Trying to describe my personal leadership philosophy and style can go in so many ways. To describe it: it is a journey that one would take with no particular destination in mind. It is a picture board full of goals. It could be related to a cross country road trip. Say you wanted to go to a destination with a beautiful sunset, a beach, palm trees, camp fires, and all the other paradise desires. Locations such as these can be found in many different areas but arriving to that destination can come in many different directions. This analogy is similar to my leadership style and philosophy. I have clear goals of what I wish to accomplish, but because of my personality I tend to choose not just one strict way, but whichever direction is best for me. In my life, I have grown up in many different environments which have shaped who I am. I have constructed the standards which I find to myself to be very personal and dear. These different aspects of my personality have been adopted and developed mainly through the people I come into contact with: my close friends and families.I hope that my values, personality, and characteristics can all point in a way towards the common good. Not just for me but for everyone I encounter. I believe in loving one another and treating others as you would have them treat you. I think it is important for everyone to accept one another, yet stand firm in your own beliefs and not infringe on the beliefs or practices of other people. I hope that my values can b be my strength. I chose not to drink, smoke, or participate in immoral things, and I know that by doing so, it can strengthen who I am as an individual and help me be on a better path in life. I draw strength from these values knowing that it is who I am, and that there is always a part of me grounded to what I stand for and what I believe in. I can always draw myself back to the fact that I know that these things that I believe in will help me in life, so that gives me motivation on One of the characteristics, driven from the Strengths Quest quiz, that strongly drives who I am and the decisions I make is my adaptability. My adaptability ties in perfectly with the analogy given at the beginning. Of not having a destination in mind, but no particular way to arrive. If you would have asked me a while ago if I’m an “adaptable” person, I would have said no. But after finding out what it truly means, I now realize that it is a driving force in my life. My adaptability can be compared to water flowing off of a ducks back. As easily a ducks back repels water, I can easily take and confront situations in a way that makes me look past it and look towards the future and what else it may hold in store for me. Adaptability explains for my ability to confront and overcome many obstacles or things that come my way. When it comes to it, I do not take things to be personally against me. Another one of my driving characteristics that make me a leader is my ability to look at the future. Yet, I look at things in a unique way. Just like how I had the comparison in the beginning of the long car ride: I have a general idea of what things I would like to accomplish in my life. Yet, looking at the details is hard me; especially when we’re talking about the future. When we pair the characteristic of futuristic and adaptability, my personality becomes more in focus. Because of my adaptability, I usually take which ever option is the best fit for me knowing that the choice I would have made will help me accomplish my general goal. I have grown up in many distinct cultures and environments. I have grown up believing in the LDS faith and associating myself very closely with people of the same beliefs. There have been many church leaders who have shaped myself, yet a couple have stood out and stuck with me and shaped who I am. Robert Howell was one of these inspirational people whose life mottos I have found to become very true and very true to me. He would always say “There is a time to be serious, and there is a time to have fun.” Granted, when I heard that saying, I was an immature fourteen-year-old teenager and didn’t think much of it. Yet, as I have had more experiences in life, I have found this to be very true. It is important to be able to differentiate the difference between when is an appropriate time to have fun and when is an appropriate time to be serious. You could say that it has its partner saying: “work hard, play hard.” These people, such as Robert, have helped to shape who I am. Also, finding inspirational quotes has been motivational. There is a saying “Your personality is a combination of your five closest friends.” I find this saying to be very accurate. At times, it can be conflicting, with my personality. I can easily switch between different attitudes of being very serious, to being very goofy. I have had multiple people tell me that I have multiple personalities because of the opposite ends of the spectrum that I can be on. My personality can be very white or it can be very black. There is, usually, never any gray. Of course there are sick days, or days where I am sleep deprived from procrastinating my homework to late into the night, but that is my general over all attitude.I have found the leadership class to be very enlightening on the type of leader who I am, and how my personality can come into effect with that. I have learned more about the distinctive characteristics such as adaptability and futuristic. My personality reflects that in a way. I would say that my personality is more extroverted. I love to meet and greet new people. I lead by making personal one-on-one connections with those I encounter not for making big speeches or giving big presentations in class, but find myself trying to reach out those who need assistance. To finding personal time with that someone who could use it. I find it better for me to work in groups who are my close friends and not just “business associates.” That seems to cramp my style and my creativity.I hope that this journey of self-discovery continues for as long as I live. I know that becoming a leader takes years and years of practice, but I t is something that I would like to continue developing through achieving goals thanks to the options I have before me, making one on one connections with people, and being a friend to all. ................

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