHOLEye drops 30 mg per mL, 15 mL (contains sodium chlorite/hydrogen peroxide as preservative)4646POTASSIUM CHLORIDETablet 600 mg (sustained release)41,18620541,391POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM BICARBONATE + POTASSIUM CARBONATETablet, effervescent, 14 mmol potassium and 8 mmol chloride3,960253,985PRAMIPEXOLETablet (extended release) containing pramipexole hydrochloride 1.5 mg11PRAMIPEXOLETablet (extended release) containing pramipexole hydrochloride 375 micrograms2,54012,541PRAMIPEXOLETablet (extended release) containing pramipexole hydrochloride 750 micrograms4,1354,135PRAMIPEXOLETablet containing pramipexole hydrochloride 1 mg22PRAMIPEXOLETablet containing pramipexole hydrochloride 125 micrograms12,123412,127PRAMIPEXOLETablet containing pramipexole hydrochloride 250 micrograms6,38936,392PRASUGRELTablet 10 mg (as hydrochloride)22PRAVASTATINTablet containing pravastatin sodium 10 mg15,04815,048PRAVASTATINTablet containing pravastatin sodium 20 mg43,48343,483PRAVASTATINTablet containing pravastatin sodium 40 mg82,151882,159PRAVASTATINTablet containing pravastatin sodium 80 mg24,13024,130PRAZIQUANTELTablet 600 mg4747PRAZOSINTablet 1 mg (as hydrochloride)51,2586151,319PRAZOSINTablet 2 mg (as hydrochloride)27,212427,216PRAZOSINTablet 5 mg (as hydrochloride)18,51118,511PREDNISOLONETablet 1 mg54,9104954,959PREDNISOLONETablet 25 mg394,549323394,872PREDNISOLONETablet 5 mg240,037386240,423PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSPHATEEnema, retention, 20 mg (as sodium phosphate) in 100 mL33PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSPHATEOral solution 5 mg (as sodium phosphate) per mL, 30 mL307,149307,149PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSPHATESuppositories 5 mg (as sodium phosphate), 10493493PREDNISONETablet 1 mg24,436524,441PREDNISONETablet 25 mg126,231126,231PREDNISONETablet 5 mg88,5722088,592PREGABALINCapsule 150 mg5050PREGABALINCapsule 25 mg4,11224,114PREGABALINCapsule 300 mg22PREGABALINCapsule 75 mg1791180PRIMIDONETablet 250 mg13114PROBENECIDTablet 500 mg4813484PROCAINE PENICILLINInjection 1.5 g in disposable syringe2121PROCHLORPERAZINEInjection containing prochlorperazine mesylate 12.5 mg in 1 mL1,0661,066PROCHLORPERAZINESuppositories containing prochlorperazine equivalent to 25 mg prochlorperazine maleate, 56,2876,287PROCHLORPERAZINETablet containing prochlorperazine maleate 5 mg233,50762233,569PROMETHAZINEInjection containing promethazine hydrochloride 50 mg in 2 mL1,4491,449PROPANTHELINETablet containing propantheline bromide 15 mg3,2273,227PROPRANOLOLTablet containing propranolol hydrochloride 10 mg71,2023171,233PROPRANOLOLTablet containing propranolol hydrochloride 160 mg8,2968,296PROPRANOLOLTablet containing propranolol hydrochloride 40 mg109,51631109,547PROPYLTHIOURACILTablet 50 mg314314PROTEIN HYDROLYSATE FORMULA with MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDESOral powder 400 g (Alfare)44PROTEIN HYDROLYSATE FORMULA with MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDESOral powder 450 g (Karicare Aptamil Pepti-Junior Gold)1414PYRANTELTablet 125 mg (as embonate)9999PYRANTELTablet 250 mg (as embonate)356356PYRIDOSTIGMINETablet containing pyridostigmine bromide 10 mg592592PYRIDOSTIGMINETablet containing pyridostigmine bromide 60 mg55PYRIMETHAMINETablet 25 mg8585QUETIAPINETablet (modified release) 150 mg (as fumarate)1111QUETIAPINETablet (modified release) 200 mg (as fumarate)5858QUETIAPINETablet (modified release) 300 mg (as fumarate)1919QUETIAPINETablet (modified release) 400 mg (as fumarate)1111QUETIAPINETablet (modified release) 50 