Comparative Analysis of Algorithmic Approaches for Auto ...

Comparative Analysis of Algorithmic Approaches for Auto-Coding with ICD-10-AM and ACHI

Rajvir Kaur Master of Research


Rajvir Kaur

Jeewani Anupama Ginige


? Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Digitised version of paper based medical records

? What is Clinical Coding?

? Assignment of alphanumeric codes

? Manually assigned by clinical coders

? Uses:

? Funding, insurance claim processing

? Research

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? Government and policy makers use coded data.

Classification system in different countries

? Countries specific classification system: ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification) ICD-10-CA (Canadian Modification) ICD-10-GM (German Modification) ICD-10-AM (Australian Modification) ? Ireland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia

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Challenges in manual coding

? Complexity of codes

ICD-9 : 3,882 codes

ICD-10: Approx. 70,000 codes

? 15-42 records per day

? Annual cost: 25 billion dollars (U.S.)

? Training and recruitment cost

? Highly prone to errors

"Boy, this new system is so confusing.

your ICD-9 code says that you're here for a sprained ankle, but your ICD-10 code says it's complete and irreversible skeletal failure.

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