This text is for questions 1 and 2




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Pertemuan ke : 2

Maret 2016


This text is for questions 1 and 2.

Aldo, it’s me Arya. All students have arrived at school. Why haven’t you arrived yet? As we planned before, we will leave at eight o’clock so that we will not arrive at the museum at noon.

1. What are Arya and his friends going to do?

A. Have a tour.

B. Go camping.

C. Have a party.

D. Visit someone.

E. Do an outbond activity.

 2. What time will they leave?

A. At half past seven.

B. At eight o’clock.

C. At eight fifteen.

D. At eight thirty.

E. At nine o’clock.

This text is for questions 3 to 6.

Chemical fertilizers are synthetically produced plant nutrients from inorganic materials. There are some arguments for and against them.

On its positive side, similar with organic

fertilizers, chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moreover, chemical fertilizers can provide plants with an immediate supply of nutrients when the situation demands it. This condition is different from organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers can only have either a high content level of one of these three, or have all three nutrients at lower levels.

On its negative side, chemical fertilizers have high acid content that can be dangerous to the soil’s population of microorganisms. Acids in chemical fertilizers, like sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, lead to high soil acidity which in turn results in the destruction of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the

microorganism that play a key role in supplying

a growing plant’s nitrogen needs. In this aspect, chemical fertilizers could potentially stunt plant’s growth.

Another negative side of chemical fertilizers is that they are more expensive than organic ones. It’s not surprising, since they have to be purchased from

a gardening store or horticulturists.

From the arguments for and against chemical fertilizers above, we should be able to consider whether to use chemical fertilizers or organic ones. The most important thing is that we should not give excessive fertilizer to plants.

adapted from: (March 15, 2012)

3. What is the text about?

A. The description of chemical fertilizers.

B. The benefits of using chemical fertilizers.

C. Pros and cons of chemical fertilizers.

D. The content of chemical fertilizers.

E. The price of chemical fertilizers.

4. From what materials are chemical fertilizers produced?

A. Nitrogen.

B. Potassium.

C. Phosphorus.

D. Organic materials.

E. Inorganic materials.

5. Why are chemical fertilizers dangerous to the soil’s population of microorganisms?

A. They cannot supply plant’s need.

B. They can stunt plant’s growth.

C. They are not natural.

D. They contain high acid.

E. They have high content levels of a certain substance.

6. “. . . provide plants with an immediate supply of nutrients . . . .” (Paragraph 2)

What is the antonym of the word ‘immediate’?

A. Slow. B. Soon.

C. Enough. D. Average.

E. Fast.

This text is for questions 7 – 10

“The Aviary”

Reviewed by sbyteens

Author : Kathleen O’Dell

Genre : Magic, mystery

Looking for a creepy tale involving a mysterious old mansion, family secrets, missing children and talking birds? Your search is over. Young Clara Dooley is the daughter of a servant, sequestered to the grounds of the Glendoveer mansion due to a weak heart. Left to her own devices, Clara stumbles upon a long-forgotten mystery involving the disappearance of the six Glendoveer children. Long presumed dead, Clara will work to uncover the truth behind the tragedy, aided by her friend Daphne and five feathered friends.

“The Aviary” blends the old-fashioned feel of gothic horror with a hint of supernatural magic. The result is the perfect recipe for an entertaining and engaging read.


(March 28, 2012)

 7. What is the text about?

A. Clara’s biography.

B. Clara’s isolated life.

C. The description of an aviary.

D. The influence of an aviary in human life.

E. A critique of a book entitled “The Aviary”.

 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Clara is helped by Daphne, her feathered friend.

B. Clara is the daughter of the mansion’s owner.

C. The mystery of the disappearance has just occured.

D. There are five people who will help Clara.

E. The six Glendoveer children have disappeared from the mansion.

 9. What happened to Clara?

A. She was brought by a ghost.

B. She was imprisoned in her own house.

C. She was isolated to the ground of a mansion.

D. She found an old mansion when being exiled to a dessert.

E. She found an old mansion when being exiled to an isolated island.

 10. “. . ., Clara stumbles upon a long-forgotten mystery involving the disappearance . . . .” (Paragraph 1)

The phrase “stumble upon” means ________.

A. blunder B. recognize

C. come up D. find by chance

E. make a conclusion

This text is for questions 11 and 12.

Attention, please.

Now, we have arrived in the park. You can go everywhere you like. If you go to the right side, you will find many kinds of birds, on the left side there will be some games such as flying fox and boating. There is also a tree house. If you go straight ahead, you can go to either the swimming pool, or the forest following the path beside it. Don’t forget to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We will have lunch and then go home.