mg (as fumarate)126126QUETIAPINETablet 100 mg (as fumarate)381381QUETIAPINETablet 200 mg (as fumarate)102102QUETIAPINETablet 25 mg (as fumarate)1,19921,201QUETIAPINETablet 300 mg (as fumarate)2727QUINAGOLIDEPack containing 3 tablets quinagolide 25 micrograms (as hydrochloride) and 3 tablets quinagolide 50 micrograms (as hydrochloride)1919QUINAPRILTablet 10 mg (as hydrochloride)19,072119,073QUINAPRILTablet 20 mg (as hydrochloride)39,82939,829QUINAPRILTablet 5 mg (as hydrochloride)6,67316,674QUINAPRIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 10 mg quinapril (as hydrochloride) with 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide4,9604,960QUINAPRIL + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 20 mg quinapril (as hydrochloride) with 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide27,26227,262QUININETablet containing quinine sulfate 300 mg307307RABEPRAZOLETablet containing rabeprazole sodium 10 mg (enteric coated)25,947125,948RABEPRAZOLETablet containing rabeprazole sodium 20 mg (enteric coated)678,3385678,343RALOXIFENETablet containing raloxifene hydrochloride 60 mg44RAMIPRILCapsule 1.25 mg3,995124,007RAMIPRILCapsule 10 mg385,0463385,049RAMIPRILCapsule 2.5 mg18,5394618,585RAMIPRILCapsule 5 mg31,5161531,531RAMIPRILPack containing 7 tablets 2.5 mg, 21 tablets 5 mg and 10 capsules 10?mg346346RAMIPRILTablet 1.25 mg39,5786739,645RAMIPRILTablet 10 mg83,884283,886RAMIPRILTablet 2.5 mg144,763117144,880RAMIPRILTablet 5 mg269,34841269,389RAMIPRIL + FELODIPINETablet 2.5 mg-2.5 mg (modified release)3,1763,176RAMIPRIL + FELODIPINETablet 5 mg-5 mg (modified release)29,43829,438RANITIDINESyrup 150 mg (as hydrochloride) per 10 mL, 300 mL13,40413,404RANITIDINETablet 150 mg (as hydrochloride)85,3851185,396RANITIDINETablet 300 mg (as hydrochloride)56,94356,943RANITIDINETablet, effervescent, 150 mg (as hydrochloride)8,1538,153RASAGILINETablet 1 mg (as mesilate)11REBOXETINETablet 4 mg (as mesilate)2601261RHAMNUS FRANGULA + STERCULIAGranules 620 mg-80 mg per g, 500?g1,0931,093RIFAMPICINCapsule 150 mg55RIFAMPICINCapsule 300 mg719719RIFAMPICINSyrup 100 mg per 5 mL, 60 mL8787RISEDRONATETablet (enteric coated) containing risedronate sodium 35 mg2222RISEDRONATETablet containing risedronate sodium 150 mg5050RISEDRONATETablet containing risedronate sodium 35 mg11RISEDRONATE (&) CALCIUM CARBONATEPack containing 4 tablets risedronate sodium 35 mg and 24 tablets calcium 500 mg (as carbonate)22RISPERIDONETablet 0.5 mg10,4111710,428RISPERIDONETablet 0.5 mg (orally disintegrating)2,33252,337RISPERIDONETablet 1 mg6431644RISPERIDONETablet 1 mg (orally disintegrating)210210RISPERIDONETablet 2 mg177177RISPERIDONETablet 2 mg (orally disintegrating)7676RISPERIDONETablet 3 mg8585RISPERIDONETablet 3 mg (orally disintegrating)3333RISPERIDONETablet 4 mg2727RISPERIDONETablet 4 mg (orally disintegrating)1010RITONAVIRTablet 100 mg77RIVAROXABANTablet 10 mg5353RIVAROXABANTablet 15 mg11RIVASTIGMINETransdermal patch 9 mg11RIZATRIPTANWafer 10 mg (as benzoate)81,91681,916ROSUVASTATINTablet 10 mg (as calcium)3051306ROSUVASTATINTablet 20 mg (as calcium)4343ROSUVASTATINTablet 40 mg (as calcium)1313ROSUVASTATINTablet 5 mg (as calcium)224,946224,946ROXITHROMYCINTablet 150 mg390,01127390,038ROXITHROMYCINTablet 300 mg543,508105543,613ROXITHROMYCINTablet for oral suspension 50 mg36,25436,254SALBUTAMOLCapsule containing powder for oral inhalation 200 micrograms (as sulfate) (for use in Ventolin Rotahaler)250250SALBUTAMOLNebuliser solution 2.5 mg (as sulfate) in 2.5 mL single dose units,?3015,3591315,372SALBUTAMOLNebuliser solution 5 mg (as sulfate) in 2.5 mL