Content Areas - Anderson School District Five

|Content Areas |Unit 1 |Unit 2 |Unit 3 | |Unit 4 |

| |Inquiry & Nature of Science |Composition & Classification of Matter |Solutions, Composition & Classification of| |Atomic Structure & Periodic Table |

| | | |Matter | | |

|Content Focus |Lab Safety |Substance Differentiation |Solute | |Subatomic Particles |

| |Scientific Method |Atoms and Molecules |Solvent | |Periodic Table |

| |Scientific Models |Mixtures |Solubility | |Isotopes |

| |SI Measurement |Physical Properties | | |Chemical and Nuclear Reactions |

| | |Physical Changes | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Suggested Activities |Handout - Science Laboratory Report |Worksheet - Elements, Compounds, and |Lab - | |Handout - Periodic Chart of the Elements |

| |Guidelines with Rubric |Mixtures |Rates of | |Project - Groups of Elements Research |

| |Lab - Absorbency (Liquid Volumetric |Lab - How Can Compounds be Classified |Reaction | |(Honors presentations) |

| |Measurement) |(Honors Only) |(CP Only)| |Worksheet - Periodic Table Crossword |

| |Lab - Metric Madness |Lab - Chemical Changes vs. Physical |Lab - | |Worksheet - Blank Periodic Table |

| |Worksheet - Mass and Weight |Changes |Alka | |Worksheet - Graphing Periodic Table Trends|

| |Lab - Metric Mass and Volume |Lab - Observing a Chemical Reaction |Seltzer | | |

| |Worksheet - The Triple and Four Beam |Demo - Evaporation |(Honors | |Worksheet - Periodic Table Trends |

| |Balances |Lab - Does Mass Change When the Form of a |Only) | |Worksheet - Predicting an Element’s Group |

| |Worksheets - Measuring Devices Practice |Substance Changes? |Home | |and Period |

| |Measuring Devices - Balances |Worksheet - Classifying Physical and |Project -| |Worksheet - Skill sheet 2-2- Electron |

| |Measuring Length |Chemical Properties an Assessment |Density | |Cloud Models of Atoms |

| |Reading Thermometers |Demo - Introduction to Chemical Properties|Bottles | |Worksheet - The Importance of Metals |

| |Measuring Liquid | |Lab - | |Worksheet - Metals, Nonmetals and |

| |Measuring Temperature |Lab - Classification with Nuts and Bolts |Polar and| |Metalloids |

| |Measuring Volume |Worksheet - Properties of Matter – |Non-polar| |Flame Test for Metals Lab (CP- Demo; |

| |Demo - Candle (Observations vs. Inference)|Physical or Chemical |Solutes | |Honors-full lab) |

| |Folder - Metric Awareness |Lab - Classification of Matter |and | |Lab - Easter Egg Isotopes |

| |All You Will Need to Know About Metric |Lab - Separating Mixtures |Solvents | |Lab - Candium Isotope |

| |Test Your Metric Knowledge |Density Labs |(Enrichme| |Worksheet – Isotopes or Different Elements|

| |Metric: The Choice is Yours |Density of Sand |nt) | |Worksheet - Isotope Notation |

| | |How Dense Is It? |Lab - How| |Worksheet - Isotope Practice |

| | |Determining Density |Does | | |

| |Simplified Rules for Determining Number of|Worksheet - Density Review |Temperatu| |Worksheet - Ion Diagram Activity |

| |Significant Digits (Honors Only) | |re Affect| |Worksheet - Atomic Math Challenge 1, 2, 3,|

| |Significant Figures – Practice Problems | |Solubilit| |and 4 |

| |(Honors Only) | |y | |Worksheet – Atomic Structure and Isotopes |

| |Scientific Measurement – Reading Graduated|Lab - Heat Curve/Phase Change Diagram |Lab-Sugar| |Group Project - The Harnessed Atom (book |

| |Cylinders |Using Vernier Probeware |Cube | |and questions) |

| |Scientific Measurement – Using the Triple |Activity - States of Matter Chart | | |Lab - Half-life simulation (Enrichment) |