11. Where should we go to play some games?

A. To the left side.

B. To the right side.

C. Straight ahead.

D. Near the birds cages.

E. Near the swimming pool.

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?

A. The birds’ cages are on the left side.

B. They should gather at the place after lunch.

C. They should go everywhere together.

D. We can find a tree house if we go straight ahead.

E. The path to the forest is beside the swimming pool.

This text is for questions 13 to 16.


13. What is David Mitchell’s problem?

A. Hardware.

B. Machinery.

C. Budget.

D. Delivery system.

E. The post-installation support package.

14. Which paragraph tells the readers abouts the copy of the updated Project Report?

A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2.

C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4.

E. Paragraph 5.

15. What does David Mitchell say about the

extension period of 12 months?

A. He agrees with it.

B. They should discuss it at the next meeting.

C. Six months is the best period.

D. They should extend it to just 10 months.

E. He is going to discuss it with his team first.

16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the coverage of the post-installation support package?

A. The cost of labor.

B. The cost of all parts.

C. Remote monitoring.

D. Service engineer visits.

E. A service once in a month.

This text is for questions 17 and 18.


Adopted from: (March 19, 2012)

 17. What is the leaflet about?

A. Tourist spots in Maldives.

B. The discovery of Maldives.

C. Travel services to Maldives.

D. The visitors in Maldives.

E. A trip to Maldives.

 18. “. . . by the most adventurous sailors and explorers.”

What is the similar meaning of the word


A. Strong. B. Famous.

C. Talented. D. Good.

E. Brave.

This text is for questions 19 to 23.

If you’re considering a job as a television reporter, you may already know that there are advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to look at both sides before determining whether this is truly the job for you.

This kind of television journalism job also offers excitement and fun. To be on a case, investigating a story and searching for the truth can be exhilarating and exciting.

Moreover, the pay depends on what level of reporting you’re at. Obviously, more popular faces will get paid more because more people tune in to watch the reporter. Making a name for yourself can really kickstart your career and help it become very benefical for you. This is also a great stepping stone into other types of journalism, from writing jobs to news shows to talk shows.

There’s also the benefit of really being able to help solve cases and ensure that the public is informed – depending upon what type of television reporter job you secure. To realize you’re doing

a good thing is very rewarding in any job.

Not only is television reporting a very demanding job, but it can come with extremely long hours. This means less time with family and loved ones, which can obviously put strain on relationships.

In some cases, television reporting can also be dangerous. If you’re chasing stories that are related to crimes, there’s always the risk of injury, or death.

Another con is that television reporting comes with its own set of discriminations. Individuals who are considered nice looking and attractive will have

a higher chance of succeeding, because the public would rather tune in to watch an attractive person report the news.

All in all, you need to look at your own desire and determine whether it’s truly important to you to pursue this industry.

adopted from: (March 15, 2012)

19. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe a television reporter’s job.

B. To explain why a television reporter’s job is interesting.

C. To discuss the profession of a television reporter from two points of view.

D. To criticize a television reporter’s job.

E. To explain how a television reporter does his/her job.

20. Why is a television reporter susceptible with discrimination sometimes?

A. There is not enough promotion to get a better position.

B. The salary is lower than other professions.

C. The salary depends on someone’s skills.

D. Men are preferable to women in a reporting job.

E. Attractive individuals will have a higher chance of succeeding.

21. What is the main idea of paragraph six?

A. A television reporter’s free time to meet his/her family.

B. The risk of danger which a television reporter may face.

C. Chances of being successful in a television reporter’s job.

D. The happiness of being a television reporter.

E. Discrimination among television reporters.

22. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. A television reporter’s job offers happiness.

B. More popular faces may get more payment.

C. A television reporter may work long hours.

D. A television reporter spends much time with his/her family.

E. A television reporter’s job can be a stepping stone for a better career in journalism.

23. “. . . and help it become very benefical for you.” (Paragraph 3)

What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?

A. Advantageous.

B. Important.

C. Worthy.

D. Good.

E. Easy.

This text is for questions : 24 – 27

“Murder on the Orient Express”

By Agatha Christie

Do you like murder, mystery, suspense and excitement? If you do, you’ll want to read Murder on the Orient Express. Written in a lighthearted manner, this thrilling mystery takes the reader on a spine-tingling adventure on a train called the Orient Express.

While Detective Poirot is traveling on the Orient Express, a gangster is murdered and it is up to Poirot to find the killer. Poirot, aware that the killer is still on the train, begins interviewing the passengers. Each has an alibi and seems unlikely to have committed the vicious crime, but with Poirot’s brainpower, there is a surprising conclusion.

