Substance Use Disorders Services Commission ...

Substance Use Disorders Services Commission Meeting November 13, 2019

Location: DHHS Building, 41 Anthony Avenue, Augusta Conference Room C ATTENDANCE

Members Present: Bruce Campbell, Bangor Area Recovery Network Jamie Comstock, Program Manager, Bangor Public Health Community Services (Phone) John Yasenchak, Associate Professor, Waldon University (Phone) Members Absent/Excused: Rep. Anne Perry, Maine State Legislature, House District 140 Bill Lowenstein, Pres. Of the Board of Sexual Assault & Response Services Tim Cheney, Education, Choopers Guide Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services: Michael Parks, Chief Operating Officer, SAMHS ? unable to attend this month's meeting. Mr. Parks had a commitment to attend a conference. Maine CDC and Prevention: Christine Theriault, Program Manager, Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention Services

Guests: Gordon Smith, Director, Opioid Response, Guest Speaker (Phone) Pamella O'Sullivan, Alkemes (Phone) Ron Springel, Program Manager, MARR Sarah Coupe, President, MARR Brittany Fearon, Assistant Program Manager, MARR Deborah Doiron, AdCare Maine, Recorder


Substance Use Disorders Services Commission Meeting

November 13, 2019 from 9:00-12:00 DHHS Building, 41 Anthony Avenue, Augusta

Conference Room C


DRAFT Date: November 15, 2019 Signed: Recorded by Deborah Doiron, AdCare Maine

Meeting Convened: 9:00 A.M.

Adjourned: 12:00 PM

Meeting Convened: Bruce Campbell, Acting Chair of the SUDS Commission Meeting



Introductions, Public Comments, Review Draft minutes from October meeting, Review of Preliminary Agenda for November.

New Business: 9:00 ? 9:30

Gordon Smith, Director, Opioid Response, Guest Speaker

9:30 ? 10:00 Christine Theriault, Prevention Manager, Tobacco & Substance Use Prevention Services, Maine CDC

10:00 -10:50 Michael Parks, Chief Operating Officer, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

10:50 ? 11:30 Sarah Coupe, Founder, Grace House for Women, Presentation and Ron Springel, Board of Directors of Maine Association for Recovery Residences

11:30 ? 11:45 Legislative Updates ? Malory Shaughnessy, Executive Director, AAMHS

Old Business:

11:45 ? 12:00 1) Continued discussions regarding the clean-up of the SUDS Commission roster, and recruiting new members 2) Prepare agenda items for meeting on December 11, 2019 3) Other business 4) Stigma Work Kit

12:00 Adjourn Meeting 2

November 13, 2019 SUDS Commission Meeting Summary

Bruce Campbell began the September SUDS Commission Meeting by welcoming members and guests in attendance. Members and guests then gave their introductions. There were no other public comments.

Review of the October SUDS Commission Minutes: There were not enough members present for a quorum, so it was decided to move the October minute approval to the December meeting.

Conclusions or Actions and Responsible Lead Person; timeline if applicable: The approved October minutes will be sent to Mickey Young at SAMHS for posting to their website under the SASC (SUDS) section when they have been approved.


1) Gordon Smith, Director, Opioid Response, Guest Speaker

Activity Updates:

o Recovery Maine Tour ? This project is based upon a contract that was given to Points North Institute to continue work sponsored by Maine Health. This has allowed them to screen appropriate movies at independent theaters in small communities and then follow-up with a community panel discussion. Gordon states that they have contracted with Points North Institute to do ten of these community panel discussion meetings, with an additional one in Lincoln. So far, they have scheduled Bangor, Millinocket, Caribou, Machias, Kittery, Stonington, and Bethel. They have between 30 and 100 people attend these meetings. The panel usually includes himself, a Clinical person, a person in recovery, local law enforcement and is also moderated by a local person. The challenge is to include people from the community that are not already actively engaged in these recovery activities.

o Strategic Plan and Projects ? Carol Kelly and Dr. Lisa Letourneau continue to work on a strategic plan document for presentation to the public. This document will be approximately seven pages long. Gordon Smith states he will have an annotated copy of the strategic plan. This document will take all of our strategic priority areas and action items and tie these items to specific grants and also identify areas of interest, where there are no projects going on.

o Weekly Meeting with Leadership - Gordon Smith meets with the Senior Leadership once a week regarding budgets to see what resources are available. This meeting includes program and contract staff.

