Title Goes Here - EUMM

Letter of invitation to tender

Tbilisi, 25 March 2014

Publication Ref.: EuropeAid/135727/ID/SUP/GE

Contracting Authority: The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Invitation to tender for the supply and delivery of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

This is an invitation to tender for the above mentioned supply contract. Please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:

A. Instructions to tenderers

B. Draft contract and special conditions, including annexes

– Draft contract

– Special conditions

– Annex I: General conditions

– Annex II +III: Technical specifications + Technical offer

– Annex IV: Budget breakdown (model financial offer)

– Annex V: Legal entity file + Bank account notification form

C. Further information

– Pre-financing guarantee form

– Administrative compliance grid

– Evaluation grid

– Provisional/final acceptance certificate (C11)

D. Tender form for a supply contract

For full information about procurement procedures please consult the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions and its annexes, which can be downloaded from the following web page: .

We look forward to receiving your tender before the submission deadline specified in point 10 of the Instructions to Tenderers to the address specified in the same point.

Yours sincerely,

EUMM Procurement Unit


|EuropeAid/135727/ID/SUP/GE |





By submitting a tender, tenderers fully and unreservedly accept the special and general conditions governing the contract as the sole basis of this tendering procedure, whatever their own conditions of sale may be, which they hereby waive. Tenderers are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract provisions and specifications contained in this tender dossier. Failure to submit a tender containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified will lead to the rejection of the tender. No account can be taken of any remarks in the tender relating to the tender dossier; remarks may result in the immediate rejection of the tender without further evaluation.

These Instructions set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of contracts financed under this call for tenders, in conformity with the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions (available on the Internet at:


1. Supplies to be provided

1.1 The subject of the Framework contract that is being put up for tender is to set the terms and conditions governing the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of a variety of consumable items which are outlined in the table below and further detailed in the Part B of this Tender Dossier.

|Lot 1 |Electrical Maintenance Materials |

|Lot 2 |Electrical Lighting Materials |

|Lot 3 |Generator Maintenance Materials |

|Lot 4 |Plumbing and Heating Materials |

|Lot 5 |Construction and Maintenance Materials |

Signature of the Framework contract imposes no obligation on the EUMM to buy. Only the implementation of the Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms is binding on the EUMM and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The supplies must comply fully with the technical specifications set out in the tender dossier (technical annex) and conform in all respects with the, quantities, measurements and other instructions.

1.3 Tenderers are not authorised to tender for a variant in addition to the present tender.

2. Timeline

| |DATE |TIME* |

|Launching of the tender |25 March 2014 |- |

|Information meeting |28 April 2014 |15:00 hrs |

|Deadline for requesting clarifications from the Contracting Authority |29 April 2014 |24:00 hrs |

|Last date on which clarifications are issued by the Contracting Authority |9 May 2014 |24:00 hrs |

|Deadline for submission of tenders |20 May 2014 |13:00 hrs |

|Tender opening session |20 May 2014 |15:00 hrs |

|Notification of award to the successful tenderer(s) |June 2014** |- |

|Signature of the contract(s) |June 2014** |- |

|Commencement order |Immediately after the signature of the |- |

| |contract by all parties | |

* All times are in the time zone of the country of the Contracting Authority.

** Provisional date.

3. Participation

1 Participation in tendering is open to all legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers which are established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory covered and/or authorized by the instruments under which the EUMM Georgia operates or is financed. The participation is also open to international organizations. The participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments under which the EUMM Georgia operates or is financed.

3.2 These terms refer to all nationals of the said states and to all legal entities, companies or partnerships constituted under, and governed by, the civil, commercial or public law of such states and having their statutory office, central administration or principal place of business there. A legal entity, company or partnership having only its statutory office there must be engaged in an activity which has an effective and continuous link with the economy of the state concerned.

3.3 These rules apply to:

a) tenderers;

b) members of a consortium;

c) any subcontractors.

3.4 Natural persons, companies or undertakings falling into a situation set out in section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions are excluded from participation in the award of contracts. Tenderers must provide declarations to the effect that they are not in any of these exclusion situations. The declarations must cover all the members of a joint venture/consortium. Tenderers who have been guilty of making false declarations may also incur financial penalties and exclusion in accordance with section 2.3.4 of the Practical Guide.

The exclusion situations referred to above also apply to subcontractors. When requested by the Contracting Authority, tenderers/contractors must submit declarations from the intended subcontractors that they are not in any of the exclusion situations. In cases of doubt over declarations, the Contracting Authority will request documentary evidence that subcontractors are not in a situation that excludes them.

6 To be eligible for participation in this tender procedure, tenderers must prove to the satisfaction of the Contracting Authority that they comply with the necessary legal, technical and financial requirements and have the means to carry out the contract effectively. In particular, the following selection criteria are to be met for any tenderer to be considered eligible and have its offer evaluated:

1. Administrative criterion

Any tenderer has to submit a valid documentary proof of registration with the competent administrative authority of the country it belongs to. For any document in a language different than English, a certified translation is to be submitted.

2. Technical and professional capacity criteria

Any tenderer is required to have successfully completed[1], over the period 2011–2012–2013, at least one sale[2] of miscellaneous consumable items at a price equal to or greater than 5,000.00 Georgian Laris (GEL). The table under point 6 of the Tender Form, if duly filed in, will be accepted as a satisfactory proof for the purposes of eligibility. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to ask for clarifications and/or integrations on the aforesaid table.

3. Financial and economic capacity criterion

Any tenderer must have a reliable financial and economic situation clearly resulting from point 3 of the Tender Form. The main criterion will be the average annual turnover of tenderer over the period 2011–2012–2013[3] which must be equal to or exceed 100,000 Georgian Laris (GEL)[4]. The table under point 3 of the Tender Form, if duly filed in, will be accepted as a satisfactory proof for the purposes of eligibility. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to ask for clarifications and/or integrations on the aforesaid table.

3.6 Where tenders include subcontracting, it is recommended that the contractual arrangements between tenderers and their subcontractors include mediation, according to national and international practices, as a method of dispute resolution.

4. Origin

8 No restriction applies or is envisaged as to the origin of the supplies.

5. Type of contract(s)

5.1 Fixed unit-price (supply framework contract).

5.2 The framework contract shall be concluded for a period starting on the date of its signature by all parties and ending on 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this framework contract after the 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[5] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

6. Currency

6.1 Tenders must be presented in Georgian Laris (GEL) .

7. Lots

7.1 The tenderer may submit a tender for one lot, several lots or all of the lots.

7.2 Each lot will form a separate contract but if the tenderer is awarded more than one lot, a single contract may be concluded covering all those lots.

7.3 A tenderer may include in its tender the overall discount it would grant in the event of some or all of the lots for which it has submitted a tender being awarded. The discount should be clearly indicated for each lot in such a way that it can be announced during the public tender opening session.

7.4 Contracts will be awarded lot by lot, but the Contracting Authority may select the most favourable overall solution after taking account of any discounts offered.

8. Period of validity

14 Tenderers will be bound by their tenders for a period of 90 calendar days from the deadline for the submission of tenders.

8.2 In exceptional cases and prior to the expiry of the original tender validity period, the Contracting Authority may ask tenderers in writing to extend this period by 40 days. Such requests and the responses to them must be made in writing. Tenderers that agree to do so will not be permitted to modify their tenders and they are bound to extend the validity of their tender guarantees (if required) for the revised period of validity of the tender. If they refuse, without forfeiture of their tender guarantees (if required), their participation in the tender procedure will be terminated.

8.3 The successful tenderer will be bound by its tender for a further period of 60 calendar days. The further period is added to the validity period irrespective of the date of notification.

9. Language of offers

16 The tenders, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure which is English. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the tenderer may be in another language, provided they are accompanied by a translation into English. Only documents which are submitted in English will be taken into account during the tender evaluation process. For the purposes of interpretation of the tender, the English version of any document submitted in a different language is to be deemed the correct authoritative version.

10. Submission of tenders

17 Tenders must be received before the deadline specified in 10.3. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent or hand-delivered to the following address:

European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Procurement Section

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Tenders must comply with the following conditions:

18 All tenders must be submitted in one original, marked “original”, and two copies signed in the same way as the original and marked “copy”.

19 All tenders must be received at the EUMM headquarters (49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia) before 13:00 hours (local time in Georgia) on 20 May 2014.

20 All tenders, including annexes and all supporting documents, must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing only:

a) the EUMM address specified in 10.1 above;

b) the reference code of this tender procedure (Europeaid/135727/ID/SUP/GE);

c) the number of the lot(s) tendered for;

d) the words “Not to be opened before the tender opening session” and "არ უნდა გაიხსნას ტენდერის ჩატარების მომენტამდე";

e) the name of the tenderer.

The technical and financial offers must be placed together in a sealed envelope. The envelope should then be placed in another single sealed envelope/package, unless their volume requires a separate submission for each lot.

11. Content of tenders

All tenders submitted must comply with the requirements in the tender dossier and comprise:

Part 1: Technical offer:

• A detailed description of the supplies tendered in conformity with the technical specifications, including any documentation required.

The technical offer should be presented as per template (Annex II+III, the Contractor’s technical offer) adding separate sheets for details if necessary.

Part 2: Financial offer:

• A financial offer calculated on a basis of DDP[6] for the supplies tendered.

This financial offer should be presented as per template (Annex IV, budget breakdown) adding separate sheets for details if necessary.

• An electronic version of the financial offer.

Part 3: Documentation:

To be supplied following templates provided in this tender dossier (also available on ):

• The “Tender Form for a Supply Contract”, duly completed, which includes the tenderer’s declaration (point 7) (from each member if a consortium);

• The details of the bank account into which payments should be made (financial identification form) (Tenderers that have already signed another contract with the European Commission, may provide their financial identification form number instead of the financial identification form, or a copy of the financial identification form provided on that occasion, if no change has occurred in the meantime);

• The legal entity file and the supporting documents (Tenderers that have already signed another contract with the European Commission, may provide their legal entity number instead of the legal entity sheet and supporting documents, or a copy of the legal entity sheet provided on that occasion, if no change in legal status has occurred in the meantime).

To be supplied on free formats:

• Duly authorized signature: an official document (statutes, power of attorney, notary statement, etc.) proving that the person who signs the tender submission form is duly authorized to do so.

12. Taxes and other charges

Exemption of taxes: The European Union and Georgia have agreed in as per Agreement between the European Union and Georgia on The Status of The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (SOMA) 3 November 2008: “EUMM Georgia, shall be exempt from all national, regional and communal dues, taxes and charges of a similar nature in respect of purchased and imported goods, services provided and facilities used by it for the purposes of the Mission”.

13. Additional information before the deadline for submission of tenders

The tender dossier should be so clear that tenderers do not need to request additional information during the procedure. If the Contracting Authority, on its own initiative or in response to a request from a prospective tenderer, provides additional information on the tender dossier, it must make available such information in writing to all other prospective tenderers at the same time.

Tenderers may submit questions in writing to the following email address on or before the 29 April 2014, specifying the reference number and the contract title: tenders@eumm.eu

The Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide clarifications after this date.

Any clarification of the tender dossier will be published on the EuropeAid website at and on the EUMM website at by the 9 May 2014 at the latest.

Any prospective tenderers seeking to arrange individual meetings with either the Contracting Authority and/or the European Commission during the tender period may be excluded from the tender procedure.

14. Information meeting

An optional information meeting will be held at 15:00 hours (local time in Georgia) on 28 April 2014 at the EUMM Headquarters (49 Krtsanisi Street – 0114 Tbilisi – Georgia) to answer any questions on the tender dossier which have been forwarded in writing or are raised at the meeting. Minutes will be taken during the meeting and these will be published on the EuropeAid website at and on the EUMM website at — together with any clarifications in response to written requests which are not addressed during the meeting — by the 9 May 2014 at the latest. No further clarification will be provided after this date. All the costs of attending this meeting will be borne by the tenderers. These tenderers must communicate with the Contracting Authority via email addressed to tenders@eumm.eu no later than 27 April 2014 to confirm their participation at this information meeting and provide the names of the person(s) who will attend (for practical reasons we are limiting this to 2 persons per tenderer).

15. Alteration or withdrawal of tenders

15.1 Tenderers may alter or withdraw their tenders by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of tenders referred to in Article 10.3. No tender may be altered after this deadline. Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the tender procedure.

15.2 Any such notification of alteration or withdrawal must be prepared and submitted in accordance with Article 10. The outer envelope must be marked 'Alteration' or 'Withdrawal' as appropriate.

15.3 No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders referred to in Article 10.3 and the expiry of the tender validity period.

16. Costs of preparing tenders

No costs incurred by the tenderer in preparing and submitting the tender are reimbursable. All such costs will be borne by the tenderer.

17. Ownership of tenders

The Contracting Authority retains ownership of all tenders received under this tender procedure. Consequently, tenderers have no right to have their tenders returned to them.

18. Joint venture or consortium

18.1 If a tenderer is a joint venture or consortium of two or more persons, the tender must be a single one with the object of securing a single contract, each person must sign the tender and will be jointly and severally liable for the tender and any contract. Those persons must designate one of their members to act as leader with authority to bind the joint venture or consortium. The composition of the joint venture or consortium must not be altered without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority.

18.2 The tender may be signed by the representative of the joint venture or consortium only if it has been expressly so authorised in writing by the members of the joint venture or consortium, and the authorising contract, notarial act or deed must be submitted to the Contracting Authority in accordance with point 11 of these Instructions to Tenderers. All signatures to the authorising instrument must be certified in accordance with the national laws and regulations of each party comprising the joint venture or consortium together with the powers of attorney establishing, in writing, that the signatories to the tender are empowered to enter into commitments on behalf of the members of the joint venture or consortium. Each member of such joint venture or consortium must provide the proof required under Article 3.5 as if it, itself, were the tenderer.

19. Opening of tenders

26 The opening and examination of tenders is for the purpose of checking whether the tenders are complete, whether the required documents have been properly included and whether the tenders are generally in order.

1. The tenders will be opened in public session at 15:00 hours (local time in Georgia) on 20 May 2014 at the EUMM Headquarters (49 Krtsanisi Street – 0114 Tbilisi – Georgia) by the committee appointed for this purpose. The committee will draw up minutes of the meeting, which will be available on request. Tenderers’ representatives that intend to participate to the public opening are kindly requested to inform the contracting authority by sending an e-mail at the following address tenders@eumm.eu at least 24 hours in advance.

19.3 At the tender opening, the tenderers' names, the tender prices, any discount offered, written notifications of alteration and withdrawal, the presence of the requisite tender guarantee (if required) and such other information as the Contracting Authority may consider appropriate may be announced.

19.4 After the public opening of the tenders, no information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, or recommendations concerning the award of the contract can be disclosed until after the contract has been awarded.

19.5 Any attempt by tenderers to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence the Contracting Authority in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of their tenders.

19.6 All tenders received after the deadline for submission specified in these Instructions will be kept by the Contracting Authority. The associated guarantees (if required) will be returned to the tenderers. No liability can be accepted for late delivery of tenders. Late tenders will be rejected and will not be evaluated.

20. Evaluation of tenders

31 Examination of the administrative conformity of tenders

The aim at this stage is to check that tenders comply with the essential requirements of the tender dossier. A tender is deemed to comply if it satisfies all the conditions, procedures and specifications in the tender dossier without substantially departing from or attaching restrictions to them.

Substantial departures or restrictions are those which affect the scope, quality or execution of the contract, differ widely from the terms of the tender dossier, limit the rights of the Contracting Authority or the tenderer's obligations under the contract or distort competition for tenderers whose tenders do comply. Decisions to the effect that a tender is not administratively compliant must be duly justified in the evaluation minutes.

If a tender does not comply with the tender dossier, it will be rejected immediately and may not subsequently be made to comply by correcting it or withdrawing the departure or restriction.

32 Technical evaluation

After analyzing the tenders deemed to comply in administrative terms, the evaluation committee will rule on the technical admissibility of each tender, classifying it as technically compliant or non-compliant.

The minimum qualifications required (see selection criteria in section 3.5 above) are to be evaluated at the start of this stage.

Where contracts include after-sales service and/or training, the technical quality of such services will also be evaluated by using yes/no criteria as specified in the tender dossier.

33 In the interests of transparency and equal treatment and to facilitate the examination and evaluation of tenders, the evaluation committee may ask each tenderer individually for clarification of its tender including breakdowns of prices, within a reasonable time limit to be fixed by the evaluation committee. The request for clarification and the response must be in writing, but no change in the price or substance of the tender may be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered during the evaluation of tenders pursuant to Article 20.4. Any such request for clarification must not distort competition. Decisions to the effect that a tender is not technically compliant must be duly justified in the evaluation minutes.

34 Financial evaluation

a) Tenders found to be technically compliant will be checked for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation. Errors will be corrected by the evaluation committee as follows:

- where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will be the amount taken into account;

- except for lump-sum contracts, where there is a discrepancy between a unit price and the total amount derived from the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit price as quoted will be the price taken into account.

b) Amounts corrected in this way will be binding on the tenderer. If the tenderer does not accept them, its tender will be rejected.

35 Variant solutions

Variant solutions will not be taken into consideration.

36 Award criteria

The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.

21. Signature of the contract

21.1 The successful tenderer will be informed in writing that its tender has been accepted (notification of award). Before the Contracting Authority signs the contract with the successful tenderer, the successful tenderer may be required to provide the documentary proof or statements required under the law of the country in which the company (or each of the companies in case of a consortium) is established, to show that it is not in any of the exclusion situations listed in section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions. This evidence or these documents or statements must carry a date not earlier than one year before the date of submission of the tender. In addition, a statement must be provided that the situations described in these documents have not changed since then.

21.2 The successful tenderer may also be required to provide evidence of the financial and economic standing and technical and professional capacity according to the selection criteria for this call for tenders specified in section 3.5 above. The documentary proofs required are listed in section 2.4.11 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions.

21.3 If the successful tenderer fails to provide the documentary proof or statement or the evidence of the financial and economic standing and the technical and professional capacity within 15 calendar days of receiving a request from the Contracting Authority or if the successful tenderer is found to have provided false information, the award will be considered null and void. In such a case, the Contracting Authority may award the tender to the next lowest tenderer or cancel the tender procedure.

21.4 Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the contract signed by the Contracting Authority, the selected tenderer must sign and date the contract and return it, with the performance guarantee (if applicable), to the Contracting Authority. On signing the contract, the successful tenderer will become the Contractor and the contract will enter into force.

21.5 If it fails to sign and return the contract and any financial guarantee required within 30 calendar days after receipt of notification, the Contracting Authority may consider the acceptance of the tender to be cancelled without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to get hold of any guarantee that becomes seizeable, claim compensation or pursue any other remedy in respect of such failure, and the successful tenderer will have no claim whatsoever on the Contracting Authority.

22. Ethics clauses

22.1 Any attempt by a candidate or tenderer to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful agreements with competitors or influence the committee or the Contracting Authority during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating and comparing tenders will lead to the rejection of their candidacy or tender and may result in administrative penalties.

22.2 Without the Contracting Authority’s prior written authorisation, a Contractor and its staff or any other company with which the Contractor is associated or linked may not, even on an ancillary or subcontracting basis, supply other services, carry out works or supply equipment for the project. This prohibition also applies to any other projects that could, owing to the nature of the contract, give rise to a conflict of interest on the part of the Contractor.

22.3. When submitting a tender, tenderers must declare that they are not affected by a conflict of interest and have no equivalent relation in that respect with other tenderers or parties involved in the project. Should such a situation arise during execution of the contract, the Contractor must immediately inform the Contracting Authority.

22.4 Contractors must at all times act impartially and as faithful advisers in accordance with the code of conduct of their profession. They will refrain from making public statements about the project or services without the Contracting Authority’s prior approval. They may not commit the Contracting Authority in any way without its prior written consent.

22.5 For the duration of the contracts Contractors and their staff must respect human rights and undertake not to offend the political, cultural and religious mores of the beneficiary state. In particular and in accordance with the legal basic act concerned, tenderers that have been awarded contracts must abide by core labour standards as defined in the relevant International Labour Organisation conventions (such as the Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining; Abolition of forced and compulsory labour; Elimination of forced and compulsory labour; Abolition of child labour).

22.6 Contractors may accept no payment connected with the contracts other than that provided for therein. Contractors and their staff must not exercise any activity nor receive any advantage inconsistent with their obligations to the Contracting Authority.

22.7 Contractors and their staff are obliged to maintain professional secrecy for the entire duration of contracts and after their completion. All reports and documents drawn up or received by Contractors will be confidential.

22.8 The contract governs the Contracting Parties’ use of all reports and documents drawn up, received or presented by them during the implementation of the contract.

22.9 Contractors must refrain from any relationship likely to compromise their independence or that of their staff. If the Contractor ceases to be independent, the Contracting Authority may, regardless of injury, terminate the contract without further notice and without the Contractor having any claim to compensation.

22.10 The Commission reserves the right to suspend or cancel project financing if corrupt practices of any kind are discovered at any stage of the award process and if the Contracting Authority fails to take all appropriate measures to remedy the situation. For the purposes of this provision, ‘corrupt practices’ are the offer of a bribe, gift, gratuity or commission to any person as an inducement or reward for performing or refraining from any act relating to the award of a contract or implementation of a contract already concluded with the Contracting Authority.

22.11 All tenders will be rejected or contracts terminated if it emerges that the award or implementation of a contract has given rise to unusual commercial expenses. Such unusual commercial expenses are commissions not mentioned in the main contract or not stemming from a properly concluded contract referring to the main contract, commissions not paid in return for any actual and legitimate service, commissions remitted to a tax haven, commissions paid to a recipient who is not clearly identified or commissions paid to a company which has any appearance of being a front company.

22.12 The Contractor undertakes to supply the Commission on request with all supporting documents relating to the conditions of the contract’s execution. The Commission may carry out whatever documentary or on-the-spot checks it deems necessary to find evidence in cases of suspected unusual commercial expenses.

22.13 Contractors found to have paid unusual commercial expenses on projects funded by the EU are liable, depending on the seriousness of the facts observed, to have their contracts terminated or to be permanently excluded from receiving EU funds.

22.14 The Contracting Authority reserves the right to suspend or cancel the procedure, if the award procedure proves to have been subject to substantial errors, irregularities or fraud. Where such substantial errors, irregularities or fraud are discovered after the award of the Contract, the Contracting Authority may refrain from concluding the Contract.

23. Cancellation of the tender procedure

If a tender procedure is cancelled, tenderers will be notified by the Contracting Authority. If the tender procedure is cancelled before the tender opening session the sealed envelopes will be returned, unopened, to the tenderers.

Cancellation may occur where:

• The tender procedure has been unsuccessful, namely where no qualitatively or financially worthwhile tender has been received or there has been no valid response at all;

• The economic or technical parameters of the project have changed fundamentally;

• Exceptional circumstances or force majeure render normal implementation of the project impossible;

• All technically compliant tenders exceed the financial resources available;

• There have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular where these have prevented fair competition;

• The award is not in compliance with sound financial management, i.e. does not respect the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. the price proposed by the tenderer to whom the contract is to be awarded is objectively disproportionate with regard to the price of the market.

In no event will the Contracting Authority be liable for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, in any way connected with the cancellation of a tender procedure even if the Contracting Authority has been advised of the possibility of damages.

24. Appeals

Tenderers believing that they have been harmed by an error or irregularity during the award process may file a complaint. See section 2.4.15 of the Practical Guide at

25. Data protection

If processing your reply to the invitation to tender involves the recording and processing of personal data (such as names, addresses and CVs), such data will be processed[7] solely for the purposes of the performance management and monitoring of the tender and of the contract without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with monitoring or inspection tasks in application of Union law. Details concerning processing of your personal data are available on the privacy statement at


NOTE: For additional information, please refer to the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions which provisions apply to the current procedure.


|EuropeAid/135727/ID/SUP/GE |












N° EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)

financed from the EU General Budget

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


(“the Contracting Authority”),

of the one part,


[Legal status/title]

[Official registration number]

[Full official address]

[VAT number],

(“the Contractor”)

of the other part,

have agreed as follows:

Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various electrical maintenance materials to the EUMM Georgia

Identification number: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)

Article 1 Subject

1.1 The subject of this Framework contract shall be the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of the goods that are listed on a separate sheet attached herewith as Appendix A. Execution of this Framework contract imposes no obligation on the Contracting Authority to purchase. Only the implementation of this Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms – in the way set out in Appendixes B and C – is binding on the Contracting Authority and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the technical annex.

