| |Receptive |Expressive |

|Birth to 3 months |Startles to loud sounds |Makes pleasure sounds (i.e. cooing, gooing) |

| |Quiets or smiles when spoken to |Cries differently for different needs |

| |Recognize familiar voice and quiets if crying |Smiles when sees you |

| |Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound | |

|4 to 6 months |Moves eyes in direction of sounds |Babbling sounds |

| |Responds to changes in tone of caregiver’s voice |Produces of different sounds including /p, b, m/ |

| |Notices toys that make sounds |Chuckles and laughs |

| |Attends to music |Vocalizes excitement and displeasure |

| | |Makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing |

|7 months to 12 months |Enjoys games like Peek-a-Boo and Pat-a-Cake |Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds (i.e. “tata”, |

| |Turns and looks in direction of sounds |“upup”, “bibibibi”) |

| |Listens when spoken to |Uses speech or noncrying sounds to get and keep attention |

| |Begins to respond to requests (i.e. “come here”, “want more?”) |Uses gestures to communicate (i.e. waving,holding arms to be picked|

| |Recognizes name |up) |

| | |Imitates different speech sounds/familiar words |

| | |Has a minimum of 1 or 2 words (i.e. “hi”, “dog”, “dada”, “mama”) |

|12 to 24 months |Understands “No” |Produces 10 to 20 words |

| |Waves “goodbye” |Uses 1 to 2-word questions (i.e. “where kitty?”, “go bye bye?”, |

| |Follows simple commands (i.e. “roll ball”, “kiss baby”, “give me”) |“mommy book?” |

| |Understands simple questions (i.e. “what is that?”, “where’s shoe?”) |Use words like “more”, “all done” |

| |Points to main body parts upon request |Makes sounds of familiar animals |

| |Listens to simple stories, songs and rhymes |Uses many different consonant sounds at the beginning of words |

| |Points to pictures in a book when named | |

|24 to 36 months |Identifies body parts |Has 450 vocabulary words |

| |Understands differences in meaning (“go-stop”, “in-on”, “big-little”, |Gives name/age |

| |“up-down”) |Demonstrates the ability to label most common objects |

| |Follows 2 requests (i.e.“get the book and put it on the table”) |Combines noun an verb (i.e. baby sleep) |

| |Listens to and enjoys hearing stories for longer periods of time |Uses 2 to 3 word utterances to comment and request |

| | |Uses /k, g, f, t, d, n/ sounds |

| | |Speech is understood by familiar listeners 80% of the time |

| | |May stutter on words or sounds |

| | |Carries on coversation with self and dolls in pretend play |

|36 to 48 months |Understands concept of “same” and “different” |Uses a min of 1000 words |

| |Identifies some colors (i.e. red, blue, yellow, green) and some shapes |Names at least 1 color |

| |Identifies family members (i.e. brother, sister, granma, granpa, aunt) |Talks/retells recent events and/or activities |

| | |Tells stories |

| | |Speech intelligibility is good in known and unknown contexts |

| | |Answers simple WHO, WHAT and WHERE questions |

| | |Says rhyming words (i.e. hat/cat) |

| | |Uses pronouns in sentences (i.e. I, you, me, we, they) |

| | |Uses regular plural words |

| | |Produces a minimum of 4-word utterances |

| | |Adequate flow of speech |

| | | |

|48 to 60 months |Understands sequencing (i.e. first, next, last) |Says all spech sounds in words. Typical errors for age: /s, z, r, |

| |Understands time concepts (i.e. yesterday, today, tomorrow) |v, sh, ch, th/ |

| |Follows multiple directions (i.e. “put your pijamas on, brush your teeth, |Produces 4 to 5 word-utterances |

| |and then pick out a book”) |Uses regular past tense |

| |Follows classroom directions (i.e. “draw a circl on your paper aroung |Names letters and numbers |

| |something you eat”. |Produces sentences including more than 1 action verb |

| | |Ask a variety of questions |

| | |Maintains conversation |

| | | |


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