o Commissioner Michael J. Sauschuck, Dept. Of Safety ? Gordon Smith announced that the Dept. of Safety has an RFP out that has three of our important initiates included in it, which has funds of $760,000.00. The projects are 1) police liaison work ? social workers riding along with police, creating relationships with people; 2) Funds to expand and support Project Hope's existing program; and 3) law enforcement diversion program ? diverting people from arrest and prosecution,


court and jail. These initiatives will fit nicely into the strategic plan.

o Questions and Answers ? Bruce Campbell asked Gordon Smith about a statement that Gordon made recently about convening a meeting with recovery coaches. Gordon stated that the essential players are PRCC and Healthy Acadia, Victor and himself. They discussed getting together to discuss coordination and how the coaches are being used. They have recruited and educated quite a lot of recovery coaches. Once people have been educated, sometimes getting the coaches linked to an organization can be challenging. Gordon feels they do need to have a meeting about this and potentially a small conference and invite the recovery coaches. There are four major people who have been providing the training. They include Bob Fickett, Darren Ripley, PRCC and Healthy Acadia. Gordon states that probably between 500 - 700 recovery coaches have been trained. Some recovery coaches have taken specialty trainings in emergency room departments and ethics. Gordon sees priorities as 1) Need a directory of recovery coaches; and 2) need to regularly communicate with active recovery coaches. Gordon also asked for feedback on this area of concern. Bruce Campbell commented that he absolutely supports Gordon with the idea of coordinating recovery coaches with services. Bruce also mentioned that he will be meeting with Denise Black, either Friday or Monday to discuss some overlap that has been going on.

2) Prevention Update - Christine Theriault, Program Manager, Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention Services, Maine CDC:

Data - 18-25 infographic has been created and released - MIYHS data is still pending, expected release is late November

Trainings - Prevention Professionals Day was held October 29th & 30th, with over 150 people

attending each day. We will be debriefing in a couple of weeks to begin discussing next year. - New England Epi Conference/Infectious Disease Conference took place November 14th & 15th and the program facilitated a couple of breakout panels.

Maternal Child Health and Substance Exposed Infants - Conference planning for 2020 has begun. - Interviews have begun for the Maternal and Infant Substance Use Prevention Program

Coordinator. - MCH/TSUPC participated in an AAP meeting on advocacy, which provided an

opportunity for us to share information about programming with the medical field, as well as discuss opportunities for collaboration with the Maine CDC.

Vaping/ENDS - Pulmonary illness investigations continue - Vaping campaign to come with the new year


Marijuana - Marijuana workgroup has convened and will be creating a Marijuana toolkit, much like with the ENDS toolkit created. - Christine will be representing the Department on the Marijuana Advisory Council, which met in October.

Tobacco - Program is awaiting the release of the US CDC Tobacco Cooperative Agreement - Program received some technical assistance early fall on sustainability planning and

the program has been meeting with stakeholders in the tobacco field to develop a sustainability plan on communication.

Gambling Services - Program is planning for suicide prevention training for casinos. - Program is working with AdCare to plan for the 2020 Gambling Awareness


Suicide Prevention - ASTHO has provided an opportunity for some technical assistance and funding for

collaboration of services with suicide prevention and opiate overdose prevention. Maine is considering capacity to participate. - Vacancy in the program for a NSSP grant program director.

Other Prevention - Christine, Cheryl and Sheila are on the Children's Cabinet Staff subcommittee looking

at successful transition for older youth into adulthood. - Program staff met with the Youth Court to discuss prevention collaboration. - Program and AdCare provided training to OCFS statewide managers on the SIRP


3) SAMHS Updates ? Michael Parks, Chief Operating Officer, SAMHS ? Michael Parks was unable to attend the November SUDS meeting, because of another commitment.

4) Presentation given by - Sarah Coupe, Founder, Grace House for Women and Ron Springel, Board of Directors of Maine Association for Recovery Residences

Ron and Sarah began the presentation by distributing paper copies of the slide presentation at the meeting and electronic copies were sent out to those members and guests who were unable to attend the meeting in person. The title of the presentation was Recovery Residences in Maine, Needs and Hurdles, Past, Present and Future. Ron gave an in-depth review of the history, description, best practices and certification standards created for the programs of Halfway Houses, Sober Houses and Recovery Residences. Ron's presentation also included portrayal of a Directory of Maine Recovery Residences, beginning in 2015, until the present. The presentation also included the following: Maine State Government Executive Branch and Legislative Branch and their involvement in establishing the recognition of Recovery Residences and a definition of the same, along with proposed improvements for the future of these Recovery Residences in Maine. Sarah gave the



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