| |Beam Balance |Activity - States of Matter Foldable | | |Worksheet - Nuclear Applications Pros and |

| |Scientific Measurement – Measuring in The |Worksheet - Heating Curves | | |Cons T - chart |

| |Metric System |Gas Laws Enrichment (Honors Only) | | |Worksheet - Writing Prompts for Nuclear |

| |The International System of Units SI |Boyle’s Law Graphing Sheet | | |Applications |

| |Mass and Weight |Charles’ Law Graphing Sheet | | |Worksheet - Elements and Compounds - The |

| |Metric Volume Lab |Gas Law Problems Sheet | | |Difference |

| |The Metric System – Practice Problems |Gas Laws Quiz | | |Handout - Elements Note Sheet |

| |Accuracy and Precision |Gas Laws Review Problems for Overhead | | |Worksheet - Element Practice Competition |

| |You Are So Dense |Gas Laws Review Problems | | |Game |

| |Worksheet/Notes - Volume, Time, and | | | |Worksheet - Periodic Table Practice |

| |Temperature | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Activity - No Need to Count Your Pennies | | | | |

| |King Henry Metrics (CP Only) | | | | |

| |Activity - Metrics Conversion Foldable | | | | |

| |Worksheets - Metric Puzzles (three levels)| | | | |

| |Metrics Practice Folder | | | | |

| |Metrics and Lab Skills Quiz | | | | |

| |Metrics Conversions Practice Worksheet | | | | |

| |Metrics Conversion Practice | | | | |

| |Metrics Practice Makeup Problems | | | | |

| |Metrics Quiz Physical Science CP | | | | |

| |Assessing Your Math Skills | | | | |

| |Scientific Notation and Significant | | | | |

| |Figures Folder (Honors Only) | | | | |

| |Adding and Subtracting Numbers in | | | | |

| |Scientific Notation | | | | |

| |Exponents Practice | | | | |

| |Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific | | | | |

| |Notation | | | | |

| |Physical Science Honors Math Quiz | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Physical Science Honors Math Quiz (version| | | | |

| |2) | | | | |

| |Scientific Notation Practice | | | | |

| |Scientific Notation Practice Problems | | | | |

| |Significant Figures and Scientific | | | | |

| |Notation Practice Sheet | | | | |

| |Significant Figures Quiz | | | | |

| |Activity - Equipment Bingo Game w/cards | | | | |

| |Lab - Accuracy and Precision (Honors Only)| | | | |

| |Accuracy and Precision Lab | | | | |

| |Accuracy and Precision Practice Problems | | | | |

| |pg. 1, 2 | | | | |

| |Worksheet/Notes-Controlled Experiments | | | | |

| |with Variables | | | | |

| |Worksheets-Graphing Practice | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Graphing Word Problems (Honors | | | | |

| |Only) | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Graphing Summits (CP Only) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Worksheets-Graphing Packet Worksheets pg. | | | | |

| |1-4 | | | | |

| |Activity - Dimensional Analysis Game | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Dimensional Analysis Practice | | | | |

| |Notes-Steps for Dimensional Analysis | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Scientific Method | | | | |

| |Activity-Scientific Method Foldable | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Simpson’s Scientific Method | | | | |

| |Worksheet-Sponge Bob Bikini Bottom | | | | |

| |Scientific Methods | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Content Focus |Covalent Bonding |Chemical Reactions | |Organic |Speed |

| |Ionic Bonding |Catalysts | |Inorganic |Velocity |

| |Binary Compounds |Balance Equations | |Acids |Acceleration |

| | | | |Bases |Force |

| | | | | |Weight |

| | | | | |Gravity |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Suggested Activities |Worksheet - Spot the Bonding (CP use as |Lab - Endothermic Exothermic | |Lab - Acids & Bases |Lab - Airplane Speed |

| |ionic vs. covalent; Honors use as |Lab - Alka Seltzer | |Lab - Acids/Bases/ Neutralization |Worksheet - Speed and Acceleration |

