University of the West of England

Equality analysis formIf the activity you are planning to analyse is covered by an existing Equality Analysis or a relevant former Equality Impact Assessment, please use Section 2 of the form to highlight any updated information. The updated form should be sent through to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the online consultation process and publication. Section 1Equality Analysis ScreeningThe following questions will identify whether a full Equality Analysis will be required. Please read the Equality Analysis guidance prior to completing the screening.Name of the activity (strategy, policy, practice etc)Brand Refresh - Policy on Accessible Information and Alternative FormatsWill this activity have the potential to deliver positive outcomes for students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer. Yes. Our new brand framework has been developed based on strategy 2020, supported by an extensive insight programme. Inclusive is a key pillar to this work, ensuring it has been fed into all development work. Our aim is to deliver a brand that is more flexible to the needs of all stakeholder groups and which better represents the diversity of UWE Bristol as an organisation. As part of the development work we are assessing all aspects of the proposed visual identity against best practice guidance for accessibility. To ensure that the new identity is rolled out across all channels effectively and our communications more effectively meet the needs of different groups, we will be creating an Accessible Communication and Atlernative Formats Policy for Marketing.Will this activity have the potential to create negative impacts on students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer.No – the aim is to ensure our communications more effectively meet different needs.Does the activity have the potential to impact equality groups in the following ways:Access to or participation in UWE Faculties or Professional Services?Levels of representation across the UWE workforce?Student experience, attainment or withdrawal?Staff experience?Please indicate YES or NO. If the answer is YES then a full analysis must be carried out. If the answer is NO, please provide a justification. Yes – this work aims to improve the accessibility of marketing information.Equality analysis screening sign off: Faculty Dean or Head of Service Liz BroadbentFaculty / serviceMarketingDatePlease return the completed form back to the Equality & Diversity Unit for feedback and publicationSection 2Full Equality Analysis1. Name of the activity (strategy, policy or practice etc) Accessible information and alternative formats policy.2. What is the aim of the activity (objective or purpose)? To improve marketing policy on accessible information and alternative formats with the aim of improving practice in this area and the accessibility of marketing information to key stakeholder groups.3. If amending a current activity, what changes are proposed? While practice is in place around this, there isn’t currently a policy within the organisation to provide clearer guidance to ensure the needs of disabled stakeholders are considered in the delivery of marketing communications.4. Who is responsible for developing and delivering the activity?Liz Broadbent, Director of Marketing (Acting)Emma O’Connell, Head of Brand and Strategic MarketingSharon Leat, Head of Digital Marketing (Acting)5. What measures will be used to assess whether the activity is successful?We will review practice periodically to ensure the policy is embedded into working practice. 6. Does the activity have a potentially adverse impact on equality groups, in terms of employment issues and/or service delivery for students and/or staff? In the table below, please give evidence to support your yes or no answers. If the answer is not known, indicate how you will source evidence. Meeting the public sector equality dutyPlease also use the table below to demonstrate whether the activity has the potential to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. Please use the ‘no’ column to highlight your responses. YesNoNot knownWomen and menImproved policy around access to marketing communications, helps to advance equality of opportunity. This will be reviewed annually to ensure the policy is completely up to date with all new developments.Trans peopleBlack and minority ethnic groups Disabled people Younger or older peoplePeople of different religion and beliefs Lesbian, gay, bisexual people Marriage and civil partnershipPregnancy and maternity7. Please give evidence of how you have engaged equality groups in the equality analysis process. Is further engagement required?The brand development has included an extensive programme of market insight and stakeholder engagement involving:Prospective students and their parents/carers.Teachers and advisers.Current students.Current staff.Alumni.Businesses and organisations.University governorsSenior managers in the university.The Students’ Union.In developing the policy, we will be working Access West of England, the Trade Union’s, the disabled staff network and disabled students campaign8. What action can be taken to mitigate any potential negative impacts or address different needs? Please comment and then complete an action plan (see appendix 1).By embedding inclusivity as a pillar of the new brand and undertaking an assessment of all corporate identity elements against best-practice guidance for accessibility, we have mitigated any potential negative impacts within the new corporate identity.Developing a clearer policy on Accessible Communication and Alternative formats will enable further improvements in addressing different needs.9. Please indicate the level of equality relevance:High Medium Low 10. Equality analysis sign off: Faculty Dean or Head of Service Faculty / serviceDatePlease return this form to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the consultation process and publication.Equality analysis - action plan Appendix 1Name of activity:Plan completed by:Service / faculty:IssuesActionsrequiredResponsiblePersonResources requiredTarget dateSuccess IndicatorsWhat progress has been made?Information/data requiredReview of best practice.Input from key stakeholder groups and units in the university.End Dec 2016Policy draftedInitial review of best practiceConsultationConsultation with Disabled Staff network and Disabled Students Campaign on Accessible Information and Alternative Formats Policy.4 Jan – 15 Feb 2016Policy signed off and in place.Monitoring and review arrangementsManagers within the service will have responsibility for ensuring practice is followed in their teams. Annual review by Director of Marketing.PublicationPolicy will be published on University website so that it is available for all stakeholder groups.Other actionsPlease return form to the Equality and Diversity Unit ................

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