Hancock County Planning Commission


Maine Department of Transportation

Small Harbor Improvement Program

Fiscal Year 2011 Application

Quality Community Program Eligibility:

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|X Small Harbor Improvement Program (Up to 90% of total project value) |

|Note: Bonus points for a local match above 10% of total project value will be given |

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Section 1: General Information

|Municipality(s): Sedgwick, ME |

|Contact Person: Nelson Grindle, Selectman |

|Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 40 |

|City: Sedgwick |State: ME |Zip: 04676 |

|Daytime Phone No.: (207) 359-2275 |Email: sedgwick@ | |

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|NOTE: The following sections of this application request specific project related information. If warranted, pictures, cost estimates, maps, exhibits, diagrams, |

|survey summaries, etc., should be included with the application. Please be concise but if additional space is required, please attach supplemental sheets. |

Section 2: Project Brief

Location of Project: Provide town/city, street name(s) and additional project location references. Attach map-showing location of the proposed improvements. Indicate area affected or linked to the proposed improvement(s) especially noting valued community resources, including neighborhoods, businesses, and village areas.

Sedgwick Town Pier on the Benjamin River

Carter Point Road

Sedgwick, ME 04676

[See attached detailed map]

Project Summary (Outline proposed improvements in 25 words or less):

This project pays for repairs to the existing pier and walkways, improvements to the parking area and entrance road for the Sedgwick Town Pier on Carter Point Road. Sedgwick has raised $20,000 toward these repairs, but here requests additional funds in order to complete the renovation.

Required repairs include:

• replacing cribwork on the pier

• replacing walkway

• replacing walking ramp from pier to the float

• grading and paving the entrance road

• grading and organizing the gravel parking area

• Repairing damaged sections of the concrete boat ramp

• Replacing the main float, but not the finger floats.

• Adding informational signage for facility users.

Section 3: Project Details

Section 3.1 - Estimated Cost of Infrastructure Project

Construction: 1. $ 170,005

- Construction Engineering (if applicable): 2. $ 15,000

Total Value of Project (add lines 1 through 3): 3. $ 185,005

Local Match/Voluntary Contributions (Note: All match/voluntary contributions must be detailed. Bonus consideration may be given to applications that offer additional match/voluntary contributions beyond any applicable required local match.)

- Cash: 4. $ 20,000

- Please describe source of local match in detail: Town of Sedgwick general fund.

Total Local Match/Voluntary Contributions: (minimum 10% of total project cost) % 10.8 5. $ 20,000

Funds Requested from MaineDOT: 6. $165,005

Note: Lines 3 minus line 5 should equal Line 6 above.

Section 3.2 - Detailed Description of Infrastructure Project and Cost

Provide a detailed description of project work items and/or construction costs. Note that all infrastructure improvements must comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

| |Town Landing Improvements Benjamin River Sedgwick, Maine | |

|Item |Description |Cost |

|1 |Remove Existing 4’ Walkway |$1,600.00 |

|2 |25’ Paralam Stringers |$9,000.00 |

|3 |Cribwork Repairs |$6,000.00 |

|4 |New 6’ Walkway Decking |$7,500.00 |

|5 |Railing |$2,500.00 |

|6 |Main Float |$16,000.00 |

|7 |Erosion Control |$800.00 |

|8 |Site Preparation |$15,000.00 |

|9 |Granular Fill |$4,000.00 |

|10 |Riprap |$5,000.00 |

|11 |Culverts |$1,600.00 |

|12 |Gravel Base (12”) |$25,000.00 |

|13 |Surface Gravel (2”) |$4,000.00 |

|14 |Fine Grading |$5,500.00 |

|15 |Pavement (3”) |$50,000.00 |

|16 |Pavement Markings |$850.00 |

|17 |ADA Sign |$200.00 |

| |Subtotal |$154,550.00 |

| | | |

| |Contingency 10% |$15,455.00 |

| |Engineering |$15,000.00 |

| |Total |$185,005.00 |

Section 3.3 - Project Description and Demonstrated Needs

Describe the proposed project and scope: Attach diagrams, maps and/or correspondence that will help provide a clear description of the proposed scope.


