Catherine Krtausch, Principal

Maria Arbiol, Assistant Principal


School Hours: Student arrival: Grades PK – 1st 8:10 - 8:20 a.m.

Grades 2- 5 8:25 - 8:35 a.m.

Student Dismissal: Grades PK - 1 1:50 p.m.

Grades 2 - 5 3:05 p.m.

Student dismissal Wednesdays: PK - 5 1:50 p.m.


Students need to learn the importance of regular school attendance. In addition, it is important that they report to school on time. Any student reporting to their classroom after the time stated above is tardy.

Be aware of the Florida City Elementary Tardy Policy.

Before School Supervision: Supervision is provided beginning at 7:30 a.m. for those students having breakfast. Breakfast concludes at 8:05 a.m. Students having breakfast at school should report directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. Supervision is provided in the cafeteria.

Students who are not having breakfast should enter the campus by entering the main entrance and will be escorted to the designated locations:

Pre-K: new building hallway

Kindergarten: New building hallway; outside of their classroom

First Grade: New building hallway; outside of their classroom

Second Grade: P.E. pavilion

Third Grade: P.E. pavilion

Fourth Grade: Cafeteria

Fifth Grade: Cafeteria

IND: Homeroom

NOTE: No student should enter the campus through the south side (teacher back parking lot) of the building.


Pre-Kindergarten Dismissal: Pre-kindergarten students will be picked up in the classroom. Parents must enter the area through the side gate of the new building to pick up their child. Students will be waiting in the classroom. Students whose parents do not comply will be dismissed from the program.

Kindergarten Dismissal: Parents must enter the area through the side gate of the new building. Please do not park or pick up your children from the teacher’s parking lot.

Absences: Anytime a student returns to school after an absence, he/she MUST bring a note from home or a doctor. Acceptable excuses for student absences are illness, physician/dentist appointment, death in family or a religious holiday.

All other absences are unexcused, i.e., vacations, babysitting of a sibling, or no explanation. Work missed will not be allowed to be made-up. Eight or more unexcused absences places a student in the Truancy Intervention Program (TIP).

Students granted an excused absence, upon their return to school, will have 3 days for everyday absent to make up the work. Parents should NOT request class work while their child is absent/ill. The work will be assigned upon their return to school per School Board policy.

Leaving School Early: Only individuals listed on the EMERGENCY CONTACT AND RELEASE CARD will be allowed to pick up students from school during the school day. Identification will be required. If someone appears at the school to seek the release of a student and that person's name is not on the emergency contact card, NO RELEASE WILL BE MADE. ANYONE WHO PICKS UP A STUDENT MUST BRING SOME TYPE OF LEGAL PICTURE IDENTIFICATION.

Students attending Girl Scouts or YMCA After School Program are supervised while in the program and until parents arrive. Students are responsible for getting to the program immediately after their class is dismissed

NO STUDENT WILL BE RELEASED between 1:30-2pm and/or after 2:30pm. Parents will need to wait for dismissal.

Rainy Day Plans:

You are encouraged to discuss with your child the rainy day procedure he/she is to follow at dismissal time on rainy days. Students should have a small umbrella or plastic raincoat with them. Keep in mind the school telephone is to be used for business purposes and not to be used by your child to call home regarding the weather.


Most students behave themselves properly at school. Occasionally, a student will misbehave and either disrupt school routine or inflict injury on another person. Such behavior is of serious concern and requires prompt and firm action. Parents will be contacted to meet with school personnel in these situations. Appropriate behavior is expected in all areas...on the bus, in the cafeteria, before and after school and in all school related areas and activities.

When groups of individuals meet and work together every day, conflicts and disagreements are to be expected. In order to maintain harmony, it is essential that individuals learn to settle differences in appropriate ways. One of the strategies that we will be using is teaching your child how to resolve problems using conflict resolution techniques and peer mediation.

We welcome the opportunity to help students and their families. Our supportive staff consists of the school counselor, psychologist and social worker. These individuals meet regularly to discuss specific needs of the students.

Florida City Elementary School’s counselor is available for parent consultation and assistance with referrals to outside agencies. She assists in the development of social skills in small group and individual activities.