Article 2 Structure of the framework contract

The following documents form an integral part of this Framework contract:

– the Special Conditions;

– the General Conditions (Annex I);

– the Technical Specifications (Annex II) (including clarifications before the deadline for submission of tenders, if any);

– the Technical Offer (Annex III) (including clarifications from the tenderer provided during tender evaluation, if any);

– the Budget Breakdown (Annex IV);

– the Legal Entity File (Annex Va) and the Bank Account Notification Form (Annex Vb).

The various documents making up the Framework contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory. In cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above.

The subject of this Framework contract is to establish the terms governing the supply and delivery (DDP[9]) of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

The Contractor shall comply strictly with the provisions contained in this Framework contract and its annexes.

This Framework contract does not constitute a contract for any of the goods mentioned in Article 1 above. Only a Specific Contract – in the form provided for in Appendix B – shall obligate the Contracting Authority to purchase goods as identified therein.

Whenever the Contracting Authority intends to acquire products covered by the Framework contract, it shall send to the Contractor and Order Form – using the template presented in Appendix C – detailing the type and quantity of the products wanted. The Contractor shall sign and return the Order Form to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

The Contracting Authority shall then send to the Contractor three signed Specific Contracts with a copy of the Order Form annexed. The Contractor shall sign the Specific Contracts and return 2 copies of them to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

Delivery, inspection and acceptance of goods shall be made at the EUMM warehouse in Tbilisi (Georgia). The Contractor shall bear all costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto. The time limit for delivery shall be 28 calendar days from the date of signature of a Specific Contract by all parties and the Incoterm applicable shall be DDP1. Provisional acceptance shall take place within 30 days of receipt of goods.

All such goods shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (effective from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The quantities estimated and specified in ANNEX II+III are only indicative quantities and do NOT compel the Contracting Authority to buy any of them.

The Contractor shall NOT be entitled to compensation and shall NOT be allowed to claim for changes of the unit prices in case the Contracting Authority decides to purchase fewer or more quantities than the indicative ones specified in Annex II+III and/or in case the Contracting Authority decides NOT to purchase ANY of these quantities.

Article 3 Origin

No restrictions apply with respect to the origin of the goods.

Article 4 Duration

This Framework contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and shall remain in full effect until the 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this Framework contract after 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[10] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

Article 5 Price

The prices of the supplies shall be those shown on the financial offer (Annex IV). The prices are fixed and subject to no revision for the entire duration of the Framework contract.

The Contracting Authority may also happen to order items not covered by this Framework contract. In this case, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assess the reasonableness of the unit price quoted by the Contractor based on the normal dealer or retail’s price for Georgia. If a quoted price is not acceptable to the Contracting Authority, the latter reserves the right to purchase the item from an alternative source.

Article 6 Maximum value

The maximum value of this Framework contract is __________ Georgian Laris (GEL)[11]. The Contracting Authority is under no obligation to spend all these funds if the Contracting Authority – in its sole and absolute discretion – determines that such spending is not necessary.

Article 7 Payments

Payments shall be made in accordance with the General and/or Special Conditions (Articles 26 to 28).

Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and are subject to: (i) the timely and satisfactory receipt of the merchandise as determined by the Contacting Authority, (ii) the submission by the Contractor of the relevant invoices in their original paper format. The Contracting Authority shall pay legitimate uncontested invoices within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Values contained in the invoices issued in connection with this Framework contract shall be expressed in Georgian Laris (GEL).

Article 8 Tax and customs arrangements

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is exempt from taxes and other charges of whatsoever nature (including VAT) on any and all amounts due and payable for supplies purchased under this Framework contract.

Done in English in three (3) originals, two (2) originals being for the Contracting Authority and one (1) original being for the Contractor.

|For the Contractor |For the Contracting Authority |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Title: | |Title: | |

|Signature: | |Signature: | |

|Date: | |Date: | |

Appendix A to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)




|Item Nº |Item Description |Measuring Unit |

|1.1 |Electric cable, Copper single rod, 2x1.5mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.2 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x2.5mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.3 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x4mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.4 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x6mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.5 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x10mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.6 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x16mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.7 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x25mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.8 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x35mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.9 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x6mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.10 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x10mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.11 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x16mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.12 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x25mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.13 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x35mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.14 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x1.5mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.15 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x2.5mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.16 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x4mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.17 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x6mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.18 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x10mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.19 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x16mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.20 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x25mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.21 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x35mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.22 |Electric Cable for earthing 4mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.23 |Electric Cable for earthing 6mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.24 |Electric Cable for earthing 10mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.25 |Electric Cable for earthing 16mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.26 |Electric Cable for earthing 25mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.27 |Electric Cable for earthing 35mm2 |Lin.m |

|1.28 |Copper earthing rods 1500mm |Piece |

|1.29 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 2.5 sq.mm, Copper with round PVC insulation, ES/BS standard |Lin.m |

|1.30 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 1.5 sqmm Copper with round PVC insulated, ES/BS standard |Lin.m |

|1.31 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 4 sqmm Copper with round PVC insulated, ES/BS standard |Lin.m |

|1.32 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 63 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.33 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 40 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.34 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 25 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.35 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 32 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.36 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 25 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.37 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 16 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.38 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6, length 140mm x width 2.5mm black color, ES/BS standard, pack of 20 |Pack |

|1.39 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6, length 200mm x width 4.8mm black color, ES/BS standard, pack of 20 |Pack |

|1.40 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6,length 380mm x width 4.8mm black color, ES/BS standard, pack of 20 |Pack |

|1.41 |Cable tie, holder for wall mounting: nylon 6/6, for 1.5 sq.mm-4 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard, Pack of|Pack |

| |10 | |

|1.42 |Cable tie, holder for wall mounting: nylon 6/6, for 4 sq.mm-25 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard, Pack of |Pack |

| |10 | |

|1.43 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 2 section DIN rail with covered door, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.44 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 4 section DIN rail with covered door, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.45 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 6 section DIN rail with covered door, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.46 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 12 section DIN rail with covered door, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.47 |Sockets, open type electrical, external installation: Type F standard with grounding, white color, |Piece |

| |ES/BS standard | |

|1.48 |Switches, open type electrical, external installation: 1 switch European standard, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.49 |Sockets, closed type electrical, external installation: Type F standard with grounding, white color,|Piece |

| |ES/BS standard | |

|1.50 |Switches, closed type electrical, external installation: 1 switch European standard, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.51 |Switches, Closed type double electric, external installation, European standard, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.52 |Plugs, grounded, external installation, European standard, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|1.53 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 4 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard set of 10 |Piece |

|1.54 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 6 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard set of 10 |Piece |

|1.55 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 16 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard set of 10 |Piece |

|1.56 |Cable connectors, 1.5 sqmm , 10 piece |Box |

|1.57 |Cable connectors, 2.5 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.58 |Cable connectors, 4 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.59 |Cable connectors, 6 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.60 |Cable connectors, 10 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.61 |Cable connectors, 16 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.62 |Cable connectors, 25 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.63 |Cable connectors, 35 sqmm, 10 piece |Box |

|1.64 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings, 12.5 x 20mm |Lin.m |

|1.65 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings,12.5 x 32mm |Lin.m |

|1.66 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings,20 x 40mm |Lin.m |

|1.67 |Electric Fuse 1x16A |Piece |

|1.68 |Electric Fuse 1x25A |Piece |

|1.69 |Electric Fuse 1x32A |Piece |

|1.70 |Electric Fuse 1x40A |Piece |

|1.71 |Electric Fuse 1x50A |Piece |

|1.72 |Electric Fuse 1x63A |Piece |

|1.73 |Electric Fuse 1x100A |Piece |

|1.74 |Electric Fuse 1x160A |Piece |

|1.75 |Electric Fuse 1x250A |Piece |

|1.76 |Electric Fuse 3x16A |Piece |

|1.77 |Electric Fuse 3x25A |Piece |

|1.78 |Electric Fuse 3x32A |Piece |

|1.79 |Electric Fuse 3x40A |Piece |

|1.80 |Electric Fuse 3x50A |Piece |

|1.81 |Electric Fuse 3x63A |Piece |

|1.82 |Electric Fuse 3x100A |Piece |

|1.83 |Electric Fuse 3x160A |Piece |

|1.84 |Electric Fuse 3x250A |Piece |

|1.85 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x63 A |Piece |

|1.86 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x100 A |Piece |

|1.87 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x160 A |Piece |

|1.88 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x250 A |Piece |

|1.89 |Fuse box with steel rails, 4 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece |

|1.90 |Fuse box with steel rails, 12 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece |

|1.91 |Fuse box with steel rails, 24 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece |

|1.92 |Electric Socket with grounding, internal installation |Piece |

|1.93 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation |Piece |

|1.94 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65 |Piece |

|1.95 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65 |Piece |

|1.96 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65, rubber casing, weatherproof |Piece |

|1.97 |Electric switches, internal installation, one button |Piece |

|1.98 |Electric switches, internal installation, two buttons |Piece |

|1.99 |Electric switches, external installation, one button |Piece |

|1.100 |Electric switches, external installation, two buttons |Piece |

|1.101 |Electric switches, external installation, two buttons, IP65 |Piece |

|1.102 |Electric Junction boxes, plastic, 100 x 100mm |Piece |

|1.103 |Electric Junction boxes, metal, 100 x 100mm, IP65 |Piece |

|1.104 |Electric Cable channel 20x20mm |Lin.m |

|1.105 |Electric Cable channel 40x40mm |Lin.m |

|1.106 |Electric Cable channel 60x40mm |Lin.m |

|1.107 |Corners, ending, "T" connectors for cable channels |Piece |

|1.108 |Circuit Breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 40 Amps for DIN rail mounting, ES/BS standard |Piece |

Appendix B to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)


implementing Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1) of [complete date]

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


("the Contracting Authority")

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the one part,



(“the Contractor”)

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the other part,


Article 1: Subject

1.1 This specific contract implements the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1) signed by and between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor on [complete date].

1.2 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this Specific Contract and its Annex A, to supply and deliver any and all goods enumerated in said Annex A to the following destination (DDP Incoterms 2010 ICC):

EUMM Headquarters Warehouse

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Article 2: Duration

2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

2.2 The implementation of this specific contract shall not exceed 28 calendar days from the date of its entry into force. The implementation period may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


3.1 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the supplies until provisional acceptance at destination. These supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration.

Article 4: Price

4.1 The total amount to be paid by the EUMM Georgia under this Specific Contract shall be GEL [complete amount in figures and in words]. This price is inclusive of all shipping and delivery charges.

Article 5: payments

5.1 Payments will be made according to Article 7 of the Framework Contract.

Article 6: Annex

Annex A – Order Form Nº [complete].


|For the Contractor: |For the Contracting Authority: |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature: _______________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |

In triplicate in English (one copy for the Contractor and two copies for the Contracting Authority).

Appendix C to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)

ORDER FORM Nº [complete]

governed by the provisions of the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1) signed on [complete date] by and between The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia and [complete]

| | |

| | |

| |The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) |

| |49 Krtsanisi Street |

| |0114 Tbilisi |

|[13] |Georgia |

| | |

| |

|Description of the supplies |Qty | |Subtotal GEL |

| | |Unit Price GEL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Price (including shipping and delivery charges) |GEL |

|Delivery schedule: 28 calendar days from the date of signature of the specific contract by all parties. |

|Delivery terms (DDP): EUMM warehouse, 49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia. |

| | |

|This order shall only take effect if it is annexed to a |Other details: |

|Specific Contract signed by both parties. Execution of this | |

|order shall start from the date of signature of the Specific | |

|Contract by all parties. | |

| | |

|For the Contractor, |For the Contracting Authority, |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature:_____________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |




N° EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)

financed from the EU General Budget

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


(“the Contracting Authority”),

of the one part,


[Legal status/title]

[Official registration number]

[Full official address]

[VAT number],

(“the Contractor”)

of the other part,

have agreed as follows:

Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various electrical lighting materials to the EUMM Georgia

Identification number: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)

Article 1 Subject

1.1 The subject of this framework contract shall be the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of the goods that are listed on a separate sheet attached herewith as Appendix A. Execution of this Framework contract imposes no obligation on the Contracting Authority to purchase. Only the implementation of this Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms – in the way set out in Appendixes B and C – is binding on the Contracting Authority and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the technical annex.

Article 2 Structure of the framework contract

The following documents form an integral part of this framework contract:

– the Special Conditions;

– the General Conditions (Annex I);

– the Technical Specifications (Annex II) (including clarifications before the deadline for submission of tenders, if any);

– the Technical Offer (Annex III) (including clarifications from the tenderer provided during tender evaluation, if any);

– the Budget Breakdown (Annex IV);

– the Legal Entity File (Annex Va) and the Bank Account Notification Form (Annex Vb).

The various documents making up the Framework contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory. In cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above.

The subject of this Framework contract is to establish the terms governing the supply and delivery (DDP[14]) of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

The Contractor shall comply strictly with the provisions contained in this Framework contract and its annexes.

This Framework contract does not constitute a contract for any of the goods mentioned in Article 1 above. Only a Specific Contract – in the form provided for in Appendix B – shall obligate the Contracting Authority to purchase goods as identified therein.

Whenever the Contracting Authority intends to acquire products covered by the Framework contract, it shall send to the Contractor and Order Form – using the template presented in Appendix C – detailing the type and quantity of the products wanted. The Contractor shall sign and return the Order Form to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

The Contracting Authority shall then send to the Contractor three signed Specific Contracts with a copy of the Order Form annexed. The Contractor shall sign the Specific Contracts and return 2 copies of them to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

Delivery, inspection and acceptance of goods shall be made at the EUMM warehouse in Tbilisi (Georgia). The Contractor shall bear all costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto. The time limit for delivery shall be 28 calendar days from the date of signature of a Specific Contract by all parties and the Incoterm applicable shall be DDP1. Provisional acceptance shall take place within 30 days of receipt of goods.

All such goods shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (effective from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The quantities estimated and specified in ANNEX II+III are only indicative quantities and do NOT compel the Contracting Authority to buy any of them.

The Contractor shall NOT be entitled to compensation and shall NOT be allowed to claim for changes of the unit prices in case the Contracting Authority decides to purchase fewer or more quantities than the indicative ones specified in Annex II+III and/or in case the Contracting Authority decides NOT to purchase ANY of these quantities.

Article 3 Origin

No restrictions apply with respect to the origin of the goods.

Article 4 Duration

This Framework contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and shall remain in full effect until the 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this Framework contract after 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[15] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

Article 5 Price

The prices of the supplies shall be those shown on the financial offer (Annex IV). The prices are fixed and subject to no revision for the entire duration of the Framework contract.

The Contracting Authority may also happen to order items not covered by this Framework contract. In this case, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assess the reasonableness of the unit price quoted by the Contractor based on the normal dealer or retail’s price for Georgia. If a quoted price is not acceptable to the Contracting Authority, the latter reserves the right to purchase the item from an alternative source.

Article 6 Maximum value

The maximum value of this Framework contract is __________ Georgian Laris (GEL)[16]. The Contracting Authority is under no obligation to spend all these funds if the Contracting Authority – in its sole and absolute discretion – determines that such spending is not necessary.

Article 7 Payments

Payments shall be made in accordance with the General and/or Special Conditions (Articles 26 to 28).

Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and are subject to: (i) the timely and satisfactory receipt of the merchandise as determined by the Contacting Authority, (ii) the submission by the Contractor of the relevant invoices in their original paper format. The Contracting Authority shall pay legitimate uncontested invoices within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Values contained in the invoices issued in connection with this Framework contract shall be expressed in Georgian Laris (GEL).

Article 8 Tax and customs arrangements

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is exempt from taxes and other charges of whatsoever nature (including VAT) on any and all amounts due and payable for supplies purchased under this Framework contract.

Done in English in three (3) originals, two (2) originals being for the Contracting Authority and one (1) original being for the Contractor.

|For the Contractor |For the Contracting Authority |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Title: | |Title: | |

|Signature: | |Signature: | |

|Date: | |Date: | |

Appendix A to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)




|Item Nº |Item Description |Measuring Unit |

|2.1 |LIGHT BULB, 100 Watt, Standard Edison bulb, Socket E27, 230V |Piece |

|2.2 |LIGHT BULB, 40 Watt, Standard Edison bulb, Socket E14, 230V |Piece |

|2.3 |LIGHT BULB CFL, 20 Watt, Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL(Energy saving bulb), Socket E27, 230V, Light |Piece |

| |color: Day light, Philips Tornado – or equivalent | |

|2.4 |LIGHT BULB CFL, 12 Watt, Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL(Energy saving bulb), Socket E14, 230V, Light |Piece |

| |color: Day light, Philips Tornado – or equivalent | |

|2.5 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 18 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 60cm, 230V, Light color: Day light, Osram Lumilux – or |Piece |

| |equivalent | |

|2.6 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 36 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 120cm, 230V, Light color: Day light, Osram Lumilux – or |Piece |

| |equivalent | |

|2.7 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 58 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 150cm, 230V, Light color: Day light, Osram Lumilux – or |Piece |

| |equivalent | |

|2.8 |FLUORESCENT TUBE STARTER S2, For 60cm fluorescent tubes, Philips S2E – or equivalent |Piece |

|2.9 |FLUORESCENT TUBE STARTER S10, For 120 - 150cm fluorescent tubes, Philips S10E – or equivalent |Piece |

|2.10 |BALLAST, Circuit board, 36 to 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 25 mm, width under 40 mm, length |Piece |

| |under 180 mm (FOR 1.2m to 1.5m FLUORESCENT BULBS). | |

|2.11 |BALLAST, 36 to 40 WATT, Circuit board, dimensions - height under 20mm, width under 24mm, length |Piece |

| |under 220 mm (FOR 1.2m FLUORESCENT BULBS). | |

|2.12 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 150 Watt, Double-ended RX7s, Light Color: Cool White, Philips MasterColour 150 |Piece |

| |CDM-TD – or equivalent | |

|2.13 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 150 Watt, Socket E40, Light Color: Cool White, Philips Master City White 150 |Piece |

| |CDO-TT Plus – or equivalent | |

|2.14 |BULB, HID, 250 Watt, HID, High Pressure Sodium, Socket E40, Light Color: Daylight, Philips Ceramalux|Piece |

| |High Pressure Sodium – or equivalent | |

|2.15 |BULB, HALOGEN, 1000 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double Ended Linear 1000W 240V T3 |Piece |

| |CL – or equivalent | |

|2.16 |BULB, HALOGEN, 500 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double Ended Linear 500W 240V T3 CL|Piece |

| |– or equivalent | |

|2.17 |BULB, HALOGEN, 300 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double Ended Linear 300W 240V T3 CL|Piece |

| |– or equivalent | |

|2.18 |BULB, HALOGEN, 150 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double Ended Linear 150W 240V T3 CL|Piece |

| |– or equivalent | |

|2.19 |BALLAST E40/645, 250 Watt, Socket E40, for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece |

|2.20 |BALLAST E40/645, 400 Watt, Socket E40, for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece |

|2.21 |BALLAST TD150, 150W, 150 Watt, TD150 RX7s for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece |

|2.22 |BALLAST, 250 Watt, for HID High Pressure Sodium bulbs, Socket E40, EU standard |Piece |

|2.23 |IGNITOR, 70 - 400 Watt, for gas discharge bulbs, EU standard |Piece |

|2.24 |CEILING OFFICE LIGHT UNIT, “Armstrong” or equivalent, 4 x 60cm fluorescent bulbs, Non-blinding for |Piece |

| |office use, Ceiling surface mounted, Set with all bulbs and throttles, EU standard | |

|2.25 |BALLAST, Transformer, 36 to 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 35mm, width under 42mm, length under |Piece |

| |155mm (FOR 0.6m, 1.2 & 1.5M FLUORESCENT BULBS). | |



|2.27 |LIGHT, LED, Battery-Operated, Stick-On/Tap type, Fulcrum 30010-301 or equivalent. |Piece |

|2.28 |COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMP (ENERGY SAVING) 60-75 Watt, E27, large street lamp type, no less than 4,300|Piece |

| |lumin, DAYLIGHT WHITE. | |

|2.29 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 400 Watt, Socket E40, for Floodlight, Light Color: Cool White, Philips Master |Piece |

| |City White 400 CDO-TT Plus – or equivalent | |

|2.30 |BALLAST, circuit board, 2 x 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 22mm, width under 40mm, length under |Piece |

| |180mm (FOR 0.6M Armstrong FLUORESCENT BULBS). | |

|2.31 |BULB, Fluorescent tube, 6 Watt, T5, length 226mm, dia. 16mm, for Emergency Exit signs, Cool white |Piece |

| |colour | |

|2.32 |IGNITOR, 35 - 400 Watt, for gas discharge/high pressure Sodium bulbs, height under 25mm, width under|Piece |

| |40mm, length under 100mm, EU standard | |

Appendix B to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)


implementing Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2) of [complete date]

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


("the Contracting Authority")

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the one part,



(“the Contractor”)

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the other part,


Article 1: Subject

1.1 This specific contract implements the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2) signed by and between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor on [complete date].

1.2 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this Specific Contract and its Annex A, to supply and deliver any and all goods enumerated in said Annex A to the following destination (DDP Incoterms 2010 ICC):

EUMM Headquarters Warehouse

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Article 2: Duration

2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

2.2 The implementation of this specific contract shall not exceed 28 calendar days from the date of its entry into force. The implementation period may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


3.1 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the supplies until provisional acceptance at destination. These supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration.

Article 4: Price

4.1 The total amount to be paid by the EUMM Georgia under this Specific Contract shall be GEL [complete amount in figures and in words]. This price is inclusive of all shipping and delivery charges.

Article 5: payments

5.1 Payments will be made according to Article 7 of the Framework Contract.

Article 6: Annex

Annex A – Order Form Nº [complete].


|For the Contractor: |For the Contracting Authority: |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature: _______________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |

In triplicate in English (one copy for the Contractor and two copies for the Contracting Authority).

Appendix C to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)

ORDER FORM Nº [complete]

governed by the provisions of the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2) signed on [complete date] by and between The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia and [complete]

| | |

| | |

| |The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) |

| |49 Krtsanisi Street |

| |0114 Tbilisi |

|[18] |Georgia |

| | |

| |

|Description of the supplies |Qty | |Subtotal GEL |

| | |Unit Price GEL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Price (including shipping and delivery charges) |GEL |

|Delivery schedule: 28 calendar days from the date of signature of the specific contract by all parties. |

|Delivery terms (DDP): EUMM warehouse, 49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia. |

| | |

|This order shall only take effect if it is annexed to a |Other details: |

|Specific Contract signed by both parties. Execution of this | |

|order shall start from the date of signature of the Specific | |

|Contract by all parties. | |

| | |

|For the Contractor, |For the Contracting Authority, |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature:_____________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |




N° EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)

financed from the EU General Budget

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


(“the Contracting Authority”),

of the one part,


[Legal status/title]

[Official registration number]

[Full official address]

[VAT number],

(“the Contractor”)

of the other part,

have agreed as follows:

Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various generator maintenance materials to the EUMM Georgia

Identification number: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)

Article 1 Subject

1.1 The subject of this framework contract shall be the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of the goods that are listed on a separate sheet attached herewith as Appendix A. Execution of this Framework contract imposes no obligation on the Contracting Authority to purchase. Only the implementation of this Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms – in the way set out in Appendixes B and C – is binding on the Contracting Authority and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the technical annex.

