Activity: Who will you target?

Activity: Who will you target? Think about the stakeholders for your service. For each of the objectives you created in the previous activity you need to consider which groups this would apply to and in what way. You can do this by looking at what their objectives and priorities are, and considering whether or not your objective is a match. Consider:Supporters - who are they, how can you encourage them to be more activeOpposers - who are they, how can you advocate to them to win them over?Advocacy Objective: StakeholderTheir prioritiesMatch to advocacy objectiveNotes:Activity: Building a Case: Key MessagesUse the table below to document your key messages that match your advocacy objectiveWrite your key message belowKey Message #1Key Message #2Key Message #3Key Message #4Key Message #5Notes:Activity: Building a Case: Documenting the EvidenceUse the table below to document what evidence or sources of evidence you have already. If there are gaps make a note of what areas need supportDocument the existing sources of evidence for each key message belowEvidence RequiredKey Message #1Key Message #2Key Message #3Key Message #4Key Message #5Notes:Activity: Developing a planUse these questions to help develop your planNotes:Activity: Developing a planUse your notes to create your action planAdvocacy Objective:What?Who?TargetAdvocateWhere?When?How?MessageReaction and Action DesiredActivity: Advocacy FlashcardsDevelop your own advocacy flashcard following the examples from the American Library Association's frontline advocacy campaign FlashcardIcebreakerDelivering key messageResponding to a complaintAsking for a testimonialBuilding a sense of ownershipNotes:Activity: Problem - solution statementsProblem situation 1:Advocacy Opportunity:Problem situation 2:Advocacy Opportunity:Notes: Activity: Opportunistic AdvocacyTake a look at your organisation’s (or other funder’s) mission and goals and think about how you can turn them into an advocacy opportunity (how are you contributing to their successful achievement, and how do you make this known?)Organisation Mission Statement and/or Goals:Advocacy Opportunity:How am I contributing to mission/goals?How will I make this known? ................

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