Ships Mentioned in WC ( Games, Hint/Guide Books, Novels ...

Ships Mentioned in WC ( Games, Hint/Guide Books, Novels, Cartoon Series )

WC - Wing Commander I

VOTK - Wing Commander II - Vengance of the Kilrathi

HOTT - Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger

HOTTN - Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger Novel

TPOF - Wing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom

TPOFN - Wing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom Novel

TPOFOG - Wing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom Novel Official Guide

WCP - Prophecy

WCPWS - Wing Commander Prophecy Web Site ?

CM - Claw Marks

Priv - Privateer

Arm -Wing Commander Armada

OFX - Origin FX

VS - Victory Streak

WCA - Wing Commander Academy

WCATV - Wing Commander Academy - TV Cartoon Series

WCCCG - Wing Commander Customizable Card Game

WCOG - Wing Commander Official Guide

SMC - Secret Missions: Crusade

SM - Secret Missions

SWC - Super Wing Commander

FF - Freedom Flight - novel

FA - Fleet Action - novel

MR - Milk Run - First part of End Run novel

ER - End Run - novel

AS - Action Stations - novel

KSM - Kilrathi Saga Manual

SO1 - Special Operations1

SO2 - Special Operations2

Confed Ship List

TCS Achilles (TPOFN)

Achilles class heavy Cruiser

TCS Agamemnon (TPOFN)

Achilles class heavy Cruiser

TCS Agincourt (I) (VOTK)

Waterloo class Cruiser

TCS Agincourt (II) (WCCCG)

WCIII style Cruiser

TCS Ajax (I) (WCATV)

Achilles class heavy Cruiser

TCS Ajax (II) (HOTT)

WCIII style Cruiser

TCS Alcatraz (SO2)

Waterloo class Cruiser

TCS Amadeus (TPOF)

WCIII style Transport

TCS Ark Royal (FA)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Armageddon (VS)


TCS Armstrong (HOTTN)

WCIII style Shuttle

TCS Ashiri Maru (TPOFN)

WCIII style Transport

TCS Austin (SMC)

Gettysburg class Cruiser

TCS Baibridge (TPOFN)

WCIII style Cruiser

TCS Bangor (ER)

Marine Transport

TCS Bannockburn (FA)

Stealth Transport

TCS Barkley (WCP)

Pelican class Transport

TCS Bastille (SO2)

Clydesdale class Transport

TCS Behemoth (HOTT)

Behemoth class Dreadnaught (?)

TCS Belarus (AS)


TCS Bengal (WC)

Bengal class Strike Carrier

TCS Beowulf (VOTK)

Gilgamesh class Destroyer

TCS Bhomis (VOTK)

Free Trader class transport

TCS Blitzkreig (FA)


TCS Bonnie Heather (VOTK)

Free Trader class transport

TCS Brack (WCP)


TCS Bradshaw (KSM)



Byrd class Recon Ship

TCS Caernaven (TPOFN)

Caernaven class Frigate

TCS Caledonia (TPOFN)


TCS Cameleopard (SO2)

Clydesdale class Transport

TCS Centurion (SO2)

Waterloo class Cruiser

TCS Cimino (WCP)

Pelican class Transport

TCS Ciudad de Beunos Aires (HOTTN)

WCIII style Shuttle

TCS Clydesdale (VOTK)

Clydesdale class Transport

TCS Coatmain (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Concordia (I) (AS)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Concordia (II) (VOTK)

Confederation class Dreadnaught

TCS Concordia (III) (TPOF)

Concordia class Carrier

TCS Condor (WCP)

Condor class multi purpose shuttle

TCS Confederation (VOTK)

Confederation class Dreadnaught

TCS Copernicus (WCP)

Copernicus class planetological research vessel

TCS Coral Sea (AS)

Heavy Carrier

TCS Coventry (HOTT)

WCIII style Destroyer

TCS Crete (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS Deliverance (WCP)

Condor class multi purpose shuttle

TCS Delphi (TPOFN)

Durango class heavy cruiser

TCS Delphinium (SO2)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Devereaux (WCP)

