Exemplar assignment brief - Edexcel

Exemplar assignment brief

|Centre | |

|Course title: Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award/Certificate in Sustainability Skills (QCF) |

|Tutor name: |

|Assignment title: |Leadership Skills in Community Activity |Ref: | |

|Learner name | | | |

|Start date: | |Deadline: | |

|Unit 43:Practising leadership Skills with Others |

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|Scenario |

|You are a newly promoted member of the local government and you have been asked to further develop your practical leadership skills in making |

|decisions, allocating tasks appropriately, giving and receiving feedback and giving support to junior members of a team. |

|You have been advised to discuss your progress in developing leadership skills with a number of people such as your manager at work or your |

|mentor or tutor at college and within a group or groups that you belong to that have a leader. Your mentor has also advised you to observe a |

|successful line manager and practise modelling their approach to leadership skills and by also watching suitable U-Tube leadership video clips. |

|Your first task is to lead a group of local volunteers in a working party to demonstrate effective leadership skills in a sustainability |

|activity that relates to one of the eight sustainability-themed gateways: |

|Energy and Water 2. Food and Drink |

|Travel and Traffic 4. Purchasing and Waste |

|Buildings and Grounds 6. Inclusion and Participation |

|Local Wellbeing 8. Global Dimension |

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|Select one of the activities below that relate to one of the eight gateways in (or select another sustainable gateway related activity that |

|appeals to you and the group of volunteers): |

|improve the local environment to enable individuals to enjoy themselves and be safe |

|help individuals in the community to monitor and reduce their water and energy useage |

|support individuals in the community to sort their waste properly for recycling |

|help individuals to work out and reduce their carbon footprint |

|advise individuals to eat more healthily |

|influence individuals in the community to become members or donate funds to a charity that supports developing countries in water retention, |

|supplying water to villages, water purification and reducing water pollution |

|plant trees in various locations of the community to act as a sound barrier to traffic and help to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere |

|redevelop some waste land that the council owns to become an allotment to allow more people to grow their own food. |

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|Once the activity is complete you have been asked to evaluate your leadership performance with your line manager. |

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|Assessment evidence: |

|Unit |Grading criteria | |

|U43 |The grading criteria that this assignment relates to: | |

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| |1.1 explain how their leadership skills will contribute to a given group activity | |

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| |2.1 give support to other members of the group | |

| |2.2 allocate tasks and activities appropriately to other members of the group | |

| |2.3 give and receive appropriate feedback | |

| |2.4 make decisions about tasks and activities appropriately | |

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| |3.1 carry out an evaluation of their leadership performance | |

| |3.2 suggest areas for improvement of their leadership performance | |

|Summary assessor’s feedback |

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|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources fully acknowledged. |

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|Learner signature: Date: |

Leadership Skills

Unit 43 Learning Outcomes

LO 1. Understand how to lead a group activity

LO 2. Demonstrate effective leadership skills with others

LO 3. Evaluate their leadership performance

Task 1

Assessment Criteria

1. explain how their leadership skills will contribute to a given group activity

After the discussion(s) with your tutor and fellow learners in your group about the eight gateways of sustainability, identify an activity that interest and one that you and your group would like to lead. Investigate and record any recent developments in the sustainable gateway and then write down why your activity is related to one of the gateways.

Discuss in your group and get confirmation from your tutor that your chosen activity is suitable to enable you to use appropriate leadership skills. Once your activity has been confirmed, take part in a discussion with your group to identify and explain how your leadership skills will contribute to the given activity. Write notes after the discussion, notes from any discussions that you have had with your tutor or verified notes from discussions with for example your line manager at work, to support your explanations of how your leadership skills will contribute to the activity.

Task 2

Assessment Criteria

2.1 give support to other members of the group

2.2 allocate tasks and activities appropriately to other members of the group

2.3 give and receive appropriate feedback

2.4 make decisions about tasks and activities appropriately

Take part in leading your group to write a short description of the activity you have chosen and write down the aim and objectives that as a group you are hoping to achieve. Confirm with your tutor/line manager that your aim and objectives are appropriate for the activity and your group.

Take part in leading the group to draw up a realistic and achievable activity plan that outlines all of the tasks your group will need to undertake, noting how it will be done, which team member(s) are responsible for carrying out the task and the timeline for completing each task. Ensure that each member of the group is briefed to keep records of the tasks they are carrying out in a diary or log book measuring how well they have done against the activity plan.

Take part in leading the group to complete a risk assessment of your activity to highlight any potential health and safety risks and make recommendations to reduce any risks, including any protective clothing and equipment necessary. Confirm with your tutor/line manager that you activity plan is achievable and is appropriate for each member of your group and that you have identified any potential risks.

When you are leading the activity your tutor will observe how well you are supporting other members of the group, your communication skills, giving and receiving feedback and making decisions, and ensuring members of your group are carrying out their tasks appropriately. Whilst carrying out the task as leader you must record any written or oral communication that you have with members of the group with regard to the above points.

Task 3

Assessment Criteria

3.1 carry out an evaluation of their leadership performance

3.2 suggest areas for improvement of their leadership performance

In this task you will need to consider the effectiveness of your leadership skills that you have used during the activity. You need to prepare for either a one-to-one discussion with your tutor or a small group discussion about your performance on how well you supported other members of the group, your communication skills, giving and receiving feedback, making decisions, and ensuring members of your group are carrying out their tasks appropriately. Use evidence that you have collected from feedback from other members of your group and notes you have taken yourself or any video clips to support your evaluation of your leadership performance.