Article 2 Structure of the framework contract

The following documents form an integral part of this framework contract:

– the Special Conditions;

– the General Conditions (Annex I);

– the Technical Specifications (Annex II) (including clarifications before the deadline for submission of tenders, if any);

– the Technical Offer (Annex III) (including clarifications from the tenderer provided during tender evaluation, if any);

– the Budget Breakdown (Annex IV);

– the Legal Entity File (Annex Va) and the Bank Account Notification Form (Annex Vb).

The various documents making up the Framework contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory. In cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above.

The subject of this Framework contract is to establish the terms governing the supply and delivery (DDP[19]) of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

The Contractor shall comply strictly with the provisions contained in this Framework contract and its annexes.

This Framework contract does not constitute a contract for any of the goods mentioned in Article 1 above. Only a Specific Contract – in the form provided for in Appendix B – shall obligate the Contracting Authority to purchase goods as identified therein.

Whenever the Contracting Authority intends to acquire products covered by the Framework contract, it shall send to the Contractor and Order Form – using the template presented in Appendix C – detailing the type and quantity of the products wanted. The Contractor shall sign and return the Order Form to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

The Contracting Authority shall then send to the Contractor three signed Specific Contracts with a copy of the Order Form annexed. The Contractor shall sign the Specific Contracts and return 2 copies of them to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

Delivery, inspection and acceptance of goods shall be made at the EUMM warehouse in Tbilisi (Georgia). The Contractor shall bear all costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto. The time limit for delivery shall be 28 calendar days from the date of signature of a Specific Contract by all parties and the Incoterm applicable shall be DDP1. Provisional acceptance shall take place within 30 days of receipt of goods.

All such goods shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (effective from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The quantities estimated and specified in ANNEX II+III are only indicative quantities and do NOT compel the Contracting Authority to buy any of them.

The Contractor shall NOT be entitled to compensation and shall NOT be allowed to claim for changes of the unit prices in case the Contracting Authority decides to purchase fewer or more quantities than the indicative ones specified in Annex II+III and/or in case the Contracting Authority decides NOT to purchase ANY of these quantities.

Article 3 Origin

No restrictions apply with respect to the origin of the goods.

Article 4 Duration

This Framework contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and shall remain in full effect until the 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this Framework contract after 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[20] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

Article 5 Price

The prices of the supplies shall be those shown on the financial offer (Annex IV). The prices are fixed and subject to no revision for the entire duration of the Framework contract.

The Contracting Authority may also happen to order items not covered by this Framework contract. In this case, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assess the reasonableness of the unit price quoted by the Contractor based on the normal dealer or retail’s price for Georgia. If a quoted price is not acceptable to the Contracting Authority, the latter reserves the right to purchase the item from an alternative source.

Article 6 Maximum value

The maximum value of this Framework contract is __________ Georgian Laris (GEL)[21]. The Contracting Authority is under no obligation to spend all these funds if the Contracting Authority – in its sole and absolute discretion – determines that such spending is not necessary.

Article 7 Payments

Payments shall be made in accordance with the General and/or Special Conditions (Articles 26 to 28).

Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and are subject to: (i) the timely and satisfactory receipt of the merchandise as determined by the Contacting Authority, (ii) the submission by the Contractor of the relevant invoices in their original paper format. The Contracting Authority shall pay legitimate uncontested invoices within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Values contained in the invoices issued in connection with this Framework contract shall be expressed in Georgian Laris (GEL).

Article 8 Tax and customs arrangements

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is exempt from taxes and other charges of whatsoever nature (including VAT) on any and all amounts due and payable for supplies purchased under this Framework contract.

Done in English in three (3) originals, two (2) originals being for the Contracting Authority and one (1) original being for the Contractor.

|For the Contractor |For the Contracting Authority |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Title: | |Title: | |

|Signature: | |Signature: | |

|Date: | |Date: | |

Appendix A to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)




|Item Nº |Item Description |Measuring Unit |

|3.1 |OIL FILTER, Hengste H17W06 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.2 |OIL FILTER, Hengste H300W03 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.3 |DIESEL FILTER, FG Wilson 10000-00339 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.4 |DIESEL FUEL FILTER, Hengste H17WK06 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.5 |DIESEL FUEL FILTER, Hengste H60WK07 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.6 |AIR FILTER, Hengste E571L or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.7 |WATER FILTER, Hengste H34WF or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.8 |V-RIBBED BELT, Varibelt 8PK1630 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard |Piece |

|3.9 |AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY, 12V, 74Ah, Lead-Acid type, to be delivered dry with battery acid in a separate |Piece |

| |container, EU / NAS Standard | |

|3.10 |AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY, 12V, 100Ah, Lead-Acid type, to be delivered dry with battery acid in a separate |Piece |

| |container, EU / NAS Standard | |

|3.11 |ANTIFREEZE CONCENTRATE, Drive NF Blue concentrate or equivalent, EU / NAS Standard |Litre |

|3.12 |DIESEL SYSTEM CLEANER, S5181000, 250 ml or equivalent, EU / NAS Standard |Litre |

|3.13 |DIESEL ENGINE OIL, SAE 15W40, Mobil Delvac MX or Wurth Triathlon Universal in 10 or litre original |Litre |

| |sealed containers or equivalent, EU / NAS Standard | |

|3.14 |RADIATOR SEALANT, 300 ml, for sealing hairline crack/leaks, Foerch 67507050 or equivalent |Bottle |

Appendix B to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)


implementing Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3) of [complete date]

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


("the Contracting Authority")

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the one part,



(“the Contractor”)

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the other part,


Article 1: Subject

1.1 This specific contract implements the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3) signed by and between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor on [complete date].

1.2 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this Specific Contract and its Annex A, to supply and deliver any and all goods enumerated in said Annex A to the following destination (DDP Incoterms 2010 ICC):

EUMM Headquarters Warehouse

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Article 2: Duration

2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

2.2 The implementation of this specific contract shall not exceed 28 calendar days from the date of its entry into force. The implementation period may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


3.1 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the supplies until provisional acceptance at destination. These supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration.

Article 4: Price

4.1 The total amount to be paid by the EUMM Georgia under this Specific Contract shall be GEL [complete amount in figures and in words]. This price is inclusive of all shipping and delivery charges.

Article 5: payments

5.1 Payments will be made according to Article 7 of the Framework Contract.

Article 6: Annex

Annex A – Order Form Nº [complete].


|For the Contractor: |For the Contracting Authority: |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature: _______________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |

In triplicate in English (one copy for the Contractor and two copies for the Contracting Authority).

Appendix C to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)

ORDER FORM Nº [complete]

governed by the provisions of the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3) signed on [complete date] by and between The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia and [complete]

| | |

| | |

| |The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) |

| |49 Krtsanisi Street |

| |0114 Tbilisi |

|[23] |Georgia |

| | |

| |

|Description of the supplies |Qty | |Subtotal GEL |

| | |Unit Price GEL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Price (including shipping and delivery charges) |GEL |

|Delivery schedule: 28 calendar days from the date of signature of the specific contract by all parties. |

|Delivery terms (DDP): EUMM warehouse, 49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia. |

| | |

|This order shall only take effect if it is annexed to a |Other details: |

|Specific Contract signed by both parties. Execution of this | |

|order shall start from the date of signature of the Specific | |

|Contract by all parties. | |

| | |

|For the Contractor, |For the Contracting Authority, |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature:_____________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |




N° EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)

financed from the EU General Budget

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


(“the Contracting Authority”),

of the one part,


[Legal status/title]

[Official registration number]

[Full official address]

[VAT number],

(“the Contractor”)

of the other part,

have agreed as follows:

Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various plumbing and heating materials to the EUMM Georgia

Identification number: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)

Article 1 Subject

1.1 The subject of this framework contract shall be the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of the goods that are listed on a separate sheet attached herewith as Appendix A. Execution of this Framework contract imposes no obligation on the Contracting Authority to purchase. Only the implementation of this Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms – in the way set out in Appendixes B and C – is binding on the Contracting Authority and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the technical annex.

Article 2 Structure of the framework contract

The following documents form an integral part of this framework contract:

– the Special Conditions;

– the General Conditions (Annex I);

– the Technical Specifications (Annex II) (including clarifications before the deadline for submission of tenders, if any);

– the Technical Offer (Annex III) (including clarifications from the tenderer provided during tender evaluation, if any);

– the Budget Breakdown (Annex IV);

– the Legal Entity File (Annex Va) and the Bank Account Notification Form (Annex Vb)

The various documents making up the Framework contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory. In cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above.

The subject of this Framework contract is to establish the terms governing the supply and delivery (DDP[24]) of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

The Contractor shall comply strictly with the provisions contained in this Framework contract and its annexes.

This Framework contract does not constitute a contract for any of the goods mentioned in Article 1 above. Only a Specific Contract – in the form provided for in Appendix B – shall obligate the Contracting Authority to purchase goods as identified therein.

Whenever the Contracting Authority intends to acquire products covered by the Framework contract, it shall send to the Contractor and Order Form – using the template presented in Appendix C – detailing the type and quantity of the products wanted. The Contractor shall sign and return the Order Form to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

The Contracting Authority shall then send to the Contractor three signed Specific Contracts with a copy of the Order Form annexed. The Contractor shall sign the Specific Contracts and return 2 copies of them to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

Delivery, inspection and acceptance of goods shall be made at the EUMM warehouse in Tbilisi (Georgia). The Contractor shall bear all costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto. The time limit for delivery shall be 28 calendar days from the date of signature of a Specific Contract by all parties and the Incoterm applicable shall be DDP1. Provisional acceptance shall take place within 30 days of receipt of goods.

All such goods shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (effective from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The quantities estimated and specified in ANNEX II+III are only indicative quantities and do NOT compel the Contracting Authority to buy any of them.

The Contractor shall NOT be entitled to compensation and shall NOT be allowed to claim for changes of the unit prices in case the Contracting Authority decides to purchase fewer or more quantities than the indicative ones specified in Annex II+III and/or in case the Contracting Authority decides NOT to purchase ANY of these quantities.

Article 3 Origin

No restrictions apply with respect to the origin of the goods.

Article 4 Duration

This Framework contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and shall remain in full effect until the 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this Framework contract after 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[25] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

Article 5 Price

The prices of the supplies shall be those shown on the financial offer (Annex IV). The prices are fixed and subject to no revision for the entire duration of the Framework contract.

The Contracting Authority may also happen to order items not covered by this Framework contract. In this case, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assess the reasonableness of the unit price quoted by the Contractor based on the normal dealer or retail’s price for Georgia. If a quoted price is not acceptable to the Contracting Authority, the latter reserves the right to purchase the item from an alternative source.

Article 6 Maximum value

The maximum value of this Framework contract is __________ Georgian Laris (GEL)[26]. The Contracting Authority is under no obligation to spend all these funds if the Contracting Authority – in its sole and absolute discretion – determines that such spending is not necessary.

Article 7 Payments

Payments shall be made in accordance with the General and/or Special Conditions (Articles 26 to 28).

Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and are subject to: (i) the timely and satisfactory receipt of the merchandise as determined by the Contacting Authority, (ii) the submission by the Contractor of the relevant invoices in their original paper format. The Contracting Authority shall pay legitimate uncontested invoices within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Values contained in the invoices issued in connection with this Framework contract shall be expressed in Georgian Laris (GEL).

Article 8 Tax and customs arrangements

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is exempt from taxes and other charges of whatsoever nature (including VAT) on any and all amounts due and payable for supplies purchased under this Framework contract.

Done in English in three (3) originals, two (2) originals being for the Contracting Authority and one (1) original being for the Contractor.

|For the Contractor |For the Contracting Authority |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Title: | |Title: | |

|Signature: | |Signature: | |

|Date: | |Date: | |

Appendix A to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)




|Item Nº |Item Description |Measuring Unit |

|4.001 |WATER PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for water use, Colour: grey, Ø 20 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.002 |WATER PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for water use, Colour: grey, Ø 25 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.003 |WATER PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for water use, Colour: grey, Ø 32 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.004 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 50 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.005 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 75 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.006 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 100 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.007 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 150 mm, ES/BS Standard |Lin.m |

|4.008 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.009 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.010 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.011 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, Ø40 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.012 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25 to Ø20 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.013 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø32 to Ø20 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.014 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø32 to Ø25 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.015 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø40 to Ø32 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.016 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø50 to Ø32 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.017 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø50 to Ø40 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.018 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø1/2’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.019 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø3/4’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.020 |P PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø1/2’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.021 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø3/4’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.022 |P PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.023 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø50mm to Ø1’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.024 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø1/2’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.025 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø3/4’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.026 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø1/2’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.027 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø3/4’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.028 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.029 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to |Piece |

| |Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.030 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to |Piece |

| |Ø1’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.031 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1|Piece |

| |1/4’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.032 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.033 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.034 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.035 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.036 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.037 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.038 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø20mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.039 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.040 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.041 |PL PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø32mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.042 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø20mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.043 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.044 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.045 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø32mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.046 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE ELBOW FEMALE THREAD SOLDER CONNECTION FITTING, For fresh water use, Ø20mm x ½’’, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.047 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE ELBOW FEMALE THREAD SOLDER CONNECTION FITTING, For fresh water use, Ø20mm x 3/4’’,|Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.048 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE ANGLE FITTING, WELDING X UNION, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard |Piece |


| |Ø20mm x 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | |


| |Ø25mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.051 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 20 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.052 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.053 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 32 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.054 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 40 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.055 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |25x20x20 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.056 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |25x25x20 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.057 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |25x20x25 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.058 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |32x20x32 mm, ES/BS Standard ES/BS Standard | |

|4.059 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |32x25x32 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.060 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø |Piece |

| |42x32x42 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.061 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, |Piece |

| |Ø 20mm x 1/2’’ x 20 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.062 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, |Piece |

| |Ø 25mm x 1/2’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.063 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, |Piece |

| |Ø 25mm x 3/4’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.064 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, |Piece |

| |Ø 32mm x 1’’ x 32 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.065 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T coupling , PVC for plastic |Piece |

| |pipe, Ø 20mm x 1/2’’ x 20 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.066 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T coupling , PVC for plastic |Piece |

| |pipe, Ø 25mm x 1/2’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.067 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T coupling , PVC for plastic |Piece |

| |pipe, Ø 25mm x 3/4’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.068 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T coupling , PVC for plastic |Piece |

| |pipe, Ø 32mm x 1’’ x 32 mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.069 |PIPE CUTTING KNIFE 0-40MM DIA, For plastic water piping use, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.070 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.071 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.072 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.073 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.074 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.075 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.076 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.077 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.078 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.079 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.080 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.081 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.082 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 20mm |Piece |

|4.083 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 25mm |Piece |

|4.084 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 32mm |Piece |

|4.085 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 40mm |Piece |

|4.086 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø |Piece |

| |3/8’’ x 16mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.087 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø |Piece |

| |1/2’’ x 16mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.088 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø |Piece |

| |1/2’’ x 18mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.089 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø |Piece |

| |3/4’’ x 18mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.090 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø |Piece |

| |3/4’’ x 22mm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.091 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces,|Piece |

| |Ø 3/8’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.092 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces,|Piece |

| |Ø 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.093 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces,|Piece |

| |Ø 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.094 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated and self-sealing tail pieces,|Piece |

| |Ø 1’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.095 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome plated, with iron pipe |Piece |

| |connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover to protect body before assembling, Ø 3/8’’, ES/BS | |

| |Standard | |

|4.096 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome plated, with iron pipe |Piece |

| |connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover to protect body before assembling, Ø 1/2’’, ES/BS | |

| |Standard | |

|4.097 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome plated, with iron pipe |Piece |

| |connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover to protect body before assembling, Ø 3/4’’, ES/BS | |

| |Standard | |

|4.098 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome plated, with iron pipe |Piece |

| |connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover to protect body before assembling, Ø 1’’, ES/BS | |

| |Standard | |

|4.099 |ANGLE LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, with plastic coated tailpiece, chrome plated, screwed|Piece |

| |ends and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/8’’, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.100 |ANGLE LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, with plastic coated tailpiece, chrome plated, screwed|Piece |

| |ends and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | |



|4.103 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.104 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.105 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.106 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 40mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.107 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 50mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.108 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 100mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.109 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 150mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.110 |HEATING RADIATOR, For heating system installations, aluminium, H = 500 mm, ES/BS Standard |Segment |

|4.111 |HEATING RADIATOR –segment type, For heating system installations, aluminium, H = 600 mm, ES/BS |Segment |

| |Standard | |

|4.112 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, aluminium, L = 500 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.113 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, aluminium, L = 1000 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.114 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, aluminium, L = 1200 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.115 |PLASTIC CORRUGATED PIPE FOR SINK DISCHARGE, For washbowl use, set should include corrugated piping |Set |

| |with connection, metal holed plate for sink with bolt and sealing gasket, L = 500 mm, ES/BS Standard| |

|4.116 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø20 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.117 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø25 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.118 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø32 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.119 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø20 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.120 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø25 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.121 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø32 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.122 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø40 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.123 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe , Ø50 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.124 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe , Ø100 mm, ES/BS|Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.125 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe , Ø150 mm, ES/BS|Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.126 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø 50 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.127 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø 100 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.128 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle for plastic pipe, Ø 150 mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.129 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 50 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.130 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 100 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.131 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 150 mm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.132 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.133 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.134 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.135 |HALF TURN VALVE ”VENTILE”, For toilet use, Metal, Size Ø20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.136 |HALF TURN VALVE ”VENTILE”, For washing machine use, Metal, Size Ø20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.137 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 20mm, Length 30cm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.138 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 20mm, Length 60cm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.139 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 20mm, Length 90cm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.140 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 20mm, Length 150cm, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|4.141 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure |Piece |

| |Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 15mm, Length 60cm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.142 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure |Piece |

| |Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 15mm, Length 150cm, ES/BS Standard | |

|4.143 |TOILET SEAT, Standard size, Colour: White |Piece |

| |Material: Heavy Plastic | |

|4.144 |TOILET UNIT FLUSHING MECHANISM, Side unit, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.145 |TOILET UNIT FLUSHING MECHANISM, Bottom unit, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.146 |TAP, For kitchen use, full set with piping, Metal, For water hot and cold use, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.147 |TAP, For toilet use, full set with piping, Metal, For water hot and cold use, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.148 |TAP, Metal, full set with piping, For water hot and cold use, Standard type for wall installation, |Piece |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|4.149 |HOSE FOR SHOWERHEAD, Metal, For water high pressure use, To be attached to a showerhead, Length: 1.5|Piece |

| |m | |

|4.150 |SEWAGE HOSE FOR TOILET UNIT, Plastic - pipe |Lin.m |

| |Flexible, Ø100mm,ES/BS Standard | |

|4.151 |SEWAGE HOSE FOR TOILET UNIT, Plastic - pipe |Lin.m |

| |Flexible, Ø150mm,ES/BS Standard | |

|4.152 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.153 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.154 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 32mm to 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.155 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.156 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 25mm to 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|4.157 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal female thread, Ø20mm, 20mm|Piece |

| |to 20mm | |

|4.158 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal male thread, Ø20mm, 20mm |Piece |

| |to 20mm | |

|4.159 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal female thread, Ø25mm, 25mm|Piece |

| |to 25mm | |

|4.160 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal male thread, Ø25mm, 25mm |Piece |

| |to 25mm | |

|4.161 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal female thread, Ø32mm, 32mm|Piece |

| |to 32mm | |

|4.162 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, Metal male thread, Ø32mm, 32mm |Piece |

| |to 32mm | |

|4.163 |P.T.F.E. THREAD SEALANT TAPE, For plumbing, gas and air pressure use, Size 1 pcs: 10m x 12mm x |Roll |

| |0.075mm, Colour: white | |

|4.164 |P.T.F.E. THREAD SEALANT TAPE, For plumbing, gas and air pressure use, Size 1 pcs: 10m x 19mm x |Roll |

| |0.075mm, Colour: white | |

|4.165 |PLUMBING SILICONE, For plumbing use, Rapid curing, 100% aquarium, Adhesion to most porous and |Piece |

| |non-porous substrates including wood, glass, porcelain, tile, concrete or grout, metals, and | |

| |plastics, Size: 296-310 mL, To fit in chalk gun / pistol, Colour: transparent/clear | |

|4.166 |TOILET WC UNIT, Floor mounted, 1 set includes the following: Flushing mechanism (bottom or side |Set |

| |unit); Water supply pipe 12.7 mm / 9.5 mm (3/8 inch / 1/2 inch); Half turn valve 20 mm; Rubber | |

| |seals; Outlet sewage Ø 100 mm (corrugated with rubber seal). | |

| |Capacity 8-12 L; Colour: white; Material: Porcelain | |

|4.167 |TOILET SINK, Colour: white, Material: porcelain, Width: 50-56 cm, Depth: 40-45 cm |Piece |

|4.168 |KITCHEN/WASHING SINK, Material: Metal (rust free), Width: 60 cm, Depth: 40 cm |Piece |

|4.169 |HOSE, Stainless Steel, nylon inside, Flexible cold/hot mixer Faucet Water down supply pipe Hose, |Pair |

| |double seal, longer injection, 1/2'', set of 2 | |

|4.170 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 20mm dia (Stainless Steel nylon inside Flexible cold/hot mixer |Piece |

| |Faucet Water down supply pipe Hoses, double seal, longer injection, 1/2'', set of ("Amerikanka") | |

|4.171 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 25mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece |

|4.172 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 32mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece |

|4.173 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 20mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece |

|4.174 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 25mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece |

|4.175 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 32mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece |

Appendix B to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)


implementing Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4) of [complete date]

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


("the Contracting Authority")

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the one part,



(“the Contractor”)

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the other part,


Article 1: Subject

1.1 This specific contract implements the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4) signed by and between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor on [complete date].

1.2 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this Specific Contract and its Annex A, to supply and deliver any and all goods enumerated in said Annex A to the following destination (DDP Incoterms 2010 ICC):

EUMM Headquarters Warehouse

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Article 2: Duration

2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

2.2 The implementation of this specific contract shall not exceed 28 calendar days from the date of its entry into force. The implementation period may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


3.1 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the supplies until provisional acceptance at destination. These supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration.

Article 4: Price

4.1 The total amount to be paid by the EUMM Georgia under this Specific Contract shall be GEL [complete amount in figures and in words]. This price is inclusive of all shipping and delivery charges.

Article 5: payments

5.1 Payments will be made according to Article 7 of the Framework Contract.

Article 6: Annex

Annex A – Order Form Nº [complete].


|For the Contractor: |For the Contracting Authority: |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature: _______________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |

In triplicate in English (one copy for the Contractor and two copies for the Contracting Authority).

Appendix C to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)

ORDER FORM Nº [complete]

governed by the provisions of the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4) signed on [complete date] by and between The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia and [complete]

| | |

| | |

| |The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) |

| |49 Krtsanisi Street |

| |0114 Tbilisi |

|[28] |Georgia |

| | |

| |

|Description of the supplies |Qty | |Subtotal GEL |

| | |Unit Price GEL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Price (including shipping and delivery charges) |GEL |

|Delivery schedule: 28 calendar days from the date of signature of the specific contract by all parties. |

|Delivery terms (DDP): EUMM warehouse, 49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia. |

| | |

|This order shall only take effect if it is annexed to a |Other details: |

|Specific Contract signed by both parties. Execution of this | |

|order shall start from the date of signature of the Specific | |

|Contract by all parties. | |

| | |

|For the Contractor, |For the Contracting Authority, |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature:_____________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |




N° EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)

financed from the EU General Budget

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


(“the Contracting Authority”),

of the one part,


[Legal status/title]

[Official registration number]

[Full official address]

[VAT number],

(“the Contractor”)

of the other part,

have agreed as follows:

Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various construction and maintenance materials to the EUMM Georgia

Identification number: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)

Article 1 Subject

1.1 The subject of this framework contract shall be the supply and delivery to the EUMM Georgia of the goods that are listed on a separate sheet attached herewith as Appendix A. Execution of this Framework contract imposes no obligation on the Contracting Authority to purchase. Only the implementation of this Framework contract through Specific Contracts and Order Forms – in the way set out in Appendixes B and C – is binding on the Contracting Authority and authorizes deliveries to take place on items and quantities laid down in those Specific Contracts and Order Forms.