| |enrichment) |Lab - Conservation of Mass | |Quiz – Acids and Bases |Problems |

| |Worksheet - Bonding Basics – Covalent |Demos - Ziploc Chemistry | |Lab - Acids & Bases Using Vernier Probes |Lab - Golf Ball Speed and Acceleration |

| |Bonds |Activity - Reaction Cards Game | |Lab - Neutralization pH |Lab - Bouncy Ball Acceleration |

| |Handout – Handy Dandy Oxidation Sheet |Worksheet - Balancing and Type of | |Lab - How Are Common Acids and Bases |Lab – Race Car Speed |

| |Worksheet - Some Common Ions Word Find |Reactions (mixture of essential and | |Identified? |Worksheet - Distance Time Graphs |

| |(Enrichment) |enrichment) | |Lab - Molecular Model |Worksheet - Speed & Acceleration |

| |Worksheet - Noble Gas |Worksheet - Balancing Act | |Worksheet - Organic Chemistry Practice |Worksheet Packet - Speed and Graphing |

| |Worksheet - Ionic Bonding – Formulas and |Demo - Chemical Reactions Lab (Honors | |Worksheet - Inorganic v. Organic |Practice Problems |

| |Names (CP #1-4; Honors #1-10) |Only) | | |Determining Speed (Velocity) |

| |Activity - Ionic Bonding Puzzles |Lab – Evidence for Chemical Change – A | | |Calculating Average Speed |

| |Worksheet - Writing Ionic Compounds and |Double Displacement Lab | | |Acceleration Calculations |

| |Naming Them (Enrichment) |Worksheet - Balancing Worksheets (mixture | | |Graphing Speed vs. Time |

| |Worksheet - Writing Ionic Formulas and |of essential and enrichment) | | |Graphing Distance vs. Time |

| |Numbers of Atoms in a Compound |Balancing Equations Quiz | | |Lab - What Gives Bones Their Strength |

| |Activity - Writing Formulas with Paper |Chemical Reactions/ Balancing Equations | | |(Force Lab) |

| |Ions |Skill – Classifying | | |Demo - Inertia Activities |

| |Activity - Formulas For Ionic Compounds |Classifying Chemical Reactions | | |Worksheet - Newton’s Second Law of Motion |

| |(Honors Enrichment) |Demo - Easy Microscale Electrolysis of | | |Calculations |

| |Worksheet - Writing Formulas (Criss-Cross |Water | | |Lab - Roller Coaster |

| |Method) (Honors Only) | | | |Lab - The Jet Car |

| |Activity - Molecular Models | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Lab - Finding the Acceleration Due to |

| | |Worksheet - Are These Single and Double | | |Gravity and Determining Percent Error |

| |Activity - Formulas Competition Game |Replacement Reactions Balanced? | | |Lab - Force and Friction |

| |(Honors Only) |Worksheet – Big Balancing Practice | | |Worksheet - Force and Acceleration |

| |Lab - Bond Breakers (Enrichment) |Demo - Conservation of Mass | | |Worksheet - Gravity & Acceleration 1 & 2 |

| |Worksheet - Naming Ionic Compounds | | | |Lab - Force and Motion-Various Activities |

| |(Enrichment) | | | |with Distance/Displacement/ Motion (from |

| |Worksheet - Formulas and Names Bonding | | | |SDE) |

| |Practice | | | | |

| |Types of Chemical Bonds | | | | |

| |Number of Atoms in a Formula | | | | |

| |Writing Binary Formulas | | | | |

| |Naming Compounds (Mixed) | | | | |

| |Handout - Names and Formulas Reference | | | | |

| |Sheet | | | | |

| |Handout - Writing Formulas and Counting | | | | |

| |Atoms Notes | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Textbook Correlations |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts | |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts |

| |in Action |in Action | |in Action |in Action |

| |Chapter 6 |Chapter 7 | |Chapter 9, 8.3, 8.4 |Chapters 11 and 12 |

Content Areas |Unit 9


Transformation/Work | |Unit 10

Electricity |Unit 11

Magnetism |Unit 12

Wave Characteristics & Behavior | | |Pacing |Daily-11 days

A/B- 5 days |Third Nine Weeks Test |Daily-10 days

A/B- 5 days |Daily-3 days

A/B- 2 days |Daily-14 days

A/B- 7 days |EOC Review and Projects | |SC Standards/

Indicators |Standard PS-6

The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature, conservation, and transformation of energy.