Copernicus class planetological research vessel

TCS Dhalma (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Dilligent (SM)

Dilligent class transport

TCS Dominion (TPOFN)


TCS Doric (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Dornier (TPOFN)


TCS Drayman (WC)

Drayman class transport

TCS Durango (TPOFN)

Durango class heavy destroyer


Escort Carrier

TCS Eagle's Talon (WCOG)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS Eisen (WCP)


TCS Elgin Dailey (TPOFN)

WCIII style Transport

TCS Enigma (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS Euralius (TPOFN)


TCS Excalibur (VOTK)

Free Trader class transport

TCS Exeter (I) (WC)

Exeter class destroyer

TCS Exeter (II) (SWC)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS Falcon (FA)

Falcon class corvette

TCS Fallstaff (SM)

Drayman class transport

TCS Formidable (WC)

Exeter class destroyer

TCS Freedom (WCA)


TCS Free Trader (VOTK)

Free Trader class transport

TCS Gallipoli (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS Gamal Gan/Grimalkin (SO2)

Dorkathi class Transport

TCS General Powell (SMC)

Drayman class transport

TCS Gettysburg (I) (FF)

Gettysburg class Cruiser

TCS Gettysburg (II) (SO1)

Waterloo class Cruiser

TCS Gilgamesh (VOTK)

Gilgamesh class Cruiser

TCS Granicus (FA)

Granicus class Corvette

TCS Gunga Din (VOTK)

Clydesdale class Transport

TCS Gwenhyvar (SM)

Exeter class Destroyer


WCIII style Shuttle

TCS Hector (VOTK)

Gilgamesh class Destroyer

TCS Hermes (I) (AS)


TCS Hermes (II) (HOTTN)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Hickok (WC)

Dilligent class transport

TCS Holmen (FF)

Marine Transport

TCS Horatio Nelson (HOTTN)

WCIII style Shuttle

TCS Iason (CM)

Exploratory Ship

TCS Igauna (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Intrepid (I) (ER)


TCS Intrepid (II) (WCP)

Modified Durango class heavy destroyer

TCS Invincible (HOTTN)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Iwo Jima (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS Java (AS)


TCS Jerusalem (SMC)

Destroyer (?)

TCS Johann (SM)

Exeter class destroyer

TCS John Bunyan (MR)

Venture class Corvette

TCS Johnny Greene (MR)

Venture class Corvette

TCS Kagimasha (ER)


TCS Kalamazoo (WCPWS)


TCS Kennedy (VS)


TCS Khorsan (FA)

Escort Carrier


Light Carrier

TCS Kinney (Priv)


TCS Kirsk (SO1)


TCS Kipling (CM)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS Kyoto (WC)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS Lazarus (AS)


TCS Leningrad (FF)

Gilgamesh class destroyer

TCS Lexington (I) (FA)

Concordia class carrier

TCS Lexington (II) (Arm)

Lexington class carrier

TCS Leyte Gulf (FA)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Lincoln (VS)


TCS Louis B. Puller (TPOFN)

Pelileu class assault transport

TCS Malta (AS)


TCS Mannassas (WCATV)

Light Cruiser

TCS Mama's Boy (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Marburg (WCP)

Pelican class transport

TCS Marciano (SMC)

Venture class transport

TCS Masada (AS)


TCS Midway (WCP)

Midway class MegaCarrier

TCS Mistral Sea (WCP)

Midway class MegaCarrier

TCS Morgan (WCATV)

Fighter Transport

TCS Moskva (FA)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Mount Saint Helens (TPOF)

Vesuvius class Fleet Carrier

TCS Normandy (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS North Carolina (AS)


TCS Palomino (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Pathos (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Paradigm (OFX)

Paradigm class Destroyer

TCS Pelican (WCP)

Pelican class transport

TCS Pelileu (TPOFN)

Pelileu class assault transport

TCS Perez de Cuellar (SMC)

Exeter class Destroyer

TCS Petrov (WCP)


TCS Pleiku (WCATV)

Medical Ship

TCS Polemic (SO2)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Porter (WCP)

