Syllabus - Career Management


Career Management

(3 Credit Hours)


President University, Kota Jababeka, Bekasi, Indonesia

Ir. Muhril Ardiansyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Tel. +62 21 8910 9762

Fax. +62 21 8910 9768

Email: uhsyah@


Office hours: - Before Class.

- After Class.

- By Appointment.

Class Meets: Friday 08:00 am – 10:45 am.

Room 417

Course Description

Students will explore Career Management. We will discuss issues of Career Management, which deals with “Personal Skills,” Interpersonal Skills,” Group Skills,” and “Specific Communication Skills.”

We will try to answer questions such as “How have you become so successful in this organization?, Who fails and who succeeds in this organization and why?, If you had to train someone to take your place, what knowledge and what skills would you make certain that person possessed in order to perform successfully as your successor?

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will able to:

- Define of Career Management.

- Understand self awareness.

- Manage personal stress.

- Understand solving problems analytically and creatively.

- Build relationship by communicating supportively.

- Understand gaining power and influence.

- Motivate others.

- Manage conflict.

- Empower and delegate.

- Build effective teams and teamwork.

- Lead positive change.

Teaching Philosophy

The course is taught through a combination of:

- readings,

- lectures,

- class discussions,

- exercises (homework and quiz).


Course Material

Use the following textbook:

Whetten D. A and K.S. Cameron. 2007. Developing Management Skills. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Course Webpage

All material slides of this course will be available at

Grading Policy

| | |


|Participation |10% |

|Assignment (Homework and Quiz) |20% |

|Mid Term Exam |30% |

|Final Exam |40% |

|TOTAL |100% |

Assignment (Homework and Quiz)

- Each homework will be worth 100 points.

Any homework turned in after the due date will receive a maximum of half the

points possible, if turned in at the next class period, the score is zero.

- Each quiz will be worth 100 points. Quiz will be given in the first 30 minutes of

lecturing time.


- Midterm exam will be worth 100 points; Closed Exam (books and notes cannot

open during the exam; Essay with 4 questions. Every question has 25 points

(total score is 100 points).

- Final exam will be worth 100 points; Closed Exam (books and notes cannot

open during exam; Essay with 4 questions. Not comprehensive exam. Every

question has 25 points (total score is 100 points).

- There is no makeup examination for midterm exam and final exam. I will

reserve the right to arrange a makeup exam for the midterm exam and final

exam only in extreme cases (personal or medical emergencies in which case

the student must provide a written excuse signed by a doctor, parent, and

university official).

- Midterm exam and final exam will stress synthesis and application, not

memorization and regurgitation.


| | |

|Grade Average (%) |Letter Grade |

|90-100 |A |

|83-90 |B+ |

|75-83 |B |

|68-75 |C+ |

|60-68 |C |

|55-60 |D+ |

|50-55 |D |

|Below 50 |F |

Class Etiquette

• Please arrive on time for class.

• Please turn off hand phones.

• Please do not whisper during the class. If you are having problems understanding something, please ask me. Exercise common courtesy when talking with your neighbor to minimize distractions and provide a good listening environment.

• Attendance is mandatory.

• Prepare for class. You are expected to come to class having read all the assigned reading before class meets.

• Active class participation during class.

• Walking into and out of the classroom during lecture is very distracting. Please make sure to take all restroom breaks, etc. before class and to arrive on time in order to minimize disruptions.

Ethical Conduct

“Cheating during in class examinations or take home examinations or homework is, of course, illegal and immoral. A Graduate Academic Evaluation Board exists to investigate academic improprieties, conduct hearings, and determine any necessary actions. The term ‘academic impropriety’ is meant to include, but is not limited to, cheating on homework, during in class or take home examinations and plagiarism.

Consequences of academic impropriety are severe, ranging from receiving an “F’ in a course, to a warning from the Dean, which becomes a part of the permanent student record, to expulsion.


Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me as soon as possible to discuss arrangements necessary to facilitate your academic enrichment.

