IEP Observation Checklist

IEP Observation Checklist

Teacher Name: Date:


The following essential IEP Components should be observable in the annual IEP meeting process. These components will be rated during the IEP observation as follows:

+ indicates that the component was observed;

– indicates that the component was not observed.

(If draft IEP is used, please provide Marsha with a copy of the draft IEP prior to the IEP meeting. Provide Marsha with a copy of IEP given to parents at end of meeting)

Parent Participation

← Parent is introduced and rapport is established.

← Parent is actively involved. All parent requests are considered.

← Provide Parent rights (Procedural Safeguards). Parent has good understanding of their rights.

← Provide adequate Parent information / training as appropriate.

← Things to AVOID

Time limited (we only have 45 minutes); we don’t provide that placement or service (or can’t afford it); I don’t think (child) should attend the IEP meeting.

← If DRAFT IEP is presented, must clearly be marked DRAFT across all pages. (OSEP discourages use of Draft IEP’s.)

_ When sent? ___________ A copy should be sent home to parent prior to the IEP meeting with meeting notice.

_ Parent is informed that DRAFT is for discussion only.

_ Do not predetermine eligibility, services or placement on DRAFT IEP.

_ Document parent input.

_ Start date of IEP aligns with start date on PPWN (at close of meeting)

← Parent is provided a copy of IEP at close of meeting that contains the decisions made by the team during the meeting. Hand written draft is acceptable.

← Required members of IEP team are present – if NOT, excusals are granted through written parent consent, and written report is presented; Required members: Gen Ed Teacher, SpEd Teacher, Parent, Administrator, Evaluator (if initial or 3 year evaluation).

← Parent signs initial consent for placement into special education at end of meeting.

← PWN Completed

← Survey Given

PLAAFPs -Provides the foundation (support) for identifying needs, developing goals and determining services. For transition age students, PLAAFPs reflects the priorities in the student’s future plans.

1. Baseline data (linked to evaluation): The present levels must contain baseline data that is in specific, measurable, and objective terms for each identified need addressed by a measurable annual goal. .

← Derived from current assessment information that is time referenced. May be obtained from curriculum based measures, criterion referenced tests, AIMSweb, diagnostic tests, classroom performance, systematic observations, state or district-wide assessments, checklists, progress reports, report cards, student input, parent input, or any combination of the above. (Marsha suggests AIMSweb, Brigance, teacher input form, structured observation, info processing checklist, organizational checklist, home and family interview form.)

← Test scores do not need to written in the PLAAFP. When scores/numbers are used, ensure they are self-explanatory or an explanation is included.

← Sets the measurement method that will be used in each goal. (collected frequently)

← Student Strengths; ____Student Needs ____

← Parent Input _____

2. Current Performance Provides a snapshot of skill-based strengths and needs and skills regarding academic achievement and functional performance

← Identifies any gap between student’s current achievement/performance and grade level standards and/or where the student is headed (next setting), hence, provides the starting point for each goal written in the IEP and how progress is shown.

← A description of area(s) of educational need may refer to an academic subject area such as math, reading, social studies, language arts; a functional area such as self-care, social skills, behavior, adaptive functioning; an area of disability such as speech/language behavior, motor functioning, and may include information such as learning strengths, absenteeism, standardized assessments, etc.

← Describes the unique learning needs and strengths of the child. Includes information from a variety of sources including parents and general and special education teachers of the child.

← At least 2 skill based assessments are utilized for each area of identified need

← For SLD: Skill based assessments are identified and aligned to seven categorical SLD areas.

3. A statement of how the disability impacts the student’s involvement in the general education curriculum. This includes an explanation of how the disability affects the child’s participation and progress in the general curriculum. Following are examples:

“______has CAUSED (student) to struggle with classroom assignments”

“______has CAUSED (student) to become frustrated, and often results in missing work”

“______has trouble focusing and attending to lessons which causes (student) to fall behind or miss critical information presented in class”

“_____behavior causes (student) to stand out negatively with peers,

“_____causes student to be below the academic level of peers”

“_____ prevents independent work in general education”.

4. General PLAAFP considerations:

← Is understandable to all IEP Team members (avoids statistics and acronyms).

← Does not contain a placement decision.

Measurable Annual Goals

Contains a measureable and observable skill, designed to meet the child’s needs that result from the child’s disability (needs that do NOT result from the disability are not included), and designed to improve student performance.

General considerations:

Supported by baseline data from the present levels.

← The goal and present level uses the same unit of measurement.

← Goals reflect elements from eligibility criteria (i.e. autism has behavior, social, commo)

← Sets expectations for levels of achievement attainable in one year (ambitious yet attainable).