Pelican class transport

TCS Princeton (TPOFN)

Concordia class transport

TCS Ranger (AS)

Ranger class light carrier

TCS Ras Nik'hra (SMC)

Fralthi class cruiser

TCS Redeemer (WCP)

Condor class multi purpose shuttle

TCS Red's Gamble (TPOFN)

WCIII style Transport

TCS Roger Young (FA)


TCS Sable Star (VOTK)

Free Trader class Transport

TCS Saratoga (FA)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Schweinfurt (AS)

Training Carrier



TCS Sevastopol (ER)

Escort Carrier

TCS Shar N'Tanya (SMC)

Ralatha class destroyer

TCS Sheffield (HOTT)

WCIII style Destroyer

TCS Soryu (AS)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Suffolk (I) (WCATV)


TCS Suffolk (II) (WC)

Destroyer (?)

TCS Tarawa (ER)

Escort Carrier

TCS Tinderbox (VOTK)

Clydesdale class Transport

TCS Trafalgar (I) (WCATV)

Bengal class Strike Carrier

TCS Trafalgar (II) (ER)


TCS Trygvie La (SMC)

Exeter class Destroyer

TCS Tsiolkovsky (SMC)

Research Ship

TCS Tiger's Claw (WC)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS U Thant (SMC)

Exeter class destroyer

TCS Valdez (VOTK)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Valiant (AS)

Valiant class corvette

TCS Venture (WC)

Venture class corvette

TCS Verdun (FA)

Fleet Carrier

TCS Vesuvius (TPOF)

Vesuvius class Fleet Carrier

TCS Victory (HOTT)

Victory class light carrier

TCS Viking (WCA)


TCS Viper (WCA)


TCS Vindicator (SWC)

Exeter class destroyer

TCS Wake (FA)

Escort Carrier

TCS Washington (KSM)


TCS Waterloo (VOTK)

Waterloo class cruiser

TCS Weisbaden (ER)

Marine Transport

TCS William Tell (VOTK)

Gilgamesh class destroyer

TCS Willie C. (VOTK)

Free Trader class transport

TCS Winterrowd (SMC)


TCS Wolfhound (ER)

Bengal class strike carrier

TCS Xebec (SO2)

Clydesdale class transport

TCS Yorkshire (AS)


Kilrathi Ship List

KIS Agon Ra Sivar (Wing Commander Academy)-

Prince Thrakhath's flagship in 2654. Destroyed by Tiger's Claw

pilots during the 2654 Sivar ceremony at Dolos.

KIS Bordrav (CCG)-

WC3 style normal destroyer. Named after a colony Confed attacked

in 2669.

KIS Craxtha (Fleet Action)-

The only Hakaga class carrier to survive the final battle of

Terra, crippled at the very end of the fight by a suicidal Confederation

destroyer attack.

KIS Darthuka (Fleet Action)-

Standard Kilrathi carrier which accompanied the fleets attacking

Earth in 2668. Turned back to escort the damaged Tarvakh after the

battle of Sirius.

KIS Gamal Gan (SO2)-

Kilrathi Dorkathi class transport, surrendered to Blair in 2667.

Renamed Grimalkin by Special Operations and used for a mission which

ended up destroying Ayers Rock.

KIS Ghordax (HOTTN)-

Kilrathi escort ship. Part of the Kilrathi fleet dispatched to defeat a

Confederation fleet in the Hyperion system in 2669, just before the fall

of Kilrah.

KIS Gi'karga (Fleet Action)-

Kilrathi carrier which participated in the 3rd Enigma campaign, fought

against the TCS Concordia.

KIS Grakneth'Dak (Wing Commander Academy)-

Kilrathi ship 'sighted near Gorath'. Destroyed by Crossbow bombers.

KIS Karu (End Run)-

Drakhai carrier, held back to protect Kilrah during the vengeance

raid on Vukar Tag.

KIS Kheerakh (HOTTN)-

Kilrathi destroyed, served at Ariel in 2669.