Course Schedule: Topics, Sub Topics, Assignment

All chapter numbers refer to the textbook by Whetten and Cameron (2007)

14 Sessions

1 Mid Term Exam

1 Final Exam

| | | | |

|Session |Topic |Sub Topic |Assignment |

|1. |Introduction |- The Importance of |- Read |

| | |Competent Manager |Introduction |

| | |- The Skills of Effective |- Homework 1 |

| | |Managers |(solve problem |

| | |- Essential |sheet, to be |

| | |Management Skills |handed out in |

| | |- What Are |class) |

| | |Management Skills |- Discussion of |

| | |- Improving |examples and |

| | |Management Skills |cases (contained |

| | |An Approach to Skill |in the textbook |

| | |Development |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

|2. |Developing Self Awareness (I) |- Key Dimensions of |- Read Ch 1 |

| | |Self Awareness |- Homework 2 |

| | |- The Enigma of Self |(solve problem |

| | |Awareness |sheet, to be |

| | |- Understanding and |handed out in |

| | |Appreciating |class) |

| | |Individual Differences |- Discussion of |

| | |- Important Areas of |examples and |

| | |Self Awareness |cases (contained |

| | | |in the textbook |

| | | |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

|3. |Developing Self Awareness (II) |- Emotional Intelligence |- Read Ch 1 |

| | |- Values |- Quiz (solve |

| | |- Learning Style |problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | |- Attitudes Toward |handed out in |

| | |Change |class) |

| | |- Tolerance of |- Discussion of |

| | |Ambiguity |examples and |

| | |- Locus of Control |cases (contained |

| | |- Core Self Evaluation |in the textbook |

| | | |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

| | | |- Homework 3 |

| | | |(solve problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

|4. |Managing Personal Stress (I) |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 2 |

| | |for Managing Stress |- Homework 4 |

| | |- Improving the |(solve problem |

| | |Management of |sheet, to be |

| | |Stress and Time |handed out in |

| | |- Major Elements of |class) |

| | |Stress |- Discussion of |

| | |- Reactions to Stress |examples and |

| | |- Coping with Stress |cases (contained |

| | | |in the textbook |

| | | |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

|5. |Managing Personal Stress (II) |- Managing Stress |- Read Ch 2 |

| | |- Eliminating Stressors |- Homework 5 |

| | |- Developing Resiliency |(solve problem |

| | |- Temporary Stress |sheet, to be |

| | |Reduction |handed out in |

| | |Techniques |class) |

| | | |- Discussion of |

| | | |examples and |

| | | |cases (contained |

| | | |in the textbook |

| | | |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

| | | |- Quiz (solve |

| | | |problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

| | | | |

|6. |Solving Problems Analytically and |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 3 |

| |Creatively (I) |for Creative Problem |- Homework 6 |

| | |Solving |(solve problem |

| | |- Problem Solving, |sheet, to be |

| | |Creatively, and |handed out in |

| | |Innovation |class) |

| | |- Steps in Analytical |- Discussion of |

| | |Problem Solving |examples and |

| | |- Limitations of the |cases (contained |

| | |Analytical Problem |in the textbook |

| | |Solving Model |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

|7. |Solving Problems Analytically and |- Impediments to |- Read Ch 3 |

| |Creatively (II) |Creative Problem |- Discussion of |

| | |Solving |examples and |

| | |- Multiple Approaches |cases (contained |

| | |to Creativity |in the textbook |

| | |- Conceptual Blocks |chapter) and end |

| | |- Conceptual |chapter |

| | |Blockbusting |questions and |

| | | |problem |

| | | |- Homework 7 |

| | | |(solve problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

| | | |- Review |

|8. |Mid Term Exam |- Topics Session 1 - 7 |- Essay |

|9. |Building Relationships by Communicating|- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 4 |

| |Supportively |for Supportive |- Discussion of |

| | |Communication |examples and |

| | |- Building Positive |cases (contained |

| | |Interpersonal |in the textbook |

| | |Relationships |chapter) and end |

| | | |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | |- The Importance of |problem |