Agatha Christie entertains the reader with deligthful and memorable characters – especially Detective Poirot. He is vain and conceited. He’s also observant. One of the things he’s observed over the years is that he’s the world’s greatest detective.

Christie tells us intricate story. As she adds each detail and clue, readers find themselves trying to play detective. The plot is filled with twists, turns and sudden revelations.

My only dissapointment was that the book ended too soon! I was so eager to find out who did the murder that I read it very quickly. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mysteries. So grab a copy and see if you can discover the killer on the Orient Express.

24. What did the detective do to uncover the murderer?

A. Becoming a gangster.

B. Interviewing the passengers.

C. Disguising as a passengers.

D. Arresting the passengers.

E. Asking an expert on murderer

25. These are the positive things about the book according to the writer, EXCEPT __________.

A. it encourages the readers to find themselves trying to play detective

B. the plot is filled with twists, turns and sudden revelations

C. it entertains the readers with delightful and memorable characters

D. it was written in a lighthearted manner

E. the book ended too soon

26. “I was so eager to find out who did the murder that I read it very quickly.” (Last paragraph)

What does the word ‘it’ refer to?

A. The book, Murder in the Orient Express.

B. The Orient Express train.

C. The investigation.

D. The conclusion.

E. The murder.

27. “Each has an alibi and seems unlikely to have committed the vicious crime, . . . .” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word can be best replaced by __________.

A. complicated D. puzzled

B. simple E. huge

C. cruel

This text is for questions 28 – 31

If we can agree that the government has roles to play in our lives, then, let’s make it a positive one. Consider the benefits of free, fully-subsidized public transportation.

First, it will motivate more people to leave their cars at home. Think at the reduction in pollution, traffic jams and insurance costs due to accidents. Cities will be greener, safer, and more live able. More room for parks and trees. Think of the money we can all save by consuming less gas, spending less frequently on car repairs, etc. the unspent money will stay in our wallets and we could then turn around and give the economy a boost by spending it on other consumer goods or services.

Second, we must consider health benefits. Walk a little more. This will reduce the visits to doctors’ offices and hospitals because we’ll be healthier. We’ll have normal blood pressure, lower stress and possibly a better complexion.

In addition, free transportation will encourage us to enjoy the company of our friends and family. It will become much more feasible to safely drink another glass of wine at the restaurant, or have that extra beer at a family gathering. We’ll avoid the worry of getting behind the wheel with a blood-alcohol level that’s above the legal limit. Fewer accidents and tragedies, lower cost of policing and reduced court backlogs. The increased public expense in transportation should pay off in the form of reduced health care costs and a safer society.

Then, think about some of the other social benefits; imagine how much we’ll learn from each other when we share rides instead of sitting in isolation, in our cars. Talking to the neighbors may retain to fashion. More people will meet and talk and maybe even help each other.

Having someone else drive us will also give us more time for reading books and newspapers. So, park your car and use it for your dream vacation.

No more fumbling for change, just hop on and off the streetcar or bus wherever and whenever you like. What a great idea, especially for those who live in crowded, polluted cities. It will renew life on our streets.

So, I can’t agree more with this proposition. Let’s go for it!

Adopted from: Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI Science and Social Programme, jakrta, Pusat perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008

28. What is the text about?

A. Cars are the main cause of pollution D. How to leave our cars at home

B. Public transportation should be free E. The subsidized fuel

C. The pollution is caused by cars

29. Who is the text addressed to?

A. people C. car buyers E. the writer’s family

B. government D. drivers

30. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To amuse people about the plan of providing free public transportation

B. To describe the benefits of free public transportation

C. To ask the government to give fully subsidized public transportation

D. To persuade the readers that free public transportation is beneficial

E. To inform the readers about the plan of providing free public transportation

31.. “Consider the benefits of free ….” (Par. 1)

The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….

A. improvements C. captures E. help

B. advantages D. increase

This text is for questions 32 – 36

Caviar is a fish roe or eggs, sieved to remove fatty tissues and membrane and lightly salted with non-iodized salt. This is an old preserving and curing method that is still effective today.

All female fish lay eggs to reproduce, so they all have roe. However, not all fish roe is suitable for nor considered to be caviar. By most definitions and to a purist, true caviar comes from the sturgeon.

The sturgeon is a saltwater anadromous fish (meaning it moves to freshwater to spawn) which makes its home in the Black and Caspian Seas between Europe and Asia and also the Pacific Northwest and Southern Atlantic coasts of the United States.

The sturgeon can grow to over 3,000 pounds, but usually averages about 60 pounds. The fresh of the fish, as well as its prized eggs, is quite delicious.

