بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

College of Health Sciences

Centre of Excellence for Food and Nutrition Science(CEFNS)

2013/14 Training Calendar

Please find below the training program 2013/14, starting December 2013.

A Certificates will be issued at the end of each workshop from CEFNS, College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah

| | | | | | |

|# |Workshop |Date |Venue |Fees |Certificate |

| | | | |(AED) | |

| | | | | | |

| |ISO 22000:2005 |20st – 22nd January| | |CEFNS |

| |Food Safety Management Systems Workshop |2014 |UoS |1000 | |

|1 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2 |New Trends in Nutrition Care Process: Nutrition |22nd January 2014 |UoS |500 |CEFNS |

| |Diagnosis | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3 |Food Hygiene Awareness |10th – 11th |UoS |750 |CEFNS |

| | |February 2014 | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Dietary Management of Renal Patients: Hands on |12th – 13th | | | |

|4 |Workshop |February 2014 |UoS |1000 |CEFNS |

| | | | | | |

|5 |Baby Food Essentials (مقومات غذاء |March |UoS | |CEFNS |

| |الأطفال) |2014 | | | |

| | | | | | |

|6 |صناعة الأجبان البيضاء منزلياً |March 2014 |UoS | |CEFNS |

|7 |Nutrition and Dietary Assessment |April 2014 |UoS | |CEFNS |

|8 |Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point |April 2014 | | | |

| |(HACCP) system | |UoS | |CEFNS |

|9 |Food Hygiene Awareness | | | | |

| |الممارسات الصحية لتداول الأغذية في المطاعم |May 2014 |UoS | |CEFNS |

| |والفنادق الكبرى | | | | |

|10 |Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) | | | | |

| |A Prerequisite to HACCP System |May 2014 |UoS | |CEFNS |

Please Contact Dr. Reyad Shaker Obaid robaid@sharjah.ac.ae. or CEFNS@sharjah.ac.ae. for information on any of the workshops.

College of Health Sciences

Centre of Excellence for Food and Nutrition Science(CEFNS)

ISO 22000:2005

Food Safety Management Systems



This workshop is designed to help for understanding the requirements the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) standard ISO 22000:2005. The workshop provides an overview of the purpose and requirements of FSMS (ISO 22000:2005) and how applying these can improve the business methods. This includes how to manage effective interactive communication, operate a structured management system and integrate the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system.


By the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Describe the purpose of Food Safety Management System.

• Understand the requirements and reasoning for ISO 22000:2005 and how it aids for the continual improvement of the FSMS.

• Know the interrelationships between ISO 22000 and the other food safety requirements (HACCP)

• Interpret the requirements of ISO 2200, with particular reference to management responsibility, hazard analysis, establishing the HACCP plan and traceability system and validation, verification& continual improvement of the FSMS.

Teaching aids

Data Show, over head projector and white board.

Handout Material

Copy of the handout of the lectures will be distributed to all participants.


University of Sharjah

Number of Participants

20 – 25

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is designed for production managers, engineers, quality assurance and supervisors work for the food industry. Also the workshop is planned for anyone involved in the development, implementation and management of a FSMS based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 22000:2005.


Three days


20th – 21st January 2014

Time :

9:00 – 16:00

Workshop Program


• Session1: Introduction to Food Safety Management System

• Session2: Management Responsibility & Resource Management


• Session1: Planning and Realization of Safe Product (Part I)

• Session 2: Planning and Realization of Safe Product (Part II)


• Session 1: Validation, Verification and Improvement of the FSMS

• Session 2: Group Exercises and Discussion.

Please Contact Dr. Reyad Shaker Obaid robaid@sharjah.ac.ae or CEFNS@sharjah.ac.ae. for information on the workshop.

College of Health Sciences

Centre of Excellence for Food and Nutrition Science(CEFNS)

New Trends in Nutrition Care Process: Nutrition Diagnosis


The workshop covers the current guidelines set by the American Dietetic Association (ADA)(recently called Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics) for Nutrition Care Process & Model (NCPM) to facilitate medical record documentation. It was released by ADA in 2003 and commenced to be adopted in DHA hospitals late 2007-2008. This standardized language or controlled vocabulary is being developed to describe the unique functions of dietetics in nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation.


• Specify the guidelines set by ADA for complying by the model and use of standard terminology in nutrition care process

• Construct a documentation record for the dietary department accredited by international organizations

• Differentiate Nutrition diagnostic terms from the medical diagnostic terms

• Employ the use of the standardized language for dietetics

• Apply the problem, etiology, signs & symptoms statements nutrition interventions

Teaching aids

Data show, over head projector and white board.

Handout Material

Copy of the handout of the lectures will be distributed to all participants.

Who Should Attend?

The workshop is designed for dietitians in hospitals, primary health care clinics, graduate Nutritional Sciences students applying for the licensures of MoH, Abu Dhabi and Dubai Health Authorities and CHS students.



