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1.     short case with dr. munir in osce: was asking random questions, ask me to check edema and clubbing, grades and causes of clubbing, edema causes and how to differentiate between different types.

2.     viva with dr. iffat: neonatal sepsis: how does patient present? What type of route you prefer for feeding the patient? Oral or iv? Answer was iv. Reason????

3.     viva with external: causes of pleural effusion, what are the clinical differences between consolidation and pleural effusion

4.     vaccines were placed. Select the one which you will give to a child at 2 months of age. Routes of administration and site of vaccination? Doses? Contraindications? Side effects? Pentavaccine?

5.     ambu bag. What is it? what is indication? What complication can it cause?

6.     case of 4 year old girl with urinary frequency and dysuria. She has this episode 4th time. urine R/E shows 10 WBCs and 5 RBCs.

                                                              i.      What is the diagnosis?

                                                            ii.      What other investigation will you order?

                                                          iii.      What is the cause of recurrence?

7.     neonatal resuscitation

8.     counsel the mother of a child who has chronic malnutrition. I started counseling but examiner started asking viva questions on chronic malnutrition and its management.

9.     chest xray of tb. What is the diagnosis? What test you will order? What is the treatment?

10. down’s syndrome on lcd. What is shown? Trisome 21 down syndrome. What are the clinical features of this condition? Name two gastrointestinal and two endocrine associations of this condition.

11. my long case was on pneumonia with dr. iffat. 


Case of meningitis...LP findings given..interpret, diagnosis?management?

Xray chest, foreign body, 2 findings, management

Hydrocephalus pic, diagnose, exam findings?, two causes

6 months old child only given bcg yet, what vaccines will u give, route?

Viva external:kwashiorkor, dirrhea, pleural effusion vs pneumonia, etc

viva dr iffat: malnutrition , management. Epiglottitis, bronchiolitis, etc

viva dr zarmast: nephrotic syndrome

dr munir: random commands, GPE, pulses, abdomen, anemia, reflexes

neonatal resusc :child wd meconium

case of asthma.. Diff instruments kept, identify, choose best for this patient..use of inahler spacer etc, side effects of beta agonists, steroids (inhaled).


Dr iffat viva

External viva All random stuff DM , jaundice causes,vaccine recently added in epi schedule(pneumococcal) ,

opv ipv difrnces

Thalassemia counseling

Dr zarmast resuscitation

Viva Examination dr munir random commands Reflexes ,abd exam hepatosplenomegaly causes d/ds etc

Static severe dehydration pic n management Cardiomegaly xray identify list causes Case of intestinal obstruction identify instrument to be used indications n confirmation of placement (ett/ng etc pari thien) Vaccines which to give in a newborn of hep BsAg +ve

Long cases: meningitis, CP, hydrocephalus, ALL, malnutrition, pneumonia, TB, thalassemia. Random commands regarding examination even if not very much related to the patient.


Station 1 . Vaccination schedule for 11 month old boy

2. Viva wit dr munir. Diff tasks to diff ppl. Mine was peripheral pulses and apex beat and related questions

3. Resuscitation . Baby wit meconium

4. Viva. Wit external. Random question

5. Vit k deficiency scenario in new born. Prevention . Management

6. Diabetes mellitus 1 counselling

7. Viva wit dr iffat . Random things

8. Endo tracheal tube wit indications. Complications

9. Write Clubbing grades. Conditions.



Group 3:

1. Dehydration: grade, manage, list complications and red flags.

2. Counsel the parents of a patient of type 1 diabetes.

3. Do a general physical exam.

4. Neonatal Resuscitation in a case of meconium aspiration.

5. Nasogastric tube: identify, list indications and complications

6. Tetrology of Fallot chest Xray: identify the abnormality, list management of a Tet spell and diagnose the disease.

7. Meningococcal Rash picture: write down the organism, type of rash and complications of the disease.

8. Measles rash picture: Diagnose. What is the death rate of the disease in Pakistan. List the complications. Give the EPI schedule of measles vaccine.

9. Downs' picture: Diagnose. List CVS and GI complications associated with the disease. What is the genetic defect in this disease.

10. CXR with a pleural effusion: Identify the problem, what clinical findings are expected in this patient on examination, what investigations would you want to do.

Group 2:

1. Counselling a mother whose child has seizures – febrile seizures

2. Laryngoscopy and suction of meconium in a neonate in distress. Ambo bag was given to confuse the students. – Dr Iffat

3. Lab report with a mother and child with different Rh blood group. Management

4. Abdominal examination of a child – palpate liver and tell findings.

5. Down’s syndrome karyotyping (I think)

6. Hemoragic diseases given in tabular form and were asked to identify if Bleeding time, PTT, APTT will be raised, normal or Decreased.

7. A scenario of a child with Duchene muscular dystrophy, gowers sign

Group 1:

1. Counseling DM

2. Labs- identify microcytic anemia, probable cause and further investigation

3. Cranial nerve examination

4. Neonatal resuscitation

5. Severe dehydration, signs of danger and initial management

6. ETT, identify uses and confirm its placement

7. Down syndrome- identify 2 cardiac and 2 GIT anomalies, chromosomal defect

8. Low osmolarity ORS indication and composition, how to make homemade ORS

9. TOF Xray, list findings, probable diagnosis, treatment of apneic spells

10. Chicken pox image, describe the rash, diagnosis and complications


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