Parents should review these basic behavior expectations with their children:

1. Remain quiet and orderly in classrooms and hallways.

2. Behave courteously to any adult and other students.

3. Observe lunchtime rules that stress good table manners.

4. Refrain from engaging in any type of fighting.

5. Refrain from intimidating, harassing or threatening others.

6. Refrain from the use of profane language or gestures.

7. Refrain from damaging or destroying property belonging to others.

8. Refrain from leaving school grounds without permission during school hours.

As per School Board Directive, no Corporal Punishment (spanking) will be administered at Florida City Elementary School.

Prohibited Items:

1. Pets - animals on the playground or in the building are a potential danger. Animal control must be called when an animal is on school property. Protect your children and

your pets, please.

2. Money in large amounts. Send only what a student needs for the day since the risk of lost money is always present. Florida City Elementary School is not responsible for money lost at school.

3. Jewelry and irreplaceable articles.

4. Toys - Distract students from school tasks expected to accomplish.

5. Chewing gum and candy - neither is permitted in school.

6. Rolling book bags.

7. Removable grillz of any kind.


1. Knives and sharp objects, guns (including toy guns)

bullets, baseballs, etc.

2. Mood modifiers - (Drugs) have no place in school.

3. Fighting


| |Helping to create a society based upon democratic values including rules |

| |of law, equality of opportunity, due process, reasoned argument, |

|CITIZENSHIP |representative government, checks and balances, rights and |

| |responsibilities and democratic decision-making, e.g., obeying classroom |

| |and school rules. |

| |Working together toward goals as basic as human survival in an |

|COOPERATION |increasingly interdependent world, e.g., being a member of the team on |

| |the athletic field. |

| |Treating people impartially, not playing favorites, being open-minded, |

| |and maintaining an objective attitude toward those whose actions and |

| |ideas are different from our own, e.g., treating people the same, |

|FAIRNESS |regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, gender, or physical |

| |condition. |

| |Dealing truthfully with people, being sincere, not deceiving them or |

|HONESTY |stealing from them, not cheating or lying, e.g., doing one’s own work |

| |when taking a test or working on an individual assignment. |

| |Standing up for your beliefs about what is right and what is wrong and |

|INTEGRITY |resisting social pressure to do wrong, e.g., expression one’s conviction |

| |in a group of peers although it may not be popular with the majority. |

| |Being sympathetic, helpful, compassionate, benevolent, agreeable and |

|KINDNESS |gentle toward people and other living things, e.g., helping a fellow |

| |student who has been injured. |

| |Doing your best with the talents you have, striving toward a goal and not|

|PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE |giving up, e.g., putting forth one’s best effort when taking an exam or |

| |doing homework. |

| |Showing regard for the worth and dignity of someone or something, being |

|RESPECT |courteous and polite, and judging all people on their merits. Respect |

| |takes three major forms: respect for oneself, respect for other people,|

| |and respect for all forms of life and the environment, e.g., practicing |

| |acceptable manners in the school cafeteria. |

| |Thinking before you act and being accountable for your actions, paying |

|RESPONSIBILITY |attention to others, and responding to their needs. Responsibility |

| |emphasizes our positive obligations to care for each other, e.g., |

| |performing a community service project. |


Students have a right to feel safe from threats and bodily harm. These behaviors are never acceptable and when they occur will result in time out, detention, exclusion from participation in class activities suspension, or expulsion.

Parents who have a conflict with a student are requested to speak to administration. At no time may they approach the student directly. Adults who come to school and threaten students will be reported to the local authorities.

It is the policy of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, that all students and employees will be treated with respect. Slurs, innuendos, hostile treatment, violence, or other verbal or physical conduct against a student or employee will NOT be tolerated. (School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.01)


Culminating Activities:

Two classroom culminating activities will be planned by teachers. Details of time and other arrangements will be in keeping with school policy and will be communicated to you in writing. Registered volunteers are invited to share in all day events. All parents are invited to attend evening activities of the school. It is not permissible, however, to have minors who are not enrolled in the school participate in classroom activities or on field trips. Individual birthday parties and similar events cannot be shared at school. A cake may be brought to school for students only during the class lunch period. Please inform the classroom teacher if you plan on doing so at least Ten (10) days in advance.


The school is equipped with a business telephone to help transact the business of the school and the line must be kept open for this purpose. Students may not use the telephone except for emergencies.

It is most difficult for us to accept personal messages for individual students without interruption of the instructional program. We do appreciate your cooperation in not asking us to deliver messages to an individual except in an emergency.