KIS Hagku'ka (Fleet Action)-

First Hakaga class carrier to enter Kilrathi service, destroyed at


KIS Ha'Tukag (Fleet Action)-

Kilrathi carrier severly damaged before the false peace.

KIS Hha'ifra (WC2)-

Flagship of Prince Thrakhath in 2665. Launched a strike on Ghorah Khar.

KIS Hrai Hhallas (Wing Commander Prophecy)-

Weird transport thing in the WCP sim:)

KIS Hvar'kann (HOTTN)-

Dreadnaught class flagship of Prince Thrakhath in WCIII. Survived the


KIS Irrkham (HOTTN)-

Kilrathi destroyed in 2669.

KIS Kathuga (Action Stations)-

Carrier accidently destroyed in 2634 while on its way to strike the

Confederation base at McAuliffe.

KIS Kitagki (Action Stations)-

Heavy battleship, part of the strike force which attacked McAuliffe in


KIS Kraj'nishk (Freedom Flight)-

Fralthi sent to recapture the KIS Ras Nik'hra in 2655. Destroyed

by "Hunter" St. John.

KIS K'rath'kan (Armada)-

Kilrathi destroyed which destroyed the TCS Iason in 2629.

KIS Naoukeric (Wing Commander Academy)-

Kilrathi carrier destroyed at Oasis in 2654.

KIS Ni'lakh (SO1)-

Kamekh destroyed by Gettysburg pilots in 2667.

KIS Ni'runihn (Wing Commander Academy)

Kamekh used to capture the TCS Morgan and attack the TCS Pleiku in 2654.

Destroyed by "Maniac" Marshall.

KIS Notakgak (Fleet Action)-

Standard Kilrathi carrier which accompanied the fleets attacking

Earth in 2668. Turned back to escort the damaged Tarvakh after the

battle of Sirius.

KIS Rakesh (Super Wing Commander)-

Kilrathi Lumbari transport which delivered missiles to the Brimstone


KIS Ras Nakhar (HOTTN)-

Kilrathi carrier which dispatched forces in the Locanda system in 2669.

KIS Ras Nik'hra (Crusade)-

Defecting Fralthi captained by Ralgha nar Hhallas. Taken by the


in 2655.

KIS Rathtak (Claw Marks)-

Kilrathi Ralari destroyed attacked in 2654/3, damaged but not destroyed.

KIS Shar N'Tanya (SO1)-

Kilrathi Ralatha class destroyed which defected in 2667, escorted

supplies from

Ghorah Khar to the rebelling N'Tanya system.

KIS Shiraak (Armada)-

Kilrathi self sufficient carrier which faced off against the

Confederation's TCS

Lexington in 2669.

KIS Tarvakh (Fleet Action)

Hakaga class carrier severly damaged at the battle of Sirius. Sent back

to Kilrah

under heavy escort before the battle of Terra.

KIS Toor'vaas (HOTTN)-

Kilrathi destroyer circa 2669.

KIS Torg (End Run)-

Drakhai carrier, held back to protect Kilrah during the vengeance

raid on Vukar Tag.

KIS Trak'hmar (CCG)-

WC3 style destroyer.

KIS Tukgah (Action Stations)-

Carrier at McAuliffe in 2634, destroyed by the TCS Masada during the

Confederation's counterattack.

KIS Sar'hrai (HOTTN)-

Fleet carrier which took part in much of the action towards the end of


war in 2669.

KIS Shal'Kuz Mang (CCG)-

WC3 style cruiser (Fralthi II?).

KIS Sivar (Secret Missions)-

Planet killing dreadnaught destroyed in 2655 by the TCS Tiger's Claw.

Destroyed the Confederation colony on Goddard.

KIS Sivar's Glory (CCG)-

Kilrathi WC3 style carrier. Faced off against the TCS Victory in 2669.

KIS Ukshika (Action Stations)

Carrier which served at McAuliffe in 2634.

KIS Vengeance of Vukar Tag (CCG)-

WC3 style dreadnaught.

KIS Yu'ba'tuk (Fleet Action)

Standard Kilrathi carrier damaged at the battle of Sirius. Quickly

repaired and sent on its way to Earth.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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