The most prized caviar comes from the beluga, osetra, and sevruga varieties of sturgeon. Nowadays you will also find caviar from other fish varieties, including salmon, lumpfish and tuna, as well as in different forms.

adopted from: (13rd April 2011)

32. What is caviar?

A. The fin of a fish D. Fish membrane

B. The flesh of fish E. Fish fatty tissues

C. Fish roe or eggs

33. What does the true caviar come from?

A. All kinds of fish D. Salmon fish

B. All female fish E. Tuna fish

C. The sturgeon

34. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. The sturgeon moves to freshwater to spawn

B. the flesh of the sturgeon is delicious

C. All female fish lay eggs to reproduce

D. Caviar is sieved to get fatty tissues and membrane

E. Not all fish roe is suitable to be considered caviar

35. “… so they all have roe”. (Par. 2)

The word “they” refers to ….

A. female fish C. sturgeon E. fish

B. male fish D. caviar

36. “The fresh of the fish, as well as its prized eggs, is quite delicious.” (Par. 4)

The word underlined above is synonymous with the following, EXCEPT ….

A. tasty C. appetizing E. tasteful

B. stale D. well-seasoned

This text is for questions 37 – 38


Please be informed that the station upgrading works for Monorail Line are in progress. The construction work will be done in stages and will last approximately 18 months.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused throughout the construction period. If you need further information or assistance, please contact 33344455.

Thank you.

37. From the text, we can conclude that ….

A. the construction will start next year

B. the construction will last for a year and half

C. the construction will be done in one stage

D. the construction will provide new coaches for monorails

E. there is no contract number to dial if people need assistance

38. “We apologize for any inconvenience caused throughout the construction period.”

The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….

A. comfort C. annoyance E. misunderstanding

B. pleasure D. dissatisfaction

This text is for questions 39 – 40

Dear Ms. Richardson:

We have some fantastic news for you! To celebrate our new collection, we’d like to invite you to claim a very special gift with your first order from our catalouge.

A-4 piece ‘Atlantique’ dinner set – FREE with your first order

With its simple, classic blur-and-white design, this attractive dinner set will look great on any table. As well as four full-size dinner plates, it also contains four side plates and four soup bowls.

WIN-$1,000 worth of the latest French fashion

Enter our free French Fashion Prize Draw and you could win $1,000 to spend on the very latest styles from La Store. Simply place an order and we’ll enter your name into the Prize Draw.

10% off your first order

Go on . . . with 10% off your first order, now is a great time to treat yourself, or get a bargain for your family. You’ll enjoy 14 days’ free home approval and free returns. So why not take a look at the catalouge now? It’s so simple, just complete the order form or order online 24/7 @.

Yours sincerely,

Damian Pieter’s

39.What is the letter about?

A. The descriptions of the latest products. D. The introduction of new products.

B. An invitation to buy new products. E. Information how to order new products.

C. The release of a new catalouge.

40. What will Ms.Richardson get for free after placing her first order?

A. A free catalogue. D. Shopping vouchers.

B. $100 Fashion Prize Draw. E. A classic dinner set.

C. More than 10% cut off.

This text is for questions 41 – 43

Deadly Myanmar Quake Destroys Bridge and Mine

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) – A strong earthquake struck northern Myanmar on Sunday, collapsing a bridge and a gold mine and damaging several old Buddhist pagodas. As many as 12 people are feared dead.

An official from Myanmar’s Meteorological Department said the quake struck at 7:42 a.m. local time.

Official information was being released slowly, leaving the actual extent of the damage unclear after the quake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 6.8. Myanmar, formerly Burma, has a poor official disaster response system.

Myanmar’s second biggest city, Mandalay, reported no casualties or major damage. It is about 72 miles south of the quake’s epicentre near the town of Shwebo.

The area surrounding the epicentre is underdeveloped, and casualty reports were being announced in a piecemeal fashion, mostly from the local news media. The region is a centre for the mining of minerals and gemstones, and several mines were reported to have collapsed.

The evening news on state television showed Vice President Sai Maul Hkam visiting the town of Thabeikyin, where the report said 102 homes, 21 religious buildings, 48 government offices and four schools had been damaged. The town, a gold-mining centre near the quake’s epicentre, reported that 3 people had been killed and 35 injured. The total number of officially confirmed casualties was 6 dead and 64 injured. However, independently compiled tallies predicted that the death toll was closer to a dozen.

The biggest single death toll was reported by a local administrative officer in Sintku Township, on the Irrawaddy River near the quake’s epicentre, who said that 6 people had died there and that 11 had been injured. He said some of the dead were miners who were killed when a gold mine collapsed. He spoke on the condition of anonymity because local officials are normally not allowed to release information to the news media.

