Chapter 9: Heterosexual Deviance

Soc213 Deviant Behavior Bogart Test 03a 11/12/02

Part 1: Text (Thio) Items

Chapter 9: Heterosexual Deviance

1a. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The United States has become the leading producer of hard-core videos in the world. B. The amount of money spent on all adult porn material is approximately 75% of Hollywood’s box office receipts. C. The film, The People vs. Larry Flynt, explored the idea of pornography as a constitutional right. D. The success of the porn industry is due, in large part, to its infiltration into mainstream society. E. Strip clubs make more money than all the opera, ballet, and jazz and classical music performances combined. (p. 203)

2a. Sociobiologists regard the _____ difference in adultery as the most significant findings because it exists in virtually all societies. A. racial B. socioeconomic C. religious D. ethnic E. gender (p. 207)

3a. Which of the following is NOT one of the descriptors given by Thio of a typical cybersex participant? A. male B. married C. college educated D. middle income E. white (p. 209)

4a. Which of the following MOST pertains to the majority of prostitutes? A. child abuse victim B. heavy drug user C. victim of low self-esteem D. socially immature E. desire to be married (pp. 219-220)

5a. Liberals argue for the legalization of prostitution, maintaining that most problems associated with prostitution stem largely from _____. A. antiprostitution laws B. conservative “johns” C. religious dogma D. feminists E. police corruption (p. 227)

6a. Kingley Davis’s (1971) _____ theory contends that prostitution exists because the moral system paradoxically encourages it, and it, in turn, serves the important function of protecting “feminine virtue.” A. conflict B. feminist C. functionalist D. control E. social-psychological (p. 230)

7a. Predisposing factors, attracting factors, and precipitating factors are applicable to _____ theory. A. conflict B. feminist C. functionalist D. control E. social-psychological (pp. 231-232)

Chapter 10: Homosexuality and Homophobia

8a. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Gay men are typically effeminate in their behaviors. B. Unlike gay men, most lesbians assign specific sex roles (e.g., dominant, passive) within their relationships. C. Until the mid-70s, homosexuality was listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a mental disorder. D. Gays and lesbians, on average, have sex more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts. E. In reality, there are very few bisexual people, with most people being either gay or straight. (pp. 237-238)

09a. According to sociologist Richard Troiden (1979), gay men begin to feel that they might be gay, but they refuse to define themselves as such, during the _____ stage. A. denial B. dissociation C. coming out D. sensitization E. commitment (pp.243-244)

10a. In Laud Humphreys’ (1970) study, he found that most of the men he studied were all but which of the following? A. self-defined bisexuals B. Roman Catholic C. low socioeconomic status D. trades E. deprived of having enough sex with their wives (p. 249)

11a. In the United States and other Western societies, the definition of same-sex orientation as deviant can be traced to _____. A. the Judeo-Christian scripture B. the American Psychiatric Association C. military rules and regulations D. political rhetoric E. sports (primarily football) manuals (p. 252)

12a. The gay rights movement in the United States began in San Francisco with an organization called the _____. A. Stonewall Society B. Gay-Straight Alliance C. Gay Power! D. Mattachine Society E. Guild (p. 259)

13a. “Sexual orientation disturbance” is an aspect of _____ theory. A. predispositional B. psychiatric C. genetic D. hormone E. sociological (p. 262)

14a. Researchers who study the phenomenon of same-sex orientation as a means by which gays and lesbians live their lives according to how society treats them, rather than seeking to find the cause of same-sex orientation, are known as _____. A. radical psychiatrists B. sociobiologists C. social constructionists D. essentialists E. predispositionists (pp. 263-264)

Chapter 11: Drug Use

15a. Which of the following is a depressant? A. cocaine B. aspirin C. nicotine D. caffeine E. crack (p. 269)

16a. “P-dope” is the street name for _____. A. marijuana B. LSD C. PCP D. crack cocaine E. heroin (p. 271)

17a. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Drug use among Americans as a whole has been steadily rising since the 1980s. B. The United States leads the industrial nations in drug use. C. Young adults (ages 18-25) have the highest rate of drug use. D. Drug use among teenagers has been rising, due primarily to white teens smoking pot. E. African-American students in secondary schools are less likely than their white peers to use drugs. (pp. 277-278)

18a. According to _____ theory, the high correlation between drug use and crime does not mean that drug use causes crime because most drug users with a criminal record have committed crime before using drugs. A. economic deprivation B. drug enslavement C. cognitive association D. social-psychological E. general deviance syndrome (p. 280)

19a. Drug use as a means of coping and obtaining a sense of structure are concepts underlying _____ theory. A. economic deprivation B. drug enslavement C. cognitive association D. social-psychological E. general deviance syndrome (p. 285)

