Developmental Psychology Review Sheet

Developmental Psychology Review Sheet Name_____________________

1. What was the specific relevance of Harry Harlow’s experiment?

2. Define schema.

3. Assume a person has the schema, “All things with wheels are cars”

If they assimilate, they might think…

If they accommodate, they might think…

4. Give an example of a statement that each of the following types of parents might say to their children:




5. Give an example of how a baby would exhibit a lack of object permanence.

6. Into which stage of Piaget’s developmental theory do each of the following fit:

a) A child saying, “that’s my star in the sky!” ____________________

b) A child getting anxious if someone other than their parent holds them. ________________________

c) The ability to do a liquid conservation test. ____________________

d) The ability to pretend. _______________________

e) The ability to add, subtract, and do multiplication tables. ______________

7. In what stage of moral development would the following comment be indicative: Can I “buy” my way into heaven by giving money to a church?

8. What type of development did each of the stage theorists that we discussed focus on?

a) Erikson: ________________

b) Kohlberg: ______________

c) Piaget: ___________________

9. According to these three theorists, at what stages of development would a three year old be?

10. According to these three theorists, at what stage of development would a fourteen year old be?

11. What are some examples of teratogens?

12. What reflexes are infants born with?

13. Define Temperament.

14. What is the Heinz Dilemma?

15. What physical changes occur as old age sets in?


16. ____ The sequence in which children develop motor skills varies from one culture to another

17. ____ Current research shows that young children are more capable and development is more continuous than Piaget believed

18. ____ Males usually begin puberty before females

19. ____ Most people’s temperament changes majorly throughout their lives

20. ____ Psychologist’s believe the major cause of homosexuality is how parents raise their children

Multiple Choice

21. ____ When psychologists discuss maturation, they are referring to stages of growth that are NOT influenced by

a. conservation

b. nature

c. nurture

d. continuity

22. ____ Insecurely attached infants who are left by their mothers in an unfamiliar setting often will

a. hold fast to their mothers on their return

b. explore the new surrounds confidently

c. be indifferent toward their mothers on their return

d. display little emotion at the time

23. ____ Which is the correct stage of prenatal development?

a. zygote, fetus, embryo

b. zygote, embryo, fetus

c. embryo, zygote, fetus

d. embryo, fetus, zygote

24. ____ Before Piaget, people were more likely to believe that

a. the child’s mind is a miniature model of the adults

b. children think about the world in radically different ways than adults

c. the child’s mind develops through a series of stages

d. children interpret their experiences in terms of their current understandings

25. ____ Most people’s earliest memories do not predate _____ years of age

a. 6 months

b. 1 year

c. 2 years

d. 3 years

Study Guide Checklist

⇨ Maturation and motor skills (reflexes, crawling, walking process)

⇨ Piaget’s stages and related vocabulary terms

⇨ Attachment (Harlow’s monkeys, Ainsworth study, imprinting, and insecure vs secure)

⇨ Moral development (Kohlberg & Gilligan)

⇨ Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development (focus on trust vs. mistrust, identity formation vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, and integrity vs. despair)

⇨ Gender roles, gender typing, social learning theory

⇨ Development throughout the ages (puberty, sexual orientation, well-being, pruning, grief, )

⇨ Collectivist vs Individualistic cultures

⇨ REVIEW: Back of chapter, infancy, gender handout, all notes, online sites( AP Psychology Commune & Quizlet


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