| | |Effective |- Homework 8 |

| | |Communication |(solve problem |

| | |- What is Supportive |sheet, to be |

| | |Communication ? |handed out in |

| | |- Coaching and |class) |

| | |Counseling | |

| | |- Principles of | |

| | |Supportive | |

| | |Communication | |

| | |- The Personal | |

| | |Management | |

| | |Interview | |

|10. |Gaining Power and Influence |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 5 |

| | |for Gaining Power |- Discussion of |

| | |and Influence |examples and |

| | |- Building a Strong |cases (contained |

| | |Power Base and |in the textbook |

| | |Using Influence |chapter) and end |

| | |Wisely |chapter |

| | |- A Balanced View of |questions and |

| | |Power |problem |

| | |- Strategies for Gaining |- Homework 9 |

| | |Organizational Power |(solve problem |

| | |- Transforming Power |sheet, to be |

| | |into Influence |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

| | | |- Quiz (solve |

| | | |problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

|11. |Motivating Others |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 6 |

| | |for Motivating Others |- Discussion of |

| | |- Increasing Motivation |examples and |

| | |and Performance |cases (contained |

| | |- Diagnosing Work |in the textbook |

| | |Performance |chapter) and end |

| | |Problems |chapter |

| | |- Enhancing Individual’s |questions and |

| | |Abilities |problem |

| | |- Fostering a Motivating |- Homework 10 |

| | |Work Environment |(solve problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | |- Elements of an |handed out in |

| | |Effective Motivation |class) |

| | |Program | |

|12. |Managing Conflict |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 7 |

| | |for Managing Conflict |Discussion of |

| | |- Interpersonal Conflict |examples and |

| | |Management |cases (contained |

| | |- Diagnosing the Type |in the textbook |

| | |of Interpersonal |chapter) and end |

| | |Conflict |chapter |

| | |- Selecting the |questions and |

| | |Appropriate Conflict |problem |

| | |Management |- Homework 11 |

| | |Approach |(solve problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

|13. |Empowering and Delegating |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 8 |

| | |for Empowering and |- Discussion of |

| | |Delegating |examples and |

| | |- Empowering and |cases (contained |

| | |Delegating |in the textbook |

| | |- A management |chapter) and end |

| | |Dilemma Involving |chapter |

| | |Empowerment |questions and |

| | |- The Meaning of |problem |

| | |Empowerment |- Homework 12 |

| | |- Dimensions of |(solve problem |

| | |Empowerment |sheet, to be |

| | |- How to Develop |handed out in |

| | |Empowerment |class) |

| | |- Inhibitors to |- Quiz (solve |

| | |Empowerment |problem |

| | |- Delegating Work |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

|14. |Building Effective Teams and Teamwork |- Diagnostic Surveys for Building |- Read Ch 9 |

| | |Effective Teams |- Discussion of |

| | |- Developing Teams and Teamwork |examples and |

| | |- The Advantages of Teams |cases (contained |

| | |- Team Development |in the textbook |

| | |- Leading Teams |chapter) and end |

| | |- Team Membership |chapter |

| | | |questions and |

| | | |problem |

| | | |- Homework 13 |

| | | |(solve problem |

| | | |sheet, to be |

| | | |handed out in |

| | | |class) |

|15. |Leading Positive Change |- Diagnostic Surveys |- Read Ch 10 |

| | |for Leading Positive |- Discussion of |

| | |Change |examples and |

| | |- Leading Positive |cases (contained |

| | |Change |in the textbook |

| | |- Ubiquitous and |chapter) and end |

| | |Escalating Change |chapter |

| | |- The Need for |questions and |

| | |Frameworks |problem |

| | |- Tendencies Toward |- Homework 14 |

| | |Stability |(solve problem |

| | |- A Framework for |sheet, to be |

| | |Leading Positive |handed out in |

| | |Change |class) |

| | | |- Review |

|16. |Final Exam |- Topics Session 9 - 15 |- Essay |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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