The Web site of the magazine Weekly Eleven said 4 people were killed and 25 injures when a bridge under construction across the Irrawaddy River collapsed east of Shwebo. The local government announced a toll of 2 dead and 16 injured. All of the victims appeared to be workers.

However, a Shwebo police officer, also speaking under the condition of anonymity, said just one person was confirmed dead from the bridge’s collapse, while five were unaccounted for.

41. What is the text about?

A. An earthquake’s casualties in Myanmar.

B. A collapsed bridge in Myanmar due to the earthquake.

C. A gold mine in Myanmar ruined due to the earthquake.

D. An earthquake striking Myanmar.

E. Late information about the earthquake in Myanmar.

42. What can we conclude from the text?

A. The earthquake would potentially trigger a stong tsunami.

B. There was no exact number about the earthquake’s casualties.

C. The earthquake caused a little damage on the bridge and holy places.

D. Independently compiled tallies predicted that the death toll was closer to ten people.

E. The government was open to inform anything about the earthquake to the press.

43. “He said some of the dead were miners who were killed when a gold mine collapsed.” (Paragraph 7)

The words ‘he’ refers to . . . .

A. a Shwebo police officer D. the Web site of the magazine Weekly Eleven

B. a government official E. a local administrative officer in Sintku Township

C. a victim of the earthquake

This text is for questions 44 – 46

The Fox and the Crow


One day a crow stole a big piece of meat. Then she flew on a branch of a tree to enjoy it. A fox knew this. He wanted the meat for himself. He came near the tree. The fox said politely to her.

“Oh, Miss Crow. How beautiful you are, what a lovely feathers you have!” The crow was very glad to hear, but she kept quiet. “But, .... eghr ... could you be the most beautiful princess in this forest. Eghr, .... oh, very sorry,” the fox continued. Miss crow was surprise to see him in doubt. “Oh, Sorry you can not, because you cannot sing a song” the fox said slowly and looked dissapointed. When she heard the fox’s last word, the crow was angry. She shouted loudly, “I can!”. Just then, the meat missed from the branch and fell down. The fox got it and went away.

44. Which statement is true according to the text?

A. Crow buy the meat

B. Crow fly to house to enjoy the meat

C. The fox get meat from the crow and run away

D. Fox want to eat the meat together with the crow

E. Crow is most beautiful princess in the forest

45. “The crow was very glad to hear, but she kept quiet”. The underlined means...

A. stop C. enough E. sleep

B. silent D. noisy

46. “The fox said slowly and looked dissapointed”. The antonym of the underlined word is..

A. gently C. simply E. merely

B. briskly D. carefully

47. The crow was very angry when fox said..

A. “Oh, Sorry you can not, because you can not sing a song”

B. “But, .... eghr ... could you be the most beautiful princess in this forest. Eghr, .... oh, very sorry,”

C. “Oh, Miss Crow. How beautiful you are, what a lovely feathers you have!”

D. “Oh.. you’re so beautiful”

E. “I love you”

48. At the end of story, the fox...

A. fall in love with the crow C. hit by the crow E. run away

B. got the meat and run away D. Disappointed

49. (1) The other flowers, called imperfect flowers, have only male reproductive organs (stamens) or only female reproductive organs (ovary, style, and stigma).

(2) Flowers usually have carpals, petals, sepals and stamens.

(3) A flower is the reproductive unit of angiosperms.

(4) Furthermore, some plants have both male and female flowers in one plant, while others have males on one plant and females on another.

(5) Some flowers, called perfect flowers, have both male and female reproductive organs.

adopted from: (2012)

The correct arrangement of the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph is ….

A. 3 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 4

B. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5

C. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5

D. 3 – 2- 5 – 1 – 4

E. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 5

Questions 50 – 52 are based on the following cloze test.

Here is how to use a toaster.

First, plug the toaster into an electric socket so that it can work. Then, …(50) the sliced bread into the slots on the top of the toaster.

Next, find the toast setting and …(51) the desired wellness of the toast. You can select the darkness of the bread to be toasted, using the adjustment knob. After that, push down the lever to move the slices of bread down into the toaster between the heating elements.

When the toast is finished, the slices …(52) automatically. Finally take the toasted bread out of toaster and spread jam, honey, or anything else you may like to add to it. You can now eat the delicious toast you have made.

50. A. insert C. to insert E. inserted

B. inserting D. be inserted

51. A. pull C. adjust E. display

B. add D. push

52. A. pooping up C. popped up E. pop up

B. will pop up D. to pop up


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