single dose units, 3037,7882337,811SALBUTAMOLNebuliser solution 5 mg (as sulfate) per mL, 30 mL2727SALBUTAMOLOral solution 2 mg (as sulfate) per 5 mL, 150 mL9,1919,191SALBUTAMOLPressurised inhalation 100 micrograms (as sulfate) per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)636,940113637,053SALBUTAMOLPressurised inhalation in breath actuated device 100 micrograms (as sulfate) per dose, 200 doses (CFC-free formulation)391391SALICYLIC ACIDOintment 100g291291SALICYLIC ACIDPaint 25mL1616SALICYLIC ACID with SULPHURCream 100g281281SALIVA SUBSTITUTEEye drops containing carmellose sodium 10 mg per mL, 15 mL2,91272,919SALIVA SUBSTITUTEEye drops containing carmellose sodium 10 mg per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 30125125SALIVA SUBSTITUTEEye drops containing carmellose sodium 2.5 mg per mL, single dose units 0.6 mL, 24340340SALIVA SUBSTITUTEEye drops containing carmellose sodium 5 mg per mL, 15 mL6,930506,980SALIVA SUBSTITUTEEye drops containing carmellose sodium 5 mg per mL, single dose units 0.4 mL, 30379379SALIVA SUBSTITUTEMouth spray containing carmellose sodium 10 mg per mL, 100 mL12214SALIVA SUBSTITUTEMouth spray containing carmellose sodium 10 mg per mL, 25 mL314SALIVA SUBSTITUTEOcular lubricating gel containing carmellose sodium 10 mg per mL, single dose units 0.6 mL, 28629629SALMETEROLPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device 50 micrograms (as xinafoate) per dose, 60 doses9090SELEGILINETablet containing selegiline hydrochloride 5 mg33SENNOSIDE BTablet 7.5 mg44SERTRALINETablet 100 mg (as hydrochloride)714,55911714,570SERTRALINETablet 50 mg (as hydrochloride)678,70217678,719SIMVASTATINTablet 10 mg64,664464,668SIMVASTATINTablet 20 mg214,91114214,925SIMVASTATINTablet 40 mg328,75512328,767SIMVASTATINTablet 5 mg5,0285,028SIMVASTATINTablet 80 mg90,116190,117SITAGLIPTINTablet 100 mg (as phosphate monohydrate)88SITAGLIPTINTablet 50 mg (as phosphate monohydrate)11SITAGLIPTIN + METFORMINTablet containing 50 mg sitagliptin (as phosphate monohydrate) with 1000 mg metformin hydrochloride99SODIUM BICARBONATESodi bicarb ear drop 15mL1,0721,072SODIUM CHLORIDEI.V. infusion 154 mmol per L, 1 L6,6086,608SODIUM CHLORIDEI.V. infusion 38.5 mmol per 250 mL, 250 mL504504SODIUM CHLORIDEI.V. infusion 513 mmol per L, 1 L4242SODIUM CHLORIDEI.V. infusion 77 mmol per 500 mL, 500 mL336336SODIUM CHLORIDEInjection 9 mg per mL, 10 mL34640SODIUM CHLORIDE + GLUCOSEI.V. infusion 31 mmol-222 mmol (anhydrous) per L, 1 L171171SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + CALCIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATEI.V. infusion containing approximately 148 mmol sodium (as chloride), 4 mmol potassium (as chloride), 2 mmol calcium (as chloride) and 156 mmol chloride per L, 1 L55SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + GLUCOSE MONOHYDRATE + CITRATEOral rehydration salts containing glucose 3.56 g, sodium chloride 470 mg, potassium chloride 300 mg and sodium acid citrate 530 mg per sachet, 101,6811,681SODIUM GLUCONATE + SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE + SODIUM ACETATE TRIHYDRATE + GLUCOSEElectrolyte replacement solution containing sodium chloride 5.26 g, sodium acetate 3.68 g, sodium gluconate 5.02 g, potassium chloride 370 mg and magnesium chloride 300 mg per L, 1 L5353SODIUM HYALURONATEEye drops containing sodium hyaluronate 1 mg per mL, 10 mL257257SODIUM HYALURONATEEye drops containing sodium hyaluronate 2 mg per mL, 10 mL233233SORBITOL + CITRATE + LAURYL SULFOACETATE SODIUMEnemas 3.125 g-450 mg-45 mg in 5 mL, 122,0722,072SORBITOL + CITRATE + LAURYL