1.2 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the technical annex.

Article 2 Structure of the framework contract

The following documents form an integral part of this framework contract:

– the Special Conditions;

– the General Conditions (Annex I);

– the Technical Specifications (Annex II) (including clarifications before the deadline for submission of tenders, if any);

– the Technical Offer (Annex III) (including clarifications from the tenderer provided during tender evaluation, if any);

– the Budget Breakdown (Annex IV);

– the Legal Entity File (Annex Va) and the Bank Account Notification Form (Annex Vb).

The various documents making up the Framework contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory. In cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above.

The subject of this Framework contract is to establish the terms governing the supply and delivery (DDP[29]) of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia.

The Contractor shall comply strictly with the provisions contained in this Framework contract and its annexes.

This Framework contract does not constitute a contract for any of the goods mentioned in Article 1 above. Only a Specific Contract – in the form provided for in Appendix B – shall obligate the Contracting Authority to purchase goods as identified therein.

Whenever the Contracting Authority intends to acquire products covered by the Framework contract, it shall send to the Contractor and Order Form – using the template presented in Appendix C – detailing the type and quantity of the products wanted. The Contractor shall sign and return the Order Form to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

The Contracting Authority shall then send to the Contractor three signed Specific Contracts with a copy of the Order Form annexed. The Contractor shall sign the Specific Contracts and return 2 copies of them to the Contracting Authority within 5 working days.

Delivery, inspection and acceptance of goods shall be made at the EUMM warehouse in Tbilisi (Georgia). The Contractor shall bear all costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto. The time limit for delivery shall be 28 calendar days from the date of signature of a Specific Contract by all parties and the Incoterm applicable shall be DDP1. Provisional acceptance shall take place within 30 days of receipt of goods.

All such goods shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (effective from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The quantities estimated and specified in ANNEX II+III are only indicative quantities and do NOT compel the Contracting Authority to buy any of them.

The Contractor shall NOT be entitled to compensation and shall NOT be allowed to claim for changes of the unit prices in case the Contracting Authority decides to purchase fewer or more quantities than the indicative ones specified in Annex II+III and/or in case the Contracting Authority decides NOT to purchase ANY of these quantities.

Article 3 Origin

No restrictions apply with respect to the origin of the goods.

Article 4 Duration

This Framework contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and shall remain in full effect until the 14 December 2015 (inclusive). However, continuation of this Framework contract after 14 December 2014 is subject to suspension clause, pending extension of the EUMM mandate[30] as well as allocation of the corresponding funds.

Article 5 Price

The prices of the supplies shall be those shown on the financial offer (Annex IV). The prices are fixed and subject to no revision for the entire duration of the Framework contract.

The Contracting Authority may also happen to order items not covered by this Framework contract. In this case, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assess the reasonableness of the unit price quoted by the Contractor based on the normal dealer or retail’s price for Georgia. If a quoted price is not acceptable to the Contracting Authority, the latter reserves the right to purchase the item from an alternative source.

Article 6 Maximum value

The maximum value of this Framework contract is __________ Georgian Laris (GEL)[31]. The Contracting Authority is under no obligation to spend all these funds if the Contracting Authority – in its sole and absolute discretion – determines that such spending is not necessary.

Article 7 Payments

Payments shall be made in accordance with the General and/or Special Conditions (Articles 26 to 28).

Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and are subject to: (i) the timely and satisfactory receipt of the merchandise as determined by the Contacting Authority, (ii) the submission by the Contractor of the relevant invoices in their original paper format. The Contracting Authority shall pay legitimate uncontested invoices within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Values contained in the invoices issued in connection with this Framework contract shall be expressed in Georgian Laris (GEL).

Article 8 Tax and customs arrangements

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is exempt from taxes and other charges of whatsoever nature (including VAT) on any and all amounts due and payable for supplies purchased under this Framework contract.

Done in English in three (3) originals, two (2) originals being for the Contracting Authority and one (1) original being for the Contractor.

|For the Contractor |For the Contracting Authority |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Title: | |Title: | |

|Signature: | |Signature: | |

|Date: | |Date: | |

Appendix A to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)




|Item Nº|Item Description |Measuring Unit |

|5.001 |Washed sand - fine fraction, dry, yellow, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.002 |Washed sand - fine fraction, dry, black, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.003 |Washed sand/gravel mix for concrete works, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.004 |Gravel M600-1200,F-5-10mm, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.005 |Gravel M600-1200,F-10-20mm, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.006 |Portland Cement M400, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.007 |Cement M400, 50 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.008 |Gypsum board - for internal works, humidity & fire resistance ”bathroom” type, with hydrophobic additions, |Sq.m |

| |color green and/or marine blue; 2500 x 1200 x 12.5mm | |

|5.009 |UW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 50x30x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.010 |UW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 65x30x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.011 |CW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 50x50x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.012 |CW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 65x50x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.013 |CD horizontal profile poles for ceiling - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 60x27x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.014 |UD horizontal profile poles for ceiling - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel 28x18x3000mm |Lin.m |

|5.015 |Direct hinge for ceiling construction of gypsum board - stainless steel 60x30x125mm |Lin.m |

|5.016 |Knauf-rotband plaster - or equivalent - gypsum based, for internal wall and ceiling plastering, 30 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.017 |Knauf-unterputz plaster - or equivalent - cement based, for external façade plastering, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.018 |Knauf-sevener plaster - or equivalent - for filling damaged concrete parts and install reinforced layer, 25 Kg |Bag |

| |bag | |

|5.019 |Knauf HP finish putty - or equivalent - for internal works, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.020 |Knauf Multy finish putty - or equivalent - for internal works, final putting, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.021 |Knauf flexkleber glue - or equivalent - glue cement for ceramic tiles, high load areas, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.022 |Glue for gypsum aqua-panels - one component, polyurethane, for tiling of gypsum boards, minimum 310ml cans, for|Tube |

| |use in cartridge | |

|5.023 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, 3.5x25mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.024 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, 3.5x35mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.025 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, 3.5x45mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.026 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, 3.5x55mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.027 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, 3.5x65mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.028 |Self-tapping screw (LN) - for stainless steel profiles, 3.5x9mm, box of 1000 piece |Box |

|5.029 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 6x35mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.030 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 6x37mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.031 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 6x50mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.032 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 6x70mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.033 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 8x60mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.034 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 8x80mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.035 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum partitions, 8x100mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.036 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 11x42mm, box of 100 piece (other similar sizes OK) |Box |

|5.037 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 13x48mm, box of 100 piece (other similar sizes OK) |Box |

|5.038 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 13x51mm, box of 100 piece (other similar sizes OK) |Box |

|5.039 |Plastic dowel - universal, for concrete and brick walls, 6x27mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.040 |Reinforcement rolls - for gypsum board plates connection, self-gluing, 50mm wide, 150 m length |Roll |

|5.041 |Mineral Glass wool rolls - acoustic insulation partition, 7500x10x50mm |Roll |

|5.042 |Mineral Glass wool rolls Nobasil LSP - or equivalent - thermal insulation, with one side foil, 1000x1000x100mm |Roll |

|5.043 |Saw for gypsum boards cutting |Piece |

|5.044 |Floor Tiles non slip - for internal use, ceramic, 400 x 400 mm |Sq.m |

|5.045 |Wall tiles - ceramic |Sq.m |

|5.046 |Plastic suspended ceiling - plastic, white, 6000 mm length strips |Sq.m |

|5.047 |Self leveling floor, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.048 |Wall paper - reihausen type - or equivalent, white, 500 x 10000mm |Roll |

|5.049 |Glue for wall paper (granule) - 250 mg box |Box |

|5.050 |Steel quadrant section bars - 20x20mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm long |Piece |

|5.051 |Steel quadrant section bars - 20x40mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm long |Piece |

|5.052 |Steel quadrant section bars - 40x40mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm long |Piece |

|5.053 |Steel quadrant section bars - 60x60mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm long |Piece |

|5.054 |Steel quadrant section bars - 80x80mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm long |Piece |

|5.055 |Steel angle - 20 x 20 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.056 |Steel angle - 30 x 30 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.057 |Steel angle - 40 x 40 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.058 |Steel angle - 45 x 45 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.059 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 6mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.060 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 8mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.061 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 10mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.062 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 12mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.063 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 14mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.064 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 16mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.065 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 18mm x 6000 mm long |Piece |

|5.066 |Tying wire for reinforcement mesh ø 1 - 1.6 mm |Kg |

|5.067 |Tying wire for reinforcement mesh ø 3- 5 mm |Kg |

|5.068 |Double-T (I) steel beam #10 |Lin.m |

|5.069 |Double-T (I) steel beam #12 |Lin.m |

|5.070 |Double-T (I) steel beam #14 |Lin.m |

|5.071 |Double-T (I) steel beam #16 |Lin.m |

|5.072 |Double-T (I) steel beam #18 |Lin.m |

|5.073 |Double-T (I) steel beam #20 |Lin.m |

|5.074 |Double-T (I) steel beam #22 |Lin.m |

|5.075 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.35 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece |

|5.076 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.40 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece |

|5.077 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.45 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece |

|5.078 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.50 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece |

|5.079 |Ridge board for galvanized steel roofs |Lin.m |

|5.080 |plastic mesh 1,5X1,5cm cell |Sq.m |

|5.081 |steel mesh 10X10cm cell |Sq.m |

|5.082 |steel mesh 20X20cm cell |Sq.m |

|5.083 |steel door (building standard size of 900 x 2200 x 50 mm) |Piece |

|5.084 |steel door (fence) |Sq.m |

|5.085 |Wooden boards 200 x 5000 x 30 mm |Piece |

|5.086 |Wooden boards 200 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece |

|5.087 |Wooden boards 300 x 5000 x 30 mm |Piece |

|5.088 |Wooden boards 300 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece |

|5.089 |Wooden boards 40 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece |

|5.090 |Wooden boards 50 x 5000 x 50 mm |Piece |

|5.091 |Wooden boards 60 x 5000 x 60 mm |Piece |

|5.092 |Wooden window one wing, set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.093 |Wooden window two wing, set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.094 |Wooden door 900x2200mm, blind, one wing, with set of lock |Piece |

|5.095 |Wooden door 900x2200mm, glassed, one wing, with set of lock |Piece |

|5.096 |Wooden door , blind, two wings, with set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.097 |Wooden door , glassed, two wings, with set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.098 |Wooden angle 20x20mm |Lin.m |

|5.099 |Wooden angle 30x30mm |Lin.m |

|5.100 |Wooden angle 40x40mm |Lin.m |

|5.101 |Wooden plinth 50mm |Lin.m |

|5.102 |Wooden plinth 70mm |Lin.m |

|5.103 |Wooden parquet, dry, oak |Sq.m |

|5.104 |Plywood 1520x1520x4mm |Sq.m |

|5.105 |Plywood 1520x1520x6mm |Sq.m |

|5.106 |Plywood 1520x1520x8mm |Sq.m |

|5.107 |Plywood 1520x1520x10mm |Sq.m |

|5.108 |Plywood 1520x1520x12mm |Sq.m |

|5.109 |Plywood 1520x1520x14mm |Sq.m |

|5.110 |Plywood 1520x1520x16mm |Sq.m |

|5.111 |Plywood 1520x1520x18mm |Sq.m |

|5.112 |Plywood 1520x1520x20mm |Sq.m |

|5.113 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 1 mm |Piece |

|5.114 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 2 mm |Piece |

|5.115 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 3 mm |Piece |

|5.116 |Paint, water emulsion, for internal use, antistatic, EU standard, 15 lt cans, white |Tin |

|5.117 |Paint, water emulsion, for internal use, antistatic, EU standard, 15 lt cans, coloured |Tin |

|5.118 |Paint, anticorrosion, high wear, dark red color, EU standard, 1 liter tins |Tin |

|5.119 |Paint, anticorrosion, high wear, dark blue color, EU standard, 1 liter tins |Tin |

|5.120 |Nails. Narrow head, for laminate plinth |Kg |

|5.121 |Nails, for wood 20mm |Kg |

|5.122 |Nails, for wood 40mm |Kg |

|5.123 |Nails, for wood 50mm |Kg |

|5.124 |Nails, for wood 60mm |Kg |

|5.125 |Nails, for wood 70mm |Kg |

|5.126 |Nails, for wood 80mm |Kg |

|5.127 |Nails, for wood 100mm |Kg |

|5.128 |Nails for concrete with washer 40mm |Kg |

|5.129 |Nails for concrete with washer 50mm |Kg |

|5.130 |Nails for concrete with washer 60mm |Kg |

|5.131 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 15mm |Piece |

|5.132 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 20mm |Piece |

|5.133 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 25mm |Piece |

|5.134 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 32mm |Piece |

|5.135 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 40mm |Piece |

|5.136 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 50mm |Piece |

|5.137 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 80mm |Piece |

|5.138 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 100mm |Piece |

|5.139 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for rubber hoses 120mm |Piece |

|5.140 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 30mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.141 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 50mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.142 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 70mm, box of 100 piece Box |Box |

|5.143 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M10 head x 50mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.144 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M10 head x 70mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.145 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 16mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.146 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 18mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.147 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 25mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.148 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 30mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.149 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 35mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.150 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 40mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.151 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 50mm, box of 500 piece |Box |

|5.152 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 25-40Kg, silver color |Piece |

|5.153 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 40-65Kg, silver color |Piece |

|5.154 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 60-85Kg, silver color |Piece |

|5.155 |Automatic door closer, W1250mm, weight up 80-100Kg, silver color |Piece |

|5.156 |Automatic door closer, W1450mm, weight up 80-100Kg, silver color |Piece |

|5.157 |Glue, 2 component spray & glue, professional, rapid adhesive for MDF, plastic surfaces etc |Set |

|5.158 |PVA glue or equivalent, 5 lt cans |Can |

|5.159 |Bison glue or equivalent, 1 lt cans |Can |

|5.160 |Glue 88 "shoe glue" or equivalent, 0.5 lt bottles |Bottle |

|5.161 |Electric Insulation tape, strong adhesive |Roll |

|5.162 |window/door sealing rubber weather strips, self-adhesive, roll of 100m |Roll |

|5.163 |Clay bricks, red 130 x 130 x 250mm |Piece |

|5.164 |Silicate brick, white 150 x 150 x 300mm |Piece |

|5.165 |Concrete block, 200 x 200 x 400mm |Piece |

|5.166 |Concrete block, 200 x 100 x 400mm |Piece |

|5.167 |Concrete road sides, curb, 300x150x50mm |Piece |

|5.168 |Decorative flooring stones 480x320x60mm |Piece |

|5.169 |concrete stair L-1000mm |Piece |

|5.170 |concrete stair L-1400mm |Piece |

|5.171 |Decorative brick type covering for walls 250x125x22mm |Piece |

|5.172 |Concrete channel for drain water 300x150x30mm |Piece |

|5.173 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=1000mm dia=700mm |Piece |

|5.174 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=1000mm dia=1000mm |Piece |

|5.175 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=2000mm dia=1500mm |Piece |

|5.176 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 700 |Piece |

|5.177 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 1000 |Piece |

|5.178 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 1500 |Piece |

|5.179 |Gypsum powder, construction, 25 Kg bag |Bag |

|5.180 |Bitumen insulation rolls for roofing w1000mm,L15000mm |Roll |

|5.181 |Linokrome or equivalent -aluminium reinforced layer for insulation of flat roofs W1000mm, L10000mm |Roll |

|5.182 |ready mixed concrete M100 with delivery |Cub.m. |

|5.183 |ready mixed concrete M200 with delivery |Cub.m. |

|5.184 |ready mixed concrete M300 with delivery |Cub.m. |

|5.185 |ready mixed concrete M400 with delivery |Cub.m. |

|5.186 |Asphalt-middle fraction with delivery |Ton |

|5.187 |Asphalt-fine fraction with delivery |Ton |

|5.188 |Foam plastic cornice, decorative corner piece |Lin.m |

|5.189 |Linoleum with wool bedding |Sq.m |

|5.190 |linoleum without bedding |Sq.m |

|5.191 |Linoleum plate 250 x 250mm |Sq.m |

|5.192 |Sand paper #60 |Lin.m |

|5.193 |Sand paper #80 |Lin.m |

|5.194 |Sand paper #100 |Lin.m |

|5.195 |Sand paper #120 |Lin.m |

|5.196 |Glass for windows 3mm thick |Sq.m |

|5.197 |Glass for windows 4mm thick |Sq.m |

|5.198 |Glass for windows 5mm thick |Sq.m |

|5.199 |Glass for windows 6mm thick |Sq.m |

|5.200 |Glass for windows 8mm thick |Sq.m |

|5.201 |Mirror with fine edges |Sq.m |

|5.202 |PVC window - one wing, blind, with double glass package |Sq.m |

|5.203 |PVC window - two wing, one blind, one open able (spawning, open), with double glass package |Sq.m |

|5.204 |PVC window - two wing, both wings open able, with double glass package |Sq.m |

|5.205 |PVC door - one wing, blind, with set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.206 |PVC door - one wing, with double glass package, with set of lock |Sq.m |

|5.207 |PVC partition - blind, plastic filling |Sq.m |

|5.208 |PVC partition - blind, aluminium,-foam sandwich filling |Sq.m |

|5.209 |Electric Water heater tank, 50lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half turn valves |Piece |

|5.210 |Electric Water heater tank, 80lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half turn valves |Piece |

|5.211 |Electric Water heater tank 100lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half turn valves |Piece |

|5.212 |Electric Water heater tank 150lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half turn valves |Piece |

|5.213 |Electric Ventilators for bathrooms, 100mm dia |Piece |

|5.214 |Electric Ventilators for bathrooms, 150mm dia |Piece |

|5.215 |welding electrodes 2mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.216 |welding electrodes 3mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.217 |welding electrodes 4mm, box of 100 piece |Box |

|5.218 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E14 thread, plastic |Piece |

|5.219 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E27 thread, plastic |Piece |

|5.220 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E14 thread, Ceramic |Piece |

|5.221 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E27 thread, Ceramic |Piece |

|5.222 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, small, with handle |Piece |

|5.223 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, big, with handle |Piece |

|5.224 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, small |Piece |

|5.225 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, big |Piece |

|5.226 |Basin for paint roller, plastic |Piece |

|5.227 |Shovel for concrete mortar works |Piece |

|5.228 |Spade for ground works |Piece |

|5.229 |Hinges for steel door, small (pair) |Piece |

|5.230 |Hinges for steel door, medium (pair) |Piece |

|5.231 |Hinges for steel door, big, heavy doors (pair) |Piece |

|5.232 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water resistance, approximately 4000 x 4000 mm |Sq.m |

|5.233 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water resistance, approximately 6000 x 6000 mm |Sq.m |

|5.234 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water resistance, approximately 4000 x 6000 mm |Sq.m |

|5.235 |Roofing sheets, Zinc Galvanised- 2,000mm x 1,000mm x 2mm |Piece |

|5.236 |Chimney Piping, Stainless Steel 110mm dia |Lin.m |

|5.237 |Door Cylinder lock - 5 key, EU standard |Piece |

|5.238 |Heavy duty padlock - 5 key, EU standard |Piece |

|5.239 |Electrical Extension Chord - 5 meters, 5 sockets, including circuit breaker/surge protection, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|5.240 |Electrical Extension Reel - 4 socket, 50 m long, 2.5mm2 copper wiring |Piece |

|5.241 |Nut – Mild Steel, M6 |100 Pcs |

|5.242 |Nut – Mild Steel, M8 |100 Pcs |

|5.243 |Nut – Mild Steel, M10 |100 Pcs |

|5.244 |Nut – Mild Steel, M12 |100 Pcs |

|5.245 |Nut – Mild Steel, M13 |100 Pcs |

|5.246 |Nut – Mild Steel, M14 |100 Pcs |

|5.247 |Nut – Mild Steel, M15 |100 Pcs |

|5.248 |Nut – Mild Steel, M16 |100 Pcs |

|5.249 |Nut – Mild Steel, M17 |100 Pcs |

|5.250 |Nut – Mild Steel, M18 |100 Pcs |

|5.251 |Nut – Mild Steel, M19 |100 Pcs |

|5.252 |Nut – Mild Steel, M20 |100 Pcs |

|5.253 |Washer- Mild Steel, M6 |100 Pcs |

|5.254 |Washer- Mild Steel, M8 |100 Pcs |

|5.255 |Washer- Mild Steel, M10 |100 Pcs |

|5.256 |Washer- Mild Steel, M12 |100 Pcs |

|5.257 |Washer- Mild Steel, M13 |100 Pcs |

|5.258 |Washer- Mild Steel, M14 |100 Pcs |

|5.259 |Washer- Mild Steel, M15 |100 Pcs |

|5.260 |Washer- Mild Steel, M16 |100 Pcs |

|5.261 |Washer- Mild Steel, M17 |100 Pcs |

|5.262 |Washer- Mild Steel, M18 |100 Pcs |

|5.263 |Washer- Mild Steel, M19 |100 Pcs |

|5.264 |Washer- Mild Steel, M20 |100 Pcs |

|5.265 |Washer- Mild steel, bigger diameter |100 Pcs |

|5.266 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M6 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.267 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M8 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.268 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M10 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.269 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M12 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.270 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M13 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.271 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M14 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.272 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M15 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.273 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M16 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.274 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M17 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.275 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M18 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.276 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M19 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.277 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M20 hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.278 |Bolt, Mild steel, bigger size hexagonal head |100 Pcs |

|5.279 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M6 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.280 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M8 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.281 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M10 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.282 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M12 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.283 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M13 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.284 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M14 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.285 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M15 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.286 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M16 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.287 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M17 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.288 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M18 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.289 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M19 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.290 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M20 round head (raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.291 |Bolt, Mild Steel, bigger size round head ((raised) |100 Pcs |

|5.292 |Transparent Roofing Sheets, PU, Carbulux or equivalent |Sq.m |

|5.293 |Paint, oil based, dark blue: Paint, oil, dark blue, 1 litre tins, ES/BS standard |Liters |

|5.294 |Paint, oil based, white: Paint, oil, 1 litre tins, ES/BS standard |Tin |

|5.295 |Paint, oil based, black: Paint, oil, 1 litre tins, ES/BS standard |Tin |

|5.296 |Hack Saw Blades: 300mm, 20 x 24Tpi Bi-Metal heavy duty blades, ES/BS standard, packet ten (10) |Packet |

|5.297 |Solvent: “White Spirit” for oil paint brush cleaning, |Liters |

|5.298 |Penetration/multi purpose oil, lubricant, WD40 or equivalent: Spray can, 450 ml, ES/BS standard |Can |

|5.299 |Silicone lubricant, Spray can, minimum 450 ml, ES/BS standard |Can |

|5.300 |Emery cloth: Abrasive cloth, re-usable “sandpaper” for use on metal and with water, ES/BS standard |Meter |

|5.301 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 1 inch width |Piece |

|5.302 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 2 inch width |Piece |

|5.303 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 4 inch width |Piece |

|5.304 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 6 inch width |Piece |

|5.305 |Clothes hook: For screwing/attaching on doors, with 3 hook |Piece |

|5.306 |Broom handles, wood |Piece |

|5.307 |Emery cloth: Abrasive cloth, re-usable “sandpaper” for use on metal and with water, 20m roll, ES/BS standard |Lin m |

|5.308 |Water filter, mechanical fibre, polypropylene, Atlas FA 10 R SX 5 mcr or equivalent, 5 Micron minimum |Piece |

| |filtration, 250mm x 56mm dia, 28mm dia. bore. | |

|5.309 |Door handles and lock set: Mortise type, with deadlock, Brass “gold” color with 3 x key per set, ES/BS standard|Set |

|5.310 |Screws with nylon anchor plug: 10mm x 50mm (3.5-5mm) anchor plugs with Pz3 or similar with Ø 5 × 50mm |Box |