One day


22nd January 2014

Time :

9:00 – 16:00


University of Sharjah

Number of participants

A total of 15 – 20 persons

Workshop Program

A. Nutrition Care Process: Evolution

B. Previewing the New Process for Nutrition Care:

1. Nutrition Care Process Model (NCPM)

– A – Assessment

– D – Diagnosis

– I – Intervention

– M – Monitoring

– E - Evaluation

2. International Dietetics & Nutrition Terminology (IDNT)

– Facilitator for medical record documentation

– Clearer communication and description for the types of nutrition problems observed in patients

C. Nutritional vs Medical Diagnosis:

– Applications and clinical scenarios

– Tutorial quiz (adopted from American Dietetic Association, recently termed Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, AND)

D. Questions & Discussion

Please Contact Dr. Reyad Shaker Obaid robaid@sharjah.ac.ae. or CEFNS@sharjah.ac.ae. for information on the workshop.

College of Health Sciences

Centre of Excellence for Food and Nutrition Science(CEFNS)

Food Hygiene Awareness Workshop


Food Hygiene workshop complies with both HACCP & GMP standards, with the objective of improving the standards and safety of food production operations while reducing the risk of food poisoning and food complaints.


To provide food handlers with an appreciation of the fundamentals of good food hygiene practice and to meet the second tier of training as stated in the Caterers Guide to Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations.

Course Content

• Food Poisoning

• Bacteriology

• Prevention of Contamination of Food 

• Personal Hygiene

• Cleaning and Disinfection

Course Structure

The time required for the workshop is 12 hours instruction over two days. The workshop includes lectures enhanced by practical teaching aids. Precipitants are encouraged to actively participate in discussion sessions.

Who Should Attend?

Production technicians and workers are employed in the food industry, food catering, restaurants and hotels.


Two days


10th – 11th February 2014

Time :

9:00 – 16:00


• Better food hygiene

• Compliance with legal requirements

Number of participants

A total of 25 – 30 persons

Teaching aids

Data Show, Over Head Projector and White Board

Handout Material

Workshop participants receive a copy of the handout of the lectures


University of Sharjah

Please Contact Dr. Reyad Shaker Obaid robaid@sharjah.ac.ae. or CEFNS@sharjah.ac.ae. for information on the workshop.

College of Health Sciences

Centre of Excellence for Food and Nutrition Science(CEFNS)

Dietary Management of Renal Patients: Hands on Workshop


This workshop aims at bringing together experienced professionals from multidisciplinary fields involved in nutritional management of kidney failure; and developing their skills in planning and providing proper medical nutrition therapy for their patients. This workshop will introduce best practices in this specialty and accordingly improve or standardize clinical practice.


After the completion of the course, participants will be able to conduct all of the following regarding renal failure :

• Understand the pathophysiology of the renal disease and its implication on nutritional status.

• Conduct adequate nutritional assessment according to the most recent guidelines.

• Illustrate the essential role of collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.

• Plan and calculate all nutritional requirements/restrictions proficiently.

Teachings methods:

|Lectures |Powerpoint presentations prepared by professionals well known for their excellence in their field of |

| |study. |

| |Introduce theories and up to date guidelines of the latest evidence based recommendations |

|Case studies: |To be solved by participants in small groups and guided by moderators. |

| |Facilitate participants understand actual use of guidelines in daily nutritional practice. |

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for clinicians working in renal nutrition care in hospitals and primary health care clinics from the following disciplines: Dietitians, Physicians, Pharmacists, nurses, researchers, and University students.


The workshop will be covered in two days

Dates: February 12-13,2014

Time : 8:30- 17:00

Venue: College of Health Sciences,University of Sharjah

Number of participants: A Maximum 35 participants

CME: HAAD and DHA CME will be offered for the participants in this workshop

Workshop Program

Day 1 -

|8:30 - 9:30 |Pathophysiology of renal failure |

|9: 30 – 10:30 |Nutritional Assessment for renal failure |

|10: 30 – 11:30 |MNT on Chronic Renal Failure (pre -renal replacement therapy) |

|11:30-12:30 | Chronic kidney disease (Stage 1 - 5) |

| |4- MNT for CKD |

| |a- KDOQI Guidelines for CKD Care |

| |b- ADA Evidence Based recommendations for CKD |

|12: 30- 13:00 |Break |

|13:00-14:00 |Dietary Counseling and Education for the CKD patient |

|14:00 – 15:00 |MNT of Acute Renal Failure and other reasons for renal failure ( kidney stones, infection, diabetes……) |

|15:00 – 17:00 |Introduce the cases |

| |participants given time to solve the cases under the guidance of the moderator |

| |Participants should present the cases |

Day 2-

|9:30 – 10:30 |Modes of renal replacement therapy |

|10:30 – 11:45 |MNT for hemodialysis |

|11:45 – 13:00 |MNT on peritoneal dialysis |

|13:00-13:30 |Dietary manual and educational materials for renal patients |

| |Audiovisual |

| |Book and handouts |

|13: 30- 14:00 |Break |

|14:00 – 15:00 |MNT after renal transplant |

|15:00 – 17:00 |Introduce the cases: |

| |-participants given time to solve the cases under the guidance of the moderator |

| |-Participants should present the cases |

Please Contact Dr. Reyad Shaker Obaid robaid@sharjah.ac.ae. or CEFNS@sharjah.ac.ae. for information on the workshop.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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