While cell-phones are allowed on campus, they are not to be turned on, used, or visible during the school-day. This includes special area classes and in the cafeteria. Should a student not comply with the cell-phone policy, the cell-phone will be turned over to administration. In the event a cell phone gets turned over to administration it is not their responsibility to notify a parent or guardian of the issue. Additionally the parent or guardian will be responsible for making arrangements to come in for a conference with an administrator to discuss the issue and retrieve the cell-phone.


Report cards are issued four times during the school year. Each reporting period is of nine-week duration. The report card provides information on a student's academic progress, effort and conduct as assessed by his/her teacher.

Additionally, each student will be issued an Interim Progress Report at the mid-point of each nine week grading period. This report is provided to advise parents of student progress and inform them if their child has been placed in a basic skills remedial program. Please make sure the report is signed and returned to your child’s teacher.


You are urged to discuss your child's progress with his/her teacher. The teacher will be able to explain the requirements upon which a grade is based. In addition, the teacher is able to offer suggestions and recommendations that will assist you and your child.

| | | | |


| | |Outstanding Progress | |

|“A” |90-100% | |4 |

| | |Above Average Progress | |

|“B” |80-89% | |3 |

| | |Average Progress | |

|“C” |70-79% | |2 |

| | |Lowest Acceptable Progress | |

|“D” |60-69% | |1 |

| | | | |

|“F” |0 - 59% |Failure |0 |

Teacher comments will appear on report and will be listed by number with comment.

| | |


| | |

|“1” – Outstanding |“A” – Excellent |

| | |

|“2” – Satisfactory |“B” – Good |

| | |

|“3” - Insufficient |“C” – Satisfactory |

| | |

| |“D” – Improvement Needed |

| | |

| |“F” - Unsatisfactory |


| | | | |

|Grade |Numerical Value |Verbal Interpretation |Grade Point Value |

| | | | |

|E |90-100% |Outstanding progress |4 |

|G |80-89% |Above average progress |3 |

| | |Average progress |2 |

|S |70-79% | | |

| | | | |

|M |60-69% |Lowest acceptable progress |1 |

| | | | |

|U |0-59% |Failure |0 |


Home Learning assignments will be appropriate for the student's grade level, and enhance/reinforce assignments completed at school. It serves the following purpose:

(develop and enlarge the personal culture of the student,

(provide drill or practice on a principle or skill already taught, and

(provide real life application of skills and understanding.


School Board Policy in Miami-Dade County requires that ALL students read for a minimum of 30 minutes per day every day of the week. This policy is an integral part of the Comprehensive Reading Plan. Look for your child’s Reading Log!

Reading aloud to children can be done by parents or older siblings. Home Learning assignments will be considered an extension of school work and graded accordingly.

The recommended daily home learning averages are as follows:

Frequency of Total Daily Average

Grade Level Assignments (All Subjects)

K-1 Daily (5 days a week) 30 Minutes

2-3 Daily (5 days a week) 45 Minutes

4-5 Daily (5 days a week) 60 minutes

To be most beneficial, home learning should not become the cause of family conflict. It is important for teachers and parents to work together to help students develop positive attitudes about completing home assignments. The ultimate beneficiary of a good home learning policy will be your child. Your input and involvement are earnestly solicited and will be deeply appreciated.

Parents may help in the following ways:

(by showing an interest in the student's work,

(by providing a place and time for quiet study without TV interference,

(by assisting in practice on spelling words and number combinations,

(by encouraging home reading and by listening to the student read,

(by reviewing the home learning for neatness and completeness,

(by refraining from doing the work for the student, and

(by discussing problems related to home study with the teacher.



Uniforms required:


Bottoms: Shorts (knee length), pants, skirts - Khaki only (NO JEANS)

Tops: polo style - white, yellow, green


Bottoms: Shorts (knee length) or pants -- Khaki only (NO JEANS)

Tops: polo style - white, yellow, green



All uniform articles of clothing are available through Ibiley Uniform at various locations in Dade County or at local department stores.

It is important for students to be aware of the importance of good personal appearance. School is a place of work. Shoes must be worn at all times in order to protect the feet from injury. Shoes should fit properly and be of a style that will enable students to participate safely in all school activities. No open toed shoes (sandals) are permitted.

It is our goal to have every one of our students wearing the Florida City Elementary School Uniform. This can only be accomplished with everyone’s cooperation. This would be a great opportunity to build upon our great “FLORIDA CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRIDE”, and improve attendance, behavior, self-esteem, and provide for the improved security of students.

