Adult Sunday School Lessons

center4145280Personal InsightsI was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, a painful bladder disease, when I was 33 years old. It truly altered my daily activities and my quality of life. I had a strong connection with my gynecologist and urologist and because of that, I put all my trust in them. I was prescribed an unusual amount of pain medicine to take daily; however, I didn’t question the dose at all. I followed the doctor’s orders and took them four times a day. Before I knew it, I had a dependency on them. This went on for ten (10) years. It wasn’t until those doctors retired that I was told the drastic effects those drugs were having on my body. Detoxing that drug from my system was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Had I not been born again, at the time, I might not have made it through that storm. I had to take all that trust away from doctors I thought knew me so well and give it to the person who knew me better than anyone else, Jesus. Like the crippled man did in this lesson’s scripture, I had to have the desire to be healed. My heart was ready to put all my trust in Jesus & my body is healing every day because of it. 00Personal InsightsI was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, a painful bladder disease, when I was 33 years old. It truly altered my daily activities and my quality of life. I had a strong connection with my gynecologist and urologist and because of that, I put all my trust in them. I was prescribed an unusual amount of pain medicine to take daily; however, I didn’t question the dose at all. I followed the doctor’s orders and took them four times a day. Before I knew it, I had a dependency on them. This went on for ten (10) years. It wasn’t until those doctors retired that I was told the drastic effects those drugs were having on my body. Detoxing that drug from my system was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Had I not been born again, at the time, I might not have made it through that storm. I had to take all that trust away from doctors I thought knew me so well and give it to the person who knew me better than anyone else, Jesus. Like the crippled man did in this lesson’s scripture, I had to have the desire to be healed. My heart was ready to put all my trust in Jesus & my body is healing every day because of it. 1704975-378460Healing Desire Healing Desire 41624256524625PrayerDear God, thank you for meeting us at the point of our need. Give us an attitude of love toward those who are hurting physically. Remind us to influence others to believe in you by sharing how you have healed our hurts and pains. Let their trust and faith grow through their own encounters with you. Amen.00PrayerDear God, thank you for meeting us at the point of our need. Give us an attitude of love toward those who are hurting physically. Remind us to influence others to believe in you by sharing how you have healed our hurts and pains. Let their trust and faith grow through their own encounters with you. Amen.14287506496050HomeworkJesus engages the lame man in conversation to redirect his faith. The man thinks that the pool there is his only hope for healing; however, he learns that he should keep his eyes focused on Jesus, not the pool. Think about the things in your life you look toward for healing; replace them with Jesus next time you are tempted to go in the wrong direction. 00HomeworkJesus engages the lame man in conversation to redirect his faith. The man thinks that the pool there is his only hope for healing; however, he learns that he should keep his eyes focused on Jesus, not the pool. Think about the things in your life you look toward for healing; replace them with Jesus next time you are tempted to go in the wrong direction. -7334266477000Discussion QuestionsAre we guilty of not helping people with physical needs? Do we look the other way or go a different route to avoid them?What fears keep you from asking Jesus to heal you or help you change. 00Discussion QuestionsAre we guilty of not helping people with physical needs? Do we look the other way or go a different route to avoid them?What fears keep you from asking Jesus to heal you or help you change. 33147001000125RevelationThere is a pool at Bethesda. The Jews believed that an angel would come and periodically stir the water and heal the first person that entered. On this day, Jesus meets a man who had been an invalid for 38 years and asks him if he wanted to be healed. We would think this was a bizarre question, but it isn’t. There are some people in this world who don’t want God’s help. People not willing to change, comfortable with the way they are, even if their life isn’t good for them. It takes a lot of faith to truly want Jesus to change us and He will not change us unless we want to be changed. 00RevelationThere is a pool at Bethesda. The Jews believed that an angel would come and periodically stir the water and heal the first person that entered. On this day, Jesus meets a man who had been an invalid for 38 years and asks him if he wanted to be healed. We would think this was a bizarre question, but it isn’t. There are some people in this world who don’t want God’s help. People not willing to change, comfortable with the way they are, even if their life isn’t good for them. It takes a lot of faith to truly want Jesus to change us and He will not change us unless we want to be changed. -552450981075IntroductionAs we read this scripture, John takes us on another one Jesus’ detours as they travel to the Passover feast in Jerusalem. This time, he stops at Bethesda because He saw the sick, neglected, and suffering there. He doesn’t pretend to not notice them or worry about getting to the festival; instead He focuses His eyes on those in need of physical healing. He heals a lame man and then when the religious leaders accosted this man for carrying his mat, “working” on the Sabbath, Jesus comes to his aid again. He shifts their attention to Him, telling the Jews that nothing can deter Him from doing His father’s work.00IntroductionAs we read this scripture, John takes us on another one Jesus’ detours as they travel to the Passover feast in Jerusalem. This time, he stops at Bethesda because He saw the sick, neglected, and suffering there. He doesn’t pretend to not notice them or worry about getting to the festival; instead He focuses His eyes on those in need of physical healing. He heals a lame man and then when the religious leaders accosted this man for carrying his mat, “working” on the Sabbath, Jesus comes to his aid again. He shifts their attention to Him, telling the Jews that nothing can deter Him from doing His father’s work.right-89535000514350181610Read John 5:1-4700Read John 5:1-47 ................

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