Indicators PS-6.1 through PS-6.4

| |Standard PS-6

The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature, conservation, and transformation of energy.

Indicators PS-6.5 through PS-6.9

|Standard PS-6

The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature, conservation, and transformation of energy.

Indicators PS-6.10 through PS-6.11

|Standard PS-7

The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and properties of mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

Indicators PS-7.1 through PS-7.7

| | |Content Focus |Energy Conservation

• Potential Energy

• Kinetic Energy

• Work

| |Electric Current

• Electric Charge

• Electric Circuits

• Ohm’s Law

|Alternating and Direct Current

• Magnetism

|Mechanical Wave

• Electromagnetic Wave

• Wave Behavior

• Doppler Effect

| | |Suggested Activities |Activity - The Unfortunate Weekend/Energy Forms & Conversions

• Lab - How High Does the Ball Bounce?

• Lab - Bouncy Ball Energy (not on disk)

• Lab - The Energy of a Pendulum

• Worksheet - Work Practice Problems

• Worksheet - Work Problems

• Lab - Human Horsepower (Enrichment)

• Lab - How Powerful Am I (Enrichment)

• Worksheet - Mechanical Advantage Problems (Enrichment)

• Lab - Machine Lab (Enrichment)

• Worksheet - Calculating Power (Enrichment)

• Lab - Insulators and Conductors (Honors enrichment)

• Lab - How Much Work

• Worksheet - Energy and Work Problems

• Lab - Arm and Leg Power

• Demo - Blast Off!

• Station Lab - Station Break (Energy Conversions)

• Demo - Watt’s a Joule

| |Worksheet - Ohm’s Law Practice Set

• Demo - Your Admirer is a Balloon

• Demo - What Will a Charged Balloon Attract?

• Demo - Dancing Paper Bunnies

• Lab - Simple Electroscope

• Demo - Runaway Cola Can

• Lab - Electricity Cut and Paste Circuits

• Worksheet - Electricity Problems

• PowerPoint - Electricity (not on disk)

• Lab - Build a Conductivity Tester

• Activity - Electrical Cards

• Folder - Electrical Calculations

1. Calculating Current

2. Calculating Voltage

3. Calculating Resistance

4. Ohm’s Law Problems

5. Calculating Power

6. Calculating Electrical Energy and Cost

7. Series and Parallel Circuits

• Worksheet - Electric Power Practice Set (Enrichment)

• Worksheet - Electrical Energy Practice Set

• Weblab - Blobz Guide Electric Circuits

• Demo - Faraday Cage

• Lab - Principles of Electrical Circuits

• Lab - Circuit Circus

• Activity - Energy Ball

|Demo - Circles of Magnetism I

• Demo - Circles of Magnetism IV

• Project - Uses of Magnetism

• Lab - Make an Electroscope

• Lab - Exploring Electromagnets (not on disk)

• Lab - How Does an Electromagnet Work (not on disk)

• Lab - Make an Electric Motor(not on disk)

• Lab - Mystery Envelopes

|Activity - Behavior of Light Waves

• Worksheet - Name That Sound

• Lab - How Can the Characteristics of Waves Be Measured?

• Worksheet - Wave Problems

• Weblab - Sounds Amazing

• Lab - Sound Activities (Enrichment)

• Project - Tsunami Wave Interdisciplinary Project

• Worksheet - Wave Velocity Calculations

• Lab - Wave Properties

• Demo - Slinky Demonstration

• Demo - Interference of Waves

• Station Lab - Reflection Introduction

• Station Lab - Refraction Introduction

• Lab - What Can Cause the Path of Light to Bend

• Demo - Separating Light into Colors

• Demo - Observing Interference Patterns | | |Textbook Correlations |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action

Chapters 14.1 and 15 | |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action

Chapter 20 |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action

Chapter 21 |Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action

Chapters 17, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 | | |


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