Development Through the Lifespan

Development Through the Lifespan

Chapter 15

Physical and Cognitive

Development in

Middle Adulthood

Vision and Hearing Changes

in Middle Adulthood



Problems reading small print

Bifocals if nearsighted

Difficulties in dim light

Reduced color discrimination

Glaucoma risk



Most loss in high tones

Hearing aids can help

Skin Changes in

Middle Adulthood


Forehead – starting in 30s

Crow’s Feet


Face, arms, legs

Age Spots

After age 20

Faster with sun exposure, for women

Muscle-Fat Makeup

in Middle Adulthood

Middle-age spread common – fat gain in torso

Men: upper abdomen, back

Women: waist, upper arms

Very gradual muscle declines

Low-fat, calorie-reduced diet and exercise can help


Average age 51

Ranges from 42–58, 10–year climacteric period

Physical & psychological symptoms

Hot flashes, headaches, sleep loss, slower sexual response

Interpretation affects adjustment

Hormone Replacement Therapy controversial

Lifestyle, diet options

Male Reproductive Changes

in Middle Adulthood

Reduced sperm and semen after 40

Gradual testosterone reduction

Sexual activity stimulates production

Erection Problems

Stress, alcohol, heart or other diseases increase


Sexuality in Middle Adulthood

Slight drop in frequency among married couples

Continue patterns from early adulthood

More sex in good marriages

Intensity of response declines

Slower arousal; partner may seem less attractive

Gender differences

More women with no partners; lack of opportunity

Leading Causes of Death

in Middle Adulthood

Cancer Sites in the Body

Cardiovascular Disease


Heart attack

Angina pectoris – chest pain


Risk Conditions

High blood cholesterol

High blood pressure



Bones more porous; lose bone mass

Men: 8–12%

Women: up to 50%

Menopause estrogen drop

speeds bone loss

Bone breaks can be


Prevention, treatment:

Diet – vitamin D, calcium

Weight-bearing exercise

Hormone therapy for women at low cancer risk

Hostility and Health

Expressed Hostility

Frequent angry outbursts

Rudeness, contempt

Disagreeable verbal and nonverbal behavior

Health Effects

Cardiovascular problems

Depression and dissatisfaction

Health complaints, illnesses

Stress Management

Problem-Centered Coping

Identify and appraise problems

Choose and implement potential solutions

Emotion-Centered Coping

Control distress when problem can’t be solved



Regard most experiences as controllable


Find interest and meaning in daily activities


View as normal part of life, chance for growth

Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence


Depends on basic information processing skills:

Detecting relationships among stimuli

Analytical speed

Working memory


Skills that depend on:

Accumulated knowledge


Good judgment

Master of social conventions

Valued by person’s culture

Longitudinal Trends in

Six Mental Abilities

Verbal and Performance IQ

Individual and Group Factors in High Intelligence Scores


High education

Complex job or leisure

Lasting marriage

High SES


Flexible personality




Perceptual speed

Age-Related Slowing of

Cognitive Processing

Neural Network View

Neurons in brain die

Brain forms new connections

New connections are less efficient

Information-Loss View

Information lost at each step through cognitive system

Whole system slows down to inspect information

Coping with Age-Related Cognitive Slowing

Factual Knowledge

Procedural Knowledge

Metacognitive Knowledge

Practical Problem Solving and Expertise

Practical Problem Solving

Evaluate real-world situations

Achieve goals that have high uncertainty


Efficient, effective approaches to solving problems, including practical problems

Organized around abstract principles

Result of years of experience

Vocational Life and

Cognitive Development

Cognitive and personality characteristics affect job choice

Once in job, it affects cognition

Complex work increases cognitive flexibility

Becoming a Student in Midlife

40% of North American college students over age 25

58% are women

Reasons diverse

Job change, better income

Life transition

Personal achievement, self-enrichment

Concerns about handling class work, balancing demands outside school


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