Describe why this project is important to your community/region and worthy of funding (20%).

The Benjamin River pier and boat ramp provide Sedgwick’s primary public access location to the Benjamin River and all connected waterways including Eggemoggin Reach and Penobscot Bay. This facility is used by commercial fishermen and recreational users from Sedgwick and surrounding towns including Deer Isle, Brooklin, and Blue Hill.

This is a user friendly, all tides facility that is sheltered from strong currents and wind. The facility provides several important economic and quality of life benefits to the region. For fishermen the pier, floats and boat ramp are available at all tides. There are numerous mooring spaces in the sheltered harbor. For recreational users this facility is sheltered and easy to negotiate. In addition to the boat ramp on one side of the pier, the beach on the other side provides a second wider area for trailer and hand launching boats during most tides. The town benefits tremendously from maintaining this public amenity as property values increase with salt water access.

Describe the Transportation Values (10%): Each project should serve primarily transportation purposes. A project serves valid transportation purposes if it serves as a connection between origins and destinations, increases safety, or enhances the use of the transportation system, improves access and the transportation environment.

The primary users of the Sedgwick Town Pier include commercial fishermen, sport fishermen and recreational boat users. Transportation is, of course, critical to all fishing operations. Without save, all tides access to the water, lobstermen have no means of transportation their catch from trap to shore and from shore to market. Recreational fishing and boating are equally dependent on access to the water. In addition to local users, this facility is a landing point for people traveling the coast of Maine by sail boat, motor boat and sea kayak. This facility provides visitors with access to this scenic portion of the Blue Hill Peninsula.

Describe the Positive Impacts on Community (20%): The project will have measurable positive impacts on the community.

The improvements proposed here will greatly enhance access for all people, including persons with disabilities to this safe harbor. The renovations are critical for preserving the integrity of the existing infrastructure. Ongoing improvements to this facility are increasing useable parking, easing the difficulty of launching boats, increasing access and safety for boaters and provided income generating opportunities for commercial fishermen, sports fishing and scenic tour groups.

Though a central community on the Blue Hill Peninsula, Sedgwick has relatively little coastline and very limited public access to the water. This facility provides a critical link to the Eggemoggin Reach and Penobscot Bay for the entire community. Children and retirees often come to fish off the pier. Young paddlers launch their sea kayaks from the beach. Recreational boaters moor sailboats and small yachts nearby. Tourists and summer residents are frequently seen backing their boats into the river for a day’s outing. Commercial fishermen earn their livelihood through this facility. We the pier to be condemned for safety concerns or rendered unusable due to a storm, the loss of access would cause significant hardship for current users.

Describe Regional Impacts (10%): The project will have measurable positive impacts on the region.

As the attached map illustrates, the Sedgwick Pier on the Benjamin River is very close to the geographical center of the Blue Hill Peninsula/Deer Isle region. This public facility is used by many boaters from nearby towns. The nearby towns of Deer Isle and Brooklin have only limited public access to the water.

For more than a decade this facility has been included by Delorme, Inc, on their Gazetteer of Maine as a public boat facility. In addition to regional recognition, the Sedgwick pier is included on national websites such as .


The Schoodic Town Landing is listed on national websites

Describe the Demonstrated Needs (5%): A project that has demonstrated that it will serve important functions, and accomplish stated purposes.

The Town of Sedgwick has been seeking funding support for this small harbor for many years. In the absence of regional or state support, as indeed the region and state also benefit from this facility, the town has invested in annual improvements including restoring cribwork that supports the pedestrian section of the pier, adding railings and making significant improvements to the parking area. The town has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining this facility, but now seeks broader support to make additional significant renovations.

Describe How the Project Brings New Job Opportunities (10%): The project has been shown to provide new opportunities for public benefits.

As we noted above, this facility provides a critical link for commercial fisherman and new opportunities for recreational sightseeing tours and fishing expeditions. Recent construction activity by MaineDOT on the Deer Isle Bridge has also taken advantage of this facility as a mooring area for towboats.

The condition of the walkway, ramp, cribwork, float and parking area is far from ideal. Improvements proposed here will make the facility far more attractive to commercial and recreational users, will be safer and will encourage more people to enjoy opportunities unique to the downeast coast.