Parents who do not wish to have their children participate in the mandatory uniform policy must secure a waiver from the principal of the school.

The School Board Dress Code for Elementary Schools is as follows:

*No metal football cleats on shoes

*No jeans

*No clogs, thongs, sandals or other shoes without back straps

*No written messages, symbols or pictures on clothing which portray ideas which are contrary to the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of students

*No clothes with metal studs, etc. that could scratch furniture

*No tube tops, see-through blouses, backless tops, tops with bare midriffs, or sleeveless undershirts

*No hats, except those worn for religious purposes

*Students who wear inappropriate attire to school will be asked to call home for proper clothing

*No skate shoes

*No removable grillz



Emergency Contact - Change of Address - Telephone

If you move or if your telephone number is changed, please notify the school office. A form will be sent home the first week of school to up-date our records. Please complete and return immediately. School records must be kept up-to-date so that you may be reached in an emergency. Likewise, advise the school of any change in the name and numbers for your emergency contact, the person we may contact if unable to reach you. In the event that neither the parent nor the emergency contact is able to be reached, the Miami-Dade County Emergency Rescue Squad or the doctor named on the registration card will be called.

STUDENTS WILL NOT BE RELEASED FROM SCHOOL unless the name of the person picking up the student is listed on the Emergency Contact form. Identification will be required.

Estranged Parents and Guardians

To avoid having the school become involved in personal family conflicts, parents or guardians should advise school authorities of which party has legal access to the child and his/her records during school hours. In the absence of specific directions, school officials will respond to those names and relationships that appear on the current records. Friends and strangers will be denied access to a pupil in the absence of verified parental consent.


The importance of regular attendance cannot be over-emphasized, but students should not be sent to school when they are ill. If a student becomes ill during the school day, and it appears that they would be best cared for at home, the parent will be called. Our very limited facilities in the school make it possible to keep students in the clinic for only very short periods of time.


These procedures will be followed to aid injured students:

1. Teachers will send the student to the office if the injury is minor.

2. Teachers will notify the office if the student is unable to be moved.

3. Basic first aid will be administered by trained personnel.

4. The parent will be called and the injury described. For a minor injury the parent will make the decision about removing the student from school. Emergency contact persons will be called if the parent cannot be reached.

5. The Emergency Rescue Squad will be called for critical injuries that require the type of care that school personnel cannot offer, and the parent or emergency contact will be notified.

6. An accident report will be completed and filed for every incident.


School personnel are allowed to administer only prescribed medication when the Miami-Dade County Public School authorization for medication form has been completed and signed by the physician. (Forms are available in the main office.)

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

Students will be checked periodically for head lice. Students will be sent home if school personnel suspects lice on the hair.

The student MAY NOT return to school until treatment has been administered and ALL NITS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE HAIR! Upon returning to school, he/she will be checked to determine if any nits are still present before admission to class. Students absences will be unexcused after 2 days if related to head lice.

To prevent a scourge of head lice, parents are asked to examine the hair of their children weekly, shampoo frequently and encourage girls with long hair not to wear it loose.

Exemption from Activities

Students are expected to be able to participate in the daily activities of the school program. If for some medical reason it becomes necessary for a student to be excused, he should bring a note from his parent. If the duration of the request is to be for three days or more, an exclusion form, available in the school office, must be secured by the parent and completed by the child's physician.


Student insurance covers accidents that happen on school property or 24-hour coverage may be purchased by parents through the school at the beginning of the school year. Information about this insurance is sent home with each student early in the year, and is available in the school office at all times.

Student insurance is primarily designed to furnish a low cost accident policy to the students of Miami-Dade County and their parents. The Board approves the sale of accident insurance for the convenience of students and parents. The Board does not accept any responsibility for policy interpretations or claim payments. The school cooperates in completing claim forms on accidents "as reported by a parent or a student." It is advisable for parents to caution their children to report any accident or injury, no matter how small, to the supervising teacher as soon as it occurs.


Lost and Found

Throughout the school year items which have been lost are turned into Coach Sands. Many of our problems would be solved if clothing and personal belongings were labeled with the student’s name. Any time a student loses an item, he/she may go see Coach Sands to claim it. There are many items lost and never claimed each year. These items are donated bi-annually to various charitable institutions. Therefore, please label your child’s personal belongings.