20a. In 1937, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act which was, in effect, an anti-_____ law, according to Thio. A. Black B. White C. Chinese D. Hispanic E. Japanese (p. 289)

Part 2: Lecture Items

Lvii: Conflict Theory

21a. The metaphor given for conflict theory is _____. A. drug use and abuse B. ethnicity C. status politics D. economic regulation E. criminal behavior system

22a. According to Vold’s (1958) THEORETICAL CRIMINOLOGY, the principal goal of one group in contact with another is to _____. A. keep from being replaced B. win the “war” C. limit the size of the group D. exert individual, rather than group, identity E. establish boundaries

23a. According to Turk (1966) in CONFLICT AND CRIMINALITY, the most critical problem in criminological theory today is to determine whether and how two orientations, _____ and _____, can be integrated. A. institutional systematization; personal disorganization B. deviance-pathology; social conflict-political C. norm of deference-legal; normative conflict-illegal D. attitudinal; behavioral E. impulsivity; compulsivity

24a. In SYMBOLIC CRUSADE, Gusfield (1963) uses the _____ to provide a focus for the study of divergent subcultures in American society. A. secret societies of college fraternal organizations B. Temperance Movement C. Democratic and Republican parties D. Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case E. Mafia

25a. In THE POVERTY OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANCE: NUTS, SLUTS, AND “PREVERTS,” Liazos (1972) found that most of the textbooks that he studied took the _____ approach. A. cautious B. liberal C. conservative D. psychological E. labeling

Part 3: Videos

V08: The Search for Satan

26a. _____ is the term used by Dr. Sachs to refer to Mary S.’s family of origin. A. cult royalty B. permissive C. cohesive D. coven vanguard E. shattered

27a. Mary finally left the hospital because her _____ insisted that she leave. A. friends B. doctors C. husband D. insurance company E. son

28a. Pat Burgus’s son, John, gave Dr. Bennett Braun a detailed explanation about a man’s stomach being cut open; this story proved to be _____. A. witnessed by John during his cult experiences B. “planted” in his mind during hypnosis by a psychotherapist C. based on a book John had read when he was younger D. part of a Star Wars movie E. a scene from a “slasher” film

29a. _____ kept Mary S. in treatment, despite her own misgivings. A. Her husband’s assurances B. Her children’s pleas C. Her doctors’ reputations D. Her best friend’s urgings E. Other patients’ testimonials

30a. Dr. Corydon Hammond’s theory had its origins in a purported programming code developed by Dr. Greenbaum (Green) in the Nazi death camps based on _____. A. numbers B. music C. animal sounds D. Bible verses E. the Greek alphabet

V10: The Transformation

31a. The first meeting between Terry and Sara took place _____. A. Terry’s church B. at a juvenile detention center C. at the Salt Mines D. at a gay bar called Queens High E. in a rehab clinic

32a. Terry’s _____ is the subject of conversations between Ricardo and Hugo. A. position in the church hierarchy B. obsession with drag queens C. effeminate mannerisms D. preoccupation with prostitutes E. excessive use of alcohol

33a. Jovanna’s idea of the American Dream is _____. A. being able to support her family B. becoming a Christian C. returning to her life as a high-priced call girl D. having children E. being treated like a regular human being

34a. After his transformation, Ricardo states that the reason he was gay was because he_____. A. was born that way B. was encouraged to be that way by a domineering mother C. was tormented as a child D. didn’t attend church as a child E. was recruited into a “liberal gay culture” in Cuba

35a. The ending of the video depicts _____. A.Ricardo and Betty dancing at their wedding B. a commemorative to Ricardo C. Ricardo and Hugo talking on Ricardo’s bed D. Ricardo being baptized E. Ricardo and Hugo on the streets

V11: The Godfather of Cocaine

36a. _____ was president when his administration declared a war on drugs in the United States in response to Escobar’s reign of terror. A. Reagan B. Nixon C. Carter E. Clinton F. Ford

37a. Thomas Nash, DEA Special Agent in Charge of the Escobar investigation, said that Escobar was to cocaine what _____ was to _____. A. Carter; Nobel Peace Prize B. Elvis; rock and roll C. Ford; automobiles D. Glenn Miller; the Big Band sound E. Franklin; electricity

38a. According to the documentary, the one thing that Escobar feared most was _____. A. his wife B. his father C. the Ochoa family D. the American justice system E. the Columbian police force

39a. Which of the following is associated with Escobar’s beginnings in the drug trade? A. heroin B. marijuana C. LSD D. coca paste E. ether

40a. The term, narcocracy, is used to describe _____. A. the financing of car bombs with drug money B. a change in the political system in Colombia C. a coalition D. a squad of bodyguards E. degrees of violence


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