| |Countersunk screws, ES/BS standard, box 100 | |

|5.311 |Gypsum screws: Drywall screws Size Ø 3.5 X 25 mm, black, ES/BS standard, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.312 |Gypsum screws: Drywall screws Size Ø 3.5 X 50 mm, black, ES/BS standard, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.313 |Gypsum Anchor: Hollow wall (Gypsum) anchor Ø M5 x 70mm Long, corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, box 500 |Box |

|5.314 |Sealant, rubber, adhesive, brown, double layer for doors (“Uplatnitseli”), 50 lin m/roll |Roll |

|5.315 |Glue, rapid “superglue” type, 1 second bionding, Foerch K131 or equivalent |Piece |

|5.316 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 3mm, ES/BS Standard, Set 1,000 |Set |

|5.317 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Size 10mm long by diameter 4mm, ES/BS Standard, Set 1,000 |Set |

|5.318 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Size 10mm long by diameter 5mm, ES/BS Standard, Set 1,000 |Set |

|5.319 |Hand Rivets, steel: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 3mm, ES/BS Standard, Set 1,000 |Set |

|5.320 |Hand Rivets, steel: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 4mm, ES/BS Standard, Set 1,000 |Set |

|5.321 |Coach (Furniture) bolt: Fastenings, M6 x 30mm long , including 2 washers and one M6 nut per bolt, ES/BS |Box |

| |standard, Box 100 | |

|5.322 |Concrete Anchor: Concrete Sleeve/Wedge Anchors, Ø 10mm x 100mm, M8, corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, |Box |

| |box 100 | |

|5.323 |Concrete Anchor: Concrete Sleeve/Wedge Anchors, Ø 12mm x 60mm, M10, corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, |Box |

| |box 100 | |

|5.324 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 |Pack |

| |mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 40, Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | |

|5.325 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 |Pack |

| |mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 60, Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | |

|5.326 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 |Pack |

| |mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 80, Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | |

|5.327 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 |Pack |

| |mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 100, Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | |

|5.328 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 |Pack |

| |mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 120, Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | |

|5.329 |Shrink Tube Set: Shrink Tubing set, 5 sizes, 1 meter per size, ES/BS standard |Set |

|5.330 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece |

|5.331 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece |

|5.332 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece |

|5.333 |Diamond cutting blade, for working of different construction materials and hard stone. Diameter: 230.00 mm, |Piece |

| |Bore: 22.23 mm, Max. operating speed: 80 m/s, Max. RPM: 6,600.00 rpm, Machines: Angle grinder, Segment Number:| |

| |18, Segment Width: 2.40, Segment Height: 9.00, Size in mm: 230X22.23 | |

|5.334 |Padlock: small, laminated, security, 40-60 mm, 3 keys |Piece |

|5.335 |Padlock: medium, laminated, security, 60-100 mm, 3 keys |Piece |

|5.336 |Silicone: tube, 310 ml, universal, white, water resistant, mold resistant, ES/BS Standard |Piece |

|5.337 |Silicone, high temp, gasket: tube, 310 ml, resistant to 2,000 deg C, water, oil and mold resistant, ES/BS |Piece |

| |Standard | |

|5.338 |Grease, multipurpose, Bechem Berulub FB 38, BAR 1700 or equivalent, Tube |Tube |

|5.339 |Solder Wire, electronic, Halogen free flux, dia. 0.8mm, 250 g, lead free |Piece |

|5.340 |Solder Wire, electronic, Halogen free flux, dia. 0.8mm, 250 g, including lead |Piece |

|5.341 |Tape, Aluminium foil: Adhesive acrylic, 48mm x 25 meters, thickness 0.03mm, tensile strength 14.8 N/10mm, |Piece |

| |elongation 3%, adhesion to steel 8 N/10mm, temperature resistant 120 degrees Centigrade, ES/BS Standard | |

|5.342 |Electric Plastic Glue gun sticks: plastic rod, 500 gram pack, dia 11mm x 200mm, Bosch PN 1609201396-710 or |Pack |

| |equivalent | |

|5.343 |Tape, Duct: Adhesive hotmelt, cloth 29 mesh, grey or black colour, 48mm x 50 meters, thickness 0.165mm, tensile|Piece |

| |strength 35 N/10mm, elongation 25%, adhesion to steel 2.6 N/10mm, temperature resistant 45 degrees Centigrade, | |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|5.344 |Tape, Duct: UV Resistant, 3M Performance Plus 8979 or equivalent |Piece |

|5.345 |Tape, Parcel/Packing: Adhesive acrylic, brown colour, 65mm x 50 meters, PP film, thickness 0.042mm, tensile |Piece |

| |strength 32 N/10mm, elongation 110%, adhesion to steel 3.2 N/10mm, temperature resistant 60 degrees Centigrade,| |

| |ES/BS Standard | |

|5.346 |Cutting disc: Steel cutting, Ø150 x 2.5 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin bonded and fibreglass reinforced, |Piece |

| |maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS Standard | |

|5.347 |Cutting disc: Steel cutting, Ø230 x 2.5 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin bonded and fiberglass reinforced, |Piece |

| |maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS Standard | |

|5.348 |Grinding disc: Steel grinding, Ø150 x 6 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin bonded and fiberglass reinforced, |Piece |

| |maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS Standard11 | |

|5.349 |Grinding di145sc: Steel grinding, Ø230 x 6 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin bonded and fiberglass reinforced, |Piece |

| |maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS Standard | |

|5.350 |Drill Bit set for steel: Cobolt HSSE, Steel Drilling bit set, 16 pieces from 1.5mm to 13mm, maintenance, heavy|Box |

| |duty, self-starting, straight shank, including box or protective folder, ES/BS standard | |

|5.351 |Mitre Disc Saw Blade: 6700 rpm, Blade Dia 216 mm, bore 30mm, 24 tooth Tungsten Carbide tipped blade. |Piece |

|5.352 |Bench Grinder wheel, aluminium Oxide: dia. 200mm x 25mm x 15.9mm |Piece |

|5.353 |Reciprocating saw blades, DEWALT DW4892 12-Piece Reciprocating Saw Blade Set with Case or equivalent |Set |

|5.354 |JIG SAW BLADE, Material suitability: Hard wood, Soft wood, Chipboards, Wood-core plywood, Fiber boards, |Piece |

| |Plastics, 3-30 mm, For clean cuts: Clearance angle ground, Teeth ground; Material: HCS, usable length 74mm, | |

| |Tooth pitch 2.4mm | |

|5.355 |JIG SAW BLADE, Material suitability: Hard wood, Soft wood, Chipboards, Wood-core plywood 4-60 mm, Fiber boards |Piece |

| |4-60 mm, For clean cuts: Clearance angle ground, Teeth ground; Material: HCS, Usable length 91mm, Tooth pitch | |

| |3.0mm | |

|5.356 |JIG SAW BLADE, Metal & Plastic Cutting Jigsaw Blade, 50mm long with 1.2mm pitch, HSS wavy set teeth. Cuts up to|Piece |

| |4mm in mild steel, non-ferrous metals and aluminium alloys, acrylic glass, insulation material, fabric | |

| |laminates and linoleum.  | |

|5.357 |JIG SAW BLADE, to cut softwood 4-50mm, chipboard, wood core plywood, fiber boards. Quick cut. Specifications: |Piece |

| |Bayonet fitting For cutting softwood 4-50mm, chipboard, wood core plywood, fiber boards.  | |

|5.358 |JIG SAW BLADE, BIM Tooth design - Ground teeth and taper ground Total length 83mm, Tooth spacing 1.7mm, for |Piece |

| |cutting Laminates 1.5-15mm, Laminated boards 1.5-15mm, Multiplex boards 1.5-15mm | |

|5.359 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body, size Ø6x 260mm ES/BS standard |Piece |

|5.360 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 8x 260mm ES/BS standard |Piece |

|5.361 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 10x 400mm: ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.362 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 12 x 450mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.363 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 14 x 450mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.364 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 16 x 600mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.365 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 18 x 450mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.366 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 20 x 450mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.367 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, hardened body size Ø 22 x 450mm ES/BS |Piece |

| |standard | |

|5.368 |Drill Bit Set, Brad point for wood, Dewalt DW1720 set or equivalent |Set |

|5.369 |Welding Rod/Electrodes: steel, moisture proof, all purpose, maintenance, Tensile Strength/Hardness: Up to 80000|Box |

| |PSI-150BH, diameter 4mmxlength 350mm, 100 per box, ES/BS Standard | |

|5.370 |Brad Nail: J:12mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.371 |Brad Nail: J: 15 mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.372 |Staples: G:8 mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.373 |Staples: G:10 mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.374 |Staples: G:12 mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.375 |Staples: G:14 mm, box 1,000 |Box |

|5.376 |Knife – Utility, automatic retractable knife with a lightweight body and a trapezoid blade. Spring-loaded blade|Piece |

| |retraction system, Stanley or equivalent. | |

|5.377 |Utility knife blades, Stanley replacement utility blades or equivalent. |Box |

|5.378 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 4x4mm |Piece |

|5.379 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 6x6mm |Piece |

|5.380 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 8x8mm |Piece |

|5.381 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 10x10mm |Piece |

|5.382 |Smoothing trowel 130x280mm |Piece |

|5.383 |Painter's scraper 30mm |Piece |

|5.384 |Painter's scraper 40mm |Piece |

|5.385 |Painter's scraper 50mm |Piece |

|5.386 |Painter's scraper 60mm |Piece |

|5.387 |Painter's scraper 80mm |Piece |

|5.388 |Painter's scraper 100mm |Piece |

|5.389 |SDS Plus Chisel Bit: Toughened steel and micro-processor controlled heat treatment, 250mm, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|5.390 |Diamond drill bit PH3x25mm |Piece |

|5.391 |SDS Plus Chisel Bit: Toughened steel and micro-processor controlled heat treatment, 250mm, ES/BS standard |Piece |

|5.392 |SDS Plus Pointed Chisel: Toughened steel and micro-processor controlled heat treatment, dia 20 x 250mm, |Piece |

| |ES/BS standard | |

|5.393 |Diamond drill bit PH1x25mm |Piece |

|5.394 |Diamond drill bit PH2x25mm |Piece |

|5.395 |Diamond drill bit PH3x25mm |Piece |

|5.396 |Diamond drill bit PZ1x25mm |Piece |

|5.397 |Diamond drill bit PZ2x25mm |Piece |

|5.398 |Diamond drill bit PZ3x25mm |Piece |

|5.399 |Measuring tape 10m, stainless steel, plastic housing |Piece |

|5.400 |Measuring tape 20m, stainless steel, plastic housing |Piece |

|5.401 |Open frame tape 50m, fiberglass, plastic housing |Piece |

|5.402 |Plumb line 250gr + 10m line |Piece |

|5.403 |Measuring tape 2m |Piece |

|5.404 |Measuring tape 3m |Piece |

|5.405 |Measuring tape 5m |Piece |

|5.406 |Hand wire brushes 2 rows |Piece |

|5.407 |Hand wire brushes 3 rows |Piece |

|5.408 |Hand wire brushes 4 rows |Piece |

|5.409 |Hand wire brushes 5 rows |Piece |

|5.410 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.411 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.412 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.413 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.414 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.415 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.416 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.417 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.418 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.419 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.420 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.421 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of 100 pcs |Box |

|5.422 |Polyurethane based insulation and construction foam for industrial and construction applications, 750ml spray |Can |

| |cans | |

|5.423 |Sure wall drywall plastic anchor, cone shaped, plastic, self-tapping, box of 500 |Box |

|5.424 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, coarse, for metal and iron |Piece |

|5.425 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, medium, for steel and stainless steel |Piece |

|5.426 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, medium, for HSS |Piece |

|5.427 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for metal and iron |Piece |

|5.428 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for steel and stainless steel |Piece |

|5.429 |Weel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for HSS |Piece |

|5.430 |Laminate flooring, class 32, THK 8-10mm, high resistance |Sq.m |

|5.431 |Screwdriver head, PH2, 50mm long |Piece |

|5.432 |Screwdriver head magnetic attachment fixture |Piece |

|5.433 |Screwdriver head , female, M8 |Piece |

|5.434 |Screwdriver head , female, M10 |Piece |

|5.435 |Screwdriver head , female, M12 |Piece |

|5.436 |Nylon rope, 0.5mm, 100 m long |Piece |

|5.437 |Fabric rope, 10mm, 100m long |Piece |

|5.438 |Double side self-adhesive PVC bear foam mounting tape |Piece |

Appendix B to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)


implementing Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5) of [complete date]

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


("the Contracting Authority")

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the one part,



(“the Contractor”)

(represented for the purposes of the signature of this contract by [complete]),

of the other part,


Article 1: Subject

1.1 This specific contract implements the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5) signed by and between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor on [complete date].

1.2 The Contractor undertakes, on the terms set out in the Framework Contract and in this Specific Contract and its Annex A, to supply and deliver any and all goods enumerated in said Annex A to the following destination (DDP Incoterms 2010 ICC):

EUMM Headquarters Warehouse

Krtsanisi Residential Area

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Article 2: Duration

2.1 This specific contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party.

2.2 The implementation of this specific contract shall not exceed 28 calendar days from the date of its entry into force. The implementation period may be extended only with the express written agreement of the parties before such period elapses.


3.1 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the supplies until provisional acceptance at destination. These supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration.

Article 4: Price

4.1 The total amount to be paid by the EUMM Georgia under this Specific Contract shall be GEL [complete amount in figures and in words]. This price is inclusive of all shipping and delivery charges.

Article 5: payments

5.1 Payments will be made according to Article 7 of the Framework Contract.

Article 6: Annex

Annex A – Order Form Nº [complete].


|For the Contractor: |For the Contracting Authority: |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature: _______________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |

In triplicate in English (one copy for the Contractor and two copies for the Contracting Authority).

Appendix C to the Framework contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)

ORDER FORM Nº [complete]

governed by the provisions of the Framework Contract Nº EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5) signed on [complete date] by and between The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia and [complete]

| | |

| | |

| |The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) |

| |49 Krtsanisi Street |

| |0114 Tbilisi |

|[33] |Georgia |

| | |

| |

|Description of the supplies |Qty | |Subtotal GEL |

| | |Unit Price GEL | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Price (including shipping and delivery charges) |GEL |

|Delivery schedule: 28 calendar days from the date of signature of the specific contract by all parties. |

|Delivery terms (DDP): EUMM warehouse, 49 Krtsanisi Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia. |

| | |

|This order shall only take effect if it is annexed to a |Other details: |

|Specific Contract signed by both parties. Execution of this | |

|order shall start from the date of signature of the Specific | |

|Contract by all parties. | |

| | |

|For the Contractor, |For the Contracting Authority, |

| | |

|Name and title [complete] |Name and title [complete] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signature:_____________________ |Signature: _______________________ |

|Done at [] on [complete place and date] |Done at Tbilisi on [complete date] |



Article 2 Language of the contract

Article 4 Communications

Article 6 Subcontracting

Article 10 Origin

Article 12 Insurance

Article 25 Inspection and testing

Article 26 Methods of payment

Article 28 Delayed payments

Article 29 Delivery

Article 31 Provisional acceptance

Article 32 Warranty obligations

Article 40 Settlement of disputes

These conditions amplify and supplement, if necessary, the General Conditions governing the framework contract. Unless the Special Conditions provide otherwise, those General Conditions remain fully applicable. The numbering of the Articles of the Special Conditions is not consecutive but follows the numbering of the Articles of the General Conditions.

Article 2 Language of the contract

1. The language used shall be English.

Article 4 Communications

4.1 Any written communication relating to this Framework contract between the Contracting Authority and/or the Project Manager, on the one hand, and the Contractor, on the other, must state the title and identification number of the Framework contract, and must be sent in English by post, e-mail or by hand to the following addresses:

For the Contracting Authority:

European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street

0114 Tbilisi


Primary contact person:




Alternate 1:




Alternate 2:




For the Contractor:

[POC + Contact Details]

Article 6 Subcontracting

The upper limit authorized for subcontracting is 10% of the value of each and every Specific Contract executed under this Framework contract.

Article 10 Origin

10.1 No restriction applies or is envisaged as to the origin of the supplies

Article 12 Insurance

The supplies shall be insured (to their full market value) in a freely convertible currency against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery at destination.

Article 25 Inspection and testing

25.2 Inspection and testing activities shall take place upon delivery of the supplies and shall be completed within 30 days thereafter.

Article 26 Methods of payment

1. Payments shall be made in Georgian Laris (GEL) and shall be authorized and made by the EUMM Chief of Finance or by any other person to whom this power has been delegated.

26.5 In order to obtain prepayments, the Contractor must forward to the authority referred to in the paragraph above:

a) For the 40% pre-financing, in addition to the payment request, a financial guarantee for the full amount of the pre-financing payment.

b) For the 60% balance, the original paper invoice(s) together with the request for provisional acceptance of the supplies.

Article 28 Delayed payments

By derogation from Article 28.2 of the General Conditions, once the deadline laid down in Article 26.3 has expired, the Contractor will, upon demand, be entitled to late-payment interest at the rate and for the period mentioned in the General Conditions. The demand must be submitted within two months of receiving late payment.

Article 29 Delivery

29.3 The Contractor shall bear all risks relating to the goods until provisional acceptance at destination. The supplies shall be packaged so as to prevent their damage or deterioration in transit to their destination. The packaging shall become the property of the recipient subject to environmental considerations.

Article 31 Provisional acceptance

The Certificate of Provisional Acceptance must be issued using the template included in Part C of this Tender Dossier.

Article 32 Warranty obligations

32.6 Supplies shall be new and unused, of the most recent models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials. All such supplies shall be covered by the standard manufacturer’s warranty (commencing from the date of its provisional acceptance by the EUMM).

The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all defects in these supplies that may exist at the time of its delivery to the EUMM or that may arise during the warranty period. If during the warranty period the Contractor receives notice of a defect in any product, the Contractor shall either repair or replace free of charge the faulty product within 30 calendar days of being notified of the defect.

The warranty shall cover any and all costs arising out of or in any way connected with the replacement of a defective product, including any shipping charges, taxes or duties associated with the transportation of a replacement product to and from the EUMM Headquarters Warehouse (49 Krtsanisi Street – 0114 Tbilisi – Georgia).

Article 40 Settlement of disputes

40.4 Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Framework contract which cannot be settled amicably will be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels (Belgium).






Contract title: Framework contract for the supply and delivery of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia

Reference number: EUMM-14-3105

Column 1-2 should be completed by the Contracting Authority

Column 3-4 should be completed by the Tenderer

Column 5 is reserved for the Evaluation Committee

Annex III - the Tenderer's technical offer

The Tenderers are requested to complete the template on the next pages:

• Column 2 is completed by the Contracting Authority shows the required specifications (not to be modified by the Tenderer).

• Column 3 is to be filled in by the Tenderer and must detail what is offered (for example the words “compliant” or “yes” are not sufficient).

• Column 4 allows the Tenderer to make comments on its proposed supply and to make references to any eventual supporting documentation provided.

Bids must be clear enough to allow the Evaluators to make an easy comparison between the requested specifications and the offered specifications. Bids that do not permit to identify precisely the type of products offered may be rejected by the Evaluation Committee.

The EUMM reserves the right to request samples free of charge if deemed necessary at any stage the tender evaluation process.


|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |

|Item N° |Specifications Required |Measuring Unit |Specifications Offered |Notes, remarks, |Evaluation Committee’s notes |

| | | | |ref to documentation | |

|1.2 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x2.5mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.3 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x4mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.4 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x6mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.5 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x10mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.6 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x16mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.7 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x25mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.8 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 2x35mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.9 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x6mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.10 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x10mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.11 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x16mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.12 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x25mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.13 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 3x35mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.14 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x1.5mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.15 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x2.5mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.16 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x4mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.17 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x6mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.18 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x10mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.19 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x16mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.20 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x25mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.21 |Electric cable, Copper single rod 5x35mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.22 |Electric Cable for earthing 4mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.23 |Electric Cable for earthing 6mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.24 |Electric Cable for earthing 10mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.25 |Electric Cable for earthing 16mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.26 |Electric Cable for earthing 25mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.27 |Electric Cable for earthing 35mm2 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.28 |Copper earthing rods 1500mm |Piece | | | |

|1.29 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 2.5 sq.mm, Copper with round PVC |Lin.m | | | |

| |insulation, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.30 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 1.5 sqmm Copper with round PVC |Lin.m | | | |

| |insulated, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.31 |Cable, electric, flexible: 3 x 4 sqmm Copper with round PVC insulated, |Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.32 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 63 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.33 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 40 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.34 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 3 poles (Phase) x 25 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.35 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 32 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.36 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 25 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.37 |Circuit breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 16 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.38 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6, length 140mm x width 2.5mm black color,|Pack | | | |

| |ES/BS standard, pack of 20 | | | | |

|1.39 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6, length 200mm x width 4.8mm black color,|Pack | | | |

| |ES/BS standard, pack of 20 | | | | |

|1.40 |Cable ties, plastic: nylon 6/6,length 380mm x width 4.8mm black color, |Pack | | | |

| |ES/BS standard, pack of 20 | | | | |

|1.41 |Cable tie, holder for wall mounting: nylon 6/6, for 1.5 sq.mm-4 sq.mm |Pack | | | |

| |cable, ES/BS standard, Pack of 10 | | | | |

|1.42 |Cable tie, holder for wall mounting: nylon 6/6, for 4 sq.mm-25 sq.mm |Pack | | | |

| |cable, ES/BS standard, Pack of 10 | | | | |

|1.43 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 2 section DIN rail with covered door, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.44 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 4 section DIN rail with covered door, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.45 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 6 section DIN rail with covered door, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.46 |Circuit breakers box: Plastic 12 section DIN rail with covered door, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.47 |Sockets, open type electrical, external installation: Type F standard |Piece | | | |

| |with grounding, white color, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.48 |Switches, open type electrical, external installation: 1 switch |Piece | | | |

| |European standard, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.49 |Sockets, closed type electrical, external installation: Type F standard|Piece | | | |

| |with grounding, white color, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.50 |Switches, closed type electrical, external installation: 1 switch |Piece | | | |

| |European standard, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.51 |Switches, Closed type double electric, external installation, European |Piece | | | |

| |standard, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|1.52 |Plugs, grounded, external installation, European standard, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |standard | | | | |

|1.53 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 4 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard |Piece | | | |

| |set of 10 | | | | |

|1.54 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 6 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard |Piece | | | |

| |set of 10 | | | | |

|1.55 |Terminal box Connectors for cable: For 16 sq.mm cable, ES/BS standard |Piece | | | |

| |set of 10 | | | | |

|1.56 |Cable connectors, 1.5 sqmm , 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.57 |Cable connectors, 2.5 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.58 |Cable connectors, 4 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.59 |Cable connectors, 6 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.60 |Cable connectors, 10 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.61 |Cable connectors, 16 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.62 |Cable connectors, 25 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.63 |Cable connectors, 35 sqmm, 10 piece |Box | | | |

|1.64 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings, 12.5 x 20mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.65 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings,12.5 x 32mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.66 |Cable channels with 3 box of each type fittings,20 x 40mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.67 |Electric Fuse 1x16A |Piece | | | |

|1.68 |Electric Fuse 1x25A |Piece | | | |

|1.69 |Electric Fuse 1x32A |Piece | | | |

|1.70 |Electric Fuse 1x40A |Piece | | | |

|1.71 |Electric Fuse 1x50A |Piece | | | |

|1.72 |Electric Fuse 1x63A |Piece | | | |

|1.73 |Electric Fuse 1x100A |Piece | | | |

|1.74 |Electric Fuse 1x160A |Piece | | | |

|1.75 |Electric Fuse 1x250A |Piece | | | |

|1.76 |Electric Fuse 3x16A |Piece | | | |

|1.77 |Electric Fuse 3x25A |Piece | | | |

|1.78 |Electric Fuse 3x32A |Piece | | | |

|1.79 |Electric Fuse 3x40A |Piece | | | |

|1.80 |Electric Fuse 3x50A |Piece | | | |

|1.81 |Electric Fuse 3x63A |Piece | | | |

|1.82 |Electric Fuse 3x100A |Piece | | | |

|1.83 |Electric Fuse 3x160A |Piece | | | |

|1.84 |Electric Fuse 3x250A |Piece | | | |

|1.85 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x63 A |Piece | | | |

|1.86 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x100 A |Piece | | | |

|1.87 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x160 A |Piece | | | |

|1.88 |Electric Manual power change fuse (city-gen.) 3x250 A |Piece | | | |

|1.89 |Fuse box with steel rails, 4 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece | | | |

|1.90 |Fuse box with steel rails, 12 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece | | | |

|1.91 |Fuse box with steel rails, 24 section, metal casing, lockable |Piece | | | |

|1.92 |Electric Socket with grounding, internal installation |Piece | | | |

|1.93 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation |Piece | | | |

|1.94 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65 |Piece | | | |

|1.95 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65 |Piece | | | |

|1.96 |Electric Socket with grounding, external installation, IP65, rubber |Piece | | | |

| |casing, weatherproof | | | | |

|1.97 |Electric switches, internal installation, one button |Piece | | | |

|1.98 |Electric switches, internal installation, two buttons |Piece | | | |

|1.99 |Electric switches, external installation, one button |Piece | | | |

|1.100 |Electric switches, external installation, two buttons |Piece | | | |

|1.101 |Electric switches, external installation, two buttons, IP65 |Piece | | | |

|1.102 |Electric Junction boxes, plastic, 100 x 100mm |Piece | | | |

|1.103 |Electric Junction boxes, metal, 100 x 100mm, IP65 |Piece | | | |

|1.104 |Electric Cable channel 20x20mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.105 |Electric Cable channel 40x40mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.106 |Electric Cable channel 60x40mm |Lin.m | | | |

|1.107 |Corners, ending, "T" connectors for cable channels |Piece | | | |

|1.108 |Circuit Breaker, Electric: 1 pole (Phase) x 40 Amps for DIN rail |Piece | | | |

| |mounting, ES/BS standard | | | | |


|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |

|Item N° |Specifications Required |Measuring Unit |Specifications Offered |Notes, remarks, |Evaluation Committee’s notes |

| | | | |ref to documentation | |

|2.2 |LIGHT BULB, 40 Watt, Standard Edison bulb, Socket E14, 230V |Piece | | | |

|2.3 |LIGHT BULB CFL, 20 Watt, Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL(Energy saving |Piece | | | |

| |bulb), Socket E27, 230V, Light color: Day light, Philips Tornado – or | | | | |

| |equivalent | | | | |

|2.4 |LIGHT BULB CFL, 12 Watt, Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL(Energy saving |Piece | | | |

| |bulb), Socket E14, 230V, Light color: Day light, Philips Tornado – or | | | | |

| |equivalent | | | | |

|2.5 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 18 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 60cm, 230V, Light color: |Piece | | | |

| |Day light, Osram Lumilux – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.6 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 36 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 120cm, 230V, Light color: |Piece | | | |

| |Day light, Osram Lumilux – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.7 |FLUORESCENT TUBE 58 Watt, Fluorescent Tube, 150cm, 230V, Light color: |Piece | | | |

| |Day light, Osram Lumilux – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.8 |FLUORESCENT TUBE STARTER S2, For 60cm fluorescent tubes, Philips S2E – |Piece | | | |

| |or equivalent | | | | |

|2.9 |FLUORESCENT TUBE STARTER S10, For 120 - 150cm fluorescent tubes, |Piece | | | |

| |Philips S10E – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.10 |BALLAST, Circuit board, 36 to 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 25 mm,|Piece | | | |

| |width under 40 mm, length under 180 mm (FOR 1.2m to 1.5m FLUORESCENT | | | | |

| |BULBS). | | | | |

|2.11 |BALLAST, 36 to 40 WATT, Circuit board, dimensions - height under 20mm, |Piece | | | |

| |width under 24mm, length under 220 mm (FOR 1.2m FLUORESCENT BULBS). | | | | |

|2.12 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 150 Watt, Double-ended RX7s, Light Color: Cool |Piece | | | |

| |White, Philips MasterColour 150 CDM-TD – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.13 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 150 Watt, Socket E40, Light Color: Cool White, |Piece | | | |

| |Philips Master City White 150 CDO-TT Plus – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.14 |BULB, HID, 250 Watt, HID, High Pressure Sodium, Socket E40, Light |Piece | | | |

| |Color: Daylight, Philips Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium – or equivalent| | | | |

|2.15 |BULB, HALOGEN, 1000 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips |Piece | | | |

| |Double Ended Linear 1000W 240V T3 CL – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.16 |BULB, HALOGEN, 500 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double|Piece | | | |

| |Ended Linear 500W 240V T3 CL – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.17 |BULB, HALOGEN, 300 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double|Piece | | | |

| |Ended Linear 300W 240V T3 CL – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.18 |BULB, HALOGEN, 150 Watt, Double-ended linear, Socket T3, Philips Double|Piece | | | |

| |Ended Linear 150W 240V T3 CL – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.19 |BALLAST E40/645, 250 Watt, Socket E40, for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|2.20 |BALLAST E40/645, 400 Watt, Socket E40, for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|2.21 |BALLAST TD150, 150W, 150 Watt, TD150 RX7s for MHL bulbs, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|2.22 |BALLAST, 250 Watt, for HID High Pressure Sodium bulbs, Socket E40, EU |Piece | | | |

| |standard | | | | |

|2.23 |IGNITOR, 70 - 400 Watt, for gas discharge bulbs, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|2.24 |CEILING OFFICE LIGHT UNIT, “Armstrong” or equivalent, 4 x 60cm |Piece | | | |

| |fluorescent bulbs, Non-blinding for office use, Ceiling surface | | | | |

| |mounted, Set with all bulbs and throttles, EU standard | | | | |

|2.25 |BALLAST, Transformer, 36 to 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 35mm, |Piece | | | |

| |width under 42mm, length under 155mm (FOR 0.6m, 1.2 & 1.5M FLUORESCENT | | | | |

| |BULBS). | | | | |



|2.27 |LIGHT, LED, Battery-Operated, Stick-On/Tap type, Fulcrum 30010-301 or |Piece | | | |

| |equivalent. | | | | |

|2.28 |COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMP (ENERGY SAVING) 60-75 Watt, E27, large street |Piece | | | |

| |lamp type, no less than 4,300 lumin, DAYLIGHT WHITE. | | | | |

|2.29 |BULB, METAL HALIDE, 400 Watt, Socket E40, for Floodlight, Light Color: |Piece | | | |

| |Cool White, Philips Master City White 400 CDO-TT Plus – or equivalent | | | | |

|2.30 |BALLAST, circuit board, 2 x 40 WATT, dimensions - height under 22mm, |Piece | | | |

| |width under 40mm, length under 180mm (FOR 0.6M Armstrong FLUORESCENT | | | | |

| |BULBS). | | | | |

|2.31 |BULB, Fluorescent tube, 6 Watt, T5, length 226mm, dia. 16mm, for |Piece | | | |

| |Emergency Exit signs, Cool white colour | | | | |

|2.32 |IGNITOR, 35 - 400 Watt, for gas discharge/high pressure Sodium bulbs, |Piece | | | |

| |height under 25mm, width under 40mm, length under 100mm, EU standard | | | | |


|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |

|Item N° |Specifications Required |Measuring Unit |Specifications Offered |Notes, remarks, |Evaluation Committee’s notes |

| | | | |ref to documentation | |

|3.2 |OIL FILTER, Hengste H300W03 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|3.3 |DIESEL FILTER, FG Wilson 10000-00339 or equivalent / compatible, EU / |Piece | | | |

| |NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.4 |DIESEL FUEL FILTER, Hengste H17WK06 or equivalent / compatible, EU / |Piece | | | |

| |NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.5 |DIESEL FUEL FILTER, Hengste H60WK07 or equivalent / compatible, EU / |Piece | | | |

| |NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.6 |AIR FILTER, Hengste E571L or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS Standard|Piece | | | |

|3.7 |WATER FILTER, Hengste H34WF or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|3.8 |V-RIBBED BELT, Varibelt 8PK1630 or equivalent / compatible, EU / NAS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|3.9 |AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY, 12V, 74Ah, Lead-Acid type, to be delivered dry with|Piece | | | |

| |battery acid in a separate container, EU / NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.10 |AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY, 12V, 100Ah, Lead-Acid type, to be delivered dry |Piece | | | |

| |with battery acid in a separate container, EU / NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.11 |ANTIFREEZE CONCENTRATE, Drive NF Blue concentrate or equivalent, EU / |Litre | | | |

| |NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.12 |DIESEL SYSTEM CLEANER, S5181000, 250 ml or equivalent, EU / NAS |Litre | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|3.13 |DIESEL ENGINE OIL, SAE 15W40, Mobil Delvac MX or Wurth Triathlon |Litre | | | |

| |Universal in 10 or litre original sealed containers or equivalent, EU /| | | | |

| |NAS Standard | | | | |

|3.14 |RADIATOR SEALANT, 300 ml, for sealing hairline crack/leaks, Foerch |Bottle | | | |

| |67507050 or equivalent | | | | |


|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |

|Item N° |Specifications Required |Measuring Unit |Specifications Offered |Notes, remarks, |Evaluation Committee’s notes |

| | | | |ref to documentation | |

|4.2 |WATER PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for water use, Colour: grey, Ø 25 mm, |Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.3 |WATER PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for water use, Colour: grey, Ø 32 mm, |Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.4 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 50 mm, |Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.5 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 75 mm, |Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.6 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 100 mm,|Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.7 |SEWAGE PIPE, PLASTIC, PVC pipe, for sewage use, Colour: grey, Ø 150 mm,|Lin.m | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.8 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.9 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.10 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.11 |STRAIGHT FITTING/MUFF, PLASTIC, for fresh water use, for plastic pipe, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø40 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.12 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø25 to Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.13 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø32 to Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.14 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø32 to Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.15 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø40 to Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.16 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø50 to Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.17 |MALE x FEMALE REDUCER/MUFF plastic, for fresh water use, For plastic |Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø50 to Ø40 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.18 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.19 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.20 |P PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.21 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.22 |P PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.23 |PIPE FITING, MALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø50mm to Ø1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.24 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.25 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.26 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.27 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.28 |PIPE FITING, FEMALE THREAD (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, For |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.29 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |For plastic pipe, Ø20mm to Ø3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.30 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |For plastic pipe, Ø25mm to Ø1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.31 |STRAIGHT FITTING WELDING X UNION (plastic-metal), For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |For plastic pipe, Ø32mm to Ø1 1/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.32 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.33 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.34 |PLASTIC CROSSOVER PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.35 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø20mm, ES/BS|Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.36 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø25mm, ES/BS|Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.37 |PLASTIC REDUCER 90 DEGREE ELBOW (mf), For fresh water use, Ø32mm, ES/BS|Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.38 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø20mm|Piece | | | |

| |x ½’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.39 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm|Piece | | | |

| |x ½’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.40 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø25mm|Piece | | | |

| |x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.41 |PL PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø32mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.42 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø20mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.43 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø25mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.44 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø25mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.45 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE BENT FITTING, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø32mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |


| |fresh water use, Ø20mm x ½’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |


| |fresh water use, Ø20mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.48 |PLASTIC 90 DEGREE ANGLE FITTING, WELDING X UNION, For fresh water use, |Piece | | | |

| |Ø25mm x 1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |


| |CONNECTION, For fresh water use, Ø20mm x 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |


| |CONNECTION, For fresh water use, Ø25mm x 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.51 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø 20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.52 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.53 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø 32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.54 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, T coupling PVC for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe, Ø 40 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.55 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25x20x20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.56 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25x25x20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.57 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25x20x25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.58 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 32x20x32 mm, ES/BS Standard ES/BS | | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.59 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 32x25x32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.60 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – REDUCING TEE, For fresh water use, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 42x32x42 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.61 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 20mm x 1/2’’ x 20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.62 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25mm x 1/2’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.63 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25mm x 3/4’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.64 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE MALE THREAD, For fresh water us, T |Piece | | | |

| |coupling PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 32mm x 1’’ x 32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.65 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T|Piece | | | |

| |coupling , PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 20mm x 1/2’’ x 20 mm, ES/BS Standard| | | | |

|4.66 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T|Piece | | | |

| |coupling , PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25mm x 1/2’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard| | | | |

|4.67 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T|Piece | | | |

| |coupling , PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 25mm x 3/4’’ x 25 mm, ES/BS Standard| | | | |

|4.68 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE – TEE FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, T|Piece | | | |

| |coupling , PVC for plastic pipe, Ø 32mm x 1’’ x 32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.69 |PIPE CUTTING KNIFE 0-40MM DIA, For plastic water piping use, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.70 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.71 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.72 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.73 |END CAP FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.74 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.75 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.76 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.77 |END CAP, METAL, MALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.78 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 20mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.79 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 25mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.80 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 32mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.81 |END CAP, METAL, FEMALE THREAD, For fresh water use, Ø 40mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.82 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 20mm |Piece | | | |

|4.83 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 25mm |Piece | | | |

|4.84 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 32mm |Piece | | | |

|4.85 |RUBBER/SILICONE GASKET, For water piping, Ø 40mm |Piece | | | |

|4.86 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and |Piece | | | |

| |self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/8’’ x 16mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.87 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and |Piece | | | |

| |self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 1/2’’ x 16mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.88 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and |Piece | | | |

| |self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 1/2’’ x 18mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.89 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and |Piece | | | |

| |self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/4’’ x 18mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.90 |STRAIGHT LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, chrome plated and |Piece | | | |

| |self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/4’’ x 22mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.91 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated |Piece | | | |

| |and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/8’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.92 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated |Piece | | | |

| |and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.93 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated |Piece | | | |

| |and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.94 |MANUAL ANGLE VALVE, For heating radiators, screwed ends, chrome plated |Piece | | | |

| |and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø 1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.95 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome |Piece | | | |

| |plated, with iron pipe connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover | | | | |

| |to protect body before assembling, Ø 3/8’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.96 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome |Piece | | | |

| |plated, with iron pipe connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover | | | | |

| |to protect body before assembling, Ø 1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.97 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome |Piece | | | |

| |plated, with iron pipe connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover | | | | |

| |to protect body before assembling, Ø 3/4’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.98 |ANGLE VALVE WITH THERMOSTATIC OPTION, For heating radiators, chrome |Piece | | | |

| |plated, with iron pipe connection, self-sealing tail piece, with cover | | | | |

| |to protect body before assembling, Ø 1’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.99 |ANGLE LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, with plastic coated |Piece | | | |

| |tailpiece, chrome plated, screwed ends and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø | | | | |

| |3/8’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.100 |ANGLE LOCKSHIELD VALVE, For heating radiators, with plastic coated |Piece | | | |

| |tailpiece, chrome plated, screwed ends and self-sealing tail pieces, Ø | | | | |

| |1/2’’, ES/BS Standard | | | | |



|4.103 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 20mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.104 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 25mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.105 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 32mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.106 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 40mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.107 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 50mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.108 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 100mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.109 |PLASTIC PIPE WALL HOLDERS, For plastic water piping, Ø 150mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.110 |HEATING RADIATOR, For heating system installations, aluminium, H = 500 |Segment | | | |

| |mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.111 |HEATING RADIATOR –segment type, For heating system installations, |Segment | | | |

| |aluminium, H = 600 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.112 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, |Piece | | | |

| |aluminium, L = 500 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.113 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, |Piece | | | |

| |aluminium, L = 1000 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.114 |HEATING RADIATOR – panel type, For heating system installations, |Piece | | | |

| |aluminium, L = 1200 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.115 |PLASTIC CORRUGATED PIPE FOR SINK DISCHARGE, For washbowl use, set |Set | | | |

| |should include corrugated piping with connection, metal holed plate for| | | | |

| |sink with bolt and sealing gasket, L = 500 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.116 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.117 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.118 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 90 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.119 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.120 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.121 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.122 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For fresh water use, 45 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø40 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.123 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe , Ø50 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.124 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe , Ø100 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.125 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 90 degree PVC angle for |Piece | | | |

| |plastic pipe , Ø150 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.126 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø 50 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.127 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø 100 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.128 |ANGLE (BEND) FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, 100-120 degree PVC angle|Piece | | | |

| |for plastic pipe, Ø 150 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.129 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic|Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø 50 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.130 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic|Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø 100 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.131 |T COUPLING FOR PLASTIC PIPE, For sewage use, T coupling PVC for plastic|Piece | | | |

| |pipe, Ø 150 mm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.132 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø20 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.133 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø25 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.134 |PLASTIC VALVE ”VENTILE”, Ø32 mm, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.135 |HALF TURN VALVE ”VENTILE”, For toilet use, Metal, Size Ø20mm, ES/BS |Piece | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|4.136 |HALF TURN VALVE ”VENTILE”, For washing machine use, Metal, Size Ø20mm,|Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.137 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X|Piece | | | |

| |20mm, Length 30cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.138 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X|Piece | | | |

| |20mm, Length 60cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.139 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X|Piece | | | |

| |20mm, Length 90cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.140 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure, Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X|Piece | | | |

| |20mm, Length 150cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.141 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure |Piece | | | |

| |Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 15mm, Length 60cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.142 |HOSE, For hot water, high pressure |Piece | | | |

| |Flexible, steel and rubber, Ø20mm X 15mm, Length 150cm, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.143 |TOILET SEAT, Standard size, Colour: White |Piece | | | |

| |Material: Heavy Plastic | | | | |

|4.144 |TOILET UNIT FLUSHING MECHANISM, Side unit, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.145 |TOILET UNIT FLUSHING MECHANISM, Bottom unit, ES/BS Standard |Piece | | | |

|4.146 |TAP, For kitchen use, full set with piping, Metal, For water hot and |Piece | | | |

| |cold use, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.147 |TAP, For toilet use, full set with piping, Metal, For water hot and |Piece | | | |

| |cold use, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.148 |TAP, Metal, full set with piping, For water hot and cold use, Standard |Piece | | | |

| |type for wall installation, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.149 |HOSE FOR SHOWERHEAD, Metal, For water high pressure use, To be attached|Piece | | | |

| |to a showerhead, Length: 1.5 m | | | | |

|4.150 |SEWAGE HOSE FOR TOILET UNIT, Plastic - pipe |Lin.m | | | |

| |Flexible, Ø100mm,ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.151 |SEWAGE HOSE FOR TOILET UNIT, Plastic - pipe |Lin.m | | | |

| |Flexible, Ø150mm,ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.152 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 20mm, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.153 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 25mm, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.154 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 32mm to 32mm, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.155 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 20mm to 25mm, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.156 |PIPE CONNECTION, PVC plastic pipe, For plumbing use, 25mm to 32mm, |Piece | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|4.157 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal female thread, Ø20mm, 20mm to 20mm | | | | |

|4.158 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal male thread, Ø20mm, 20mm to 20mm | | | | |

|4.159 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal female thread, Ø25mm, 25mm to 25mm | | | | |

|4.160 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal male thread, Ø25mm, 25mm to 25mm | | | | |

|4.161 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal female thread, Ø32mm, 32mm to 32mm | | | | |

|4.162 |PVC PIPE ADAPTOR, For fresh water use, Plastic to metal connection, |Piece | | | |

| |Metal male thread, Ø32mm, 32mm to 32mm | | | | |

|4.163 |P.T.F.E. THREAD SEALANT TAPE, For plumbing, gas and air pressure use, |Roll | | | |

| |Size 1 pcs: 10m x 12mm x 0.075mm, Colour: white | | | | |

|4.164 |P.T.F.E. THREAD SEALANT TAPE, For plumbing, gas and air pressure use, |Roll | | | |

| |Size 1 pcs: 10m x 19mm x 0.075mm, Colour: white | | | | |

|4.165 |PLUMBING SILICONE, For plumbing use, Rapid curing, 100% aquarium, |Piece | | | |

| |Adhesion to most porous and non-porous substrates including wood, | | | | |

| |glass, porcelain, tile, concrete or grout, metals, and plastics, Size: | | | | |

| |296-310 mL, To fit in chalk gun / pistol, Colour: transparent/clear | | | | |

|4.166 |TOILET WC UNIT, Floor mounted, 1 set includes the following: |Set | | | |

| |Flushing mechanism (bottom or side unit) | | | | |

| |Water supply pipe 12.7 mm / 9.5 mm (3/8 inch / 1/2 inch) | | | | |

| |Half turn valve 20 mm | | | | |

| |Rubber seals | | | | |

| |Outlet sewage Ø 100 mm (corrugated with rubber seal) | | | | |

| |Capacity 8-12 L, Colour: white , Material: Porcelain | | | | |

|4.167 |TOILET SINK, Colour: white, Material: porcelain, Width: 50-56 cm, |Piece | | | |

| |Depth: 40-45 cm | | | | |

|4.168 |KITCHEN/WASHING SINK, Material: Metal (rust free), Width: 60 cm, Depth:|Piece | | | |

| |40 cm | | | | |

|4.169 |HOSE, Stainless Steel, nylon inside, Flexible cold/hot mixer Faucet |Pair | | | |

| |Water down supply pipe Hose, double seal, longer injection, 1/2'', set | | | | |

| |of 2 | | | | |

|4.170 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 20mm dia (Stainless Steel nylon |Piece | | | |

| |inside Flexible cold/hot mixer Faucet Water down supply pipe Hoses, | | | | |

| |double seal, longer injection, 1/2'', set of ("Amerikanka") | | | | |

|4.171 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 25mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece | | | |

|4.172 |PPR FITTING, female adapter union, 32mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece | | | |

|4.173 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 20mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece | | | |

|4.174 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 25mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece | | | |

|4.175 |PPR FITTING, male adapter union, 32mm dia ("Amerikanka") |Piece | | | |


|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. |

|Item N° |Specifications Required |Measuring Unit |Specifications Offered |Notes, remarks, |Evaluation Committee’s notes |

| | | | |ref to documentation | |

|5.002 |Washed sand - fine fraction, dry, black, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.003 |Washed sand/gravel mix for concrete works, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.004 |Gravel M600-1200,F-5-10mm, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.005 |Gravel M600-1200,F-10-20mm, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.006 |Portland Cement M400, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.007 |Cement M400, 50 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.008 |Gypsum board - for internal works, humidity & fire resistance |Sq.m | | | |

| |”bathroom” type, with hydrophobic additions, color green and/or marine | | | | |

| |blue; 2500 x 1200 x 12.5mm | | | | |

|5.009 |UW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel|Lin.m | | | |

| |50x30x3000mm | | | | |

|5.010 |UW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel|Lin.m | | | |

| |65x30x3000mm | | | | |

|5.011 |CW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel|Lin.m | | | |

| |50x50x3000mm | | | | |

|5.012 |CW vertical profile poles - for gypsum board partition, stainless steel|Lin.m | | | |

| |65x50x3000mm | | | | |

|5.013 |CD horizontal profile poles for ceiling - for gypsum board partition, |Lin.m | | | |

| |stainless steel 60x27x3000mm | | | | |

|5.014 |UD horizontal profile poles for ceiling - for gypsum board partition, |Lin.m | | | |

| |stainless steel 28x18x3000mm | | | | |

|5.015 |Direct hinge for ceiling construction of gypsum board - stainless steel|Lin.m | | | |

| |60x30x125mm | | | | |

|5.016 |Knauf-rotband plaster - or equivalent - gypsum based, for internal wall|Bag | | | |

| |and ceiling plastering, 30 Kg bag | | | | |

|5.017 |Knauf-unterputz plaster - or equivalent - cement based, for external |Bag | | | |

| |façade plastering, 25 Kg bag | | | | |

|5.018 |Knauf-sevener plaster - or equivalent - for filling damaged concrete |Bag | | | |

| |parts and install reinforced layer, 25 Kg bag | | | | |

|5.019 |Knauf HP finish putty - or equivalent - for internal works, 25 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.020 |Knauf Multy finish putty - or equivalent - for internal works, final |Bag | | | |

