Peakhurst South PS

Internet ACCEPTABLE UsAGE Policy


At Peakhurst South Public School we believe that the Internet extends learning beyond the walls of the classroom. The Internet provides an opportunity to enhance students’ learning experiences by providing access to vast amounts of information from across the globe. Use of the Internet and online communication services, provided by the NSW Department of Education and Communities, is intended for research and learning and communication between students and staff.

Access to Internet and online communication tools at school will assist students to develop the information and communication skills necessary to use the Internet effectively and appropriately.

The Internet Acceptable Usage Policy aligns with the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) requirements and should be read in conjunction with Peakhurst South Public School’s Anti-Bullying and Student Welfare Policies.


The appropriate use of the Internet by students and staff at Peakhurst South Public School will:

• Enhance learning opportunities and outcomes.

• Assist students and staff to develop the information and communication skills necessary to use the Internet effectively.

• Provide opportunities to access information facilities in the school.

• Assist in understanding the practical and ethical protocols.

• Reflect community standards and values.


This policy addresses the following issues:

1. Safety and Privacy: Responsibility of all Staff

It is the responsibility of all staff to provide a safe learning environment for students.

• The school will not disclose identifying data of students, staff or community members.

• Written permission from parents or carers must be obtained before photographs or written works are published.

• Students will be made aware that the identity of those with whom they communicate is often unknown, so that providing personal information across the Internet through school computers is unacceptable.

• It is the responsibility of all users to ensure that his/her password remains confidential.

2. Code of Behaviour: Responsibility of all Staff and students at Peakhurst South Public School

• Students will use the school computer system appropriately and access the Internet for teacher approved purposes.

• Unauthorised programs will not be accessed or downloaded.

• Published work of others is to be respected and not amended in any way without written approval.

• Parents/Carers and students must agree to and sign the Internet Code of Conduct Agreement before access is permitted.

• Breaches of the Code of Conduct will result in loss of student access to the Internet in line with Peakhurst South Public School Student Welfare Policy.

3. Individual Code of Conduct: Responsibility of Staff /Students /Parent / Carer

• Students and Parents must read, agree and sign Peakhurst South Public School INTERNET Code of Conduct before use of school equipment is permitted.

4. Portable Device Usage: Responsibility of Staff / Students

• Students are required to check mobile phones in at the office in the morning, to be collected at the conclusion of the school day

• Portable devices such as a USB thumb-drive, CD/DVD or iPod must not be used to upload or transfer any material without teacher permission.

• Students must not download any material from the Internet without teacher permission.

5. Internet Access: Responsibility of all Staff / Students

• Students have access through their DEC Internet Account to a student portal.

• Staff will approve and supervise Internet usage.

• Teaching/learning activities are conducted to consolidate appropriate Internet on-line behaviour and etiquette.

• Requests for Internet access or searches must be approved by the supervising teacher / staff member.

6. Equity of Access: Responsibility of Principal/Computer co-ordinator

• All students will have access to Internet training and the school’s DEC approved computer resources, once Code of Conduct is signed.

• Students will receive instruction in use of Internet and Internet protocols as part of their class technology program.

7. Effective and Secure Management: Responsibility of Principal/Computer Co-ordinator

• The school only uses the DEC service for accessing the Internet and subscribes to all site regulation and blocking systems.

• Staff will be informed of the safeguards which have been provided in standard DEC Internet service.

• Virus control mechanisms will be enforced so that the system is protected as much as possible.

8. Copyright: Responsibility of Principal / Staff

• All material accessed from the Internet will be acknowledged.

• All DEC copyright policies, procedures and protocols will be followed.


This policy will be reviewed as necessary, in line with the school’s ongoing planning and reporting process, by the School’s ICT Committee and endorsed by the school staff and School Council.

Peakhurst South Public School



• I understand that the SCHOOL Internet facility is for educational purposes.

• I will not use the Internet to access inappropriate (rude, scary or unkind) material.

• I will inform an adult immediately if I find material that is inappropriate.

• I will not copy or modify other people’s data without permission.

• I will not read, delete, copy or modify the electronic mail of others.

• I will use appropriate language when sending electronic mail to others.

• I will only use my first name on any email or communication on the Internet.

• I will not provide any personal information (full name, address, phone number, age) on the Internet.

• I understand that information gained through the Internet is subject to copyright, and I will acknowledge any material I use.

• I will only look in my own folders and files.

• I will not print any material without the teacher’s permission.

• I will not bookmark sites or save information without the teacher’s permission.

• I will not send or display offensive messages or images (including obscene language or language that may harass, insult or attack others).

• I will not publish a picture or email a picture of any student or staff member without first checking with the teacher and having the written parental permission of that student.

• I will not upload or download any material without the teacher’s permission.

I understand that using the Internet at school is a privilege and that failure to follow this Code of Conduct will result in loss of Internet access.

I have read the rules above and understand them. I accept these rules and will follow them. I accept the consequences should I break these rules.

Student Name …………………………………………………………………………..

Signature……………………………………………………………………. Date ………………………………….

I have read the rules above and understand them. I accept these rules and expect my child to follow them. I accept the consequences for my child should he/she break these rules.

Parent / Carer …………………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………….


Peakhurst South Public School

Pindari Road Peakhurst Heights NSW 2210

Tel: 9153 7256 9153 6515 Fax: 9584 1468 Abn: 62 860 138 083




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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