← Each goal relates to ONE specific target area (academic or behavior)

← At least one goal for each area to be addressed (taken from PLAAFP).

← Achieving this goal would enable the student to make progress in the general education curriculum.

← Understandable to all IEP team members.

← Relevant to achieving future plans (transition).

← If working in Alternate Content Standards, at least 2 short term instructional objectives are included for each goal.

Elements of Annual Goals (who, what, when, where, to what extent)

← Behavior/Performance:

← Specific or observable behavior linked to general curriculum/content standards.

_ Uses action verb to describe what student will do.

← Condition: - circumstances under which you will measure or observe the skill.

← Criteria- how skills will be measured and accuracy / consistency levels expected.

← Procedure code is completed; ___Primary person responsible is designated.

Accommodations/Modifications/Supplementary Aids and Services

Accommodations reduce or eliminate the effects of a student’s disability. Modifications alter (lower or reduce) learning expectations. “An accommodation is to general education as an IEP goal is to special education.”

← Must be linked to area of disability (should be referenced in Present Levels).

← Carefully select no more than 3-5 accommodations that are consistently used in general education settings. Must be used in both daily instruction and testing (including STEP). Specify location of accommodation (example - oral testing in science and social studies classes) as appropriate.

← Ask for general education and parent input.

Additional IEP Components

← Evaluation data is adequate to ensure that appropriate decisions can be made regarding IEP development.

← Dates align on IEP, and timelines are met.

← All Special Factors are considered:

_ Behavior Needs are addressed. If behavior needs are identified in evaluation, or if behavior impedes learning, behavior must be addressed on IEP through a behavior goal, positive behavior support plan, behavior intervention plan or as a support service.

← Participation in State and district-wide testing is addressed.

← Service time is clearly stated and must reflect each of the areas in which the student was determined to be eligible.

← Services are linked to a goal.

← Use comment box to describe with sufficient clarity to be understood by all IEP team members.

← The amount of time for special education and related services are determined by the team.

← Related Services considered and included if IEP team can demonstrate that the service will benefit the child’s special education services. Related service decision based upon evaluation.

← Must link to skill area affected by the disability. Separate goal not required.

← Consider the full ‘Least Restrictive Environment’ continuum in an accept/reject format. Do NOT have the placement option pre-determined at the IEP team meeting.

_ Placement decision is made at end of IEP meeting by full IEP team.

← Consider Extended School Year Services on an Annual Basis.

_ Strategies to measure significant regression and time to recoup skills are utilized to make ESY decision.

← Transition / Measurable Post Secondary Goals required for a) employment b) education and /or training, c) independent living (where appropriate). Course of study filled out from present time through student’s exit.

_ Transfer of Rights addressed one year prior to turning 18.

_ District graduation requirements one year prior to anticipated graduation date.

_ A Summary of Performance is provided for students who are graduating or age out.

_ Transition Services include what services, programs or supports student needs to achieve goals.

_ Mention that a student survey will be sent in one year.


Meeting Notice

___Document contains all content

___If student will be age 16 before the next meeting, transition was included in the purpose of the meeting

___Consent was received to invite agency representative responsible for providing or paying for transition services

___Student was invited to the transition meeting

___Agencies likely to provide or pay for transition services were invited to the IEP meeting

PWN at end of meeting

___Prior Notice completed at end of IEP meeting (Date aligns with IEP start date)

___Document contains all required content

___5 days notice is waived or implementation begins after 5 calendar days

___Implementation date does not exceed old IEP expiration date


___Evaluation completed within 3 years

___Evaluation Procedures were followed

___Evaluation tool, date administered and evaluator named for each test (test table completed)

___Tests are valid

___Tests are administered by trained personnel

___Tests are appropriate

___More than one evaluation tool is used

___Relevant skill-based, developmental, and academic information

___Assessed in all areas of suspected disability

___Comprehensive evaluation procedures (including related services)

___Age appropriate transition assessment by age 16

___Trained evaluators interpreted evaluation results at MDAT meeting

___Committee determined student eligible for special education

___MDAT completed accurately

____Prong 1 contains all test scores relating to categorical eligibility

____Prong 2 adequately addresses how disability affects involvement/progress in general curriculum.

___Evaluation team signatures obtained on appropriate form

_____Overall teacher rating of proficiency on evaluation and MDAT completion on a 1-4 scale (1=below basic, 2=basic, 3=proficient, 4=distinguished):

Demonstrates overall knowledge of the evaluation process and interpretation of evaluation results.

Signing does not imply agreement by the teacher to the evaluation; dong so only indicates a conference was held and the above evaluation was discussed:

Teacher: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Spec Ed Director: _____________________________________Date:_______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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