| |putting, 25 Kg bag | | | | |

|5.021 |Knauf flexkleber glue - or equivalent - glue cement for ceramic tiles, |Bag | | | |

| |high load areas, 25 Kg bag | | | | |

|5.022 |Glue for gypsum aqua-panels - one component, polyurethane, for tiling |Tube | | | |

| |of gypsum boards, minimum 310ml cans, for use in cartridge | | | | |

|5.023 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, |Box | | | |

| |3.5x25mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.024 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, |Box | | | |

| |3.5x35mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.025 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, |Box | | | |

| |3.5x45mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.026 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, |Box | | | |

| |3.5x55mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.027 |Self-tapping screw (TN) - for gypsum boards walls and partition, |Box | | | |

| |3.5x65mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.028 |Self-tapping screw (LN) - for stainless steel profiles, 3.5x9mm, box of|Box | | | |

| |1000 piece | | | | |

|5.029 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 6x35mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.030 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 6x37mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.031 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 6x50mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.032 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 6x70mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.033 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 8x60mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.034 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 8x80mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.035 |Hammer Screw with plastic dowel - for holding construction of gypsum |Box | | | |

| |partitions, 8x100mm, box of 100 piece | | | | |

|5.036 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 11x42mm, box of 100 piece (other |Box | | | |

| |similar sizes OK) | | | | |

|5.037 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 13x48mm, box of 100 piece (other |Box | | | |

| |similar sizes OK) | | | | |

|5.038 |Steel dowel - for concrete walls, 13x51mm, box of 100 piece (other |Box | | | |

| |similar sizes OK) | | | | |

|5.039 |Plastic dowel - universal, for concrete and brick walls, 6x27mm, box of|Box | | | |

| |100 piece | | | | |

|5.040 |Reinforcement rolls - for gypsum board plates connection, self-gluing, |Roll | | | |

| |50mm wide, 150 m length | | | | |

|5.041 |Mineral Glass wool rolls - acoustic insulation partition, 7500x10x50mm |Roll | | | |

|5.042 |Mineral Glass wool rolls Nobasil LSP - or equivalent - thermal |Roll | | | |

| |insulation, with one side foil, 1000x1000x100mm | | | | |

|5.043 |Saw for gypsum boards cutting |Piece | | | |

|5.044 |Floor Tiles non slip - for internal use, ceramic, 400 x 400 mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.045 |Wall tiles - ceramic |Sq.m | | | |

|5.046 |Plastic suspended ceiling - plastic, white, 6000 mm length strips |Sq.m | | | |

|5.047 |Self leveling floor, 25 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.048 |Wall paper - reihausen type - or equivalent, white, 500 x 10000mm |Roll | | | |

|5.049 |Glue for wall paper (granule) - 250 mg box |Box | | | |

|5.050 |Steel quadrant section bars - 20x20mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm |Piece | | | |

| |long | | | | |

|5.051 |Steel quadrant section bars - 20x40mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm |Piece | | | |

| |long | | | | |

|5.052 |Steel quadrant section bars - 40x40mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm |Piece | | | |

| |long | | | | |

|5.053 |Steel quadrant section bars - 60x60mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm |Piece | | | |

| |long | | | | |

|5.054 |Steel quadrant section bars - 80x80mm, 2.5 mm wall thickness, 6000mm |Piece | | | |

| |long | | | | |

|5.055 |Steel angle - 20 x 20 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.056 |Steel angle - 30 x 30 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.057 |Steel angle - 40 x 40 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.058 |Steel angle - 45 x 45 x 3 mm, 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.059 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 6mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.060 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 8mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.061 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 10mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.062 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 12mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.063 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 14mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.064 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 16mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.065 |Reinforcement bars - class A-I ø 18mm x 6000 mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.066 |Tying wire for reinforcement mesh ø 1 - 1.6 mm |Kg | | | |

|5.067 |Tying wire for reinforcement mesh ø 3- 5 mm |Kg | | | |

|5.068 |Double-T (I) steel beam #10 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.069 |Double-T (I) steel beam #12 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.070 |Double-T (I) steel beam #14 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.071 |Double-T (I) steel beam #16 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.072 |Double-T (I) steel beam #18 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.073 |Double-T (I) steel beam #20 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.074 |Double-T (I) steel beam #22 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.075 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.35 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece | | | |

|5.076 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.40 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece | | | |

|5.077 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.45 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece | | | |

|5.078 |Galvanized roofing steel sheet 0.50 cm THK ( 2 x 0.9 m) |Piece | | | |

|5.079 |Ridge board for galvanized steel roofs |Lin.m | | | |

|5.080 |plastic mesh 1,5X1,5cm cell |Sq.m | | | |

|5.081 |steel mesh 10X10cm cell |Sq.m | | | |

|5.082 |steel mesh 20X20cm cell |Sq.m | | | |

|5.083 |steel door (building standard size of 900 x 2200 x 50 mm) |Piece | | | |

|5.084 |steel door (fence) |Sq.m | | | |

|5.085 |Wooden boards 200 x 5000 x 30 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.086 |Wooden boards 200 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.087 |Wooden boards 300 x 5000 x 30 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.088 |Wooden boards 300 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.089 |Wooden boards 40 x 5000 x 40 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.090 |Wooden boards 50 x 5000 x 50 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.091 |Wooden boards 60 x 5000 x 60 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.092 |Wooden window one wing, set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.093 |Wooden window two wing, set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.094 |Wooden door 900x2200mm, blind, one wing, with set of lock |Piece | | | |

|5.095 |Wooden door 900x2200mm, glassed, one wing, with set of lock |Piece | | | |

|5.096 |Wooden door , blind, two wings, with set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.097 |Wooden door , glassed, two wings, with set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.098 |Wooden angle 20x20mm |Lin.m | | | |

|5.099 |Wooden angle 30x30mm |Lin.m | | | |

|5.100 |Wooden angle 40x40mm |Lin.m | | | |

|5.101 |Wooden plinth 50mm |Lin.m | | | |

|5.102 |Wooden plinth 70mm |Lin.m | | | |

|5.103 |Wooden parquet, dry, oak |Sq.m | | | |

|5.104 |Plywood 1520x1520x4mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.105 |Plywood 1520x1520x6mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.106 |Plywood 1520x1520x8mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.107 |Plywood 1520x1520x10mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.108 |Plywood 1520x1520x12mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.109 |Plywood 1520x1520x14mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.110 |Plywood 1520x1520x16mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.111 |Plywood 1520x1520x18mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.112 |Plywood 1520x1520x20mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.113 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 1 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.114 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 2 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.115 |Non slip steel plate, raised pattern, 1000 x 2000 x 3 mm |Piece | | | |

|5.116 |Paint, water emulsion, for internal use, antistatic, EU standard, 15 lt|Tin | | | |

| |cans, white | | | | |

|5.117 |Paint, water emulsion, for internal use, antistatic, EU standard, 15 lt|Tin | | | |

| |cans, coloured | | | | |

|5.118 |Paint, anticorrosion, high wear, dark red color, EU standard, 1 liter |Tin | | | |

| |tins | | | | |

|5.119 |Paint, anticorrosion, high wear, dark blue color, EU standard, 1 liter |Tin | | | |

| |tins | | | | |

|5.120 |Nails. Narrow head, for laminate plinth |Kg | | | |

|5.121 |Nails, for wood 20mm |Kg | | | |

|5.122 |Nails, for wood 40mm |Kg | | | |

|5.123 |Nails, for wood 50mm |Kg | | | |

|5.124 |Nails, for wood 60mm |Kg | | | |

|5.125 |Nails, for wood 70mm |Kg | | | |

|5.126 |Nails, for wood 80mm |Kg | | | |

|5.127 |Nails, for wood 100mm |Kg | | | |

|5.128 |Nails for concrete with washer 40mm |Kg | | | |

|5.129 |Nails for concrete with washer 50mm |Kg | | | |

|5.130 |Nails for concrete with washer 60mm |Kg | | | |

|5.131 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 15mm | | | | |

|5.132 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 20mm | | | | |

|5.133 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 25mm | | | | |

|5.134 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 32mm | | | | |

|5.135 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 40mm | | | | |

|5.136 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 50mm | | | | |

|5.137 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 80mm | | | | |

|5.138 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 100mm | | | | |

|5.139 |Stainless steel collars (hose clamp) with Phillips thread screws, for |Piece | | | |

| |rubber hoses 120mm | | | | |

|5.140 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 30mm, box of 100 piece|Box | | | |

|5.141 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 50mm, box of 100 piece|Box | | | |

|5.142 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M8 head x 70mm, box of 100 piece|Box | | | |

| |Box | | | | |

|5.143 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M10 head x 50mm, box of 100 |Box | | | |

| |piece | | | | |

|5.144 |Self-Tapping screw for roofing sheets, M10 head x 70mm, box of 100 |Box | | | |

| |piece | | | | |

|5.145 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 16mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.146 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 18mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.147 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 3.5 x 25mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.148 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 30mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.149 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 35mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.150 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 40mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.151 |Screws for wood, Philips head, 4 x 50mm, box of 500 piece |Box | | | |

|5.152 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 25-40Kg, silver color |Piece | | | |

|5.153 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 40-65Kg, silver color |Piece | | | |

|5.154 |Automatic door closer, W900mm, weight up 60-85Kg, silver color |Piece | | | |

|5.155 |Automatic door closer, W1250mm, weight up 80-100Kg, silver color |Piece | | | |

|5.156 |Automatic door closer, W1450mm, weight up 80-100Kg, silver color |Piece | | | |

|5.157 |Glue, 2 component spray & glue, professional, rapid adhesive for MDF, |Set | | | |

| |plastic surfaces etc | | | | |

|5.158 |PVA glue or equivalent, 5 lt cans |Can | | | |

|5.159 |Bison glue or equivalent, 1 lt cans |Can | | | |

|5.160 |Glue 88 "shoe glue" or equivalent, 0.5 lt bottles |Bottle | | | |

|5.161 |Electric Insulation tape, strong adhesive |Roll | | | |

|5.162 |window/door sealing rubber weather strips, self-adhesive, roll of 100m |Roll | | | |

|5.163 |Clay bricks, red 130 x 130 x 250mm |Piece | | | |

|5.164 |Silicate brick, white 150 x 150 x 300mm |Piece | | | |

|5.165 |Concrete block, 200 x 200 x 400mm |Piece | | | |

|5.166 |Concrete block, 200 x 100 x 400mm |Piece | | | |

|5.167 |Concrete road sides, curb, 300x150x50mm |Piece | | | |

|5.168 |Decorative flooring stones 480x320x60mm |Piece | | | |

|5.169 |concrete stair L-1000mm |Piece | | | |

|5.170 |concrete stair L-1400mm |Piece | | | |

|5.171 |Decorative brick type covering for walls 250x125x22mm |Piece | | | |

|5.172 |Concrete channel for drain water 300x150x30mm |Piece | | | |

|5.173 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=1000mm dia=700mm |Piece | | | |

|5.174 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=1000mm dia=1000mm |Piece | | | |

|5.175 |concrete rings for sewage pit covering h=2000mm dia=1500mm |Piece | | | |

|5.176 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 700 |Piece | | | |

|5.177 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 1000 |Piece | | | |

|5.178 |Concrete ring cover for sewage pits with pig iron cover dia 1500 |Piece | | | |

|5.179 |Gypsum powder, construction, 25 Kg bag |Bag | | | |

|5.180 |Bitumen insulation rolls for roofing w1000mm,L15000mm |Roll | | | |

|5.181 |Linokrome or equivalent -aluminium reinforced layer for insulation of |Roll | | | |

| |flat roofs W1000mm, L10000mm | | | | |

|5.182 |ready mixed concrete M100 with delivery |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.183 |ready mixed concrete M200 with delivery |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.184 |ready mixed concrete M300 with delivery |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.185 |ready mixed concrete M400 with delivery |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.186 |Asphalt-middle fraction with delivery |Ton | | | |

|5.187 |Asphalt-fine fraction with delivery |Ton | | | |

|5.188 |Foam plastic cornice, decorative corner piece |Lin.m | | | |

|5.189 |Linoleum with wool bedding |Sq.m | | | |

|5.190 |linoleum without bedding |Sq.m | | | |

|5.191 |Linoleum plate 250 x 250mm |Sq.m | | | |

|5.192 |Sand paper #60 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.193 |Sand paper #80 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.194 |Sand paper #100 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.195 |Sand paper #120 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.196 |Glass for windows 3mm thick |Sq.m | | | |

|5.197 |Glass for windows 4mm thick |Sq.m | | | |

|5.198 |Glass for windows 5mm thick |Sq.m | | | |

|5.199 |Glass for windows 6mm thick |Sq.m | | | |

|5.200 |Glass for windows 8mm thick |Sq.m | | | |

|5.201 |Mirror with fine edges |Sq.m | | | |

|5.202 |PVC window - one wing, blind, with double glass package |Sq.m | | | |

|5.203 |PVC window - two wing, one blind, one open able (spawning, open), with |Sq.m | | | |

| |double glass package | | | | |

|5.204 |PVC window - two wing, both wings open able, with double glass package |Sq.m | | | |

|5.205 |PVC door - one wing, blind, with set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.206 |PVC door - one wing, with double glass package, with set of lock |Sq.m | | | |

|5.207 |PVC partition - blind, plastic filling |Sq.m | | | |

|5.208 |PVC partition - blind, aluminium,-foam sandwich filling |Sq.m | | | |

|5.209 |Electric Water heater tank, 50lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half|Piece | | | |

| |turn valves | | | | |

|5.210 |Electric Water heater tank, 80lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half|Piece | | | |

| |turn valves | | | | |

|5.211 |Electric Water heater tank 100lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half|Piece | | | |

| |turn valves | | | | |

|5.212 |Electric Water heater tank 150lt, wall mounting, set of piping and half|Piece | | | |

| |turn valves | | | | |

|5.213 |Electric Ventilators for bathrooms, 100mm dia |Piece | | | |

|5.214 |Electric Ventilators for bathrooms, 150mm dia |Piece | | | |

|5.215 |welding electrodes 2mm, box of 100 piece |Box | | | |

|5.216 |welding electrodes 3mm, box of 100 piece |Box | | | |

|5.217 |welding electrodes 4mm, box of 100 piece |Box | | | |

|5.218 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E14 thread, plastic |Piece | | | |

|5.219 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E27 thread, plastic |Piece | | | |

|5.220 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E14 thread, Ceramic |Piece | | | |

|5.221 |Holder cartridge chuck for bulbs with E27 thread, Ceramic |Piece | | | |

|5.222 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, small, with handle |Piece | | | |

|5.223 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, big, with handle |Piece | | | |

|5.224 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, small |Piece | | | |

|5.225 |Paint rollers, cylindrical, pile fabric, big |Piece | | | |

|5.226 |Basin for paint roller, plastic |Piece | | | |

|5.227 |Shovel for concrete mortar works |Piece | | | |

|5.228 |Spade for ground works |Piece | | | |

|5.229 |Hinges for steel door, small (pair) |Piece | | | |

|5.230 |Hinges for steel door, medium (pair) |Piece | | | |

|5.231 |Hinges for steel door, big, heavy doors (pair) |Piece | | | |

|5.232 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water |Sq.m | | | |

| |resistance, approximately 4000 x 4000 mm | | | | |

|5.233 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water |Sq.m | | | |

| |resistance, approximately 6000 x 6000 mm | | | | |

|5.234 |Tarpaulin - Waterproof, polypropylene plastic, UV resistance, water |Sq.m | | | |

| |resistance, approximately 4000 x 6000 mm | | | | |

|5.235 |Roofing sheets, Zinc Galvanised- 2,000mm x 1,000mm x 2mm |Piece | | | |

|5.236 |Chimney Piping, Stainless Steel 110mm dia |Lin.m | | | |

|5.237 |Door Cylinder lock - 5 key, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|5.238 |Heavy duty padlock - 5 key, EU standard |Piece | | | |

|5.239 |Electrical Extension Chord - 5 meters, 5 sockets, including circuit |Piece | | | |

| |breaker/surge protection, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.240 |Electrical Extension Reel - 4 socket, 50 m long, 2.5mm2 copper wiring |Piece | | | |

|5.241 |Nut – Mild Steel, M6 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.242 |Nut – Mild Steel, M8 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.243 |Nut – Mild Steel, M10 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.244 |Nut – Mild Steel, M12 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.245 |Nut – Mild Steel, M13 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.246 |Nut – Mild Steel, M14 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.247 |Nut – Mild Steel, M15 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.248 |Nut – Mild Steel, M16 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.249 |Nut – Mild Steel, M17 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.250 |Nut – Mild Steel, M18 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.251 |Nut – Mild Steel, M19 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.252 |Nut – Mild Steel, M20 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.253 |Washer- Mild Steel, M6 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.254 |Washer- Mild Steel, M8 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.255 |Washer- Mild Steel, M10 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.256 |Washer- Mild Steel, M12 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.257 |Washer- Mild Steel, M13 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.258 |Washer- Mild Steel, M14 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.259 |Washer- Mild Steel, M15 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.260 |Washer- Mild Steel, M16 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.261 |Washer- Mild Steel, M17 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.262 |Washer- Mild Steel, M18 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.263 |Washer- Mild Steel, M19 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.264 |Washer- Mild Steel, M20 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.265 |Washer- Mild steel, bigger diameter |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.266 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M6 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.267 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M8 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.268 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M10 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.269 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M12 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.270 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M13 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.271 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M14 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.272 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M15 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.273 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M16 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.274 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M17 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.275 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M18 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.276 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M19 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.277 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M20 hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.278 |Bolt, Mild steel, bigger size hexagonal head |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.279 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M6 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.280 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M8 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.281 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M10 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.282 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M12 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.283 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M13 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.284 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M14 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.285 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M15 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.286 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M16 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.287 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M17 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.288 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M18 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.289 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M19 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.290 |Bolt, Mild Steel, M20 round head (raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.291 |Bolt, Mild Steel, bigger size round head ((raised) |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.292 |Transparent Roofing Sheets, PU, Carbulux or equivalent |Sq.m | | | |

|5.293 |Paint, oil based, dark blue: Paint, oil, dark blue, 1 litre tins, |Liters | | | |

| |ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.294 |Paint, oil based, white: Paint, oil, 1 litre tins, ES/BS standard |Tin | | | |

|5.295 |Paint, oil based, black: Paint, oil, 1 litre tins, ES/BS standard |Tin | | | |

|5.296 |Hack Saw Blades: 300mm, 20 x 24Tpi Bi-Metal heavy duty blades, ES/BS |Packet | | | |

| |standard, packet ten (10) | | | | |

|5.297 |Solvent: “White Spirit” for oil paint brush cleaning, |Liters | | | |

|5.298 |Penetration/multi purpose oil, lubricant, WD40 or equivalent: Spray |Can | | | |

| |can, 450 ml, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.299 |Silicone lubricant, Spray can, minimum 450 ml, ES/BS standard |Can | | | |

|5.300 |Emery cloth: Abrasive cloth, re-usable “sandpaper” for use on metal and|Meter | | | |

| |with water, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.301 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 1 inch width |Piece | | | |

|5.302 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 2 inch width |Piece | | | |

|5.303 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 4 inch width |Piece | | | |

|5.304 |Paint brush, natural fiber, white, 6 inch width |Piece | | | |

|5.305 |Clothes hook: For screwing/attaching on doors, with 3 hook |Piece | | | |

|5.306 |Broom handles, wood |Piece | | | |

|5.307 |Emery cloth: Abrasive cloth, re-usable “sandpaper” for use on metal and|Lin m | | | |

| |with water, 20m roll, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.308 |Water filter, mechanical fibre, polypropylene, Atlas FA 10 R SX 5 mcr |Piece | | | |

| |or equivalent, 5 Micron minimum filtration, 250mm x 56mm dia, 28mm dia.| | | | |

| |bore. | | | | |

|5.309 |Door handles and lock set: Mortise type, with deadlock, Brass “gold” |Set | | | |

| |color with 3 x key per set, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.310 |Screws with nylon anchor plug: 10mm x 50mm (3.5-5mm) anchor plugs with |Box | | | |

| |Pz3 or similar with Ø 5 × 50mm Countersunk screws, ES/BS standard, box | | | | |

| |100 | | | | |

|5.311 |Gypsum screws: Drywall screws Size Ø 3.5 X 25 mm, black, ES/BS |Box | | | |

| |standard, box 1,000 | | | | |

|5.312 |Gypsum screws: Drywall screws Size Ø 3.5 X 50 mm, black, ES/BS |Box | | | |

| |standard, box 1,000 | | | | |

|5.313 |Gypsum Anchor: Hollow wall (Gypsum) anchor Ø M5 x 70mm Long, |Box | | | |

| |corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, box 500 | | | | |

|5.314 |Sealant, rubber, adhesive, brown, double layer for doors |Roll | | | |

| |(“Uplatnitseli”), 50 lin m/roll | | | | |

|5.315 |Glue, rapid “superglue” type, 1 second bionding, Foerch K131 or |Piece | | | |

| |equivalent | | | | |

|5.316 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 3mm, ES/BS |Set | | | |

| |Standard, Set 1,000 | | | | |

|5.317 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Size 10mm long by diameter 4mm, ES/BS Standard,|Set | | | |

| |Set 1,000 | | | | |

|5.318 |Hand Rivets, aluminium: Size 10mm long by diameter 5mm, ES/BS Standard,|Set | | | |

| |Set 1,000 | | | | |

|5.319 |Hand Rivets, steel: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 3mm, ES/BS Standard, |Set | | | |

| |Set 1,000 | | | | |

|5.320 |Hand Rivets, steel: Sizes 10mm long by diameter 4mm, ES/BS Standard, |Set | | | |

| |Set 1,000 | | | | |

|5.321 |Coach (Furniture) bolt: Fastenings, M6 x 30mm long , including 2 |Box | | | |

| |washers and one M6 nut per bolt, ES/BS standard, Box 100 | | | | |

|5.322 |Concrete Anchor: Concrete Sleeve/Wedge Anchors, Ø 10mm x 100mm, M8, |Box | | | |

| |corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, box 100 | | | | |

|5.323 |Concrete Anchor: Concrete Sleeve/Wedge Anchors, Ø 12mm x 60mm, M10, |Box | | | |

| |corrosion resistant, ES/BS standard, box 100 | | | | |

|5.324 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, |Pack | | | |

| |wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 40, | | | | |

| |Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | | | | |

|5.325 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, |Pack | | | |

| |wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 60, | | | | |

| |Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | | | | |

|5.326 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal,|Pack | | | |

| |wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 80, | | | | |

| |Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | | | | |

|5.327 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal, |Pack | | | |

| |wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 100,| | | | |

| |Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | | | | |

|5.328 |Abrasive cloth, Standard quality for portable belt sanders, for metal,|Pack | | | |

| |wood, paint and varnish, Width: 75.00 mm, Length: 533.00 mm, Grit: 120,| | | | |

| |Belt joint: F5. 10 Piece pack | | | | |

|5.329 |Shrink Tube Set: Shrink Tubing set, 5 sizes, 1 meter per size, ES/BS |Set | | | |

| |standard | | | | |

|5.330 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece | | | |

|5.331 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece | | | |

|5.332 |Abrasive mop disc |Piece | | | |

|5.333 |Diamond cutting blade, for working of different construction materials|Piece | | | |

| |and hard stone. Diameter: 230.00 mm, Bore: 22.23 mm, Max. operating | | | | |

| |speed: 80 m/s, Max. RPM: 6,600.00 rpm, Machines: Angle grinder, Segment| | | | |

| |Number: 18, Segment Width: 2.40, Segment Height: 9.00, Size in mm: | | | | |

| |230X22.23 | | | | |

|5.334 |Padlock: small, laminated, security, 40-60 mm, 3 keys |Piece | | | |

|5.335 |Padlock: medium, laminated, security, 60-100 mm, 3 keys |Piece | | | |

|5.336 |Silicone: tube, 310 ml, universal, white, water resistant, mold |Piece | | | |

| |resistant, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.337 |Silicone, high temp, gasket: tube, 310 ml, resistant to 2,000 deg C, |Piece | | | |

