Answer Key - esldocs

DEVIANCE AND CRIME p165What is deviant behavior?What are 5 categories of crime that are listed in your book?What does homicide mean?Is the crime rate in the U.S. increasing or decreasing? WHO COMMITS CRIME? p172Who are most likely to commit crimes?Why might younger people commit more crimes than older people?Why might men commit more crimes than women?Why are corporate crimes sometimes called white collar crimes?Are you a criminal?Answer KeyDEVIANCE AND CRIME p165What is deviant behavior?Line 8: behavior that is considered unacceptable, or outside the norms, for that societyWhat are 5 categories of crime that are listed in your book?Lines 20 - 53: violent crime (including hate crimes), property crime, corporate crime, organized crime, victimless crimeWhat does homicide mean?Line 58: murderIs the crime rate in the U.S. increasing or decreasing? Line 76: In the United States, in fact, there has been a decline in the violent crime rate in the past 20 years.WHO COMMITS CRIME? p172Who are most likely to commit crimes?Line 5: young men from lower socioeconomic backgroundsWhy might younger people commit more crimes than older people?Line 8: Older people may gradually move away from crime. Or they may become more skilled so they do not get caught as often. / Younger people may have fewer relationships that encourage them to obey society’s norms. (eg: old -> married, kids, steady job vs young ->unemployed, single, childless)Why might men commit more crimes than women?Line 30: Women have fewer opportunities to get involved in criminal behavior. Line 38: Men are socialized differently to have more interest in material success. Why are corporate crimes sometimes called white collar crimes?Line 56: because of the high social status of the people who commit such crimes (professionals often wore white collared shirts / blue collared shirts were worn by unskilled laborers) Are you a criminal?You may have committed some crimes, such as underage drinking or illegal downloading, but most people probably wouldn’t consider you a criminal. ................

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