Learning experiences may be offered to your child through field trips planned by the teacher. Registered volunteers may be asked to assist the teacher as chaperones on field trips. Registered Volunteers serving in this capacity may not have other children in the family accompany them. All chaperons must be 21 years of age, have submitted a Volunteer Form which has been processed and approved.

*Please note students attending field trips as a school event must remain in the care of school officials for the duration of the trip. Parents cannot pick students up from the field trip location.

Parent permission must be given for a student to participate in field trips. Forms for this purpose are sent home by the teacher. Money and permission slips must be turned in no later than two (2) days prior to the field trip or the student will not be permitted to go on the field trip.

In addition, students will be required to wear uniforms in order to participate in any fieldtrip. Students will not be allowed to participate in the field trip activity with three or more referrals or a history of unsatisfactory attendance.


The personal safety our students is everyone’s job. If our students are to be kept safe, each of us must cooperate by being patient and cautious at all times. Please read this section very carefully.

Autos - All auto drivers at and near the school must use great caution and concern if we are to protect our students. Carelessness may result in an accident that could devastate a family. It is vital to remember these rules and apply them:

1. All speed signs must be obeyed.

2. All rules relating to bus zones, pick-up and drop-off zones must be followed.

3. Drivers must adhere to street signs in the vicinity of the school. No U Turns are permitted on the streets.

4. All students must exit and enter cars from the sidewalks. Do not call for children to cross streets. At dismissal, children must enter cars at the designated pick-up area.


6. School Police and Metro Police Department officers will be requested to enforce traffic laws and issue citations to offenders.

7. School personnel, volunteer parents and school safety committee members will be happy to receive and answer questions or suggestions you may have.

8. Do not cross students between cars and the middle of the street.

Bicycles - The following bicycle rules and policies are taught to our students. Please help us reinforce this instruction.

1. One rider on each bicycle.

2. It is suggested K-2 students not ride bicycles to school.

3. Ride bicycle with street traffic on right side of street.

4. Walk bicycle on school grounds and across crosswalks and busy intersections.

5. Bicycles must be equipped with a lock.

6. Students must not lock bicycles together.

7. Students who fail to follow these rules will be reported to parents and subject to the curtailing of bicycle riding to school.

Parking Areas - The school parking lots are for the use of faculty, staff, and delivery personnel only. Parents waiting for children should not block driveways or enter parking lots, especially at arrival and dismissal times. Do not double or triple park on the street. On Wednesdays and rainy days, our dismissal time is especially hazardous. Please use your greatest skill as a driver!!!!

School Bus - Some students at Florida City Elementary School ride Miami-Dade County School buses. Please be aware. Miami-Dade County Public School bus service is provided without cost for students who live two or more miles from the school. Students are subject to the rules and regulations set by the Transportation Department. Bus passes are mailed by the Transportation Department in August. New students enrolling during the course of the year, who meet the distance requirement, receive a temporary bus pass in the school office. A student may be suspended from the bus if the student does not adhere to these rules and regulations. Appropriate behavior is expected at the bus stop as well as on the bus.

It is the parent’s responsibility to stay with their children and supervise them at the bus stop.

Walking - Students who walk to and from school must be well-informed about the route they are expected to take. All students must use crosswalks and streetlights when crossing streets.


Parents must inform the teacher at the beginning of the year of dismissal procedures for their child. Parents must inform the homeroom teacher of any changes to the dismissal procedure in writing if it changes during the school year. No telephone calls will be accepted to change the way your child goes home.


Boys and girls from fifth grade classes serve as members of the Safety Patrol. These students devote a great deal of time and effort to their patrol assignments. We know that you will cooperate with them and urge your children to obey the instructions of patrol members. We expect the very best of our patrol members, but it must be remembered that they are elementary boys and girls.


Since the greatest portion of your child's day is spent at school, his/her growth and development is our joint responsibility. We urge everyone to become active in helping to further the goals and growth of our PTA organization. We will be communicating with you in the near future for your aid and active support.

Please join and help us support your child’s education. Yearly dues are only $5.00 per person.


The mission of the PTA is three fold:

(To support and speak on behalf of the children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.

(To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children.

(To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.


Volunteers in the school provide much needed help and support for students and teachers. If you are able to give an hour or two each week, or more, please contact the school to submit the necessary paperwork.

Volunteers should sign in and out at the office in the Volunteer Book. It is important that your whereabouts be known in case you are needed elsewhere.

Volunteers must be registered through the system. Please see Carmen Kreuger, Parent Specialist, for more information on how to register to be a volunteer.