SULFOACETATE SODIUMEnemas 3.125 g-450 mg-45 mg in 5 mL, 433SOTALOLTablet containing sotalol hydrochloride 160 mg19,72119,721SOTALOLTablet containing sotalol hydrochloride 80 mg92,3074792,354SOY LECITHIN + TOCOPHEROLS + VITAMIN?AEye spray 10 mg per mL, 10 mL1818SPIRITSpirit ear drop 15mL135135SPIRONOLACTONETablet 100 mg33,05633,056SPIRONOLACTONETablet 25 mg64,25815864,416STANDARD FORMULA PREPARATIONAluminium acetate ear drops1818STANDARD FORMULA PREPARATIONBenzoic acid compound ointment4343STANDARD FORMULA PREPARATIONBoric acid olive oil and zinc oxide ointment3535STANDARD FORMULA PREPARATIONMenthol inhaations 50mL2626STANDARD FORMULA PREPARATIONSalicylic acid ointment163163STRONTIUMSachet containing granules for oral suspension containing strontium ranelate 2 g1111SUCRALFATETablet equivalent to 1 g anhydrous sucralfate3,4833,483SULFADIAZINE SILVERCream 10 mg per g, 50 g23,06723,067SULFASALAZINETablet 500 mg5864590SULFASALAZINETablet 500 mg (enteric coated)938938SULTHIAMETablet 50 mg11SUMATRIPTANNasal spray 20 mg in 0.1 mL single dose unit37,69137,691SUMATRIPTANTablet (fast disintegrating) 50 mg (as succinate)24,30724,307SUMATRIPTANTablet 50 mg (as succinate)140,757140,757TACROLIMUSCapsule 0.5 mg1111TAMOXIFENTablet 10 mg (as citrate)121121TAMOXIFENTablet 20 mg (as citrate)5022504TAMSULOSINTablet 400 micrograms (prolonged release)112TELMISARTANTablet 40 mg570,67111570,682TELMISARTANTablet 80 mg467,777467,777TELMISARTAN + AMLODIPINETablet 40 mg-10 mg (as besylate)6,5986,598TELMISARTAN + AMLODIPINETablet 40 mg-5 mg (as besylate)33,55633,556TELMISARTAN + AMLODIPINETablet 80 mg-10 mg (as besylate)6,5246,524TELMISARTAN + AMLODIPINETablet 80 mg-5 mg (as besylate)58,93058,930TELMISARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 40 mg-12.5 mg106,636106,636TELMISARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 80 mg-12.5 mg341,015341,015TELMISARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 80 mg-25 mg100,395100,395TEMAZEPAMTablet 10 mg516,463267516,730TERBINAFINECream containing terbinafine hydrochloride 10 mg per g, 15 g1616TERBINAFINETablet 250 mg (as hydrochloride)33TERBUTALINEInjection containing terbutaline sulfate 500 micrograms in 1 mL1616TERBUTALINEPowder for oral inhalation in breath actuated device containing terbutaline sulfate 500 micrograms per dose, 200 doses49,42949,429TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATEInjection containing testosterone enanthate 250 mg in 1 mL7,8857,885TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATECapsule containing testosterone undecanoate 40 mg4747TETRABENAZINETablet 25 mg11TETRACOSACTRINCompound depot injection 1 mg in 1 mL1111THEOPHYLLINEOral solution 133.3 mg per 25 mL, 500 mL1,4541,454THEOPHYLLINETablet 200 mg (sustained release)1,93921,941THEOPHYLLINETablet 250 mg (sustained release)2,6502,650THEOPHYLLINETablet 300 mg (sustained release)2,0822,082THIAMINETablet containing thiamine hydrochloride 100 mg76149810THYMOLThymol mouth wash white 200m115115THYROXINETablet containing 100 micrograms anhydrous thyroxine sodium253,38124253,405THYROXINETablet containing 200 micrograms anhydrous thyroxine sodium27,942227,944THYROXINETablet containing 50 micrograms anhydrous thyroxine sodium242,97540243,015THYROXINETablet containing 75 micrograms anhydrous thyroxine sodium76,569376,572TIAPROFENIC ACIDTablet 300 mg902902TICAGRELORTablet 90 mg55TICARCILLIN + CLAVULANIC ACIDPowder for injection containing ticarcillin 3 g (as sodium) with 100 mg clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate)187187TICLOPIDINETablet containing ticlopidine hydrochloride 250 