Describe How Your Project Meets State Planning Economic Benefits (20%): A project that will enhance or enable a livable, compact community that has the potential to improve quality of life, thereby enhancing the economic vibrancy of a community or region.

Three state priorities are addressed by this project:

1. Support for traditional, resource-based occupations is supported by enabling commercial and recreation fishing activities.

2. Promoting livability for area residents, seasonal residents and tourists who want easy, public access to the water. The downeast culture has always placed great value on living with nature and experiencing life on the water.

3. Providing opportunities for nature-based recreation. Low impact, high value experiences like sailing and sea kayaking are a tremendous competitive advantage for downeast Maine, but only when there is safe public access to the water.

Describe the Potential Safety Improvements (5%): A project that addresses existing or potential safety problems or issues.

Several potential safety concerns will be resolved with these renovations. The current access road and parking area are adequate, but not well organized. Parking is at times chaotic and backing trailers up the ramp into the staging area can be difficult. The pedestrian walkway to the pier has been patched for many years, but is not sufficiently stable and is vulnerable to storm damage. The float is aging and is not adequately stable nor smooth and when replaced will provide users with some additional comfort and security.

Section 4: Community Support

Provide information on the consultation and support for the project by the community: Identify organizations that pledged their support of the project and the roles they plan to play in project implementation. Possible project partners may include harbor committees, municipal officials, law enforcement agencies, public agencies or organizations, local elected officials, and other not for profit community groups. Include as attachments letters of support addressed to the applicant.

The Town of Sedgwick has demonstrated ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving this facility. Improvements to the parking, access road and walkway have been made in the past year alone. The Town employs a harbor master and has designated a harbor committee to oversee activities. The Town Select board has been involved at every step of the process. Regional support for this facility has been provide by the Hancock County Planning Commission, a regional non-profit organization recently recertified for Locally Administered Projects.

Is the municipality where the project is located Yes No

certified to locally administer the project?

Is the municipality willing to become LAP Certified? Yes No

A municipal/state agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation is required for the development, design, and construction of the project in accordance with Federal, State, and Local requirements.

Note: Information on Locally Administered Project (LAP) requirements can be found at:

Once submitted, MaineDOT will provide opportunity for your Regional Planning Organization or Metropolitan Planning Organization to give comments regarding the regional impact.

Section 5: Sensible Transportation Planning Bonus Points

Please Note: Your community may receive additional bonus points if it has met some of the criteria listed below. To be eligible for these bonus points, please answer the following questions:

Does your community have an approved Comprehensive Plan that has been found consistent by the State Planning Office? Yes No If yes, please list the year it was found consistent:

If applicable, please outline relevant ordinances and policies that have been enacted to support the Comprehensive Plan by promoting and encouraging compact development patterns in growth areas.


If applicable, please describe any regional efforts with surrounding municipalities that your community has undertaken to promote and encourage compact development patterns in growth areas.

The Town of Sedgwick, along with all of the surrounding communities on the Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Isle are annual supporters of the Hancock County Planning Commission. We collaborate through HCPC in efforts to priorities transportation improvements, guide land use and promote community development. Sedgwick has been a regional partners in providing access to recreation through this facility as well as recent investments to improve access to Walker Pond.

Section 6: Authorized Signatures

An authorized representative of the city/town and applicant/sponsor must sign the application.

Municipal Official:

|Name:       |Title:       |

|Phone#:       |Email:       |

___________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Signature Date

These signatures indicate the willingness/ability to provide the designated level of matching funds and a willingness to enter into a municipal/State agreement with the Department requiring the municipality/applicant/sponsor to administer the development, design, and construction of the project abiding to federal, State, and local requirements. The applicant will also be responsible for future maintenance of the completed project. Note that design should meet all applicable federal and State Standards and ADA Guidelines.

Send all application information as follows: Applications must be received no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday June 1, 2010. Five (5) complete hardcopy application packages (including all attachments and all required documents) must be submitted to:


Attn: Robert Elder, Director

Bureau of Transportation Systems Planning

16 State House Station

Child Street

Augusta, ME 04333-0016


Date Application


(For MaineDOT Use Only


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