For the safety and protection of all boys and girls, visitors must always sign in and out in the office and obtain an I.D. badge before proceeding to a classroom. This includes parents. It is expected that all visitors observe fire regulations and refrain from smoking in the school. Visitors dropping by or "popping in" disrupt normal routines and interrupt instruction. PARENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO GO TO THEIR CHILD'S CLASS UNANNOUNCED DURING SCHOOL HOURS SINCE THIS DISRUPTS NORMAL ROUTINES AND INSTRUCTION. We appreciate your cooperation in providing a fine learning environment for our students.

Any unauthorized person on school property may be requested to leave. Failure to leave when requested may result in arrest for trespassing.


Florida City Elementary is located within a ten mile area surrounding Florida Power & Light’s Power and Light’s Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. Federal law requires the local government to develop evacuation plans for this area. We have no reason to believe there will be an incident at the nuclear facility which would in any way endanger the public. However, our concern for the health and safety of your children has prompted the development of evacuation safeguards in the remote possibility that students should have to be moved from the affected area. Your support and knowledge of emergency operations is greatly appreciated.

Should Florida City Elementary School be evacuated, you must pick up your child at the appropriate host school, which is Palmetoo Elementary School. All students in the evacuation area will automatically be transported to a host school outside the affected area. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD FROM FLORIDA CITY ELEMENTARY. POLICE AUTHORITIES WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO ENTER THE EVACUATED ZONES.

For further information, contact the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Safety, Environment & Hazard Management at 305-995-4680 or the Metro-Dade Office of Emergency Management at 305-273-6700


Breakfast and lunch are served in our school cafeteria. Students who bring their lunch from home are able to purchase milk or juice. Occasionally, students lose or forget their lunch or lunch money. When this happens, the student reports to the office after opening exercises, calls a parent, and the parent delivers the money or a lunch to school.

Please be advised that parents, small children and strollers will not be allowed into the cafeteria due to liability reasons.

Payment: We encourage all parents to prepay for all their children's cafeteria meals since NO LUNCH CHARGES WILL BE MADE because we are unable to use public funds to extend credit. Pre-payment for the week or for five days is made on the first day of each school week. Checks should be made out to Florida City Elementary School.

Free/Reduced Price Lunches: Your child’s Free and Reduced Lunch status form from last year will continue to be valid until September 8, 2014. A new Application for Free or Reduced Price meals will be sent home. It should be completed and returned to the office. If you fill out the application, you will be notified promptly as to whether or not you qualify. Parents must apply for this benefit yearly. Incoming kindergarten students and students new to Miami-Dade County Schools must pay full price for their meals until the Food Service Department is notified that the student has an approved application on file. If new applications are not received so that they may be processed on time, your child WILL NOT receive free lunch until the new application is approved. Should you not return your application prior to September 8, 2014, please send $2.25 with your child daily so that he/she may purchase lunch.


Behavior: Students should eat in an atmosphere that is pleasant and conducive to good dietary habits that make for healthy children. Therefore, proper manners and good conduct is expected. A student's cafeteria conduct reflects his home training. Please discuss this subject with your child. Students will be suspended from the cafeteria for continual misbehavior.

Lunch from home: Please do not send metal or glass food or drink containers in your child's lunch. Lunch boxes and bags should have your child's name and room number on them.

Parents are not allowed in the cafeteria due to the number of students to be serviced.


This year's Open House is held the beginning of September. Fliers will be sent home with more information. Come visit your child's classroom and meet the teacher!


Miami-Dade County Public Schools recognizes the importance of providing a curriculum which encourages teachers and students to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The Common Core Curriculum identifies the most essential objectives needed to demonstrate proficiency in performing identified competencies. It aligns curriculum with instruction, develops a different view of assessing student learning and targets high performing learning outcomes.

At Florida City Elementary, the student acquires language skills through frequent opportunities for oral and written expression, and by reading and listening to good literature; these language experiences extend beyond the traditional reading/language arts scheduled period, and permeate all subject areas. Reading and writing are inextricably linked to one another. Reading is an interactive process involving the text itself, the reader and the content while writing becomes the process that includes pre-writing, drafting, sharing, revising, editing and publishing. The assessment and instruction are continually interwoven. A variety of strategies are used to provide continuous feedback.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a regular instructional period which is required by law for all grades. Students in Grades 1-5 will have physical education taught by a physical education instructor. All students are expected to participate. Should illness or injury make physical activity unsafe, a note from parents should be sent to the P.E. teacher. For students who must be excused or exempted, on a regular basis, a physician must complete the prescribed "Physical Exemption Card" which is available at the school. All students will be expected to wear clothing which will permit them to run, jump, kick, climb, and do all similar physical activities. For your child's protection, we urge you to provide shoes that will cover and stay securely on the feet.