mg11TIMOLOLEye drops (gellan gum solution) 2.5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 2.5 mL3,0723,072TIMOLOLEye drops (gellan gum solution) 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 2.5 mL15,596215,598TIMOLOLEye drops 2.5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 5 mL4,02724,029TIMOLOLEye drops 5 mg (as maleate) per mL, 5 mL25,3251225,337TIMOLOLEye gel 1 mg (as maleate) per g, 5 g8,9208,920TINIDAZOLETablet 500 mg77,122277,124TIOTROPIUMCapsule containing powder for oral inhalation 18 micrograms (as bromide monohydrate) (for use in HandiHaler)4949TOBRAMYCINEye drops 3 mg per mL, 5 mL26,05726,057TOBRAMYCINEye ointment 3 mg per g, 3.5 g7,7027,702TOBRAMYCINInjection 80 mg (as sulfate) in 2 mL3131TOBRAMYCINInjection 80 mg (as sulfate) in 2 mL (without preservative)1212TOPIRAMATECapsule 15 mg163163TOPIRAMATECapsule 25 mg8989TOPIRAMATETablet 100 mg1717TOPIRAMATETablet 200 mg11TOPIRAMATETablet 25 mg282282TOPIRAMATETablet 50 mg44TRAMADOLCapsule containing tramadol hydrochloride 50 mg343,215231343,446TRAMADOLInjection containing tramadol hydrochloride 100 mg in 2 mL1,4711,471TRAMADOLOral drops containing tramadol hydrochloride 100 mg per mL, 10?mL877877TRAMADOLTablet (extended release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 100 mg2,6912,691TRAMADOLTablet (extended release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 200 mg3,3433,343TRAMADOLTablet (extended release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 300 mg1,9511,951TRAMADOLTablet (sustained release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 100 mg113,60319113,622TRAMADOLTablet (sustained release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 150 mg45,016245,018TRAMADOLTablet (sustained release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 200 mg69,154169,155TRAMADOLTablet (sustained release) containing tramadol hydrochloride 50 mg34,520734,527TRANDOLAPRILCapsule 1 mg12,126212,128TRANDOLAPRILCapsule 2 mg26,32926,329TRANDOLAPRILCapsule 4 mg31,33031,330TRANDOLAPRILCapsule 500 micrograms3,1573,157TRANDOLAPRIL + VERAPAMILTablet containing trandolapril 2 mg with verapamil hydrochloride 180 mg (sustained release)4,0984,098TRANDOLAPRIL + VERAPAMILTablet containing trandolapril 4 mg with verapamil hydrochloride 240 mg (sustained release)20,63520,635TRANEXAMIC ACIDTablet 500 mg1,2061,206TRANYLCYPROMINETablet 10 mg (as sulfate)2,0382,038TRAVOPROSTEye drops 40 micrograms per mL, 2.5 mL3535TRIAMCINOLONECream containing triamcinolone acetonide 200 micrograms per g, 100 g58,73158,731TRIAMCINOLONEInjection containing triamcinolone acetonide 10 mg in 1 mL7,30917,310TRIAMCINOLONEOintment containing triamcinolone acetonide 200 micrograms per g, 100 g18,365118,366TRIAMCINOLONE + NEOMYCIN SULFATE + GRAMICIDIN + NYSTATINEar drops containing triamcinolone acetonide 1 mg with neomycin 2.5 mg (as sulfate), gramicidin 250 micrograms and nystatin 100,000 units per g, 7.5 mL75,184575,189TRIAMCINOLONE + NEOMYCIN SULFATE + GRAMICIDIN + NYSTATINEar ointment containing triamcinolone acetonide 1 mg with neomycin 2.5 mg (as sulfate), gramicidin 250 micrograms and nystatin 100,000 units per g, 5 g109,33046109,376TRIFLUOPERAZINETablet 1 mg (as hydrochloride)1,3691,369TRIFLUOPERAZINETablet 2 mg (as hydrochloride)901901TRIFLUOPERAZINETablet 5 mg (as hydrochloride)1,2591,259TRIGLYCERIDES MEDIUM CHAINOil 500 mL (MCT Oil)44TRIGLYCERIDES MEDIUM CHAINOral emulsion 250 mL (Liquigen)55TRIGLYCERIDES MEDIUM CHAIN and LONG CHAIN with GLUCOSE POLYMEROral powder 400 g (Duocal)11TRIMETHOPRIMTablet 300 mg351,285460351,745TRIMETHOPRIM + SULFAMETHOXAZOLEPaediatric oral suspension 40 mg-200 mg per 5 mL, 100 mL63,774763,781TRIMETHOPRIM + SULFAMETHOXAZOLETablet 160 mg-800 mg169,793150169,943TROPISETRONCapsule 5 mg (as hydrochloride)309309TROPISETRONI.V. injection 5 mg (as hydrochloride) in 5 mL5,6775,677UREACream 100 mg per g (10%), 100 g88VALACICLOVIRTablet 500 mg (as hydrochloride)1818VALPROATEOral liquid containing sodium valproate 200 mg per 5 mL, 300 mL4,6344,634VALPROATEOral solution containing sodium valproate 200 mg per 5 mL, 300 mL1,3361,336VALPROATETablet (enteric coated) containing sodium valproate 200 mg70,415870,423VALPROATETablet (enteric coated) containing sodium valproate 500 mg3,97953,984VALPROATETablet, crushable, containing sodium valproate 100 mg7,48117,482VALSARTANTablet 160 mg21,77321,773VALSARTANTablet 320 mg7,43417,435VALSARTANTablet 40 mg1,30921,311VALSARTANTablet 80 mg29,970129,971VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 160 mg-12.5 mg7,1277,127VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 160 mg-25 mg2,8862,886VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 320 mg-12.5 mg4,5454,545VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 320 mg-25 mg3,9363,936VALSARTAN + HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDETablet 80 mg-12.5 mg4,4474,447VANCOMYCINCapsule 125 mg (125,000 I.U.) (as hydrochloride)33VANCOMYCINPowder for injection 1 g (1,000,000 I.U.) (as hydrochloride)3,3713,371VANCOMYCINPowder for injection 500 mg (500,000 I.U.) (as hydrochloride)3,1723,172VARENICLINEBox containing 11 tablets 0.5 mg (as tartrate) and 14 tablets 1 mg (as tartrate) in the first pack and 28 tablets 1 mg (as tartrate) in the second pack11VARENICLINETablet 1 mg (as tartrate)8282VENLAFAXINECapsule (modified release) 150 mg (as hydrochloride)1,1291,129VENLAFAXINECapsule (modified release) 37.5 mg (as hydrochloride)63,380563,385VENLAFAXINECapsule (modified release) 75 mg (as hydrochloride)4,14064,146VERAPAMILCapsule containing verapamil hydrochloride 160 mg (sustained release)13,134613,140VERAPAMILCapsule containing verapamil hydrochloride 240 mg (sustained release)21,213221,215VERAPAMILInjection containing verapamil hydrochloride 5 mg in 2 mL33VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 120 mg1,4411,441VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 160 mg551551VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 180 mg (sustained release)54,281154,282VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 240 mg (sustained release)107,7162107,718VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 40 mg6,98566,991VERAPAMILTablet containing verapamil hydrochloride 80 mg5,18615,187VILDAGLIPTINTablet 50 mg11VILDAGLIPTIN + METFORMINTablet containing 50 mg vildagliptin with 1000 mg metformin hydrochloride22WARFARINTablet containing warfarin sodium 1 mg189,008338189,346WARFARINTablet containing warfarin sodium 2 mg152,642112152,754WARFARINTablet containing warfarin sodium 3 mg68,19514568,340WARFARINTablet containing warfarin sodium 5 mg199,75417199,771ZINC COMPOUNDPst 100g2424ZINC with STARCH with TALCPowder1010ZIPRASIDONECapsule 20 mg (as hydrochloride)1212ZIPRASIDONECapsule 40 mg (as hydrochloride)66ZIPRASIDONECapsule 60 mg (as hydrochloride)33ZIPRASIDONECapsule 80 mg (as hydrochloride)11ZOLMITRIPTANTablet 2.5 mg49,67049,670ZONISAMIDECapsule 25 mg231231ZONISAMIDECapsule 50 mg470470ZOPICLONETablet 7.5 mg1515ZUCLOPENTHIXOL DECANOATEOily I.M. injection 200 mg in 1 mL1,4081,408OTHERRPBS unlisted items3,6323,632Grand Total62,051,58623,36762,074,953 ................

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