Using any evidence you have collected describe at least one aspect of the activity that went well and one aspect that did not go so well. You should also reflect on at least one aspect where your leadership performance could be improved based on their feedback from others.

Tutor Information

The assignment brief will need to be delivered within an assessment tutorial so the level of the learners is catered for in a full understanding of what is required to be presented as evidence for each assessment criteria. The key evidence presented must meet the short criteria that has been written into each task as this is the criteria taken from the specification.

Access to IT facilities to undertake some investigations are required. Television programmes, photographs or extracts from films about current global issues can be valuable learning tools.

A range of the eight gateway sustainable case studies or media extracts would also be useful to examine by learners.

Preparation for the assignment

Tutors should provide reliable resources of information or assist learners in their investigation to gather information about leadership. Tutors could also do this using a case study approach making use of articles in the newspapers, TV and film.

Introduction to Task 1: To introduce this task tutors could introduce the eight gateways of sustainability for discussion and make available any information from articles, websites or books etc. STEM could be contacted to find out if there is a speaker available to talk about the eight gateways and leading a sustainability activity.

Learners could then discuss the gateways in a small group, identify an activity that interests them and record why it is related to one of the gateways. They could then identify any relevant sources of information and investigate if there are any recent developments in their chosen activity. The learners would then need to consult with the tutor to ensure the activity is suitable for them to lead, is achievable, safe and straightforward and should be led in a way that is appropriate to the requirements

of the situation and people involved. The learners could then identify the non-complex leadership skills that they would need to lead a group or take part in the leadership of the chosen activity and discuss the identified skills with their tutor, employer and leaders of groups they know. They could also observe leaders when using leadership skills and practice modeling them in a virtual situation.

Evidence for completion of the assessment criteria can come from taping or videoing group discussions, verified notes from learners, recorded discussions with learners and any presentations from learners.

Introduction to Task 2: In introducing this task it is worth discussing the with the learners the appropriate leadership skills and that they will have the opportunity demonstrate some of the features of leadership in their chosen activity in a small group context. Tutors will need to agree the activity aim and objectives to ensure it is appropriate for the context and the group.

It is appropriate for learners to take some responsibility for making decisions about who should be allocated which task. They may wish to review the strengths of group members and decide which members would be most appropriate to carry out the tasks. They could also show that they are able to discuss and agree their allocations with others and communicate to others why decisions have been made. They should keep records of any discussions they have had to make decisions about their allocations.

Tutors/line managers may wish to support learners in discussing and confirming allocations.

Learners will need to demonstrate that they can take responsibility for supporting, motivating and encouraging all group members to work well. The tutor/line manager could therefore encourage the learner to take an appropriate level of responsibility in seeing that the task is carried out appropriately and that the deadline is achieved. Where this is not appropriate or practical, the learner should have the opportunity to explain what has happened and suggest ways in which they could remedy the situation. Learners should be able to provide guidance or advice to others, as appropriate, in carrying out the activity and will need therefore to have a clear idea of what the activity is and how they want to achieve it.

In giving and receiving feedback, learners will have the opportunity to demonstrate not only communication skills but also appropriate behaviour and attitudes in dealing with other members of the group. This would include giving feedback to others in an appropriate way that supports the aim and objectives of the group. They should also be able to receive feedback from others and show that they have considered the opinions and ideas of others.

In making decisions about tasks and activities, learners will need to demonstrate that they are able to make decisions about straightforward issues, for example about which team members should do which piece of work, or about how long to spend on a given activity. Tutors/line managers should support the learner in identifying a decision and then agreeing with them the steps needed to make it.

Introduction to Task 3: The tutor could introduce this task by discussing performance and how people in the workplace are appraised by their line manager during regular one-to-one meetings, by using a 360 feedback questionnaire and a more formal six month and annual basis using standard checklists and appraisal forms. The tutor could use a checklist of the leadership skills and in a one-to-one or small group situation ask the learner to reflect and review how well they performed. The learner could use any written evidence they have collected and also describe at least one aspect that went well and one aspect that did not go so well. They should also reflect on at least one aspect where their leadership performance could be improved based on their feedback from others. The learner could be supported in the use of Gibbs Reflective Cycle to assist them in assessing their own skills in action to influence others (see Resources section for Gibbs Reflective Cycle).


Gibbs Reflective Cycle (reflective practice)


Indicative resource materials


Arthur J and Wright D – Teaching Citizenship in the Secondary School, (David

Websites for sustainability and leadership

U-Tube video clips on young leadership

Amnesty International site –information about taking action to

protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied


BBC site interactive resources, games, quizzes bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/


Channel 4 site resources for Citizenship education


Details of human rights cases in the UK cases

Employer and employee rights

workingrights.co.uk/Engauge engaugeonline.co.uk



Equality and Human Rights site – rights of citizens in UK

Ethical trade working on improving labour conditions

G-nation site – supports UK teenagers to get

involved in charity, community, social enterprise

and campaigning action


Life Coach Expert


Magazine and research on social and environmental

records of companies and products

Monster – Career Advice


Site of Liberty – protecting civil liberties and

promoting human rights


Sustainable Development Commission


Tell Me How

The Royal Commonwealth Society

United Nations site – overview of The Universal

Declaration of Human rights


Wateraid –providing water aid to third world countries

World’s leading resource on the subject

business-human home

Young Leaders’ Essentials Factsheets






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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