Reading books is extremely important for your child’s academic success. Quarterly your child will be STAR tested to establish his/her reading level. A prize related Accelerated Reader program has been established at Florida City Elementary School wherein your child is awarded for reading books of choice and then taking a short quiz to check for understanding. Please encourage your child to participate in the Accelerated Reader program.

Books will not be checked out to students who have overdue books, lost or damaged books, or owe fines. Books may be checked out for two (2) weeks, but may be returned earlier.


All textbooks, supplementary and library books needed by your child for school and home learning are furnished from tax dollars. We are able to provide the materials and equipment requested by teachers for the classroom instruction.

We urge students to realize that these books and materials are expensive and that they should be properly cared for. Students are required to cover all books issued to them in order to protect the books. A brown grocery bag makes an excellent book cover. Also some businesses often offer free book covers at the beginning of the school year - such as Burger King, McDonalds, various banks, etc. Students should print their name on the front of the book cover to insure a misplaced book being returned to its owner. Books must not be written in. Charges are made for damaged or lost books and materials. Your cooperation in helping your child learn to be responsible for the care of personal and school belongings will be most appreciated. Students will be expected to provide all basic needed supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons, markers, glue, etc. Any additional supply needs will be requested by the teacher to parents in writing

Student Services

Our school counselor is available to meet with parents and students. She may provide group counseling, classroom lessons, and do limited individual counseling. If you need to contact the counselor at any time please call the main office to schedule an appointment.

School Website

The school website is a great source of information. The website contains such items as school dress code, monthly activity calendar, parent newsletter, school policies and additional resources for students and parents.


When it becomes apparent to a teacher that a student is not performing satisfactorily, the teacher will call the parent or write a note to request a conference. Parents should use the same means to communicate with a teacher.

Parent/Teacher conferences should be planned. A mutually convenient time should be decided upon by the parent and the teacher. WHEN TEACHERS ARE IN CLASS AND/OR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS, IS NOT A GOOD TIME FOR A CONFERENCE. PARENTS SHOULD NOT COME TO THE CLASSROOM UNANNOUNCED!! Most teachers have time before a day begins or at the end of a day to meet with parents. If you schedule a conference and something arises that prevents you from keeping the appointment, please advise the school. A teacher's time is valuable.

In addition to these informal means of communication between parents and teachers, parents receive a Report Card and an Interim Progress Report each nine weeks. Reports noting unsatisfactory performance will be distributed immediately upon the teacher making such a diagnosis.

Parents are invited to come in and observe their child's class as long as it does not interfere with the instructional program. Prior to going into the classroom, parents must secure a visitor's I.D. badge from the main office and administrative approval. We strongly encourage parents to make an appointment to observe classes.


Please be advised that we will need 2 to 3 weeks to complete all SSI and any verification forms. In order for our teachers to complete Conference forms, a parent conference will need to be scheduled PRIOR TO THE TEACHER COMPLETING THE FORM. Within 2 to 3 days following the conference, the teacher will complete the necessary form. There will be no exceptions! Teachers are not obligated to fill out SSI forms.


A comprehensive testing program, in addition to textbook and teacher prepared tests, is provided for all students. Parents are invited to review and discuss test results with school personnel.


Parents entering their children into a Miami-Dade County school for the first time must complete and file these forms with the school at which their children will attend: Certificate of Birth, Student Medical Examination, Certificate of Immunization, Social Security Card, Pupil Assignment Card, Cumulative Record Information Sheets, and Tuition Exemption Application.

Students will be assigned to classes and begin attending school upon completion or receipt of the above items.

Students entering pre-kindergarten must be 4 years of age on or before September 1st. Special criteria must be met in order to qualify for placement in this program. Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before the 1st day of September.


Florida Law requires that your child present immunization documentation prior to admittance or attendance in a Florida school for the first time. This applies to all new students in pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade. You must present a Florida Certificate of Immunization, DH or HRS form 680-part A, B, or C, when registering you child for school.

( Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine for Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade children entering, attending or transferring into school

( Two valid measles doses for children enrolling/attending grades K-12th

( Hepatitis B vaccine series for children enrolling/attending grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

( D.T.P. - 5 immunizations

( Tuberculin Screening

( Polo (oral) - 4 doses

( Preferably 2 MMRS (two measles vaccines are required for K-2 grade s) students)

The “Florida Plan for School Health Services” requires that all students submit documentation of a student Health Examination performed within the 12 months prior to initial entry into a Florida school. A student Health Examination (DH or HRS-h form 3040) including proof of tuberculin screening and appropriate follow-up should be completed and signed by a licensed practicing health care provider, and presented to the school at the time of registration.


The parent of a student transferring to another school in Miami-Dade County must apply for the transfer at the school in which their child is enrolled. Verification of an address change must be provided by the parent. This may be a broker's or attorney's statement of purchase, an executed lease or rental agreement, AND an electric deposit receipt.

Parents of a student transferring to a school outside of Miami-Dade County are asked to contact the attendance clerk but no verification of address change is necessary.

If it is necessary that you withdraw your child from school, the school should be notified at least forty-eight hours in advance. This will provide the time necessary for a teacher to complete the student's report card and for the clerk to complete a transfer form or any other paper work applicable.

Parents are required to sign a Release of Records permission form to permit the office to send the whole or part of a student's Cumulative Record or transcript to a school outside of Miami-Dade County's public schools. Records will be processed and forwarded as quickly as possible.

Students Out of Area - Students who move out of our attendance area are not eligible to attend Florida City Elementary. The parent must come to the school office and request a transfer to the new school. Proof of address (an electric bill, lease) for your new residency must be presented before the transfer will be issued.

OUT OF AREA TRANSFERS: - Students attending our school on an out of area transfer are expected to attend school regularly, be ON TIME and picked UP ON TIME. Behavior is to be acceptable. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the transfer being revoked.


The revised Family Rights and Privacy Act became a Federal Law in November of 1974. The intent of this law is to protect the accuracy and privacy of student educational records. Without your prior consent, only authorized individuals having legitimate educational interests will have access to your child's educational records.

You may have an appointment to inspect and review your child's records. The appointment may be made in person or by telephoning the school at 305-247-4676. Instant appointments are not possible but a mutually convenient time will be arranged as quickly as possible. Upon review of the records, if you have reason to believe that any information contained therein is inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate; you have the right to challenge that information. If there is agreement, the necessary steps to amend or correct the information contained in the record will be taken. If agreement is not reached, a hearing will be scheduled. The hearing will provide you with the opportunity to present your views and reasons for the challenge. You may bring with you, at your expense, any individual who may be of assistance. Following the hearing, should there be a failure to reach an agreement, you have the right to appeal the decision to the appropriate area superintendent. In the event that your appeal fails at any level of the hearing procedure, you have the right to have entered into the record a statement of the issue as you see it.

The rights pertaining to access and challenge described herein are transferred to your child upon the attainment of his/her 18th birthday or admission to an institution of post-secondary education, unless limited by court order.

Directory information, which includes name; address; telephone listing; date and place of birth; dates of attendance; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height; if a member of an athletic team; degrees and awards received; and most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, may be released only in accordance with guidelines established by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Family Rights and Privacy Act Office, Department of HEW, Washington, D.C., 20201, if you think this school or school system is not in compliance with the law. You have the right to obtain a copy of the official Miami-Dade County Public School's policy relative to the Act at this school. If you have any questions, please contact the school.

The Right Attitude Affirmation

Today, having the Right Attitude will determine my success….

Today I choose to have the Right Attitude when it comes to my learning….

I will do my best…

I will work through difficulty…

I will not give up…..

Today I choose to have the Right Attitude when it comes to behavior….

I will treat others with respect…

I will help others if needed…

I will embrace differences…

At F.C.E., the Right Attitude is everything!

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, FL

Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair

Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice Chair

Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall

Ms. Susie V. Castillo

Mr. Carlos L. Curbelo

Dr. Wilbert "Tee" Holloway

Dr. Martin Karp

Dr. Marta Pérez

Ms. Raquel A. Regalado

Student Advisor

Julian La Faurie

Mr. Alberto M. Carvalho

Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Valtena G. Brown

Deputy Superintendent/Chief Operating Officer

School Operations


Florida City Elementary School

Parent Handbook




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