Graduate Programs in Developmental & Adult Education

Graduate Program inAdult Education

Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology

Texas State University – San Marcos

Application for Departmental Admission

Name: _____________________________

Current Address: ________________________Home Phone: _________________

Work Phone: _____________________ Email: _____________________________

I am applying to begin in:

_____Fall ____Spring _____Summer 20____

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|College Attended |Dates Attended |Major |Date Degree Granted |GPA |

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|Employer |Dates |Job Title |

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Areas of Professional Interest (Check all that apply)

Programs providing education and training for adults in:

_____Adult literacy/ ESL program

_____College and universities

_____Government agencies

_____Community-based organizations and agencies

_____Public schools

_____Business and industry

_____Hospitals and community health facilities

_____Religious organizations

_____Armed services

_____Correctional facilities

Writing Sample

Discuss a major issue currently confronting adult education. You are strongly encouraged to draw on your own experiences in education in writing this essay.  Please detail your own position on the subject and limit your response to 1000 words.

Signature of Applicant Date

______________________________ _________________________________

Master Of Arts In Adult Education

The M. A. in Adult Education is a 39-hour program*, with thesis or non-thesis options, which provides the expertise and experience to develop and lead adult education programs in many educational settings such as community-based literacy and ESL programs, colleges and university programs for adult learners, corporate settings, non-profit agencies, and government organizations.

Core coursework emphasizes adult learning and development; program development and leadership; research methodology; teaching adults; and multicultural perspectives in postsecondary and adult education. A supervised internship practicum is also required. Additional coursework depends on which professional track the student selects. Students who choose the thesis route must write and defend a master’s thesis on a developmental or adult education topic. Graduate faculty will guide and supervise the thesis project.

Three concentrations are available:

Adult ESL

Continuing and Community Education

Workplace Learning

See the program web site at for additional information about program requirements, faculty, and financial support.

* 42 hours if thesis option is elected with Adult ESL concentration.

Checklist for Admission to M. A. Program in Adult Education*

_____1. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited postsecondary institution.

_____2. Completed application form filed with the ADED graduate advisor.

_____3. Writing sample as specified on this application.

_____4. Three letters of reference from individuals with knowledge of the candidate as a student or as a professional.

_____5. Official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work submitted to the Graduate College, J. C. Kellam building, Room 280, 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666 (512-245-2581)

_____6. Interview with ADED graduate advisor. (currently Jovita Ross-Gordon)

_____7. Application for admission to the Graduate School at Texas State University-San Marcos available at

Note: All written materials must be submitted directly to the Graduate College. Reference letters should preferably be on letterhead, and submitted in an envelope signed on the flap. This application, your writing sample, and references can also be submitted electronically at . Note that to submit reference letters electronically the person submitting the reference will need to know your birth date and the name of the program you are applying to.

Dr. Jovita Ross-Gordon, Coordinator, Adult Education M.A. Programs, CLAS DEPT, Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, TX 78666 – 4616, 512-245-8084,


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