| |water, oil and mold resistant, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.338 |Grease, multipurpose, Bechem Berulub FB 38, BAR 1700 or equivalent, |Tube | | | |

| |Tube | | | | |

|5.339 |Solder Wire, electronic, Halogen free flux, dia. 0.8mm, 250 g, lead |Piece | | | |

| |free | | | | |

|5.340 |Solder Wire, electronic, Halogen free flux, dia. 0.8mm, 250 g, |Piece | | | |

| |including lead | | | | |

|5.341 |Tape, Aluminium foil: Adhesive acrylic, 48mm x 25 meters, thickness |Piece | | | |

| |0.03mm, tensile strength 14.8 N/10mm, elongation 3%, adhesion to steel | | | | |

| |8 N/10mm, temperature resistant 120 degrees Centigrade, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.342 |Electric Plastic Glue gun sticks: plastic rod, 500 gram pack, dia 11mm |Pack | | | |

| |x 200mm, Bosch PN 1609201396-710 or equivalent | | | | |

|5.343 |Tape, Duct: Adhesive hotmelt, cloth 29 mesh, grey or black colour, 48mm|Piece | | | |

| |x 50 meters, thickness 0.165mm, tensile strength 35 N/10mm, elongation | | | | |

| |25%, adhesion to steel 2.6 N/10mm, temperature resistant 45 degrees | | | | |

| |Centigrade, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.344 |Tape, Duct: UV Resistant, 3M Performance Plus 8979 or equivalent |Piece | | | |

|5.345 |Tape, Parcel/Packing: Adhesive acrylic, brown colour, 65mm x 50 |Piece | | | |

| |meters, PP film, thickness 0.042mm, tensile strength 32 N/10mm, | | | | |

| |elongation 110%, adhesion to steel 3.2 N/10mm, temperature resistant 60| | | | |

| |degrees Centigrade, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.346 |Cutting disc: Steel cutting, Ø150 x 2.5 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin|Piece | | | |

| |bonded and fibreglass reinforced, maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS | | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|5.347 |Cutting disc: Steel cutting, Ø230 x 2.5 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin|Piece | | | |

| |bonded and fiberglass reinforced, maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS | | | | |

| |Standard | | | | |

|5.348 |Grinding disc: Steel grinding, Ø150 x 6 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, resin|Piece | | | |

| |bonded and fiberglass reinforced, maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, ES/BS | | | | |

| |Standard11 | | | | |

|5.349 |Grinding di145sc: Steel grinding, Ø230 x 6 x 22mm, Aluminium Oxide, |Piece | | | |

| |resin bonded and fiberglass reinforced, maximum rpm 10,200, 80 m/s, | | | | |

| |ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.350 |Drill Bit set for steel: Cobolt HSSE, Steel Drilling bit set, 16 |Box | | | |

| |pieces from 1.5mm to 13mm, maintenance, heavy duty, self-starting, | | | | |

| |straight shank, including box or protective folder, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.351 |Mitre Disc Saw Blade: 6700 rpm, Blade Dia 216 mm, bore 30mm, 24 tooth |Piece | | | |

| |Tungsten Carbide tipped blade. | | | | |

|5.352 |Bench Grinder wheel, aluminium Oxide: dia. 200mm x 25mm x 15.9mm |Piece | | | |

|5.353 |Reciprocating saw blades, DEWALT DW4892 12-Piece Reciprocating Saw |Set | | | |

| |Blade Set with Case or equivalent | | | | |

|5.354 |JIG SAW BLADE, Material suitability: Hard wood, Soft wood, Chipboards, |Piece | | | |

| |Wood-core plywood, Fiber boards, Plastics, 3-30 mm, For clean cuts: | | | | |

| |Clearance angle ground, Teeth ground; Material: HCS, usable length | | | | |

| |74mm, Tooth pitch 2.4mm | | | | |

|5.355 |JIG SAW BLADE, Material suitability: Hard wood, Soft wood, Chipboards, |Piece | | | |

| |Wood-core plywood 4-60 mm, Fiber boards 4-60 mm, For clean cuts: | | | | |

| |Clearance angle ground, Teeth ground; Material: HCS, Usable length | | | | |

| |91mm, Tooth pitch 3.0mm | | | | |

|5.356 |JIG SAW BLADE, Metal & Plastic Cutting Jigsaw Blade, 50mm long with |Piece | | | |

| |1.2mm pitch, HSS wavy set teeth. Cuts up to 4mm in mild steel, | | | | |

| |non-ferrous metals and aluminium alloys, acrylic glass, insulation | | | | |

| |material, fabric laminates and linoleum.  | | | | |

|5.357 |JIG SAW BLADE, to cut softwood 4-50mm, chipboard, wood core plywood, |Piece | | | |

| |fiber boards. Quick cut. Specifications: Bayonet fitting For cutting | | | | |

| |softwood 4-50mm, chipboard, wood core plywood, fiber boards.  | | | | |

|5.358 |JIG SAW BLADE, BIM Tooth design - Ground teeth and taper ground Total |Piece | | | |

| |length 83mm, Tooth spacing 1.7mm, for cutting Laminates 1.5-15mm, | | | | |

| |Laminated boards 1.5-15mm, Multiplex boards 1.5-15mm | | | | |

|5.359 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body, size Ø6x 260mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.360 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 8x 260mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.361 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 10x 400mm: ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.362 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 12 x 450mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.363 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 14 x 450mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.364 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 16 x 600mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.365 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 18 x 450mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.366 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 20 x 450mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.367 |SDS Plus Drill bits: Extreme 2 SDS Plus with optimized flute, |Piece | | | |

| |hardened body size Ø 22 x 450mm ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.368 |Drill Bit Set, Brad point for wood, Dewalt DW1720 set or equivalent |Set | | | |

|5.369 |Welding Rod/Electrodes: steel, moisture proof, all purpose, |Box | | | |

| |maintenance, Tensile Strength/Hardness: Up to 80000 PSI-150BH, diameter| | | | |

| |4mmxlength 350mm, 100 per box, ES/BS Standard | | | | |

|5.370 |Brad Nail: J:12mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.371 |Brad Nail: J: 15 mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.372 |Staples: G:8 mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.373 |Staples: G:10 mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.374 |Staples: G:12 mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.375 |Staples: G:14 mm, box 1,000 |Box | | | |

|5.376 |Knife – Utility, automatic retractable knife with a lightweight body |Piece | | | |

| |and a trapezoid blade. Spring-loaded blade retraction system, Stanley | | | | |

| |or equivalent. | | | | |

|5.377 |Utility knife blades, Stanley replacement utility blades or equivalent.|Box | | | |

|5.378 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 4x4mm |Piece | | | |

|5.379 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 6x6mm |Piece | | | |

|5.380 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 8x8mm |Piece | | | |

|5.381 |Smoothing trowel, toothed, 10x10mm |Piece | | | |

|5.382 |Smoothing trowel 130x280mm |Piece | | | |

|5.383 |Painter's scraper 30mm |Piece | | | |

|5.384 |Painter's scraper 40mm |Piece | | | |

|5.385 |Painter's scraper 50mm |Piece | | | |

|5.386 |Painter's scraper 60mm |Piece | | | |

|5.387 |Painter's scraper 80mm |Piece | | | |

|5.388 |Painter's scraper 100mm |Piece | | | |

|5.389 |SDS Plus Chisel Bit: Toughened steel and micro-processor controlled |Piece | | | |

| |heat treatment, 250mm, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.390 |Diamond drill bit PH3x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.391 |SDS Plus Chisel Bit: Toughened steel and micro-processor controlled |Piece | | | |

| |heat treatment, 250mm, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.392 |SDS Plus Pointed Chisel: Toughened steel and micro-processor |Piece | | | |

| |controlled heat treatment, dia 20 x 250mm, ES/BS standard | | | | |

|5.393 |Diamond drill bit PH1x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.394 |Diamond drill bit PH2x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.395 |Diamond drill bit PH3x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.396 |Diamond drill bit PZ1x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.397 |Diamond drill bit PZ2x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.398 |Diamond drill bit PZ3x25mm |Piece | | | |

|5.399 |Measuring tape 10m, stainless steel, plastic housing |Piece | | | |

|5.400 |Measuring tape 20m, stainless steel, plastic housing |Piece | | | |

|5.401 |Open frame tape 50m, fiberglass, plastic housing |Piece | | | |

|5.402 |Plumb line 250gr + 10m line |Piece | | | |

|5.403 |Measuring tape 2m |Piece | | | |

|5.404 |Measuring tape 3m |Piece | | | |

|5.405 |Measuring tape 5m |Piece | | | |

|5.406 |Hand wire brushes 2 rows |Piece | | | |

|5.407 |Hand wire brushes 3 rows |Piece | | | |

|5.408 |Hand wire brushes 4 rows |Piece | | | |

|5.409 |Hand wire brushes 5 rows |Piece | | | |

|5.410 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of |Box | | | |

| |100 pcs | | | | |

|5.411 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of |Box | | | |

| |100 pcs | | | | |

|5.412 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of |Box | | | |

| |100 pcs | | | | |

|5.413 |Countersunk (flat) had self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of |Box | | | |

| |100 pcs | | | | |

|5.414 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.415 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.416 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.417 |Pan had self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.418 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 25mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.419 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 35mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.420 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 3.5 x 45mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.421 |Pan had/washer self-tapping screw for metal 4 x 60mm, box of 100 pcs |Box | | | |

|5.422 |Polyurethane based insulation and construction foam for industrial and |Can | | | |

| |construction applications, 750ml spray cans | | | | |

|5.423 |Sure wall drywall plastic anchor, cone shaped, plastic, self-tapping, |Box | | | |

| |box of 500 | | | | |

|5.424 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, coarse, for |Piece | | | |

| |metal and iron | | | | |

|5.425 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, medium, for |Piece | | | |

| |steel and stainless steel | | | | |

|5.426 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, medium, for |Piece | | | |

| |HSS | | | | |

|5.427 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for |Piece | | | |

| |metal and iron | | | | |

|5.428 |Wheel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for |Piece | | | |

| |steel and stainless steel | | | | |

|5.429 |Weel for bench grinder, ex.dia. 200; in.d.22; thick 25, fine, for HSS |Piece | | | |

|5.430 |Laminate flooring, class 32, THK 8-10mm, high resistance |Sq.m | | | |

|5.431 |Screwdriver head, PH2, 50mm long |Piece | | | |

|5.432 |Screwdriver head magnetic attachment fixture |Piece | | | |

|5.433 |Screwdriver head , female, M8 |Piece | | | |

|5.434 |Screwdriver head , female, M10 |Piece | | | |

|5.435 |Screwdriver head , female, M12 |Piece | | | |

|5.436 |Nylon rope, 0.5mm, 100 m long |Piece | | | |

|5.437 |Fabric rope, 10mm, 100m long |Piece | | | |

|5.438 |Double side self-adhesive PVC bear foam mounting tape |Piece | | | |

ANNEX IV: Budget breakdown (financial offer)

REFERENCE N°: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 1)


|A |B |C |D |E |F |

|1.1 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.2 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.3 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.4 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.5 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.6 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.7 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.8 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.9 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.10 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.11 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.12 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.13 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.14 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.15 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.16 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.17 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.18 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.19 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.20 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.21 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.22 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.23 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.24 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.25 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.26 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.27 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.28 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.29 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.30 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.31 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.32 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.33 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.34 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.35 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.36 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.37 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.38 |1 |Pack | | | |

|1.39 |1 |Pack | | | |

|1.40 |1 |Pack | | | |

|1.41 |1 |Pack | | | |

|1.42 |1 |Pack | | | |

|1.43 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.44 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.45 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.46 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.47 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.48 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.49 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.50 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.51 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.52 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.53 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.54 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.55 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.56 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.57 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.58 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.59 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.60 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.61 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.62 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.63 |1 |Box | | | |

|1.64 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.65 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.66 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.67 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.68 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.69 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.70 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.71 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.72 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.73 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.74 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.75 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.76 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.77 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.78 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.79 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.80 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.81 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.82 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.83 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.84 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.85 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.86 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.87 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.88 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.89 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.90 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.91 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.92 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.93 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.94 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.95 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.96 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.97 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.98 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.99 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.100 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.101 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.102 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.103 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.104 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.105 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.106 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|1.107 |1 |Piece | | | |

|1.108 |1 |Piece | | | |

| | | |GRAND TOTAL (GEL) | |

NOTE: Quantities shown in the above table are indicative and for price comparison purposes only. NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders is guaranteed in respect of this Framework contract.

ANNEX IV: Budget breakdown (financial offer)

REFERENCE N°: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 2)


|A |B |C |D |E |F |

|2.1 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.2 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.3 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.4 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.5 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.6 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.7 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.8 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.9 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.10 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.11 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.12 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.13 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.14 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.15 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.16 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.17 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.18 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.19 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.20 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.21 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.22 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.23 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.24 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.25 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.26 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.27 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.28 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.29 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.30 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.31 |1 |Piece | | | |

|2.32 |1 |Piece | | | |

| | | |GRAND TOTAL (GEL) | |

NOTE: Quantities shown in the above table are indicative and for price comparison purposes only. NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders is guaranteed in respect of this Framework contract.

ANNEX IV: Budget breakdown (financial offer)

REFERENCE N°: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 3)


|A |B |C |D |E |F |

|3.1 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.2 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.3 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.4 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.5 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.6 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.7 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.8 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.9 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.10 |1 |Piece | | | |

|3.11 |1 |Litre | | | |

|3.12 |1 |Litre | | | |

|3.13 |1 |Litre | | | |

|3.14 |1 |Bottle | | | |

| | | |GRAND TOTAL (GEL) | |

NOTE: Quantities shown in the above table are indicative and for price comparison purposes only. NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders is guaranteed in respect of this Framework contract.

ANNEX IV: Budget breakdown (financial offer)

REFERENCE N°: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 4)


|A |B |C |D |E |F |

|4.1 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.2 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.3 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.4 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.5 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.6 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.7 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.8 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.9 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.10 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.11 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.12 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.13 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.14 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.15 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.16 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.17 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.18 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.19 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.20 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.21 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.22 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.23 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.24 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.25 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.26 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.27 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.28 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.29 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.30 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.31 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.32 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.33 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.34 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.35 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.36 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.37 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.38 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.39 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.40 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.41 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.42 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.43 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.44 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.45 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.46 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.47 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.48 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.49 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.50 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.51 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.52 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.53 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.54 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.55 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.56 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.57 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.58 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.59 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.60 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.61 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.62 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.63 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.64 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.65 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.66 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.67 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.68 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.69 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.70 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.71 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.72 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.73 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.74 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.75 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.76 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.77 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.78 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.79 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.80 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.81 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.82 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.83 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.84 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.85 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.86 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.87 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.88 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.89 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.90 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.91 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.92 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.93 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.94 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.95 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.96 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.97 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.98 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.99 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.100 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.101 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.102 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.103 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.104 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.105 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.106 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.107 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.108 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.109 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.110 |1 |Segment | | | |

|4.111 |1 |Segment | | | |

|4.112 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.113 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.114 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.115 |1 |Set | | | |

|4.116 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.117 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.118 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.119 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.120 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.121 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.122 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.123 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.124 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.125 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.126 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.127 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.128 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.129 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.130 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.131 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.132 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.133 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.134 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.135 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.136 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.137 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.138 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.139 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.140 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.141 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.142 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.143 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.144 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.145 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.146 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.147 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.148 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.149 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.150 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.151 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|4.152 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.153 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.154 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.155 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.156 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.157 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.158 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.159 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.160 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.161 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.162 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.163 |1 |Roll | | | |

|4.164 |1 |Roll | | | |

|4.165 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.166 |1 |Set | | | |

|4.167 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.168 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.169 |1 |Pair | | | |

|4.170 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.171 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.172 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.173 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.174 |1 |Piece | | | |

|4.175 |1 |Piece | | | |

| | | |GRAND TOTAL (GEL) | |

NOTE: Quantities shown in the above table are indicative and for price comparison purposes only. NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders is guaranteed in respect of this Framework contract.

ANNEX IV: Budget breakdown (financial offer)

REFERENCE N°: EUMM-14-3105 (Lot 5)


|A |B |C |D |E |F |

|5.001 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.002 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.003 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.004 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.005 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.006 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.007 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.008 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.009 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.010 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.011 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.012 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.013 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.014 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.015 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.016 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.017 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.018 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.019 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.020 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.021 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.022 |1 |Tube | | | |

|5.023 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.024 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.025 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.026 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.027 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.028 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.029 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.030 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.031 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.032 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.033 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.034 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.035 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.036 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.037 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.038 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.039 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.040 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.041 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.042 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.043 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.044 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.045 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.046 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.047 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.048 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.049 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.050 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.051 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.052 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.053 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.054 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.055 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.056 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.057 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.058 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.059 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.060 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.061 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.062 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.063 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.064 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.065 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.066 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.067 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.068 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.069 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.070 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.071 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.072 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.073 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.074 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.075 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.076 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.077 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.078 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.079 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.080 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.081 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.082 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.083 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.084 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.085 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.086 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.087 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.088 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.089 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.090 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.091 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.092 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.093 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.094 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.095 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.096 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.097 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.098 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.099 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.100 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.101 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.102 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.103 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.104 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.105 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.106 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.107 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.108 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.109 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.110 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.111 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.112 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.113 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.114 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.115 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.116 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.117 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.118 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.119 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.120 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.121 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.122 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.123 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.124 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.125 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.126 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.127 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.128 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.129 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.130 |1 |Kg | | | |

|5.131 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.132 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.133 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.134 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.135 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.136 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.137 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.138 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.139 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.140 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.141 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.142 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.143 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.144 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.145 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.146 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.147 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.148 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.149 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.150 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.151 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.152 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.153 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.154 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.155 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.156 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.157 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.158 |1 |Can | | | |

|5.159 |1 |Can | | | |

|5.160 |1 |Bottle | | | |

|5.161 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.162 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.163 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.164 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.165 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.166 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.167 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.168 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.169 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.170 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.171 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.172 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.173 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.174 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.175 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.176 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.177 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.178 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.179 |1 |Bag | | | |

|5.180 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.181 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.182 |1 |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.183 |1 |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.184 |1 |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.185 |1 |Cub.m. | | | |

|5.186 |1 |Ton | | | |

|5.187 |1 |Ton | | | |

|5.188 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.189 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.190 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.191 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.192 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.193 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.194 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.195 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.196 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.197 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.198 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.199 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.200 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.201 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.202 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.203 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.204 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.205 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.206 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.207 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.208 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.209 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.210 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.211 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.212 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.213 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.214 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.215 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.216 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.217 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.218 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.219 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.220 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.221 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.222 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.223 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.224 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.225 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.226 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.227 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.228 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.229 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.230 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.231 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.232 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.233 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.234 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.235 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.236 |1 |Lin.m | | | |

|5.237 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.238 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.239 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.240 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.241 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.242 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.243 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.244 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.245 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.246 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.247 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.248 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.249 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.250 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.251 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.252 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.253 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.254 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.255 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.256 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.257 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.258 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.259 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.260 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.261 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.262 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.263 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.264 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.265 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.266 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.267 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.268 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.269 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.270 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.271 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.272 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.273 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.274 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.275 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.276 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.277 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.278 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.279 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.280 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.281 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.282 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.283 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.284 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.285 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.286 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.287 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.288 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.289 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.290 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.291 |1 |100 Pcs | | | |

|5.292 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.293 |1 |Liters | | | |

|5.294 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.295 |1 |Tin | | | |

|5.296 |1 |Packet | | | |

|5.297 |1 |Liters | | | |

|5.298 |1 |Can | | | |

|5.299 |1 |Can | | | |

|5.300 |1 |Meter | | | |

|5.301 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.302 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.303 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.304 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.305 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.306 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.307 |1 |Lin m | | | |

|5.308 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.309 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.310 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.311 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.312 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.313 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.314 |1 |Roll | | | |

|5.315 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.316 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.317 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.318 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.319 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.320 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.321 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.322 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.323 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.324 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.325 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.326 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.327 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.328 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.329 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.330 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.331 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.332 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.333 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.334 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.335 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.336 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.337 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.338 |1 |Tube | | | |

|5.339 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.340 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.341 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.342 |1 |Pack | | | |

|5.343 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.344 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.345 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.346 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.347 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.348 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.349 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.350 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.351 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.352 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.353 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.354 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.355 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.356 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.357 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.358 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.359 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.360 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.361 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.362 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.363 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.364 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.365 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.366 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.367 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.368 |1 |Set | | | |

|5.369 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.370 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.371 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.372 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.373 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.374 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.375 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.376 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.377 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.378 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.379 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.380 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.381 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.382 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.383 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.384 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.385 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.386 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.387 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.388 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.389 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.390 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.391 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.392 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.393 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.394 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.395 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.396 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.397 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.398 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.399 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.400 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.401 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.402 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.403 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.404 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.405 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.406 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.407 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.408 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.409 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.410 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.411 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.412 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.413 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.414 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.415 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.416 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.417 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.418 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.419 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.420 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.421 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.422 |1 |Can | | | |

|5.423 |1 |Box | | | |

|5.424 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.425 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.426 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.427 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.428 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.429 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.430 |1 |Sq.m | | | |

|5.431 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.432 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.433 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.434 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.435 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.436 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.437 |1 |Piece | | | |

|5.438 |1 |Piece | | | |

| | | |GRAND TOTAL (GEL) | |

NOTE: Quantities shown in the above table are indicative and for price comparison purposes only. NO VOLUME OR VALUE of orders is guaranteed in respect of this Framework contract.






|ABBREVIATION | | | | | | | | |

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|ADDRESS OF | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |P.O. BOX | | |

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|TOWN/CITY | | | | | | | | | |

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|REGISTRATION N° ? | | | | |

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|OFFICIAL | | | | |

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|ADDRESS | | | |

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|POSTCODE | | | | | |

| | | |P.O. BOX | | |

|TOWN / CITY | | | | |

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|COUNTRY | | | | | | |

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|VAT N° |




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|OFFICIAL | | | |

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|ADDRESS | | | |

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|POSTCODE | | | | | |

| | | |P.O. BOX | | |

|TOWN/CITY | | | |

| | | | | | |

|COUNTRY | | | | | |

| | | | | | |




|PASSPORT NUMBER | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |

|DATE OF BIRTH | | | | | | | | | |

|COUNTRY OF BIRTH | | | | | | | | | | |

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| | |ACCOUNT NAME | | |

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|ACCOUNT NAME ? | | | | | | |

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|ADDRESS | | | | | | |

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|TOWN/CITY | | | | | | |

| | | |POSTCODE | | | | |

|COUNTRY | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|? The name or title under which the account has been opened and not the name of the account holder | | |

| | | | | | |

|CONTACT | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|TELEPHONE | | | | | | | | | |

| | | |FAX | | | | |

|E-MAIL | | | | | | | |

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| | |BANK | | |

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|BANK NAME | | | | | |

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|BRANCH ADDRESS | | | | | | | | | |

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|TOWN/CITY | | | | | | |

| | | |POSTCODE | | | |

|COUNTRY | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |



? If the IBAN Code (International Bank Account Number) is applied in the country where your bank is situated



|(Both obligatory) ? | |(Obligatory) | |

| | | | |

? It is preferable to attach a copy of recent bank statement. Please note that the bank statement has to provide all the information listed above under 'ACCOUNT NAME' and 'BANK'.

In this case, the stamp of the bank and the signature of the bank's representative are not required. The signature of the

account-holder is obligatory in all cases.


|EuropeAid/135727/ID/SUP/GE |









For the attention of

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM)

49 Krtsanisi Street – Tbilisi 0114 – Georgia

referred to below as the “Contracting Authority”

Subject: Guarantee Nº…

Financing Guarantee for the repayment of pre-financing payable under contract EUMM-14-3105 (Lot Nº ) ‘Supply and delivery of various consumable items to the EUMM Georgia’ (please quote number and title in all correspondence).

We, the undersigned, , hereby irrevocably declare that we guarantee as primary obligor, and not merely as surety on behalf of ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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