Compliance Initiative Worksheet

INITIATIVEInitiative NamePurpose(Describe the initiative’s intent in one sentence)What are the specific policies and procedures you need to communicate?What training needs to be made available?Who are the subject matter experts involved in developing the polices and training?What information needs to be collected?How will you collect this information? (Examples: Forms, Attestations, Tests)5994400-4118610Many compliance programs don’t deliver on expectations. Worse, they don’t adequately protect your business. Why? You spend all your time executing and none of your time planning. The good news: this is an easy habit to change.We’ve developed a worksheet to help you think through the key facets of your compliance initiative.Use this worksheet to determine which areas need attention and what you expect when your compliance program goes live.Create a worksheet for each initiative (like your fair lending practices, your HR initiatives, your safety initiatives, to name a few) – together, these create your compliance playbook.00Many compliance programs don’t deliver on expectations. Worse, they don’t adequately protect your business. Why? You spend all your time executing and none of your time planning. The good news: this is an easy habit to change.We’ve developed a worksheet to help you think through the key facets of your compliance initiative.Use this worksheet to determine which areas need attention and what you expect when your compliance program goes live.Create a worksheet for each initiative (like your fair lending practices, your HR initiatives, your safety initiatives, to name a few) – together, these create your compliance playbook.PEOPLEList the groups of people in your company this initiative applies to.(Examples: Sales Managers, Customer Service Staff, Employees in California, Third Party Contractors)List the groups of people who need to review or approve initiative activities.(Examples: Supervisors, HR Staff, Compliance Manager, General Counsel)SCHEDULEUnder what conditions does a policy need to be reviewed by an employee or contractor? (Examples: Time of hire, Anniversary, Birth Date, End of quarter)How often does training need to be reviewed or reassigned?How are compliance activities routed for review?How are compliance activities filed?Are there people who need to be alerted under certain conditions?TRACKING AND REPORTINGWho are the internal and external stakeholders, decision makers, and regulators who will evaluate this initiative?What do you need to measure to determine the success of this initiative?Who is responsible for monitoring and reporting on this initiative?How often will you evaluate the initiative’s performance?How will you identify gaps or missing required activities?Once you’ve identified gaps, how will you take corrective action?How are stakeholders, leaders and kept informed?45088634590200Next Step: Automate! Great work! You’ve now thought through the key facets of your compliance initiative.Now it’s time to put your plan in motion. And there’s no better way to do this than by automating your initiative using Compligo. Set up your compliance activities, determine who they apply to, and how often they should occur. Monitor your reports, and lather rinse repeat.Want to learn more about automating your compliance initiatives in Compligo? Talk to our compliance experts. They can show you how. ................

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