Age of Exploration – Map Project

Age of Exploration – Map Project

For this project, you are to create a two-sided map. On one side will be a detailed map showing the voyage routes of major European explorers. The other side will contain information about the explorers, their voyages, and the time period. Use chapter 6 in the world history book (pgs. 208-226) and chapter 18 in the red book (pgs. 347-363) as a resource. This project will be graded on content, organization, and understanding; the majority of the project will be completed during class time. Your map project should include the following:

Map Portion

1. Give your map a title.

2. Draw in the voyage routes of the following five explorers:

• Bartholomeu Dias

• Vasco de Gama

• Christopher Columbus

• Ferdinand Magellan

• Hernando Cortes

3. Label the voyage routes with the explorer’s name and the date of their voyage.

4. Make a key using different colors to represent each explorer’s route.

5. Label the following continents, oceans and places on the map:

• Spain

• Portugal

• England

• France

• India

• Brazil

• Tenochtitlan

• Strait of Magellan

• Cape of Good Hope

• The West Indies

Information Portion

1. List at least five causes and five effects of European Exploration in chart form

2. Make a table with six columns across the top, one for each explorer and five columns along the side, one for each of the following:

• Dates of Voyage

• Country Represented (which European power did they sail for?

• Destination

• Motives for Voyage (what commodities were they seeking, what was the purpose of the voyage?)

• Results of the Voyage (what did they actually find or accomplish?)


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